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Media scan issue

Go to solution Solved by Rhys93,

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Hi, I have emby installed on a MyCloudEX2 Ultra, and last night it started a scan of all the media folders as it was scheduled to do but when I checked in the morning it was still "running" the scan but was stuck at 9.1 (over 7.5 hours), I cancelled this and tried again but unfortunately it stayed put at 9.1.

I have restarted my server multiple times and tried running the scheduled task over and over but have the same issue. I have also tried scanning my media folders individually and they all get stuck at 90%.

I have tried to delete the media I added before the issue accorued but to no avail, if I could have some assistance I would be grateful, thank you.


Hi there, please attach the emby server log and we might be able to offer some advice on how to improve the performance of the scan. 


10 minutes ago, Luke said:

Hi there, please attach the emby server log and we might be able to offer some advice on how to improve the performance of the scan. 





Hi, for starters, are you able to update to Emby Server 4.8.8?


How would I go about doing this? I did look for an update page/button on the server but couldn't find one... my apologies, I'm quite mew to this

Posted (edited)

I would question the package as I don't see this package.  But don't see in in the section either.


I would think it should be one of the ex2_ultra packages.


Emby Server for Western Digital NAS - Emby

Edited by Happy2Play
3 minutes ago, Happy2Play said:

I would question the package as I don't see this package.  But don't see in in the section either.


I would think it should be one of the ex2_ultra packages.


Emby Server for Western Digital NAS - Emby

Do I have to uninstall it from my ex2 ultra and then re install it?... or just install over the top of the other one? I'm worried about losing all my settings and having to start again

1 minute ago, Rhys93 said:

Do I have to uninstall it from my ex2 ultra and then re install it?... or just install over the top of the other one? I'm worried about losing all my settings and having to start again

Did you just install the other package on your ex2 ultra?  If so from where?

But dev will have to comment further as I am not familiar with these platforms.

1 minute ago, Happy2Play said:

Did you just install the other package on your ex2 ultra?  If so from where?

But dev will have to comment further as I am not familiar with these platforms.

Yeah, I had to download it from the emby download page and install it manually onto the ex2 ultra, and on the dashboard of my emby server it says its upto date but it's not the 4.8.8 version


I could be wrong, but the log shown version doesn't seem to exist.  But @Lukeor a package builder would have to comment further.


I have now managed to install 4.8.8 onto my ex2 ultra and have run another media scan but I'm still getting the same problem, it gets to 9.1% and then just stops.

These are the new logs.



Looks like I was wrong and log just shows a different version as it still shows -mono-.

But looks normal to me as it shows getting metadata from provider per episode.  The percentage indicator really is not a very good indicator of what is going on as mine can sit at 91% for hours.

You can check the log occasionally to see it is still moving but suggest just letting it go until it finishes.


1 minute ago, Happy2Play said:

Looks like I was wrong and log just shows a different version as it still shows -mono-.

But looks normal to me as it shows getting metadata from provider per episode.  The percentage indicator really is not a very good indicator of what is going on as mine can sit at 91% for hours.

You can check the log occasionally to see it is still moving but suggest just letting it go until it finishes.


It usually only takes about half an hour to do my entire library, it's been going for about 40 minutes now and still stuck on 9.1%

When I add media it doesn't download amy of the metadata, it detects the folders and stops there but the scan is still "running," so then I have to restart the server to stop the scan and then identify what I've added manually 


All sorted now, seems like a bit of a bug

I just started the library scan again and then stopped and restarted it a few times and that seems to have done it 🙃 

3 minutes ago, Rhys93 said:

It usually only takes about half an hour to do my entire library, it's been going for about 40 minutes now and still stuck on 9.1%

When I add media it doesn't download amy of the metadata, it detects the folders and stops there but the scan is still "running," so then I have to restart the server to stop the scan and then identify what I've added manually 

But that log specifically shows getting metadata from providers.  Now you can look at the log again as see if it is still doing it but from what you have shown so far looks normal

2024-07-28 19:25:27.266 Info MediaProbeManager: ProcessRun 'ffprobe' Execute: /mnt/HD/HD_a2/Nas_Prog/embyserver/bin/ffprobe -i file:"/shares/Vol. 1/Being Human [Ended]/Season 5/Being Human (2008) - S05E05 - No Care, All Responsibility (1080p BluRay x265 Ghost).mkv" -threads 0 -v info -print_format json -show_streams -show_chapters -show_format -show_data
2024-07-28 19:25:27.847 Info MediaProbeManager: ProcessRun 'ffprobe' Process exited with code 0 - Succeeded
2024-07-28 19:25:28.119 Info HttpClient: HttpClientManager GET: https://api.opensubtitles.com/api/v1/subtitles?languages=en&moviehash=a5239e805e8defaf
2024-07-28 19:25:28.171 Info HttpClient: HttpClientManager GET: https://api.themoviedb.org/3/tv/7087/season/5/episode/5?api_key=x_secret2_x&append_to_response=images,external_ids,credits,videos&language=en-GB&include_image_language=en-GB,null
2024-07-28 19:25:31.342 Info MediaProbeManager: ProcessRun 'ffprobe' Execute: /mnt/HD/HD_a2/Nas_Prog/embyserver/bin/ffprobe -i file:"/shares/Vol. 1/Being Human [Ended]/Season 5/Being Human (2008) - S05E06 - The Last Broadcast (1080p BluRay x265 Ghost).mkv" -threads 0 -v info -print_format json -show_streams -show_chapters -show_format -show_data
2024-07-28 19:25:31.432 Info MediaProbeManager: ProcessRun 'ffprobe' Process exited with code 0 - Succeeded
2024-07-28 19:25:31.950 Info HttpClient: HttpClientManager GET: https://api.opensubtitles.com/api/v1/subtitles?languages=en&moviehash=0274ba202c985ad7
2024-07-28 19:25:31.983 Info HttpClient: HttpClientManager GET: https://api.themoviedb.org/3/tv/7087/season/5/episode/6?api_key=x_secret2_x&append_to_response=images,external_ids,credits,videos&language=en-GB&include_image_language=en-GB,null
2024-07-28 19:25:35.758 Info HttpClient: HttpClientManager GET: https://api4.thetvdb.com/v4/series/273181/extended?meta=translations&short=false
2024-07-28 19:25:38.191 Info HttpClient: HttpClientManager GET: https://api.themoviedb.org/3/tv/60059?api_key=x_secret2_x&append_to_response=alternative_titles,reviews,credits,images,keywords,external_ids,videos,content_ratings,episode_groups&language=en-GB&include_image_language=en-GB,null
2024-07-28 19:25:39.190 Info HttpClient: HttpClientManager GET: https://private.omdbapi.com?apikey=x_secret3_x&i=tt3032476&plot=short&r=json


1 minute ago, Rhys93 said:

All sorted now, seems like a bit of a bug

I just started the library scan again and then stopped and restarted it a few times and that seems to have done it 🙃 

To me just sounds like things needed to get recached metadata from provider.  But glad it appears to be sorted now.


Turns out I may have jumped the gun when saying it was sorted, the problem has come back. If I do a full library scan it stays stuck at 9.1%, doesn't matter how long I leave it or if I cancel and start again, it always stops at 9.1%.

And if I do individual folder scans they all stop between 90% & 92%, and I have to restart the emby server each time as there's no way to cancel these otherwise.



There is nothing in this two and half hour rotated log.

But would need to see the log for the scans.


Sorry to ask, but would that mean running the scan until it gets to 9.1% and then getting the log file?

Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Rhys93 said:

Sorry to ask, but would that mean running the scan until it gets to 9.1% and then getting the log file?

Yes if that is what this log is supposed to show then it did nothing for three and half hours, no scans/refresh calls.  May need to enable debug logging on Logs-Settings page.

2024-07-29 12:36:53.474 Info App: Plugins:

2024-07-29 15:45:34.004 Info DLNA: DLNA Session created for Samsung CU7100 43 TV - UE43CU7100KXXU. Description url:
2024-07-29 15:45:34.485 Info HttpClient: HttpClientManager GET:
2024-07-29 16:00:17.369 Info SessionManager: Reissuing access token: x_secret1_x
2024-07-29 16:00:17.804 Info Server: http/1.1 POST http://emby_remote_ip:8096/emby/Sessions/Capabilities/Full?X-Emby-Client=Emby for Android&X-Emby-Device-Name=SM-S928B&X-Emby-Device-Id=8e0998e62c6190f3&X-Emby-Client-Version=3.4.11&X-Emby-Token=x_secret1_x&X-Emby-Language=en-gb&reqformat=json. UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; SM-S928B Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/127.0.6533.64 Mobile Safari/537.36
2024-07-29 16:00:17.938 Info HttpServer: WS UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; SM-S928B Build/UP1A.231005.007; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/127.0.6533.64 Mobile Safari/537.36
2024-07-29 16:00:17.959 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 204 to host1. Time: 155ms. POST http://emby_remote_ip:8096/emby/Sessions/Capabilities/Full?X-Emby-Client=Emby for Android&X-Emby-Device-Name=SM-S928B&X-Emby-Device-Id=8e0998e62c6190f3&X-Emby-Client-Version=3.4.11&X-Emby-Token=x_secret1_x&X-Emby-Language=en-gb&reqformat=json
2024-07-29 16:00:29.651 Info App: Sqlite: 284 - automatic index on LastWatchedEpisodes(SeriesPresentationUniqueKey)
Edited by Happy2Play

hi please see attached the most recent server log, the media library scan has been going for 9 hours and still no progress, it also seems to have made an impact on the subtitle downloading schedule as well, as this usually takes about 2 hours and has been going for roughly the same amount of time as the library scan.



This is what happens when I add media now, it gets stuck at 90%-92% and doesn't download the metadata, I have to restart the server and then identify what I've added manually 



7 hours ago, Rhys93 said:

hi please see attached the most recent server log, the media library scan has been going for 9 hours and still no progress, it also seems to have made an impact on the subtitle downloading schedule as well, as this usually takes about 2 hours and has been going for roughly the same amount of time as the library scan.

embyserver.txt 4.34 MB · 0 downloads

Log shows subtitles gotten the entire time.  To me it looks normal but all I see is TV activity per episode metadata from TMDB don't see anything related to Movies yet.  So I would say the progress indicator is wrong as it hasn't even gotten to that library yet.

But since you have Interval Refresh enable on TV it is would be very busy.

