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Live TV ~ Movie Listing Found in Search & Channel, But Not Under Programs \ Movies

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Does this happen often? A movie shows up under a search for its exact name, and shows up on the channel listing, but not under the upcoming (air date) movies?

I noticed the movie "The Dark Crystal" did not show up under all upcoming (air date) movies. It does with my SiliconDust movies listing.

My habit to is to do most of movie searching {for upcoming recording} under the Movies section. Getting into the specific channels is more granular and tasking. 

This particular movie is not a big deal, but it concerns me that other movies I might be interested in will not show up. 

Dark Crystal.JPG


Hi, what guide data are you using?


I am using a TVXML I export from my HDHomeRun subscription. I have to for now as I have been working with Carlo on the Emby Guide issue (over three weeks now).



OK, never heard of that, but they probably are not movies according to the xml guide data, so that's why you don't see them listed under movies.

Have you explored the options on the xml guide config screen?


I did try other options if that is what you mean. But I strictly have OTA broadcasting.

So tonight I compared my HDHomeRun Silicon Dust's guide directly with Emby's using the XmlTV guide (all channels are listed).

Of the movies I just glanced through, all of these did not show up in the Emby guide.

In the Heat of the Night 10.3
Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom 10.1
The Flintstones I Yabba-Dabba Do! 25.9
Rescue from Gilligan's Island 63.4
Triple Justice 63.5

Now I realize Emby has their own guide, but you have to admit, waiting almost a month now for it to be updated as shared above really is not acceptable. I am only using the XmlTV file because I have waited so long. I know SD patches their guide, but they do so within hours and then I and others are up and running. I am going to have to set all my recordings on SD's interface because I can at this point trust it. Though Emby does a great job renaming, scraping and organizing the material that I have been able to record.


I did try other options if that is what you mean.

What exactly did you do? What exactly happened?


I tried other providers even though I do not use them. Most did not carry local channels.

On 1/27/2025 at 5:39 PM, Luke said:


Have you explored the options on the xml guide config screen?



Do you mean this setting below?



Yes exactly. That’s what you can use to get out detected as a movie.


Thank you, So you are saying I need to add more "categories" besides 'movies' in order to make sure all movies are shown? Well for sure, "Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom" is a movie and at the time of this post, it was not listed. How will I determine which movies that are missing need what category besides movie to get them to show up? 


How will I determine which movies that are missing need what category besides movie to get them to show up? 

If you have to do this on a per-movie basis then obviously that's not sustainable. What you need is for whoever is producing that xml to have a category for movies and then you can enter that into the xml data config screen.

Without these categories there is no way for the server to know if something is a movie, sporting event, news broadcast, etc.


I was having to use the TVxml file I exported from my SD subscription. Took 39 days, but Carlo came through with the channels being added to the guide. Not I won't need the TVxml file.




  • Thanks 1

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