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Posted (edited)

Added an album today prechecked by picard so all tags were perfect.

MB3 submitted an identification query to mbz (as shown in logs) which returns a specific correct result (when i tested it) and yet the album remains unidentified in MB3.

More strangley MB3 must have been aware on some level of the correct response as further fetching is performed on the studio and release group  in the response...and yet the album remains unidentified in dashboard.




Version 3.0.5531.24408

album:we are undone, artist:two gallants


the correct query in logs, returnid correct mbz ids

2015-02-26 09:13:17.4155 Info - App: HttpClientManager GET: http://www.musicbrainz.org/ws/2/release/?query="We+Are+Undone" AND artist:""

audiodb query on release group id..oddly prior to log of mbz query

2015-02-26 09:06:49.0711 Info - App: HttpClientManager GET: http://www.theaudiodb.com/api/v1/json/49jhsf8248yfahka89724011/album-mb.php?i=28fcc495-9e80-4095-928d-b997c2f3cbfa

refresh of studio oddly prior to log of mbz query

2015-02-26 09:07:28.2779 Debug - App: Running FanartArtistProvider for \\Q6600\Music\Two Gallants
2015-02-26 09:07:29.5395 Debug - App: Running StudiosImageProvider for E:\MediaBrowser\IBN\Studio\ATO Records

the full log



my uneducated conclusion is that mb3 definitely did search for this album and find it on mbz and yet did not commit this information to database.

issues with album identification is not an isolated incident. I have purposefully not manually identified this album..so to test further suggestions.



interestingly the studio was commited to the album...

Edited by ginjaninja

I lost patience and identified the album manually...Once i realised MB3 was never going to try again to identify this unidentified album....

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