due to configured automatic refresh interval


    Line    38: 2024-07-30 00:37:10.125 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 3/Friends (1994) - S03E15 - The One Where Ross And Rachel Take A Break (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line    51: 2024-07-30 00:39:48.385 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 3/Friends (1994) - S03E16 - The One On The Morning After (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line    64: 2024-07-30 00:40:54.700 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 3/Friends (1994) - S03E17 - The One Without The Ski Trip (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line    77: 2024-07-30 00:41:00.950 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 3/Friends (1994) - S03E18 - The One With The Hypnosis Tape (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line    90: 2024-07-30 00:41:07.718 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 3/Friends (1994) - S03E19 - The One With The Tiny T-Shirt (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   103: 2024-07-30 00:41:10.845 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 3/Friends (1994) - S03E20 - The One With The Dollhouse (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   116: 2024-07-30 00:41:14.382 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 3/Friends (1994) - S03E21 - The One With A Chick And A Duck (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   129: 2024-07-30 00:41:16.793 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 3/Friends (1994) - S03E22 - The One With The Screamer (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   142: 2024-07-30 00:41:19.927 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 3/Friends (1994) - S03E23 - The One With Ross' Thing (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   155: 2024-07-30 00:41:23.606 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 3/Friends (1994) - S03E24 - The One With The Ultimate Fighting Champion (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   168: 2024-07-30 00:41:27.642 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 3/Friends (1994) - S03E25 - The One At The Beach (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   181: 2024-07-30 00:41:29.806 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   187: 2024-07-30 00:41:30.590 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E01 - The One With The Jellyfish (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   201: 2024-07-30 00:41:35.666 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E02 - The One With The Cat (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   214: 2024-07-30 00:41:38.992 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E03 - The One With The 'Cuffs (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   221: 2024-07-30 00:42:36.116 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 824ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line   228: 2024-07-30 00:42:43.126 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E04 - The One With The Ballroom Dancing (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   241: 2024-07-30 00:42:55.210 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E05 - The One With Joey's New Girlfriend (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   248: 2024-07-30 00:43:49.870 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 927ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line   255: 2024-07-30 00:43:55.955 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E06 - The One With The Dirty Girl (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   268: 2024-07-30 00:44:08.149 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E07 - The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   281: 2024-07-30 00:44:12.153 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E08 - The One With Chandler In A Box (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   294: 2024-07-30 00:44:30.251 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E09 - The One Where They're Going To Party! (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   307: 2024-07-30 00:44:34.942 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E10 - The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   320: 2024-07-30 00:44:38.588 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E11 - The One With Phoebe's Uterus (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   333: 2024-07-30 00:44:42.174 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E12 - The One With The Embryos (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   340: 2024-07-30 00:45:35.096 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 875ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line   347: 2024-07-30 00:45:42.137 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E13 - The One With Rachel's Crush (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   360: 2024-07-30 00:45:49.169 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E14 - The One With Joey's Dirty Day (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   373: 2024-07-30 00:45:53.271 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E15 - The One With All The Rugby (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   386: 2024-07-30 00:45:56.405 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E16 - The One With The Fake Party (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   399: 2024-07-30 00:45:58.312 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E17 - The One With The Free Porn (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   412: 2024-07-30 00:47:01.504 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E18 - The One With Rachel's New Dress (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   425: 2024-07-30 00:47:09.515 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E19 - The One With All The Haste (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   438: 2024-07-30 00:48:06.789 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E20 - The One With All The Wedding Dresses (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   451: 2024-07-30 00:48:23.864 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E21 - The One With The Invitation (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   464: 2024-07-30 00:48:27.240 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E22 - The One With The Worst Best Man Ever (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   477: 2024-07-30 00:48:32.988 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E23 - The One With Ross's Wedding (1) (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   485: 2024-07-30 00:49:21.470 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 1159ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line   491: 2024-07-30 00:50:15.483 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 4/Friends (1994) - S04E24 - The One With Ross's Wedding (2) (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   500: 2024-07-30 00:51:12.794 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 827ms. Query: select A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IndexNumber,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ParentIndexNumber,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.RunTimeTicks,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.SeriesName,A.Album,A.AlbumId,A.SeriesId,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,A.ThreeDFormat,A.RemoteTrailers,A.SortIndexNumber,A.SortParentIndexNumber,A.IndexNumberEnd,UserDatas.IsFavorite,UserDatas.Played,UserDatas.PlayCount,UserDatas.PlaybackPositionTicks,UserDatas.LastPlayedDateInt,UserDatas.AudioStreamIndex,UserDatas.SubtitleStreamIndex,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A left join UserDatas on A.UserDataKeyId=UserDatas.UserDataKeyId And UserDatas.UserId=1 where A.Type=8 AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 AND A.Id=151183
    Line   525: 2024-07-30 00:51:18.431 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   531: 2024-07-30 00:51:21.639 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E01 - The One After Ross Says Rachel (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   545: 2024-07-30 00:51:31.928 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E02 - The One With All The Kissing (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   558: 2024-07-30 00:51:36.546 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E03 - The One Hundredth (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   571: 2024-07-30 00:53:24.627 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E04 - The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   584: 2024-07-30 00:53:34.855 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E05 - The One With The Kips (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   597: 2024-07-30 00:53:40.000 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E06 - The One With The Yeti (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   610: 2024-07-30 00:53:42.280 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E07 - The One Where Ross Moves In (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   623: 2024-07-30 00:53:45.065 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E08 - The One With The Thanksgiving Flashbacks (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   636: 2024-07-30 00:54:01.179 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E09 - The One With Ross' Sandwich (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   648: 2024-07-30 00:54:55.914 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 1010ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line   650: 2024-07-30 00:54:58.369 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E10 - The One With The Inappropriate Sister (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   664: 2024-07-30 00:55:13.994 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E11 - The One With All The Resolutions (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   677: 2024-07-30 00:55:18.582 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E12 - The One With Chandler's Work Laugh (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   690: 2024-07-30 00:55:21.833 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E13 - The One With Joey's Bag (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   703: 2024-07-30 00:55:24.003 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E14 - The One Where Everybody Finds Out (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   717: 2024-07-30 00:56:23.330 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E15 - The One With The Girl Who Hits Joey (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   730: 2024-07-30 00:56:31.844 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E16 - The One With The Cop (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   743: 2024-07-30 00:57:41.804 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E17 - The One With Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   756: 2024-07-30 00:58:45.014 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E18 - The One Where Rachel Smokes (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   769: 2024-07-30 00:58:56.974 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E19 - The One Where Ross Can't Flirt (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   782: 2024-07-30 00:59:02.326 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E20 - The One With The Ride Along (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   795: 2024-07-30 00:59:05.537 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E21 - The One With The Ball (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   808: 2024-07-30 01:00:08.823 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E22 - The One With Joey's Big Break (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   821: 2024-07-30 01:00:19.415 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E23 - The One In Vegas (1) (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   834: 2024-07-30 01:00:26.222 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 5/Friends (1994) - S05E24 - The One In Vegas (2) (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   867: 2024-07-30 01:01:21.950 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 977ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line   868: 2024-07-30 01:01:24.863 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   873: 2024-07-30 01:01:36.805 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItems query time (slow 6x): 7557ms. Query: select A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IndexNumber,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ParentIndexNumber,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.RunTimeTicks,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.SeriesName,A.Album,A.AlbumId,A.SeriesId,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,A.ThreeDFormat,A.RemoteTrailers,A.SortIndexNumber,A.SortParentIndexNumber,A.IndexNumberEnd from MediaItems A join MediaItems MediaItemsAlbumMatch on MediaItemsAlbumMatch.Id=A.AlbumId where A.Type=8 AND (Coalesce(A.SortParentIndexNumber,A.ParentIndexNumber)=6 OR MediaItemsAlbumMatch.PresentationUniqueKey=@SPINOAWP_AncestorWithPresentationUniqueKey) AND A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey=@SeriesPresentationUniqueKey ORDER BY COALESCE(A.SortParentIndexNumber,A.ParentIndexNumber) ASC,COALESCE(A.SortIndexNumber,(select case when A.ParentIndexNumber=0 then 9999999 else A.IndexNumber end)) ASC,Coalesce(A.ParentIndexNumber, 0) ASC,A.PremiereDate ASC,A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line   875: 2024-07-30 01:01:37.736 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E01 - The One After Vegas (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   890: 2024-07-30 01:01:48.083 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E02 - The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   903: 2024-07-30 01:02:46.470 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E03 - The One With Ross' Denial (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   916: 2024-07-30 01:02:54.398 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E04 - The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   929: 2024-07-30 01:03:59.186 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 6690ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line   930: 2024-07-30 01:04:00.841 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E05 - The One With Joey's Porsche (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   944: 2024-07-30 01:04:10.078 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E06 - The One On The Last Night (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   957: 2024-07-30 01:04:13.449 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E07 - The One Where Phoebe Runs (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   970: 2024-07-30 01:04:16.984 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E08 - The One With Ross' Teeth (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   983: 2024-07-30 01:04:19.837 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E09 - The One Where Ross Got High (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line   996: 2024-07-30 01:04:22.861 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E10 - The One With The Routine (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1009: 2024-07-30 01:04:26.279 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E11 - The One With The Apothecary Table (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1022: 2024-07-30 01:04:40.861 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E12 - The One With The Joke (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1035: 2024-07-30 01:05:42.039 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E13 - The One With Rachel's Sister (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1048: 2024-07-30 01:05:58.082 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E14 - The One Where Chandler Can't Cry (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1061: 2024-07-30 01:06:02.381 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E15 - The One That Could Have Been (1) (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1074: 2024-07-30 01:06:07.166 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E16 - The One That Could Have Been (2) (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1087: 2024-07-30 01:06:09.872 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E17 - The One With Unagi (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1100: 2024-07-30 01:07:07.201 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E18 - The One Where Ross Dates A Student (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1113: 2024-07-30 01:07:13.801 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E19 - The One With Joey's Fridge (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1126: 2024-07-30 01:07:17.735 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E20 - The One With Mac And C.H.E.E.S.E. (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1139: 2024-07-30 01:08:19.553 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E21 - The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth's Dad (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1152: 2024-07-30 01:08:27.029 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E22 - The One Where Paul's The Man (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1165: 2024-07-30 01:08:32.046 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E23 - The One With The Ring (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1178: 2024-07-30 01:08:36.083 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E24 - The One With The Proposal (1) (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1211: 2024-07-30 01:08:39.586 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 6/Friends (1994) - S06E25 - The One With The Proposal (2) (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1244: 2024-07-30 01:08:41.385 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1250: 2024-07-30 01:08:42.591 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E01 - The One With Monica's Thunder (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1263: 2024-07-30 01:08:45.277 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E02 - The One With Rachel's Book (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1276: 2024-07-30 01:08:47.992 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E03 - The One With Phoebe's Cookies (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1289: 2024-07-30 01:08:51.236 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E04 - The One With Rachel's Assistant (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1302: 2024-07-30 01:08:53.735 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E05 - The One With The Engagement Picture (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1315: 2024-07-30 01:10:44.348 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E06 - The One With The Nap Partners (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1328: 2024-07-30 01:11:45.957 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E07 - The One With Ross' Library Book (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1341: 2024-07-30 01:11:57.708 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E08 - The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1354: 2024-07-30 01:12:04.310 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E09 - The One With All The Candy (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1367: 2024-07-30 01:13:00.552 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E10 - The One With The Holiday Armadillo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1380: 2024-07-30 01:13:13.454 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E11 - The One With All The Cheesecakes (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1393: 2024-07-30 01:14:14.023 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E12 - The One Where They're Up All Night (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1406: 2024-07-30 01:14:25.667 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E13 - The One Where Rosita Dies (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1418: 2024-07-30 01:14:30.176 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E14 - The One Where They All Turn Thirty (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1425: 2024-07-30 01:15:25.825 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 991ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line  1431: 2024-07-30 01:15:34.245 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E15 - The One With Joey's New Brain (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1443: 2024-07-30 01:15:39.622 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E16 - The One With The Truth About London (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1455: 2024-07-30 01:15:55.321 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E17 - The One With The Cheap Wedding Dress (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1468: 2024-07-30 01:16:54.767 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E18 - The One With Joey's Award (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1481: 2024-07-30 01:17:07.958 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E19 - The One With Ross And Monica's Cousin (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1494: 2024-07-30 01:17:13.246 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E20 - The One With Rachel's Big Kiss (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1507: 2024-07-30 01:18:12.370 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E21 - The One With The Vows (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1520: 2024-07-30 01:19:17.915 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E22 - The One With Chandler's Dad (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1533: 2024-07-30 01:19:28.683 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E23 - The One With Chandler And Monica's Wedding (1) (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1546: 2024-07-30 01:20:20.054 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 1087ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line  1547: 2024-07-30 01:20:21.700 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 7/Friends (1994) - S07E24 - The One With Chandler And Monica's Wedding (2) (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1580: 2024-07-30 01:20:36.009 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1586: 2024-07-30 01:21:28.639 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 1037ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line  1587: 2024-07-30 01:21:29.941 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E01 - The One After I Do (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1601: 2024-07-30 01:21:44.619 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E02 - The One With The Red Sweater (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1614: 2024-07-30 01:21:52.696 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E03 - The One Where Rachel Tells Ross (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1627: 2024-07-30 01:21:56.639 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E04 - The One With The Videotape (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1640: 2024-07-30 01:21:58.922 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E05 - The One With Rachel's Date (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1653: 2024-07-30 01:22:02.438 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E06 - The One With The Halloween Party (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1666: 2024-07-30 01:22:05.888 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E07 - The One With The Stain (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1679: 2024-07-30 01:23:10.197 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E08 - The One With The Stripper (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1692: 2024-07-30 01:24:20.010 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E09 - The One With The Rumor (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1705: 2024-07-30 01:25:21.120 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E10 - The One With Monica's Boots (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1719: 2024-07-30 01:26:29.626 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E11 - The One With The Creepy Holiday Card (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1732: 2024-07-30 01:26:35.531 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E12 - The One Where Joey Dates Rachel (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1740: 2024-07-30 01:27:28.679 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 1353ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line  1746: 2024-07-30 01:27:32.939 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E13 - The One Where Chandler Takes A Bath (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1759: 2024-07-30 01:27:37.676 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E14 - The One With The Secret Closet (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1772: 2024-07-30 01:27:43.396 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E15 - The One With The Birthing Video (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1785: 2024-07-30 01:29:34.434 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E16 - The One Where Joey Tells Rachel (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1798: 2024-07-30 01:29:47.342 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E17 - The One With The Tea Leaves (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1811: 2024-07-30 01:29:52.490 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E18 - The One In Massapequa (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1824: 2024-07-30 01:29:56.438 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E19 - The One With Joey's Interview (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1834: 2024-07-30 01:30:00.113 Debug TaskManager: Queueing task RefreshMediaLibraryTask
