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What's the end game?


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I'm loving the beta so far. Just wondering what the final plan is for this project. Will I be able to host Emby server on my linux server and then use this GUI on Android/Roku players?

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Peter Nent

Would LOVE to have Emby WMCgui live, I'm using it already since approx. 1 year 'in production'...in our living room, near to full satisfaction:

  • Full Remote Control support: we are missing the full support of the Remote Control (Microsoft MCE RC) within Emby WMC, mainly channel up/down, numbers but also some other buttons are simply not (jet) working.....we now have to go to the EPG and chose another TV channel, etc....using Emby WMC also for 'live' tv (combination of DVB-C and IPTV) as we do, the current way of Remote Control use is NOT ideal, give it a full RC support please !....also browsing thue our Phot's is not very easy with the RC, etc.
  • Settings should be saved during an Emby WMC update

How can we (or otherz) help to speed-up going live?

Lots of success, grtz. Peter



Edited by Peter Nent
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20 minutes ago, dustbro said:

Will I be able to host Emby server on my linux server

That's already possible right now of course :) 

20 minutes ago, dustbro said:

and then use this GUI on Android/Roku players?

Android: This is already working

Roku: Clearly no and unlikely to happen any time soon. 
Roku devices have always been providing the least value for money in terms of hardware capabilities and this hasn't changed to date. They are running on their own custom platform which is inkompatible to anything else on the planet and It doesn't support web UI. This platform is too weak, too slow and too limited for running the WMC UI.

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47 minutes ago, Peter Nent said:

Would LOVE to have Emby WMCgui live, I'm using it already since approx. 1 year 'in production'...in our living room, near to full satisfaction:

  • Full Remote Control support: we are missing the full support of the Remote Control (Microsoft MCE RC) within Emby WMC, mainly channel up/down, numbers but also some other buttons are simply not (jet) working.....we now have to go to the EPG and chose another TV channel, etc....using Emby WMC also for 'live' tv (combination of DVB-C and IPTV) as we do, the current way of Remote Control use is NOT ideal, give it a full RC support please !....also browsing thue our Phot's is not very easy with the RC, etc.
  • Settings should be saved during an Emby WMC update

How can we (or otherz) help to speed-up going live?

Hi Peter,

I have this (new WMC UI App for Windows) here. It's done and ready for testing since quite some time already.

The problem is that the new WMC Win App is based on the new main Emby Windows App, which is also ready for testing. I do not have control over when this will go into beta. 
I have a bit more control over the release of the WMC UI App, but it cannot be released before the main new Windows app goes into beta - means: I have no control over this at all. Just waiting...

Edited by softworkz
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Peter Nent
On 8/27/2024 at 7:42 PM, softworkz said:

Hi Peter,

I have this (new WMC UI App for Windows) here. It's done and ready for testing since quite some time already.

The problem is that the new WMC Win App is based on the new main Emby Windows App, which is also ready for testing. I do not have control over when this will go into beta. 
I have a bit more control over the release of the WMC UI App, but it cannot be released before the main new Windows app goes into beta - means: I have no control over this at all. Just waiting...

Dear Softworkz,

thanks for giving this kind of extra information, as it explains why it takes that long....unusual in the Emby environment..? OK, w'll have to wait patiently !

Grtz. Peter

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