    Line  1839: 2024-07-30 01:30:57.694 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E20 - The One With The Baby Shower (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1853: 2024-07-30 01:31:26.347 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E21 - The One With The Cooking Class (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1866: 2024-07-30 01:31:30.346 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E22 - The One Where Rachel Is Late (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1879: 2024-07-30 01:31:33.961 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E23 - The One Where Rachel Has A Baby (1) (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1892: 2024-07-30 01:31:38.806 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 8/Friends (1994) - S08E24 - The One Where Rachel Has A Baby (2) (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1925: 2024-07-30 01:31:40.983 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1931: 2024-07-30 01:31:41.971 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E01 - The One Where No One Proposes (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1945: 2024-07-30 01:31:47.603 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E02 - The One Where Emma Cries (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1958: 2024-07-30 01:31:50.060 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E03 - The One With The Pediatrician (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1971: 2024-07-30 01:31:53.700 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E04 - The One With The Sharks (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1983: 2024-07-30 01:32:49.668 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 846ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line  1985: 2024-07-30 01:32:52.804 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E05 - The One With Phoebe's Birthday Dinner (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  1998: 2024-07-30 01:33:11.905 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E06 - The One With The Male Nanny (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2011: 2024-07-30 01:34:08.790 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E07 - The One With Ross' Inappropriate Song (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2024: 2024-07-30 01:35:10.846 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E08 - The One With Rachel's Other Sister (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2037: 2024-07-30 01:35:16.009 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E09 - The One With Rachel's Phone Number (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2050: 2024-07-30 01:37:01.278 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E10 - The One With Christmas In Tulsa (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2064: 2024-07-30 01:37:18.323 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E11 - The One Where Rachel Goes Back To Work (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2077: 2024-07-30 01:37:22.747 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E12 - The One With Phoebe's Rats (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2090: 2024-07-30 01:37:25.860 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E13 - The One Where Monica Sings (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2103: 2024-07-30 01:37:28.643 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E14 - The One With The Blind Dates (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2116: 2024-07-30 01:38:25.165 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E15 - The One With The Mugging (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2129: 2024-07-30 01:38:38.872 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E16 - The One With The Boob Job (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2142: 2024-07-30 01:38:43.066 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E17 - The One With The Memorial Service (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2155: 2024-07-30 01:38:46.225 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E18 - The One With The Lottery (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2168: 2024-07-30 01:38:48.748 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E19 - The One With Rachel's Dream (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2181: 2024-07-30 01:38:51.839 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E20 - The One With The Soap Opera Party (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2194: 2024-07-30 01:38:54.835 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E21 - The One With The Fertility Test (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2207: 2024-07-30 01:39:51.565 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E22 - The One With The Donor (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2220: 2024-07-30 01:40:07.309 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/F.R.I.E.N.D.S [Ended]/Season 9/Friends (1994) - S09E23-E24 - The One In Barbados (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2253: 2024-07-30 01:40:27.135 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2265: 2024-07-30 01:40:35.958 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 1 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2271: 2024-07-30 01:41:31.184 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 1/Falling Skies S01E01 Live and Learn.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2287: 2024-07-30 01:41:49.461 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 1/Falling Skies S01E02 The Armory.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2300: 2024-07-30 01:41:57.550 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 1/Falling Skies S01E03 Prisoner of War.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2313: 2024-07-30 01:43:01.374 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 1/Falling Skies S01E04 Grace.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2327: 2024-07-30 01:43:16.885 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 1/Falling Skies S01E05 Silent Kill.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2340: 2024-07-30 01:43:23.566 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 1/Falling Skies S01E06 Sanctuary (1).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2353: 2024-07-30 01:43:28.836 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 1/Falling Skies S01E07 Sanctuary (2).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2366: 2024-07-30 01:44:26.196 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 1/Falling Skies S01E08 What Hides Beneath.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2379: 2024-07-30 01:44:35.275 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 1/Falling Skies S01E09 Mutiny.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2392: 2024-07-30 01:44:40.443 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 1/Falling Skies S01E10 Eight Hours.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2405: 2024-07-30 01:45:43.167 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 2 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2411: 2024-07-30 01:45:45.269 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 2/Falling Skies S02E01 Worlds Apart.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2425: 2024-07-30 01:45:55.346 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 2/Falling Skies S02E02 Shall We Gather at the River.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2438: 2024-07-30 01:46:01.725 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 2/Falling Skies S02E03 Compass.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2451: 2024-07-30 01:46:06.911 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 2/Falling Skies S02E04 Young Bloods.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2464: 2024-07-30 01:46:11.861 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 2/Falling Skies S02E05 Love and Other Acts of Courage.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2477: 2024-07-30 01:46:16.113 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 2/Falling Skies S02E06 Homecoming.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2490: 2024-07-30 01:46:20.379 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 2/Falling Skies S02E07 Molon Labe.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2503: 2024-07-30 01:46:25.199 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 2/Falling Skies S02E08 Death March.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2516: 2024-07-30 01:46:28.617 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 2/Falling Skies S02E09 The Price of Greatness.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2529: 2024-07-30 01:47:35.883 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 2/Falling Skies S02E10 A More Perfect Union.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2542: 2024-07-30 01:47:45.266 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 3 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2548: 2024-07-30 01:47:46.909 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 3/Falling Skies S03E01 On Thin Ice.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2561: 2024-07-30 01:47:53.457 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 3/Falling Skies S03E02 Collateral Damage.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2573: 2024-07-30 01:47:56.973 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 3/Falling Skies S03E03 Badlands.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2585: 2024-07-30 01:48:00.865 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 3/Falling Skies S03E04 At All Costs.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2597: 2024-07-30 01:49:05.888 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 3/Falling Skies S03E05 Search and Recover.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2610: 2024-07-30 01:50:12.215 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 3/Falling Skies S03E06 Be Silent and Come Out.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2622: 2024-07-30 01:50:24.466 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 3/Falling Skies S03E07 The Pickett Line.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2634: 2024-07-30 01:50:30.985 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 3/Falling Skies S03E08 Strange Brew.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2646: 2024-07-30 01:51:36.634 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 3/Falling Skies S03E09 Journey to Xilbalba.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2658: 2024-07-30 01:52:36.011 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 3/Falling Skies S03E10 Brazil.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2671: 2024-07-30 01:52:47.178 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2677: 2024-07-30 01:52:49.843 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 4/Falling Skies S04E01 Ghost in the Machine.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2691: 2024-07-30 01:53:54.837 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 4/Falling Skies S04E02 The Eye.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2704: 2024-07-30 01:54:07.849 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 4/Falling Skies S04E03 Exodus.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2717: 2024-07-30 01:54:14.412 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 4/Falling Skies S04E04 Evolve or Die.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2730: 2024-07-30 01:54:19.321 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 4/Falling Skies S04E05 Mind Wars.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2743: 2024-07-30 01:54:24.280 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 4/Falling Skies S04E06 Door Number Three.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2756: 2024-07-30 01:54:29.040 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 4/Falling Skies S04E07 Saturday Night Massacre.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2769: 2024-07-30 01:54:33.490 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 4/Falling Skies S04E08 A Thing with Feathers.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2782: 2024-07-30 01:54:37.013 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 4/Falling Skies S04E09 'Til Death Do Us Part.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2795: 2024-07-30 01:54:55.076 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 4/Falling Skies S04E10 Drawing Straws.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2808: 2024-07-30 01:55:00.456 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 4/Falling Skies S04E11 Space Oddity.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2821: 2024-07-30 01:55:05.372 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 4/Falling Skies S04E12 Shoot the Moon.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2834: 2024-07-30 01:56:15.502 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 4221ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line  2836: 2024-07-30 01:56:18.172 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 5 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2842: 2024-07-30 01:56:20.235 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 5/Falling Skies S05E01 Find Your Warrior.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2856: 2024-07-30 01:56:29.260 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 5/Falling Skies S05E02 Hunger Pains.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2869: 2024-07-30 01:56:34.267 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 5/Falling Skies S05E03 Hatchlings.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2882: 2024-07-30 01:56:39.082 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 5/Falling Skies S05E04 Pope Breaks Bad.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2895: 2024-07-30 01:56:43.283 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 5/Falling Skies S05E05 Non-Essential Personnel.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2908: 2024-07-30 01:56:46.670 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 5/Falling Skies S05E06 Respite.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2921: 2024-07-30 01:56:50.127 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 5/Falling Skies S05E07 Everybody Has Their Reasons.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2934: 2024-07-30 01:56:53.734 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 5/Falling Skies S05E08 Stalag 14th Virginia.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2947: 2024-07-30 01:56:58.941 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 5/Falling Skies S05E09 Reunion.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2960: 2024-07-30 01:57:02.252 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Falling Skies [Ended]/Season 5/Falling Skies S05E10 Reborn.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2973: 2024-07-30 01:57:07.121 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Fawlty Towers [Ended] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  2986: 2024-07-30 01:57:15.247 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fawlty Towers [Ended]/Fawlty Towers - A touch of class.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3003: 2024-07-30 01:57:18.190 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fawlty Towers [Ended]/Fawlty Towers - Basil the rat.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3018: 2024-07-30 01:57:19.199 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fawlty Towers [Ended]/Fawlty Towers - Communication problems.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3032: 2024-07-30 01:57:20.443 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fawlty Towers [Ended]/Fawlty Towers - Gourmet night.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3044: 2024-07-30 01:58:26.495 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 1219ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line  3047: 2024-07-30 01:58:28.900 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fawlty Towers [Ended]/Fawlty Towers - The anniversary.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3060: 2024-07-30 01:58:36.550 Debug TaskManager: IntervalTrigger fired for task: Refresh Emby Connect Data
    Line  3061: 2024-07-30 01:58:36.631 Debug TaskManager: Queueing task RefreshAuthorizationsScheduledTask
    Line  3062: 2024-07-30 01:58:36.632 Debug TaskManager: Executing Refresh Emby Connect Data
    Line  3063: 2024-07-30 01:58:37.785 Debug TaskManager: Refresh Emby Connect Data Completed after 0 minute(s) and 1 seconds
    Line  3065: 2024-07-30 01:59:31.326 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fawlty Towers [Ended]/Fawlty Towers - The Builders.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3079: 2024-07-30 01:59:42.423 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fawlty Towers [Ended]/Fawlty Towers - The Germans.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3093: 2024-07-30 01:59:48.719 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fawlty Towers [Ended]/Fawlty Towers - The Hotel inspectors.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3107: 2024-07-30 01:59:50.379 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fawlty Towers [Ended]/Fawlty Towers - The kipper and the corpse.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3121: 2024-07-30 01:59:52.126 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fawlty Towers [Ended]/Fawlty Towers - The psychiatrist.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3135: 2024-07-30 01:59:54.008 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fawlty Towers [Ended]/Fawlty Towers - The wedding party.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3149: 2024-07-30 02:00:56.488 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fawlty Towers [Ended]/Fawlty Towers - Waldorf salad.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3163: 2024-07-30 02:01:03.261 Debug App: Refreshing Folder /shares/Vol. 1/Firefly Universe due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3164: 2024-07-30 02:01:03.742 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Firefly Universe/Firefly [Cancelled] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3176: 2024-07-30 02:02:14.303 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Firefly Universe/Firefly [Cancelled]/Firefly S01E01 S01E02 Serenity  (1080p x265 10bit FS84 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3195: 2024-07-30 02:03:27.732 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Firefly Universe/Firefly [Cancelled]/Firefly S01E03 The Train Job  (1080p x265 10bit FS81 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3208: 2024-07-30 02:04:37.023 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Firefly Universe/Firefly [Cancelled]/Firefly S01E04 Bushwhacked  (1080p x265 10bit FS87 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3221: 2024-07-30 02:04:44.823 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Firefly Universe/Firefly [Cancelled]/Firefly S01E05 Shindig  (1080p x265 10bit FS84 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3234: 2024-07-30 02:04:50.308 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Firefly Universe/Firefly [Cancelled]/Firefly S01E06 Safe  (1080p x265 10bit FS71 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3247: 2024-07-30 02:04:56.168 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Firefly Universe/Firefly [Cancelled]/Firefly S01E07 Our Mrs. Reynolds  (1080p x265 10bit FS80 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3260: 2024-07-30 02:06:00.761 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Firefly Universe/Firefly [Cancelled]/Firefly S01E08 Jaynestown  (1080p x265 10bit FS57 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3275: 2024-07-30 02:06:20.280 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Firefly Universe/Firefly [Cancelled]/Firefly S01E09 Out of Gas  (1080p x265 10bit FS67 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3288: 2024-07-30 02:06:27.217 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Firefly Universe/Firefly [Cancelled]/Firefly S01E10 Ariel  (1080p x265 10bit FS77 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3301: 2024-07-30 02:06:31.664 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Firefly Universe/Firefly [Cancelled]/Firefly S01E11 War Stories  (1080p x265 10bit FS85 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3314: 2024-07-30 02:06:36.904 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Firefly Universe/Firefly [Cancelled]/Firefly S01E12 Trash  (1080p x265 10bit FS57 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3347: 2024-07-30 02:06:51.083 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Firefly Universe/Firefly [Cancelled]/Firefly S01E13 The Message  (1080p x265 10bit FS67 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3380: 2024-07-30 02:06:55.232 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Firefly Universe/Firefly [Cancelled]/Firefly S01E14 Heart of Gold  (1080p x265 10bit FS69 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3413: 2024-07-30 02:06:58.180 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Firefly Universe/Firefly [Cancelled]/Firefly S01E15 Objects in Space  (1080p x265 10bit FS84 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3448: 2024-07-30 02:06:59.206 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Firefly Universe/Firefly [Cancelled]/Extras due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3454: 2024-07-30 02:06:59.962 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Firefly Universe/Firefly [Cancelled]/Extras/Deleted Scene Firefly S01E01 Serenity.m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3466: 2024-07-30 02:07:05.567 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Firefly Universe/Firefly [Cancelled]/Extras/Deleted Scene Firefly S01E02 Serenity.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3478: 2024-07-30 02:07:09.874 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Firefly Universe/Firefly [Cancelled]/Extras/Deleted Scene Firefly S01E07 Our Mrs. Reynolds.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3490: 2024-07-30 02:07:14.772 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Firefly Universe/Firefly [Cancelled]/Extras/Deleted Scene Firefly S01E15 Objects in Space.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3525: 2024-07-30 02:07:16.605 Debug App: Refreshing Folder /shares/Vol. 1/Firefly Universe/Serenity (2005) due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3526: 2024-07-30 02:07:16.875 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3538: 2024-07-30 02:07:22.832 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled]/FlashForward.S01E01.No.More.Good.Days.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3554: 2024-07-30 02:09:29.595 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled]/FlashForward.S01E02.White.To.Play.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3566: 2024-07-30 02:09:47.281 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled]/FlashForward.S01E03.137.Seconds.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3578: 2024-07-30 02:10:47.511 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled]/FlashForward.S01E04.Black.Swan.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3591: 2024-07-30 02:11:00.270 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled]/FlashForward.S01E05.Gimme.Some.Truth.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3603: 2024-07-30 02:11:07.643 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled]/FlashForward.S01E06.Scary.Monsters.And.Super.Creeps.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3615: 2024-07-30 02:12:11.764 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled]/FlashForward.S01E07.The.Gift.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3627: 2024-07-30 02:13:20.031 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled]/FlashForward.S01E08.Playing.Cards.With.Coyote.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3639: 2024-07-30 02:13:30.585 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled]/FlashForward.S01E09.Believe.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3651: 2024-07-30 02:13:36.648 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled]/FlashForward.S01E10.A561984.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3663: 2024-07-30 02:13:41.751 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled]/FlashForward.S01E11.Revelation.Zero.1.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3675: 2024-07-30 02:14:45.863 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled]/FlashForward.S01E12.Revelation.Zero.2.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3688: 2024-07-30 02:15:00.436 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled]/FlashForward.S01E13.Blowback.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3700: 2024-07-30 02:15:57.648 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled]/FlashForward.S01E14.Better.Angels.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3712: 2024-07-30 02:16:14.175 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled]/FlashForward.S01E15.Queen.Sacrifice.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3725: 2024-07-30 02:16:21.636 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled]/FlashForward.S01E16.Let.No.Man.Put.Asunder.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3737: 2024-07-30 02:16:27.698 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled]/FlashForward.S01E17.The.Garden.Of.Forking.Paths.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3749: 2024-07-30 02:16:32.766 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled]/FlashForward.S01E18.Goodbye.Yellow.Brick.Road.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3761: 2024-07-30 02:16:38.428 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled]/FlashForward.S01E19.Course.Correction.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3773: 2024-07-30 02:16:43.874 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled]/FlashForward.S01E20.The.Negotiation.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3785: 2024-07-30 02:16:49.940 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled]/FlashForward.S01E21.Countdown.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3797: 2024-07-30 02:16:53.643 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FlashForward [Cancelled]/FlashForward.S01E22.Future.Shock.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3810: 2024-07-30 02:17:56.529 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Tracker [Ongoing] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3822: 2024-07-30 02:18:07.802 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Tracker [Ongoing]/Season 1 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3828: 2024-07-30 02:18:08.735 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Tracker [Ongoing]/Season 1/Tracker.2024.S01E01.1080p.WEB.h264-EDITH[EZTVx.to].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3843: 2024-07-30 02:18:19.186 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Tracker [Ongoing]/Season 1/Tracker.2024.S01E02.1080p.WEB.h264-ETHEL.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3855: 2024-07-30 02:18:23.991 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Tracker [Ongoing]/Season 1/Tracker.2024.S01E03.Springland.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3867: 2024-07-30 02:18:27.383 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Tracker [Ongoing]/Season 1/Tracker.2024.S01E04.Mt.Shasta.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-NTb[EZTVx.to].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3879: 2024-07-30 02:19:29.649 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Tracker [Ongoing]/Season 1/tracker.2024.s01e05.1080p.web.h264-successfulcrab.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3891: 2024-07-30 02:19:42.854 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Tracker [Ongoing]/Season 1/Tracker.2024.S01E06.1080p.WEB.h264-ETHEL[EZTVx.to].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3903: 2024-07-30 02:19:47.473 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Tracker [Ongoing]/Season 1/Tracker.2024.S01E07.1080p.WEB.h264-ETHEL.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3915: 2024-07-30 02:19:50.497 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Tracker [Ongoing]/Season 1/tracker.2024.s01e08.1080p.web.h264-nhtfs[EZTVx.to].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3927: 2024-07-30 02:19:52.523 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Tracker [Ongoing]/Season 1/Tracker.2024.S01E09.1080p.WEB.h264-EDITH.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3939: 2024-07-30 02:19:55.692 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Tracker [Ongoing]/Season 1/Tracker.2024.S01E10.1080p.WEB.h264-ETHEL.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3951: 2024-07-30 02:19:58.719 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Tracker [Ongoing]/Season 1/Tracker.2024.S01E11.1080p.WEB.h264-ETHEL.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3963: 2024-07-30 02:20:02.306 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Tracker [Ongoing]/Season 1/Tracker.2024.S01E12 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3975: 2024-07-30 02:21:04.910 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Tracker [Ongoing]/Season 1/tracker.2024.s01e13.1080p.web.h264-successfulcrab.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  3987: 2024-07-30 02:21:15.046 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4000: 2024-07-30 02:21:38.381 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled]/Forever US S01E01 HDTV.XviD-AFG.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4017: 2024-07-30 02:21:46.278 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled]/Forever US S01E02 HDTV.XviD-AFG.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4030: 2024-07-30 02:21:51.784 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled]/Forever US S01E03 PROPER.HDTV.XviD-AFG.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4043: 2024-07-30 02:21:56.179 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled]/Forever US S01E04 HDTV.XviD-AFG.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4056: 2024-07-30 02:22:00.633 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled]/Forever US S01E05 REAL.HDTV.XviD-AFG.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4069: 2024-07-30 02:23:08.732 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled]/Forever US S01E06 HDTV.XviD-AFG.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4082: 2024-07-30 02:24:12.695 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled]/Forever US S01E07 HDTV.XviD-AFG.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4095: 2024-07-30 02:24:26.142 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled]/Forever US S01E08 HDTV.XviD-AFG.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4108: 2024-07-30 02:24:35.903 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled]/Forever US S01E09 HDTV.XviD-AFG.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4121: 2024-07-30 02:24:43.466 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled]/Forever US S01E10 HDTV.XviD-AFG.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4134: 2024-07-30 02:24:48.330 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled]/Forever US S01E11 HDTV.XviD-AFG.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4147: 2024-07-30 02:24:54.977 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled]/Forever US S01E12 HDTV.XviD-AFG.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4160: 2024-07-30 02:25:56.198 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled]/Forever US S01E13 HDTV.XviD-AFG.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4173: 2024-07-30 02:26:09.966 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled]/Forever US S01E14 HDTV.XviD-AFG.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4186: 2024-07-30 02:26:15.530 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled]/Forever US S01E15 HDTV.XviD-FUM.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4199: 2024-07-30 02:26:19.473 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled]/Forever US S01E16 HDTV.XviD-AFG.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4212: 2024-07-30 02:26:23.371 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled]/Forever US S01E17 HDTV.XviD-AFG.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4225: 2024-07-30 02:26:27.543 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled]/Forever US S01E18 HDTV.XviD-FUM.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4238: 2024-07-30 02:26:31.834 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled]/Forever US S01E19 REPACK.HDTV.XviD-AFG.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4251: 2024-07-30 02:26:36.691 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled]/Forever US S01E20 HDTV.XviD-FUM.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4264: 2024-07-30 02:26:41.232 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled]/Forever US S01E21 HDTV.XviD-FUM.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4277: 2024-07-30 02:27:38.979 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Forever [Cancelled]/Forever US S01E22 HDTV.XviD-FUM.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4290: 2024-07-30 02:27:51.777 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4303: 2024-07-30 02:28:06.452 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing]/Season 1 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4309: 2024-07-30 02:28:07.110 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing]/Season 1/Foundation (2021) - S01E01 - The Emperor’s Peace (1080p ATVP WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4325: 2024-07-30 02:29:44.548 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing]/Season 1/Foundation (2021) - S01E02 - Preparing to Live (1080p ATVP WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4339: 2024-07-30 02:30:02.713 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing]/Season 1/Foundation (2021) - S01E03 - The Mathematician’s Ghost (1080p ATVP WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4351: 2024-07-30 02:30:10.231 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing]/Season 1/Foundation (2021) - S01E04 - Barbarians at the Gate (1080p ATVP WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4363: 2024-07-30 02:31:17.689 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing]/Season 1/Foundation (2021) - S01E05 - Upon Awakening (1080p ATVP WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4375: 2024-07-30 02:32:19.116 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing]/Season 1/Foundation (2021) - S01E06 - Death and the Maiden (1080p ATVP WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4387: 2024-07-30 02:34:17.372 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing]/Season 1/Foundation (2021) - S01E07 - Mysteries and Martyrs (1080p ATVP WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4399: 2024-07-30 02:34:46.107 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing]/Season 1/Foundation (2021) - S01E08 - The Missing Piece (1080p ATVP WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4411: 2024-07-30 02:34:52.128 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing]/Season 1/Foundation (2021) - S01E09 - The First Crisis (1080p ATVP WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4417: 2024-07-30 02:35:44.693 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 862ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line  4424: 2024-07-30 02:35:53.366 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing]/Season 1/Foundation (2021) - S01E10 - The Leap (1080p ATVP WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4436: 2024-07-30 02:36:54.425 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing]/Season 2 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4441: 2024-07-30 02:36:58.464 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing]/Season 2/Foundation.S02E01.1080p.x265-ELiTE[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4454: 2024-07-30 02:38:03.854 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing]/Season 2/Foundation.S02E02.1080p.x265-ELiTE[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4466: 2024-07-30 02:38:16.346 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing]/Season 2/Foundation.S02E03.1080p.x265-ELiTE[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4478: 2024-07-30 02:38:26.630 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing]/Season 2/Foundation.S02E04.1080p.x265-ELiTE[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4490: 2024-07-30 02:38:31.861 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing]/Season 2/Foundation.S02E05.1080p.x265-ELiTE[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4502: 2024-07-30 02:39:22.570 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing]/Season 2/Foundation.S02E06.1080p.x265-ELiTE[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4514: 2024-07-30 02:39:39.180 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing]/Season 2/Foundation.S02E07.1080p.x265-ELiTE[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4526: 2024-07-30 02:39:48.813 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing]/Season 2/Foundation.S02E08.1080p.x265-ELiTE[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4538: 2024-07-30 02:39:56.902 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing]/Season 2/Foundation.S02E09.1080p.x265-ELiTE[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4550: 2024-07-30 02:40:05.778 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Foundation [Ongoing]/Season 2/Foundation.S02E10.1080p.x265-ELiTE[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4562: 2024-07-30 02:41:01.359 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4575: 2024-07-30 02:41:15.852 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 1 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4580: 2024-07-30 02:41:17.406 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 1/Fringe S01E01 Pilot (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4596: 2024-07-30 02:42:23.160 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 1/Fringe S01E02 The Same Old Story (1080 x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4609: 2024-07-30 02:43:31.864 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 1/Fringe S01E03 The Ghost Network (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4622: 2024-07-30 02:44:40.573 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 1/Fringe S01E04 The Arrival (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4637: 2024-07-30 02:46:35.444 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 1/Fringe S01E05 Power Hungry (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4651: 2024-07-30 02:46:54.918 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 1/Fringe S01E06 The Cure (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4664: 2024-07-30 02:47:01.851 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 1/Fringe S01E07 In Which We Meet Mr .Jones (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4677: 2024-07-30 02:47:07.466 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 1/Fringe S01E08 The Equation (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4690: 2024-07-30 02:47:12.792 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 1/Fringe S01E09 The Dreamscape (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4703: 2024-07-30 02:47:16.758 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 1/Fringe S01E10 Safe (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4716: 2024-07-30 02:49:13.722 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 1/Fringe S01E11 Bound (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4728: 2024-07-30 02:50:17.847 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 940ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line  4730: 2024-07-30 02:50:21.660 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 1/Fringe S01E12 The No-Brainer (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4744: 2024-07-30 02:51:25.561 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 1/Fringe S01E13 The Transformation (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4757: 2024-07-30 02:51:44.539 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 1/Fringe S01E14 Ability (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4771: 2024-07-30 02:53:41.005 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 1/Fringe S01E15 Inner Child (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4785: 2024-07-30 02:53:57.761 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 1/Fringe S01E16 Unleashed (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4798: 2024-07-30 02:54:55.569 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 1/Fringe S01E17 Bad Dreams (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4812: 2024-07-30 02:56:12.659 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 1/Fringe S01E18 Midnight (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4826: 2024-07-30 02:57:20.758 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 1/Fringe S01E19 The Road Not Taken (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4840: 2024-07-30 02:57:39.237 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 1/Fringe S01E20 There's More Than One Of Everything (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4853: 2024-07-30 02:57:46.858 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4858: 2024-07-30 02:57:48.516 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E01 A New Day in the Old Town (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4871: 2024-07-30 02:57:57.951 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E02 Night of Desirable Objects (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4883: 2024-07-30 02:58:55.770 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E03 Fracture (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4899: 2024-07-30 03:00:21.541 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 19746ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IndexNumber,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ParentIndexNumber,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.RunTimeTicks,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.SeriesName,A.Album,A.AlbumId,A.SeriesId,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,A.ThreeDFormat,A.RemoteTrailers,A.SortIndexNumber,A.SortParentIndexNumber,A.IndexNumberEnd from MediaItems A where A.Type in (8,5) AND ((select MediaStreams2.language from MediaStreams2 where MediaStreams2.ItemId=A.Id and MediaStreams2.StreamType=3 and MediaStreams2.IsExternal=1 and MediaStreams2.Language in (@HasNoExternalSubtitleTrackWithLanguages0,@HasNoExternalSubtitleTrackWithLanguages1) limit 1) is null) AND A.Id in (select ItemId from AncestorIds2 where AncestorId=147567 )
    Line  4900: 2024-07-30 03:00:23.980 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 2124ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IndexNumber,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ParentIndexNumber,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.RunTimeTicks,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.SeriesName,A.Album,A.AlbumId,A.SeriesId,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,A.ThreeDFormat,A.RemoteTrailers,A.SortIndexNumber,A.SortParentIndexNumber,A.IndexNumberEnd from MediaItems A where A.Type in (8,5) AND ((select MediaStreams2.language from MediaStreams2 where MediaStreams2.ItemId=A.Id and MediaStreams2.StreamType=3 and MediaStreams2.IsExternal=1 and MediaStreams2.Language in (@HasNoExternalSubtitleTrackWithLanguages0,@HasNoExternalSubtitleTrackWithLanguages1) limit 1) is null) AND A.Id in (select ItemId from AncestorIds2 where AncestorId=153163 )
    Line  4901: 2024-07-30 03:00:25.323 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E04 Momentum Deferred (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4905: 2024-07-30 03:00:27.906 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 2077ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IndexNumber,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ParentIndexNumber,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.RunTimeTicks,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.SeriesName,A.Album,A.AlbumId,A.SeriesId,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,A.ThreeDFormat,A.RemoteTrailers,A.SortIndexNumber,A.SortParentIndexNumber,A.IndexNumberEnd from MediaItems A where A.Type in (8,5) AND A.DateCreated>=1706756425 AND ((select MediaStreams2.language from MediaStreams2 where MediaStreams2.ItemId=A.Id and MediaStreams2.StreamType=3 and MediaStreams2.IsExternal=1 and MediaStreams2.Language in (@HasNoExternalSubtitleTrackWithLanguages0,@HasNoExternalSubtitleTrackWithLanguages1) limit 1) is null) AND A.Id in (select ItemId from AncestorIds2 where AncestorId=156672 )
    Line  4907: 2024-07-30 03:00:31.822 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 3898ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IndexNumber,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ParentIndexNumber,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.RunTimeTicks,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.SeriesName,A.Album,A.AlbumId,A.SeriesId,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,A.ThreeDFormat,A.RemoteTrailers,A.SortIndexNumber,A.SortParentIndexNumber,A.IndexNumberEnd from MediaItems A where A.Type in (8,5) AND ((select MediaStreams2.language from MediaStreams2 where MediaStreams2.ItemId=A.Id and MediaStreams2.StreamType=3 and MediaStreams2.IsExternal=1 and MediaStreams2.Language in (@HasNoExternalSubtitleTrackWithLanguages0,@HasNoExternalSubtitleTrackWithLanguages1) limit 1) is null) AND A.Id in (select ItemId from AncestorIds2 where AncestorId=156674 )
    Line  4918: 2024-07-30 03:01:40.847 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E05 Dream Logic (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  4943: 2024-07-30 03:02:55.107 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E06 Earthling (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5048: 2024-07-30 03:04:40.743 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E07 Of Human Action (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5067: 2024-07-30 03:05:52.370 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 970ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line  5069: 2024-07-30 03:05:54.746 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E08 August (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5090: 2024-07-30 03:06:07.787 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E09 Snakehead (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5106: 2024-07-30 03:07:15.429 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 968ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line  5109: 2024-07-30 03:07:18.609 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E10 Grey Matters (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5129: 2024-07-30 03:07:30.854 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E11 Unearthed - A S01 unaired episode aired during S02 during holidays (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5145: 2024-07-30 03:07:35.354 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E12 Johari Window (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5160: 2024-07-30 03:07:38.854 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E13 What Lies Below (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5177: 2024-07-30 03:08:44.277 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E14 The Bishop Revival (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5201: 2024-07-30 03:09:59.267 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E15 Jacksonville (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5225: 2024-07-30 03:10:20.575 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E16 Peter (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5243: 2024-07-30 03:10:25.525 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E17 Olivia, in the Lab, with the Revolver (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5258: 2024-07-30 03:10:28.973 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E18 White Tulip (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5272: 2024-07-30 03:10:32.143 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E19 The Man from the Other Side (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5286: 2024-07-30 03:10:35.939 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E20 Brown Betty (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5303: 2024-07-30 03:12:50.266 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E21 Northwest Passage (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5325: 2024-07-30 03:12:58.724 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E22 Over There (1) (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5342: 2024-07-30 03:14:06.552 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 2/Fringe S02E23 Over There (2) (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5369: 2024-07-30 03:14:22.046 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5377: 2024-07-30 03:14:26.370 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3/Fringe S03E01 Olivia (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5399: 2024-07-30 03:14:34.387 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3/Fringe S03E02 The Box (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5416: 2024-07-30 03:15:47.061 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3/Fringe S03E03 The Plateau (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5438: 2024-07-30 03:17:09.442 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3/Fringe S03E04 Do Shapeshifters Dream of Electric Sheep (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5461: 2024-07-30 03:18:33.879 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 947ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line  5465: 2024-07-30 03:18:36.742 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3/Fringe S03E05 Amber 31422 (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5491: 2024-07-30 03:19:55.603 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3/Fringe S03E06 6955 kHz (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5521: 2024-07-30 03:22:17.351 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3/Fringe S03E07 The Abducted (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5550: 2024-07-30 03:22:39.627 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3/Fringe S03E08 Entrada (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5568: 2024-07-30 03:22:46.311 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3/Fringe S03E09 Marionette (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5588: 2024-07-30 03:23:52.786 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3/Fringe S03E10 The Firefly (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5611: 2024-07-30 03:25:12.583 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3/Fringe S03E11 Reciprocity (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5636: 2024-07-30 03:25:27.355 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3/Fringe S03E12 Concentrate and Ask Again (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5653: 2024-07-30 03:26:35.554 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3/Fringe S03E13 Immortality (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5679: 2024-07-30 03:27:55.424 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3/Fringe S03E14 6B (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5706: 2024-07-30 03:29:14.439 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3/Fringe S03E15 Subject 13 (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5735: 2024-07-30 03:30:39.877 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3/Fringe S03E16 Os (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5834: 2024-07-30 03:31:19.690 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3/Fringe S03E17 Stowaway (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5850: 2024-07-30 03:32:31.857 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 1697ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line  5854: 2024-07-30 03:32:34.807 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3/Fringe S03E18 Bloodline (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5876: 2024-07-30 03:32:49.493 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3/Fringe S03E19 Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5893: 2024-07-30 03:32:54.239 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3/Fringe S03E20 602 AM EST (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5909: 2024-07-30 03:34:46.210 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 800ms. Query: select A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IndexNumber,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ParentIndexNumber,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.RunTimeTicks,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.SeriesName,A.Album,A.AlbumId,A.SeriesId,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,A.ThreeDFormat,A.RemoteTrailers,A.SortIndexNumber,A.SortParentIndexNumber,A.IndexNumberEnd,UserDatas.IsFavorite,UserDatas.Played,UserDatas.PlayCount,UserDatas.PlaybackPositionTicks,UserDatas.LastPlayedDateInt,UserDatas.AudioStreamIndex,UserDatas.SubtitleStreamIndex,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A left join UserDatas on A.UserDataKeyId=UserDatas.UserDataKeyId And UserDatas.UserId=1 where A.Type=8 AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 AND A.Id in (151539,151540,151541)
    Line  5912: 2024-07-30 03:34:49.338 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3/Fringe S03E21 The Last Sam Weiss (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5939: 2024-07-30 03:35:06.707 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 3/Fringe S03E22 The Day We Died (1080p x265 Joy).mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5958: 2024-07-30 03:36:04.477 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5969: 2024-07-30 03:36:13.099 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4/Fringe S04E01 Neither Here Nor There  (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  5992: 2024-07-30 03:36:26.396 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4/Fringe S04E02 One Night in October (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6009: 2024-07-30 03:37:30.594 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4/Fringe S04E03 Alone in the World (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6034: 2024-07-30 03:38:52.184 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4/Fringe S04E04 Subject 9 (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6063: 2024-07-30 03:40:07.192 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4/Fringe S04E05 Novation (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6093: 2024-07-30 03:40:24.124 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4/Fringe S04E06 And Those We've Left Behind (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6110: 2024-07-30 03:40:29.948 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4/Fringe S04E07 Wallflower (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6124: 2024-07-30 03:40:34.104 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4/Fringe S04E08 Where You've Never Been (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6140: 2024-07-30 03:41:44.668 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 1319ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line  6142: 2024-07-30 03:41:47.115 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4/Fringe S04E09 Enemy of My Enemy (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6163: 2024-07-30 03:41:59.148 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4/Fringe S04E10 Forced Perspective (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6184: 2024-07-30 03:43:18.923 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4/Fringe S04E11 Making Angels (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6206: 2024-07-30 03:44:39.670 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4/Fringe S04E12 Welcome to Westfield (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6229: 2024-07-30 03:45:59.753 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4/Fringe S04E13 A Better Human Being (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6251: 2024-07-30 03:47:18.104 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4/Fringe S04E14 The End of All Things (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6275: 2024-07-30 03:47:32.687 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4/Fringe S04E15 A Short Story About Love (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6299: 2024-07-30 03:48:49.772 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4/Fringe S04E16 Nothing As It Seems (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6322: 2024-07-30 03:50:11.262 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4/Fringe S04E17 Everything in Its Right Place (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6342: 2024-07-30 03:51:30.618 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 936ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line  6346: 2024-07-30 03:51:32.836 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4/Fringe S04E18 The Consultant (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6373: 2024-07-30 03:52:57.644 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4/Fringe S04E19 Letters of Transit (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6399: 2024-07-30 03:53:13.870 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4/Fringe S04E20 Worlds Apart (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6418: 2024-07-30 03:53:18.954 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4/Fringe S04E21 Brave New World (Part 1) (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6435: 2024-07-30 03:54:31.284 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 4/Fringe S04E22 Brave New World (Part 2) (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6459: 2024-07-30 03:55:54.739 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 5 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6469: 2024-07-30 03:55:58.724 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 5/Fringe S05E01 Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11 (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6501: 2024-07-30 03:56:15.626 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 5/Fringe S05E02 In Absentia (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6521: 2024-07-30 03:56:23.490 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 5/Fringe S05E03 The Recordist (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6619: 2024-07-30 03:56:59.297 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 5/Fringe S05E04 The Bullet that Saved the World (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6639: 2024-07-30 03:57:08.420 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 5/Fringe S05E05 An Orgin Story (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6659: 2024-07-30 03:57:14.737 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 5/Fringe S05E06 Through The Looking Glass and What Walter Found There (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6676: 2024-07-30 03:57:18.819 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 5/Fringe S05E07 Five Twenty Ten (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6691: 2024-07-30 03:57:23.155 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 5/Fringe S05E08 The Human Kind (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6707: 2024-07-30 03:57:26.668 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 5/Fringe S05E09 Black Blotter (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6722: 2024-07-30 03:57:29.411 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 5/Fringe S05E10 Anomaly XB-6783746 (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6738: 2024-07-30 03:57:32.854 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 5/Fringe S05E11 The Boy Must Live (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6756: 2024-07-30 03:58:45.369 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 5/Fringe S05E12 Liberty (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6781: 2024-07-30 03:59:01.215 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Fringe [Ended]/Season 5/Fringe S05E13 An Enemy of Fate (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6805: 2024-07-30 04:00:26.434 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 991ms. Query: select A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IndexNumber,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ParentIndexNumber,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.SeriesName,A.SeriesId,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey from MediaItems A where A.Type=7 AND A.Id in (select ItemId from AncestorIds2 where AncestorId=147618 )
    Line  6806: 2024-07-30 04:00:26.746 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6831: 2024-07-30 04:00:45.745 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing]/Season 1 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6839: 2024-07-30 04:00:47.199 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing]/Season 1/From (2022) - S01E01 - Long Day's Journey Into Night (1080p AMZN WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6861: 2024-07-30 04:00:57.718 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing]/Season 1/From (2022) - S01E02 - The Way Things Are Now (1080p AMZN WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6879: 2024-07-30 04:02:06.545 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing]/Season 1/From (2022) - S01E03 - Choosing Day (1080p AMZN WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6903: 2024-07-30 04:02:25.979 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing]/Season 1/From (2022) - S01E04 - A Rock and a Farway (1080p AMZN WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6919: 2024-07-30 04:02:33.986 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing]/Season 1/From (2022) - S01E05 - Silhouettes (1080p AMZN WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6934: 2024-07-30 04:02:40.690 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing]/Season 1/From (2022) - S01E06 - Book 74 (1080p AMZN WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6948: 2024-07-30 04:02:46.621 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing]/Season 1/From (2022) - S01E07 - All Good Things (1080p AMZN WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6962: 2024-07-30 04:02:52.745 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing]/Season 1/From (2022) - S01E08 - Broken Windows, Open Doors (1080p AMZN WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6976: 2024-07-30 04:02:58.646 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing]/Season 1/From (2022) - S01E09 - Into the Woods (1080p AMZN WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  6991: 2024-07-30 04:03:04.716 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing]/Season 1/From (2022) - S01E10 - Oh, the Places We'll Go (1080p AMZN WEB-DL x265 t3nzin).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7008: 2024-07-30 04:05:17.218 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing]/Season 2 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7019: 2024-07-30 04:05:22.091 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing]/Season 2/from.s02e01.1080p.web.h264-cakes.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7044: 2024-07-30 04:05:35.939 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing]/Season 2/from.s02e02.1080p.web.h264-cakes[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7060: 2024-07-30 04:06:56.748 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 1232ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line  7064: 2024-07-30 04:06:59.307 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing]/Season 2/from.s02e03.1080p.web.h264-cakes.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7087: 2024-07-30 04:07:10.047 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing]/Season 2/from.s02e04.1080p.web.h264-cakes.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7108: 2024-07-30 04:08:21.179 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing]/Season 2/from.s02e05.1080p.web.h264-cakes.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7130: 2024-07-30 04:08:31.480 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing]/Season 2/from.s02e06.1080p.web.h264-cakes.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7148: 2024-07-30 04:09:47.707 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing]/Season 2/From.S02E07.1080p.WEB.h264-EDITH.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7175: 2024-07-30 04:11:12.690 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing]/Season 2/From.S02E08.1080p.WEB.h264-ETHEL.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7203: 2024-07-30 04:11:32.025 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing]/Season 2/From.S02E09.1080p.WEB.h264-EDITH[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7221: 2024-07-30 04:11:38.255 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/From [Ongoing]/Season 2/From.S02E10.1080p.WEB.h264-EDITH.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7237: 2024-07-30 04:11:42.970 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/FUBAR [Ongoing] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7259: 2024-07-30 04:11:48.136 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/FUBAR [Ongoing]/Season 1 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7267: 2024-07-30 04:11:48.997 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FUBAR [Ongoing]/Season 1/FUBAR.S01E01.Take.Your.Daughter.To.Work.Day.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.Atmos.DV.HDR10.H.265-WDYM[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7290: 2024-07-30 04:11:57.361 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FUBAR [Ongoing]/Season 1/FUBAR.S01E02.Stole.Train.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.Atmos.DV.HDR10.H.265-WDYM[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7305: 2024-07-30 04:12:02.607 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FUBAR [Ongoing]/Season 1/FUBAR.S01E03.Honeyplot.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.Atmos.DV.HDR10.H.265-WDYM[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7403: 2024-07-30 04:12:43.180 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FUBAR [Ongoing]/Season 1/FUBAR.S01E04.Armed.and.Dane-gerous.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.Atmos.DV.HDR10.H.265-WDYM[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7429: 2024-07-30 04:14:11.164 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FUBAR [Ongoing]/Season 1/FUBAR.S01E05.Here.Today.Gone.To-Marrow.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.Atmos.DV.HDR10.H.265-WDYM[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7449: 2024-07-30 04:15:20.033 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 1233ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line  7454: 2024-07-30 04:15:24.570 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FUBAR [Ongoing]/Season 1/FUBAR.S01E06.Royally.Flushed.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.Atmos.DV.HDR10.H.265-WDYM[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7481: 2024-07-30 04:16:46.868 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FUBAR [Ongoing]/Season 1/FUBAR.S01E07.Urine.Luck.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.Atmos.DV.HDR10.H.265-WDYM[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7502: 2024-07-30 04:16:58.042 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/FUBAR [Ongoing]/Season 1/FUBAR.S01E08.Thats.It.And.Thats.All.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.Atmos.DV.HDR10.H.265-WDYM[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7517: 2024-07-30 04:17:04.298 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7538: 2024-07-30 04:17:13.857 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 1 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7546: 2024-07-30 04:17:15.121 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 1/Future Man (2017) - S01E01 - Pilot (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7570: 2024-07-30 04:18:35.843 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 1/Future Man (2017) - S01E02 - Herpe Fully Loaded (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7595: 2024-07-30 04:18:47.698 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 1/Future Man (2017) - S01E03 - A Riphole in Time (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7610: 2024-07-30 04:18:56.106 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 1/Future Man (2017) - S01E04 - A Fuel's Errand (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7625: 2024-07-30 04:18:59.519 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 1/Future Man (2017) - S01E05 - Justice Desserts (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7649: 2024-07-30 04:20:53.184 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 1/Future Man (2017) - S01E06 - A Blowjob Before Dying (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7676: 2024-07-30 04:21:07.714 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 1/Future Man (2017) - S01E07 - Pandora's Mailbox (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7693: 2024-07-30 04:21:11.852 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 1/Future Man (2017) - S01E08 - Girth, Wind & Fire (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7709: 2024-07-30 04:21:15.882 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 1/Future Man (2017) - S01E09 - Operation Fatal Attraction (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7723: 2024-07-30 04:21:19.161 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 1/Future Man (2017) - S01E10 - Operation Natal Attraction (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7737: 2024-07-30 04:21:21.921 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 1/Future Man (2017) - S01E11 - Beyond the TruffleDome (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7750: 2024-07-30 04:21:24.672 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 1/Future Man (2017) - S01E12 - Prelude to an Apocalypse (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7764: 2024-07-30 04:21:27.400 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 1/Future Man (2017) - S01E13 - A Date with Destiny (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7778: 2024-07-30 04:21:29.979 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 2 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7785: 2024-07-30 04:21:30.819 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 2/Future Man (2017) - S02E01 - Countdown to a Prologue (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7803: 2024-07-30 04:21:36.054 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 2/Future Man (2017) - S02E02 - The I of the Tiger (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7817: 2024-07-30 04:21:38.238 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 2/Future Man (2017) - S02E03 - A Wolf in the Torque House (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7833: 2024-07-30 04:22:55.748 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 2/Future Man (2017) - S02E04 - Guess Who's Coming to Lunch (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7860: 2024-07-30 04:24:22.170 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 2/Future Man (2017) - S02E05 - J1 Judgment Day (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7883: 2024-07-30 04:24:31.153 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 2/Future Man (2017) - S02E06 - The Binx Ultimatum (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7900: 2024-07-30 04:24:37.626 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 2/Future Man (2017) - S02E07 - Homicide Life in the Mons (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7915: 2024-07-30 04:24:42.029 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 2/Future Man (2017) - S02E08 - The Last Horchata (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7932: 2024-07-30 04:25:51.140 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 2/Future Man (2017) - S02E09 - The Ballad of PUP-E Q. Barkington (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7955: 2024-07-30 04:27:05.191 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 2/Future Man (2017) - S02E10 - Exes and OS (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7979: 2024-07-30 04:27:13.878 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 2/Future Man (2017) - S02E11 - Dia De Los Robots (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  7997: 2024-07-30 04:27:19.220 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 2/Future Man (2017) - S02E12 - The Brain Job (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8012: 2024-07-30 04:27:22.866 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 2/Future Man (2017) - S02E13 - Ultra-Max (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8018: 2024-07-30 04:28:24.232 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 6969ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line  8109: 2024-07-30 04:29:07.042 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 3 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8116: 2024-07-30 04:29:08.817 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 3/Future Man (2017) - S03E01 - The Precipice of Yesterday (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8139: 2024-07-30 04:29:16.648 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 3/Future Man (2017) - S03E02 - There Will Be Borscht (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8155: 2024-07-30 04:29:21.935 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 3/Future Man (2017) - S03E03 - Trapper’s Delight (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8169: 2024-07-30 04:29:23.547 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 3/Future Man (2017) - S03E04 - The Outlaw Wild Sam Bladden (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8183: 2024-07-30 04:29:24.879 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 3/Future Man (2017) - S03E05 - Haven Is for Real (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8198: 2024-07-30 04:29:28.629 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 3/Future Man (2017) - S03E06 - The Land After Time (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8213: 2024-07-30 04:29:32.184 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 3/Future Man (2017) - S03E07 - Time Rogues III Escape from Forever (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8227: 2024-07-30 04:29:33.961 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Future Man [Ended]/Season 3/Future Man (2017) - S03E08 - Return of the Present (1080p HULU WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8242: 2024-07-30 04:29:37.146 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Ripley [Ended] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8269: 2024-07-30 04:29:47.879 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Ripley [Ended]/RIPLEY.S01E01.1080p.WEB.H264-NHTFS.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8295: 2024-07-30 04:29:56.305 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Ripley [Ended]/RIPLEY.S01E02.1080p.WEB.H264-NHTFS.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8314: 2024-07-30 04:31:17.079 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Ripley [Ended]/RIPLEY.S01E03.1080p.WEB.H264-NHTFS.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8334: 2024-07-30 04:31:23.260 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Ripley [Ended]/RIPLEY.S01E04.1080p.WEB.H264-NHTFS.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8350: 2024-07-30 04:31:28.956 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Ripley [Ended]/RIPLEY.S01E05.1080p.WEB.H264-NHTFS.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8365: 2024-07-30 04:31:31.812 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Ripley [Ended]/RIPLEY.S01E06.1080p.WEB.H264-NHTFS.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8379: 2024-07-30 04:31:34.786 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Ripley [Ended]/RIPLEY.S01E07.1080p.WEB.H264-NHTFS.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8396: 2024-07-30 04:32:44.905 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Ripley [Ended]/RIPLEY.S01E08.1080p.WEB.H264-NHTFS.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8420: 2024-07-30 04:34:56.303 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Good Omens [Ongoing] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8444: 2024-07-30 04:35:13.441 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Good Omens [Ongoing]/Season 1 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8451: 2024-07-30 04:35:14.121 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Good Omens [Ongoing]/Season 1/Good Omens (2019) - S01E01 - In the Beginning (1080p BluRay x265 Ghost).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8482: 2024-07-30 04:35:28.052 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Good Omens [Ongoing]/Season 1/Good Omens (2019) - S01E02 - The Book (1080p BluRay x265 Ghost).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8502: 2024-07-30 04:36:40.115 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Good Omens [Ongoing]/Season 1/Good Omens (2019) - S01E03 - Hard Times (1080p BluRay x265 Ghost).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8527: 2024-07-30 04:38:03.999 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Good Omens [Ongoing]/Season 1/Good Omens (2019) - S01E04 - Saturday Morning Funtime (1080p BluRay x265 Ghost).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8552: 2024-07-30 04:38:20.472 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Good Omens [Ongoing]/Season 1/Good Omens (2019) - S01E05 - The Doomsday Option (1080p BluRay x265 Ghost).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8577: 2024-07-30 04:39:44.512 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Good Omens [Ongoing]/Season 1/Good Omens (2019) - S01E06 - The Very Last Day of the Rest of Their Lives (1080p BluRay x265 Ghost).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8603: 2024-07-30 04:39:56.801 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Good Omens [Ongoing]/Season 2 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8610: 2024-07-30 04:39:58.498 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Good Omens [Ongoing]/Season 2/Good.Omens.S02E01.1080p.WEB.h264-ETHEL.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8640: 2024-07-30 04:42:35.307 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Good Omens [Ongoing]/Season 2/Good.Omens.S02E02.1080p.WEB.h264-ETHEL.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8663: 2024-07-30 04:43:59.237 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Good Omens [Ongoing]/Season 2/Good.Omens.S02E03.1080p.WEB.h264-ETHEL.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8689: 2024-07-30 04:44:38.085 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Good Omens [Ongoing]/Season 2/Good.Omens.S02E04.1080p.WEB.h264-ETHEL.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8710: 2024-07-30 04:45:45.601 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Good Omens [Ongoing]/Season 2/Good.Omens.S02E05.1080p.WEB.h264-ETHEL.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8735: 2024-07-30 04:46:54.397 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Good Omens [Ongoing]/Season 2/Good.Omens.S02E06.1080p.WEB.h264-ETHEL.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8752: 2024-07-30 04:47:02.481 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8774: 2024-07-30 04:47:11.498 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/01 The Haunted Mask Part 1.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8802: 2024-07-30 04:47:19.303 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/02 The Haunted Mask Part 2.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8822: 2024-07-30 04:47:24.401 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/03 The Cuckoo Clock of Doom.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8839: 2024-07-30 04:47:27.078 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/04 The Girl Who Cried Monster.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8856: 2024-07-30 04:47:29.512 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/05 Welcome to Camp Nightmare Part 1.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8871: 2024-07-30 04:47:32.193 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/06 Welcome to Camp Nightmare Part 2.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8886: 2024-07-30 04:47:35.081 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/07 Phantom of the Auditorium.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8905: 2024-07-30 04:48:37.921 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 907ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line  8910: 2024-07-30 04:48:41.287 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/08 Piano Lessons Can Be Murder .mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8936: 2024-07-30 04:48:54.263 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/09 Return of the Mummy.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8954: 2024-07-30 04:48:58.024 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/10 Night of the Living Dummy II.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8970: 2024-07-30 04:49:00.451 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/11 My Hairiest Adventure.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  8987: 2024-07-30 04:49:03.614 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/12 Stay Out of the Basement Part 1.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9003: 2024-07-30 04:49:07.987 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/13 Stay Out of the Basement Part 2.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9018: 2024-07-30 04:49:11.816 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/14 It Came from Beneath the Sink.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9037: 2024-07-30 04:50:19.862 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/15 Say Cheese and Die.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9062: 2024-07-30 04:50:33.760 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/16 A Night of Terror Tower Part 1.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9078: 2024-07-30 04:50:38.943 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/17 A Night of Terror Tower Part 2.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9094: 2024-07-30 04:50:42.604 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/18 The Werewolf of Fever Swamp Part 1.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9192: 2024-07-30 04:52:16.188 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/19 The Werewolf of Fever Swamp Part 2.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9242: 2024-07-30 04:52:29.532 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/20 Be Careful What You Wish For.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9282: 2024-07-30 04:52:33.171 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/21 Attack of the Mutant Part 1.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9297: 2024-07-30 04:52:36.658 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/22 Attack of the Mutant Part 2.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9316: 2024-07-30 04:53:48.460 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/23 Bad Hare Day.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9366: 2024-07-30 04:54:01.335 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/24 The Headless Ghost.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9407: 2024-07-30 04:54:04.419 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/25 Go Eat Worms.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9445: 2024-07-30 04:54:06.134 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/26 You Can't Scare Me.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9482: 2024-07-30 04:54:07.628 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/27 Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9519: 2024-07-30 04:54:09.291 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/28 Ghost Beach.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9556: 2024-07-30 04:54:10.086 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/29 Attack of the Jack O Lanterns.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9594: 2024-07-30 04:54:11.034 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/32 Let's Get Invisible.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9633: 2024-07-30 04:54:13.786 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/33 Scarecrow Walks at Midnight.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9671: 2024-07-30 04:54:15.241 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/34 Monster Blood.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9709: 2024-07-30 04:54:17.139 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/35 More Monster Blood.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9748: 2024-07-30 04:54:19.316 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/36 Vampire Breath.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9786: 2024-07-30 04:54:20.285 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/37 How to Kill a Monster.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9824: 2024-07-30 04:54:22.231 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/38 Calling All Creeps.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9862: 2024-07-30 04:54:23.261 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/39 Welcome to the Dead House Part 1.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9963: 2024-07-30 04:55:11.639 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/40 Welcome to the Dead House Part 2.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line  9983: 2024-07-30 04:55:26.916 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/41 Don't Wake Mummy.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10027: 2024-07-30 04:55:32.565 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/42 The Blob That Ate Everyone.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10070: 2024-07-30 04:55:38.903 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/43 Night of the Living Dummy III Part 1.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10085: 2024-07-30 04:55:42.535 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/44 Night of the Living Dummy III Part 2.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10100: 2024-07-30 04:55:45.368 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/45 Shocker on Shock Street.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10137: 2024-07-30 04:55:47.420 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/46 My Best Friend Is Invisible.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10174: 2024-07-30 04:55:48.324 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/47 The House of No Return.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10212: 2024-07-30 04:55:49.401 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/48 Don't Go to Sleep.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10250: 2024-07-30 04:55:51.108 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/49 Click.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10288: 2024-07-30 04:55:52.876 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/50 An Old Story.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10326: 2024-07-30 04:55:54.683 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/51 The Barking Ghost.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10364: 2024-07-30 04:55:55.700 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/52 One Day at Horrorland Part 1.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10379: 2024-07-30 04:55:58.594 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/53 One Day at Horrorland Part 2.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10394: 2024-07-30 04:56:02.076 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/54 The Haunted House Game.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10434: 2024-07-30 04:57:18.789 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/55 Perfect School Part 1.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10463: 2024-07-30 04:58:32.655 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/56 Perfect School Part 2.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10494: 2024-07-30 04:58:49.796 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/57 Werewolf Skin Part 1.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10516: 2024-07-30 05:00:57.209 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/58 Werewolf Skin Part 2.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10539: 2024-07-30 05:01:08.099 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/59 Awesome Ants.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10579: 2024-07-30 05:01:15.850 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/60 Bride of the Living Dummy.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10618: 2024-07-30 05:01:19.869 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/61 Strained Peas.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10657: 2024-07-30 05:01:21.637 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/62 Say Cheese and Die... Again.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10695: 2024-07-30 05:01:23.414 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/63 Chillogy Part 1.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10711: 2024-07-30 05:01:27.206 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/64 Chillogy Part 2.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10727: 2024-07-30 05:01:30.984 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/65 Chillogy Part 3.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10742: 2024-07-30 05:01:32.672 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/66 Teacher's Pet.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10780: 2024-07-30 05:01:34.504 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/67 How I Got My Shrunken Head Part 1.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10796: 2024-07-30 05:01:38.633 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/68 How I Got My Shrunken Head Part 2.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10810: 2024-07-30 05:01:41.050 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/69 The Ghost Next Door Part 1.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10825: 2024-07-30 05:01:44.157 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/70 The Ghost Next Door Part 2.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10840: 2024-07-30 05:01:47.062 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/71 Cry of the Cat Part 1.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10858: 2024-07-30 05:02:54.651 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/72 Cry of the Cat Part 2.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10882: 2024-07-30 05:03:07.187 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/73 Deep Trouble Part 1.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10899: 2024-07-30 05:03:12.040 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (1995) [Ended]/74 Deep Trouble Part 2.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10914: 2024-07-30 05:03:15.768 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (2023) [Ongoing] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10937: 2024-07-30 05:03:26.675 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (2023) [Ongoing]/Season 1 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10945: 2024-07-30 05:03:28.302 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (2023) [Ongoing]/Season 1/Goosebumps.2023.S01E01.1080p.WEB.h264-ETHEL[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10967: 2024-07-30 05:03:35.518 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (2023) [Ongoing]/Season 1/Goosebumps.2023.S01E02.1080p.WEB.h264-ETHEL[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 10983: 2024-07-30 05:04:45.110 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (2023) [Ongoing]/Season 1/Goosebumps.2023.S01E03.1080p.WEB.h264-ETHEL[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11056: 2024-07-30 05:06:26.875 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (2023) [Ongoing]/Season 1/Goosebumps.2023.S01E04.1080p.WEB.h264-ETHEL[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11085: 2024-07-30 05:06:41.947 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (2023) [Ongoing]/Season 1/Goosebumps.2023.S01E05.1080p.WEB.h264-ETHEL[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11104: 2024-07-30 05:06:48.650 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (2023) [Ongoing]/Season 1/Goosebumps.2023.S01E06.1080p.WEB.h264-ETHEL[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11119: 2024-07-30 05:06:53.843 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (2023) [Ongoing]/Season 1/Goosebumps.2023.S01E07.1080p.WEB.h264-EDITH.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11133: 2024-07-30 05:06:57.446 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (2023) [Ongoing]/Season 1/Goosebumps.2023.S01E08.1080p.WEB.h264-EDITH.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11147: 2024-07-30 05:07:02.454 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (2023) [Ongoing]/Season 1/Goosebumps.2023.S01E09.1080p.WEB.h264-EDITH[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11160: 2024-07-30 05:07:07.798 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Goosebumps (2023) [Ongoing]/Season 1/Goosebumps.2023.S01E10.1080p.WEB.h264-EDITH[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11174: 2024-07-30 05:07:12.363 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11238:       at Emby.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2[TItemType,TIdType].ExecuteRemoteProviders (MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers.MetadataResult`1[T] temp, MediaBrowser.Model.Configuration.LibraryOptions libraryOptions, System.String logName, TIdType id, MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers.IRemoteMetadataProvider`2[TItemType,TIdType][] providers, MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers.MetadataRefreshOptions options, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x00146] in <5fe95be693194ddcbd71be16078d00c8>:0 
    Line 11320: 2024-07-30 05:07:56.430 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11326: 2024-07-30 05:07:57.581 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1/Gotham.S01E01.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11364: 2024-07-30 05:09:33.293 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1/Gotham.S01E02.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11384: 2024-07-30 05:09:45.497 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1/Gotham.S01E03.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11400: 2024-07-30 05:09:53.031 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1/Gotham.S01E04.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11417: 2024-07-30 05:11:06.707 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1/Gotham.S01E05.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11442: 2024-07-30 05:12:33.004 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1/Gotham.S01E06.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11464: 2024-07-30 05:12:47.840 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1/Gotham.S01E07.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11484: 2024-07-30 05:12:56.662 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1/Gotham.S01E08.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11501: 2024-07-30 05:13:02.873 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1/Gotham.S01E09.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11520: 2024-07-30 05:13:10.469 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1/Gotham.S01E10.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11536: 2024-07-30 05:13:16.861 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1/Gotham.S01E11.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11555: 2024-07-30 05:14:39.987 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1/Gotham.S01E12.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11582: 2024-07-30 05:14:53.265 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1/Gotham.S01E13.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11602: 2024-07-30 05:16:13.737 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1/Gotham.S01E14.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11629: 2024-07-30 05:16:35.521 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1/Gotham.S01E15.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11648: 2024-07-30 05:17:54.376 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1/Gotham.S01E16.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11672: 2024-07-30 05:18:08.196 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1/Gotham.S01E17.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11692: 2024-07-30 05:18:15.978 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1/Gotham.S01E18.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11710: 2024-07-30 05:18:22.247 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1/Gotham.S01E19.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11728: 2024-07-30 05:18:28.637 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1/Gotham.S01E20.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11746: 2024-07-30 05:18:34.912 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1/Gotham.S01E21.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11763: 2024-07-30 05:18:41.903 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 1/Gotham.S01E22.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11780: 2024-07-30 05:18:46.694 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11788: 2024-07-30 05:18:47.527 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2/Gotham.S02E01.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11817: 2024-07-30 05:20:49.448 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2/Gotham.S02E02.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11845: 2024-07-30 05:21:09.057 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2/Gotham.S02E03.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11868: 2024-07-30 05:22:52.945 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2/Gotham.S02E04.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11897: 2024-07-30 05:24:15.871 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2/Gotham.S02E05.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11922: 2024-07-30 05:24:31.848 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2/Gotham.S02E06.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11942: 2024-07-30 05:24:40.077 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2/Gotham.S02E07.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11960: 2024-07-30 05:24:45.612 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2/Gotham.S02E08.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11977: 2024-07-30 05:24:49.844 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2/Gotham.S02E09.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 11993: 2024-07-30 05:24:54.885 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2/Gotham.S02E10.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12017: 2024-07-30 05:26:13.737 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2/Gotham.S02E11.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12044: 2024-07-30 05:26:23.615 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2/Gotham.S02E12.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12065: 2024-07-30 05:26:31.910 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2/Gotham.S02E13.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12077: 2024-07-30 05:27:36.544 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 987ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line 12096: 2024-07-30 05:28:53.088 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2/Gotham.S02E14.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12127: 2024-07-30 05:29:15.363 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2/Gotham.S02E15.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12151: 2024-07-30 05:29:23.491 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2/Gotham.S02E16.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12169: 2024-07-30 05:30:27.801 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 826ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line 12171: 2024-07-30 05:30:29.772 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2/Gotham.S02E17.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12194: 2024-07-30 05:30:47.096 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2/Gotham.S02E18.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12212: 2024-07-30 05:30:53.420 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2/Gotham.S02E19.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12229: 2024-07-30 05:30:58.708 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2/Gotham.S02E20.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12246: 2024-07-30 05:31:03.286 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2/Gotham.S02E21.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12262: 2024-07-30 05:31:09.904 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 2/Gotham.S02E22.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12279: 2024-07-30 05:31:15.074 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 3 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12285: 2024-07-30 05:31:15.697 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 3/Gotham.S03E01.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12309: 2024-07-30 05:31:22.766 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 3/Gotham.S03E02.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12327: 2024-07-30 05:32:32.111 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 3/Gotham.S03E03.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12357: 2024-07-30 05:34:16.002 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 3/Gotham.S03E04.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12381: 2024-07-30 05:34:28.528 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 3/Gotham.S03E05.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12401: 2024-07-30 05:34:36.036 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 3/Gotham.S03E06.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12418: 2024-07-30 05:34:40.871 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 3/Gotham.S03E07.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12436: 2024-07-30 05:34:44.574 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 3/Gotham.S03E08.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12458: 2024-07-30 05:36:51.329 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 3/Gotham.S03E09.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12481: 2024-07-30 05:37:05.471 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 3/Gotham.S03E10.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12499: 2024-07-30 05:37:11.779 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 3/Gotham.S03E11.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12517: 2024-07-30 05:37:16.536 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 3/Gotham.S03E12.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12534: 2024-07-30 05:37:22.580 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 3/Gotham.S03E13.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12550: 2024-07-30 05:37:26.648 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 3/Gotham.S03E14.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12569: 2024-07-30 05:38:43.239 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 3/Gotham.S03E15.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12590: 2024-07-30 05:38:51.454 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 3/Gotham.S03E16.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12613: 2024-07-30 05:40:10.251 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 3/Gotham.S03E17.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12644: 2024-07-30 05:40:25.573 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 3/Gotham.S03E18.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12666: 2024-07-30 05:41:34.098 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 3/Gotham.S03E19.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12691: 2024-07-30 05:41:48.911 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 3/Gotham.S03E20.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12736: 2024-07-30 05:43:05.645 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 3/Gotham.S03E21-E22.1080p.10bit.BluRay.5.1.x265.HEVC-MZABI.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12767: 2024-07-30 05:44:34.218 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12776: 2024-07-30 05:44:36.345 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4/Gotham.S04E01.720p.BluRay.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12804: 2024-07-30 05:46:00.042 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4/Gotham.S04E02.720p.BluRay.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12831: 2024-07-30 05:46:14.767 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4/Gotham.S04E03.720p.BluRay.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12852: 2024-07-30 05:46:20.377 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4/Gotham.S04E04.720p.BluRay.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12869: 2024-07-30 05:46:23.581 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4/Gotham.S04E05.720p.BluRay.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12887: 2024-07-30 05:46:28.042 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4/Gotham.S04E06.720p.BluRay.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12903: 2024-07-30 05:46:31.881 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4/Gotham.S04E07.720p.BluRay.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12922: 2024-07-30 05:46:37.720 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4/Gotham.S04E08.720p.BluRay.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12940: 2024-07-30 05:46:42.823 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4/Gotham.S04E09.720p.BluRay.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 12959: 2024-07-30 05:47:50.722 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4/Gotham.S04E10.720p.BluRay.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13060: 2024-07-30 05:48:32.640 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4/Gotham.S04E11.720p.BluRay.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13080: 2024-07-30 05:48:40.444 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4/Gotham.S04E12.720p.BluRay.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13119: 2024-07-30 05:49:40.381 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4/Gotham.S04E13.720p.BluRay.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13143: 2024-07-30 05:49:51.982 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4/Gotham.S04E14.720p.BluRay.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13160: 2024-07-30 05:49:58.835 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4/Gotham.S04E15.720p.BluRay.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13176: 2024-07-30 05:50:04.478 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4/Gotham.S04E16.720p.BluRay.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13193: 2024-07-30 05:50:09.725 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4/Gotham.S04E17.720p.BluRay.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13219: 2024-07-30 05:51:19.803 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4/Gotham.S04E18.720p.BluRay.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13242: 2024-07-30 05:52:33.414 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4/Gotham.S04E19.720p.BluRay.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13262: 2024-07-30 05:52:45.115 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4/Gotham.S04E20.720p.BluRay.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13280: 2024-07-30 05:52:51.781 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4/Gotham.S04E21.720p.BluRay.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13297: 2024-07-30 05:52:57.357 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 4/Gotham.S04E22.720p.BluRay.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13313: 2024-07-30 05:53:04.075 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 5 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13323: 2024-07-30 05:53:05.589 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 5/Gotham.S05E01.Year.Zero.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13345: 2024-07-30 05:53:13.148 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 5/Gotham.S05E02.Trespassers.720p.NF.WEB-DL.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13363: 2024-07-30 05:53:21.227 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 5/Gotham.S05E03.Penguin.Our.Hero.720p.NF.WEB-DL.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13380: 2024-07-30 05:53:26.280 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 5/Gotham.S05E04.Ruin.720p.NF.WEB-DL.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13401: 2024-07-30 05:54:33.806 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 5/Gotham.S05E05.Pena.Dura.720p.NF.WEB-DL.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13431: 2024-07-30 05:55:53.188 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 5/Gotham.S05E06.13.Stitches.720p.NF.WEB-DL.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13458: 2024-07-30 05:56:09.223 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 5/Gotham.S05E07.Ace.Chemicals.720p.NF.WEB-DL.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13478: 2024-07-30 05:57:24.786 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 5/Gotham.S05E08.Nothing's.Shockin.720p.NF.WEB-DL.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13501: 2024-07-30 05:57:34.953 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 5/Gotham.S05E09.The.Trial.of.Jim.Gordon.720p.NF.WEB-DL.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13517: 2024-07-30 05:57:40.817 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 5/Gotham.S05E10.I.Am.Bane.720p.NF.WEB-DL.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13534: 2024-07-30 05:57:46.376 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 5/Gotham.S05E11.They.Did.What.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13555: 2024-07-30 05:59:02.947 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham [Ended]/Season 5/Gotham.S05E12.The.Beginning.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.x265-HETeam.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13593: 2024-07-30 05:59:18.323 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham Knights [Cancelled] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13612: 2024-07-30 05:59:23.685 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham Knights [Cancelled]/Season 1 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13619: 2024-07-30 05:59:24.738 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham Knights [Cancelled]/Season 1/Gotham.Knights.S01E01.Pilot.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-FLUX.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13640: 2024-07-30 05:59:30.896 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham Knights [Cancelled]/Season 1/Gotham.Knights.S01E02.Scene.of.the.Crime.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-NTb.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13655: 2024-07-30 05:59:33.943 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham Knights [Cancelled]/Season 1/Gotham.Knights.S01E03.Under.Pressure.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-FLUX.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13669: 2024-07-30 05:59:36.506 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham Knights [Cancelled]/Season 1/gotham.knights.s01e04.1080p.web.h264-ggwp.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13683: 2024-07-30 05:59:38.973 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham Knights [Cancelled]/Season 1/Gotham.Knights.S01E05.1080p.WEB.h264-ELEANOR[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13698: 2024-07-30 05:59:42.244 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham Knights [Cancelled]/Season 1/Gotham.Knights.S01E06.1080p.WEB.h264-ELEANOR[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13712: 2024-07-30 05:59:45.957 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham Knights [Cancelled]/Season 1/Gotham.Knights.S01E07.1080p.WEB.h264-ELEANOR.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13727: 2024-07-30 05:59:48.908 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham Knights [Cancelled]/Season 1/gotham.knights.s01e08.1080p.web.h264-cakes[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13859:       at Emby.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2[TItemType,TIdType].ExecuteRemoteProviders (MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers.MetadataResult`1[T] temp, MediaBrowser.Model.Configuration.LibraryOptions libraryOptions, System.String logName, TIdType id, MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers.IRemoteMetadataProvider`2[TItemType,TIdType][] providers, MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers.MetadataRefreshOptions options, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x00146] in <5fe95be693194ddcbd71be16078d00c8>:0 
    Line 13879: 2024-07-30 06:00:31.150 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham Knights [Cancelled]/Season 1/Gotham.Knights.S01E09.1080p.WEB.h264-ELEANOR[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13900: 2024-07-30 06:00:39.123 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham Knights [Cancelled]/Season 1/Gotham.Knights.S01E10.1080p.WEB.h264-ELEANOR.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13917: 2024-07-30 06:00:44.351 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham Knights [Cancelled]/Season 1/Gotham.Knights.S01E11.1080p.WEB.h264-EDITH.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13935: 2024-07-30 06:00:49.328 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham Knights [Cancelled]/Season 1/Gotham.Knights.S01E12.1080p.WEB.h264-ELEANOR[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13952: 2024-07-30 06:01:56.653 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Gotham Knights [Cancelled]/Season 1/Gotham.Knights.S01E13.1080p.WEB.h264-ELEANOR[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 13976: 2024-07-30 06:02:10.747 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Griselda [Ended] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14000: 2024-07-30 06:02:19.864 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Griselda [Ended]/Griselda.S01E01.1080p.WEB.H264-IncredibleAquamarineReindeerOfDemocracy.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14033: 2024-07-30 06:03:38.280 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Griselda [Ended]/Griselda.S01E02.1080p.WEB.H264-AromaticClamOfFlawlessCamouflage.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14052: 2024-07-30 06:03:44.799 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Griselda [Ended]/Griselda.S01E03.1080p.WEB.H264-IncredibleAquamarineReindeerOfDemocracy.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14069: 2024-07-30 06:03:49.709 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Griselda [Ended]/Griselda.S01E04.1080p.WEB.H264-IncredibleAquamarineReindeerOfDemocracy.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14087: 2024-07-30 06:05:02.904 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Griselda [Ended]/Griselda.S01E05.1080p.WEB.H264-IncredibleAquamarineReindeerOfDemocracy.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14111: 2024-07-30 06:05:18.481 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Griselda [Ended]/Griselda.S01E06.1080p.WEB.H264-IncredibleAquamarineReindeerOfDemocracy.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14136: 2024-07-30 06:07:40.046 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Our Flag Means Death [Cancelled] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14163: 2024-07-30 06:07:54.073 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Our Flag Means Death [Cancelled]/Season 1 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14171: 2024-07-30 06:07:55.651 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Our Flag Means Death [Cancelled]/Season 1/Our.Flag.Means.Death.S01E01.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re].mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14202: 2024-07-30 06:08:07.858 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Our Flag Means Death [Cancelled]/Season 1/Our.Flag.Means.Death.S01E02.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re].mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14226: 2024-07-30 06:08:14.859 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Our Flag Means Death [Cancelled]/Season 1/Our.Flag.Means.Death.S01E03.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re].mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14244: 2024-07-30 06:08:20.665 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Our Flag Means Death [Cancelled]/Season 1/Our.Flag.Means.Death.S01E04.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re].mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14260: 2024-07-30 06:08:26.066 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Our Flag Means Death [Cancelled]/Season 1/Our.Flag.Means.Death.S01E05.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re].mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14275: 2024-07-30 06:08:29.851 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Our Flag Means Death [Cancelled]/Season 1/Our.Flag.Means.Death.S01E06.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re].mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14293: 2024-07-30 06:09:47.376 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Our Flag Means Death [Cancelled]/Season 1/Our.Flag.Means.Death.S01E07.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re].mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14325: 2024-07-30 06:10:06.974 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Our Flag Means Death [Cancelled]/Season 1/Our.Flag.Means.Death.S01E08.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re].mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14346: 2024-07-30 06:10:14.973 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Our Flag Means Death [Cancelled]/Season 1/Our.Flag.Means.Death.S01E09.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re].mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14364: 2024-07-30 06:10:19.920 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Our Flag Means Death [Cancelled]/Season 1/Our.Flag.Means.Death.S01E10.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re].mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14380: 2024-07-30 06:10:24.452 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Our Flag Means Death [Cancelled]/Season 2 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14387: 2024-07-30 06:10:25.247 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Our Flag Means Death [Cancelled]/Season 2/Our.Flag.Means.Death.S02E01.1080p.WEB.h264-ETHEL[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14406: 2024-07-30 06:10:32.116 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Our Flag Means Death [Cancelled]/Season 2/Our.Flag.Means.Death.S02E02.Red.Flags.1080p.MAX.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.Atmos.H.264-FLUX.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14420: 2024-07-30 06:10:37.051 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Our Flag Means Death [Cancelled]/Season 2/Our.Flag.Means.Death.S02E03.The.Innkeeper.1080p.MAX.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.Atmos.H.264-FLUX.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14436: 2024-07-30 06:11:47.000 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Our Flag Means Death [Cancelled]/Season 2/our.flag.means.death.s02e04.1080p.web.h264-successfulcrab[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14457: 2024-07-30 06:11:59.893 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Our Flag Means Death [Cancelled]/Season 2/our.flag.means.death.s02e05.1080p.web.h264-successfulcrab[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14474: 2024-07-30 06:12:07.015 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Our Flag Means Death [Cancelled]/Season 2/our.flag.means.death.s02e06.1080p.web.h264-successfulcrab.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14494: 2024-07-30 06:12:13.715 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Our Flag Means Death [Cancelled]/Season 2/our.flag.means.death.s02e07.1080p.web.h264-successfulcrab.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14508: 2024-07-30 06:12:19.255 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Our Flag Means Death [Cancelled]/Season 2/our.flag.means.death.s02e08.1080p.web.h264-successfulcrab.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14522: 2024-07-30 06:12:24.343 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Eric [Ended] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14614:       at Emby.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2[TItemType,TIdType].ExecuteRemoteProviders (MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers.MetadataResult`1[T] temp, MediaBrowser.Model.Configuration.LibraryOptions libraryOptions, System.String logName, TIdType id, MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers.IRemoteMetadataProvider`2[TItemType,TIdType][] providers, MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers.MetadataRefreshOptions options, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x00146] in <5fe95be693194ddcbd71be16078d00c8>:0 
    Line 14684: 2024-07-30 06:13:23.659 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Eric [Ended]/Eric.2024.S01E01.1080p.WEB.H264-NHTFS.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14716: 2024-07-30 06:14:50.890 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Eric [Ended]/Eric.2024.S01E02.1080p.WEB.H264-NHTFS.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14747: 2024-07-30 06:17:12.154 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Eric [Ended]/Eric.2024.S01E03.1080p.WEB.H264-NHTFS.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14771: 2024-07-30 06:17:24.955 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Eric [Ended]/Eric.2024.S01E04.1080p.WEB.H264-NHTFS.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14787: 2024-07-30 06:17:29.936 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Eric [Ended]/Eric.2024.S01E05.1080p.WEB.H264-NHTFS.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14801: 2024-07-30 06:17:33.022 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Eric [Ended]/Eric.2024.S01E06.1080p.WEB.H264-NHTFS.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14831: 2024-07-30 06:17:40.344 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14851: 2024-07-30 06:17:46.432 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 1 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14859: 2024-07-30 06:17:48.414 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 1/Hanna.S01E01.720p.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14880: 2024-07-30 06:17:53.072 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 1/Hanna.S01E02.720p.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14895: 2024-07-30 06:17:56.547 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 1/Hanna.S01E03.720p.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14909: 2024-07-30 06:17:58.958 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 1/Hanna.S01E04.720p.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14927: 2024-07-30 06:19:18.974 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 1/Hanna.S01E05.720p.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14951: 2024-07-30 06:19:34.816 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 1/Hanna.S01E06.720p.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14968: 2024-07-30 06:19:39.008 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 1/Hanna.S01E07.720p.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 14988: 2024-07-30 06:20:54.682 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 1/Hanna.S01E08.720p.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15006: 2024-07-30 06:21:00.080 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 2 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15013: 2024-07-30 06:21:01.251 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 2/Hanna.S02E01.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15036: 2024-07-30 06:21:12.242 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 2/Hanna.S02E02.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15056: 2024-07-30 06:21:20.586 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 2/Hanna.S02E03.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15071: 2024-07-30 06:22:28.201 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 884ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line 15073: 2024-07-30 06:22:32.072 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 2/Hanna.S02E04.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15097: 2024-07-30 06:22:44.782 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 2/Hanna.S02E05.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15113: 2024-07-30 06:24:21.176 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 1380ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line 15117: 2024-07-30 06:24:25.699 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 2/Hanna.S02E06.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15146: 2024-07-30 06:24:44.361 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 2/Hanna.S02E07.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15162: 2024-07-30 06:24:49.848 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 2/Hanna.S02E08.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15180: 2024-07-30 06:24:54.218 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 3 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15188: 2024-07-30 06:24:56.154 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 3/Hanna.S03E01.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15207: 2024-07-30 06:25:00.642 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 3/Hanna.S03E02.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15222: 2024-07-30 06:26:09.315 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 886ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line 15224: 2024-07-30 06:26:11.490 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 3/Hanna.S03E03.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15254: 2024-07-30 06:26:27.534 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 3/Hanna.S03E04.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15263: 2024-07-30 06:27:42.456 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 1499ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line 15278: 2024-07-30 06:27:48.717 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 3/Hanna.S03E05.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15302: 2024-07-30 06:29:11.489 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hanna [Ended]/Season 3/Hanna.S03E06.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15323: 2024-07-30 06:29:17.063 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15344: 2024-07-30 06:29:24.516 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 1 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15353: 2024-07-30 06:29:26.354 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 1/Harrow.S01E01.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15459: 2024-07-30 06:30:26.367 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 1/Harrow.S01E02.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15479: 2024-07-30 06:30:37.914 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 1/Harrow.S01E03.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15501: 2024-07-30 06:31:51.624 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 1/Harrow.S01E04.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15522: 2024-07-30 06:32:06.273 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 1/Harrow.S01E05.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15540: 2024-07-30 06:32:13.016 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 1/Harrow.S01E06.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15555: 2024-07-30 06:32:17.937 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 1/Harrow.S01E07.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15570: 2024-07-30 06:33:18.737 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 1/Harrow.S01E08.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15594: 2024-07-30 06:34:41.232 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 1/Harrow.S01E09.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15624: 2024-07-30 06:36:06.510 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 1/Harrow.S01E10.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15646: 2024-07-30 06:36:17.670 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 2 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15656: 2024-07-30 06:36:20.023 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 2/Harrow.S02E01.720p.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15679: 2024-07-30 06:36:28.149 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 2/Harrow.S02E02.720p.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15696: 2024-07-30 06:36:34.731 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 2/Harrow.S02E03.720p.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15711: 2024-07-30 06:36:39.310 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 2/Harrow.S02E04.720p.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15725: 2024-07-30 06:36:43.666 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 2/Harrow.S02E05.720p.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15739: 2024-07-30 06:36:47.818 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 2/Harrow.S02E06.720p.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15753: 2024-07-30 06:36:53.344 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 2/Harrow.S02E07.720p.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15768: 2024-07-30 06:36:57.498 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 2/Harrow.S02E08.720p.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15782: 2024-07-30 06:37:01.974 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 2/Harrow.S02E09.720p.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15798: 2024-07-30 06:38:17.048 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 2/Harrow.S02E10.720p.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15826: 2024-07-30 06:38:32.826 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 3 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15834: 2024-07-30 06:38:34.348 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 3/Harrow S03E01 Marta Semper Cerva Est.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15856: 2024-07-30 06:38:42.553 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 3/Harrow S03E02 Damnant Quod Non Intellegunt.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15870: 2024-07-30 06:38:47.396 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 3/Harrow S03E03 Tarde Venientibus Ossa.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15885: 2024-07-30 06:38:51.076 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 3/Harrow S03E04 Per Stirpes.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 15966: 2024-07-30 06:40:19.873 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 3/Harrow S03E05 Ut Biberent Quoniam Esse Nollent.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16013: 2024-07-30 06:40:32.768 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 3/Harrow S03E06 Ne Puero Gladium.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16065: 2024-07-30 06:40:42.672 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 3/Harrow S03E07 Sola Dosis Facit Venemum.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16090: 2024-07-30 06:40:48.298 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 3/Harrow S03E08 Alea Iacta Est.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16106: 2024-07-30 06:40:52.426 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 3/Harrow S03E09 Quam Innocentum Damnari.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16122: 2024-07-30 06:40:57.192 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Harrow [Ended]/Season 3/Harrow S03E10 Ab Initio.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16137: 2024-07-30 06:41:02.223 Debug App: Refreshing Folder /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16139: 2024-07-30 06:41:03.203 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes Reborn [Ended] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16191: 2024-07-30 06:42:23.909 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes Reborn [Ended]/Heroes.Reborn.S01E01E02.720p.BluRay.x264.ShAaNiG.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16312: 2024-07-30 06:43:20.173 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes Reborn [Ended]/Heroes.Reborn.S01E03.720p.BluRay.x264.ShAaNiG.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16352: 2024-07-30 06:45:37.472 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes Reborn [Ended]/Heroes.Reborn.S01E04.720p.BluRay.x264.ShAaNiG.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16379: 2024-07-30 06:45:56.780 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes Reborn [Ended]/Heroes.Reborn.S01E05.720p.BluRay.x264.ShAaNiG.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16399: 2024-07-30 06:46:04.347 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes Reborn [Ended]/Heroes.Reborn.S01E06.720p.BluRay.x264.ShAaNiG.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16417: 2024-07-30 06:46:09.907 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes Reborn [Ended]/Heroes.Reborn.S01E07.720p.BluRay.x264.ShAaNiG.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16435: 2024-07-30 06:46:16.895 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes Reborn [Ended]/Heroes.Reborn.S01E08.720p.BluRay.x264.ShAaNiG.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16452: 2024-07-30 06:46:22.626 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes Reborn [Ended]/Heroes.Reborn.S01E09.720p.BluRay.x264.ShAaNiG.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16475: 2024-07-30 06:47:40.189 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes Reborn [Ended]/Heroes.Reborn.S01E10.720p.BluRay.x264.ShAaNiG.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16509: 2024-07-30 06:47:58.470 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes Reborn [Ended]/Heroes.Reborn.S01E11.720p.BluRay.x264.ShAaNiG.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16541: 2024-07-30 06:49:13.864 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes Reborn [Ended]/Heroes.Reborn.S01E12.720p.BluRay.x264.ShAaNiG.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16572: 2024-07-30 06:49:32.266 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes Reborn [Ended]/Heroes.Reborn.S01E13.720p.BluRay.x264.ShAaNiG.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16592: 2024-07-30 06:49:40.350 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16613: 2024-07-30 06:49:50.217 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16622: 2024-07-30 06:49:51.771 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E01 Genesis (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16644: 2024-07-30 06:49:59.388 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E02 Don't Look Back (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16659: 2024-07-30 06:50:06.149 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E03 One Giant Leap (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16678: 2024-07-30 06:50:12.294 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E04 Collision (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16693: 2024-07-30 06:50:18.194 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E05 Hiros (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16707: 2024-07-30 06:50:21.708 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E06 Better Halves (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16723: 2024-07-30 06:51:31.962 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E07 Nothing to Hide (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16752: 2024-07-30 06:51:52.132 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E08 Seven Minutes to Midnight (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16769: 2024-07-30 06:51:58.484 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E09 Homecoming (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16783: 2024-07-30 06:52:03.377 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E10 Six Months Ago (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16804: 2024-07-30 06:53:12.759 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E11 Fallout (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16822: 2024-07-30 06:53:21.160 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E12 Godsend (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16839: 2024-07-30 06:53:28.668 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E13 The Fix (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16890: 2024-07-30 06:54:35.562 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E14 Distractions (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16909: 2024-07-30 06:54:44.917 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E15 Run (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16926: 2024-07-30 06:55:50.118 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 1920ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line 16944: 2024-07-30 06:57:13.884 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E16 Unexpected (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16970: 2024-07-30 06:57:55.270 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E17 Company Man (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 16990: 2024-07-30 06:58:04.257 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E18 Parasite (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17006: 2024-07-30 06:58:10.058 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E19 .07% (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17020: 2024-07-30 06:58:15.525 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E20 Five Years Gone (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17035: 2024-07-30 06:58:21.193 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E21 The Hard Part (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17049: 2024-07-30 06:58:24.982 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E22 Landslide (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17063: 2024-07-30 06:58:29.962 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 1/Heroes S01E23 How to Stop an Exploding Man (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17077: 2024-07-30 06:58:34.127 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 2 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17083: 2024-07-30 06:58:34.783 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 2/Heroes S02E01 Four Months Later... (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17104: 2024-07-30 06:59:42.871 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 2/Heroes S02E02 Lizards (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17127: 2024-07-30 06:59:59.448 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 2/Heroes S02E03 Kindred (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17145: 2024-07-30 07:00:09.354 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 2/Heroes S02E04 The Kindness of Strangers (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17160: 2024-07-30 07:00:15.017 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 2/Heroes S02E05 Fight or Flight (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17176: 2024-07-30 07:00:21.493 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 2/Heroes S02E06 The Line (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17192: 2024-07-30 07:00:28.448 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 2/Heroes S02E07 Out of Time (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17206: 2024-07-30 07:00:33.469 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 2/Heroes S02E08 Four Months Ago... (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17220: 2024-07-30 07:00:38.699 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 2/Heroes S02E09 Cautionary Tales (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17237: 2024-07-30 07:00:46.719 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 2/Heroes S02E10 Truth & Consequences (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17284: 2024-07-30 07:01:51.396 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 2/Heroes S02E11 Powerless (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17309: 2024-07-30 07:02:05.895 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17315: 2024-07-30 07:02:19.263 Debug TaskManager: IntervalTrigger fired for task: Refresh Internet Channels
    Line 17316: 2024-07-30 07:02:19.423 Debug TaskManager: Queueing task RefreshChannelsScheduledTask
    Line 17317: 2024-07-30 07:02:19.426 Debug TaskManager: Executing Refresh Internet Channels
    Line 17319: 2024-07-30 07:03:06.552 Debug TaskManager: Refresh Internet Channels Completed after 0 minute(s) and 47 seconds
    Line 17320: 2024-07-30 07:03:08.242 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E01 The Second Coming (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17353: 2024-07-30 07:03:30.449 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E02 The Butterfly Effect (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17369: 2024-07-30 07:03:38.784 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E03 One of Us, One of Them (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17387: 2024-07-30 07:04:54.033 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E04 I Am Become Death (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17408: 2024-07-30 07:05:03.010 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E05 Angels and Monsters (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17423: 2024-07-30 07:05:08.914 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E06 Dying of the Light (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17438: 2024-07-30 07:06:21.365 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E07 Eris Quod Sum (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17460: 2024-07-30 07:06:31.625 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E08 Villians (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17478: 2024-07-30 07:06:37.994 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E09 It's Coming (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17492: 2024-07-30 07:06:42.359 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E10 The Eclipse Part I (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17506: 2024-07-30 07:06:46.472 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E11 The Eclipse Part II (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17521: 2024-07-30 07:06:51.779 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E12 Our Father (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17535: 2024-07-30 07:06:56.082 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E13 Dual (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17549: 2024-07-30 07:06:59.477 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E14 A Clear and Present Danger (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17564: 2024-07-30 07:07:03.631 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E15 Trust and Blood (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17578: 2024-07-30 07:07:08.011 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E16 Building 26 (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17591: 2024-07-30 07:08:21.605 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 1827ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line 17594: 2024-07-30 07:08:27.119 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E17 Cold Wars (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17616: 2024-07-30 07:08:39.315 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E18 Exposed (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17632: 2024-07-30 07:08:44.491 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E19 Shades of Grey (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17647: 2024-07-30 07:08:49.150 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E20 Cold Snap (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17665: 2024-07-30 07:10:13.611 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E21 Into Asylum (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17687: 2024-07-30 07:10:25.519 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E22 Turn and Face the Strange (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17705: 2024-07-30 07:10:33.799 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E23 1961 (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17719: 2024-07-30 07:10:38.000 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E24 I Am Sylar (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17734: 2024-07-30 07:10:41.578 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 3/Heroes S03E25 An Invisible Thread (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17748: 2024-07-30 07:10:45.576 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17754: 2024-07-30 07:10:46.221 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 4/Heroes S04E01-E02 Orientation (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17768: 2024-07-30 07:11:29.670 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 1152ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IndexNumber,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ParentIndexNumber,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.RunTimeTicks,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.SeriesName,A.Album,A.AlbumId,A.SeriesId,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,A.ThreeDFormat,A.RemoteTrailers,A.SortIndexNumber,A.SortParentIndexNumber,A.IndexNumberEnd,UserDatas.IsFavorite,UserDatas.Played,UserDatas.PlayCount,UserDatas.PlaybackPositionTicks,UserDatas.LastPlayedDateInt,UserDatas.AudioStreamIndex,UserDatas.SubtitleStreamIndex,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A left join UserDatas on A.UserDataKeyId=UserDatas.UserDataKeyId And UserDatas.UserId=1 where A.Type in (8,7) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 AND A.Id in (152026,152027,152028,152029,152030,152031,151972)
    Line 17779: 2024-07-30 07:11:39.772 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 4/Heroes S04E03 Ink (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17800: 2024-07-30 07:12:01.056 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 4/Heroes S04E04 Acceptance (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17821: 2024-07-30 07:12:11.870 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 4/Heroes S04E05 Hysterical Blindness (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17839: 2024-07-30 07:12:19.787 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 4/Heroes S04E06 Tabula Rasa (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17854: 2024-07-30 07:13:39.033 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 817ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line 17858: 2024-07-30 07:13:43.190 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 4/Heroes S04E07 Strange Attractors (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17881: 2024-07-30 07:13:54.604 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 4/Heroes S04E08 Once Upon a Time in Texas (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17897: 2024-07-30 07:14:00.280 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 4/Heroes S04E09 Shadowboxing (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17915: 2024-07-30 07:15:06.919 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 4/Heroes S04E10 Brother's Keeper (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17945: 2024-07-30 07:16:31.518 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 4/Heroes S04E11 Thanksgiving (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17963: 2024-07-30 07:16:37.598 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 4/Heroes S04E12 The Fifth Stage (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17980: 2024-07-30 07:16:42.826 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 4/Heroes S04E13 Upon This Rock (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 17995: 2024-07-30 07:16:47.592 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 4/Heroes S04E14 Let It Bleed (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18021: 2024-07-30 07:18:00.419 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 4/Heroes S04E15 Close to You (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18042: 2024-07-30 07:18:17.790 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 4/Heroes S04E16 Pass Fail (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18064: 2024-07-30 07:19:32.717 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 4/Heroes S04E17 The Art Of Deception (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18089: 2024-07-30 07:19:45.750 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 4/Heroes S04E18 The Wall (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18105: 2024-07-30 07:19:50.382 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Heroes Collection/Heroes [Cancelled]/Season 4/Heroes S04E19 Brave New World (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18123: 2024-07-30 07:21:05.751 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Hijack [Ended] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18145: 2024-07-30 07:21:19.873 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hijack [Ended]/Hijack (2023) - S01E01 - Final Call (1080p ATVP WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18184: 2024-07-30 07:22:49.095 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hijack [Ended]/Hijack (2023) - S01E02 - 3 Degrees (1080p ATVP WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18206: 2024-07-30 07:23:01.958 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hijack [Ended]/Hijack (2023) - S01E03 - Draw a Blank (1080p ATVP WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18233: 2024-07-30 07:24:30.732 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hijack [Ended]/Hijack (2023) - S01E04 - Not Responding (1080p ATVP WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18252: 2024-07-30 07:24:43.458 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hijack [Ended]/Hijack (2023) - S01E05 - Less Than an Hour (1080p ATVP WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18276: 2024-07-30 07:28:00.752 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hijack [Ended]/Hijack (2023) - S01E06 - Comply Slowly (1080p ATVP WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18302: 2024-07-30 07:28:21.994 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hijack [Ended]/Hijack (2023) - S01E07 - Brace Brace Brace (1080p ATVP WEB-DL x265 Silence).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18355: 2024-07-30 07:29:53.782 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Hollywood [Ended] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18377: 2024-07-30 07:30:03.535 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hollywood [Ended]/Hollywood - S01E01 - Hooray for Hollywood.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18403: 2024-07-30 07:30:10.735 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hollywood [Ended]/Hollywood - S01E02 - Hooray for Hollywood - Part 2.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18473: 2024-07-30 07:31:04.457 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hollywood [Ended]/Hollywood - S01E03 - Outlaws.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18495: 2024-07-30 07:32:32.967 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hollywood [Ended]/Hollywood - S01E04 - (Screen) Tests.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18514: 2024-07-30 07:33:50.696 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 6729ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line 18532: 2024-07-30 07:34:03.139 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hollywood [Ended]/Hollywood - S01E05 - Jump.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18555: 2024-07-30 07:34:12.144 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hollywood [Ended]/Hollywood - S01E06 - Meg.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18574: 2024-07-30 07:35:25.069 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Hollywood [Ended]/Hollywood - S01E07 - A Hollywood Ending.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18608: 2024-07-30 07:36:58.743 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18632: 2024-07-30 07:37:07.054 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18639: 2024-07-30 07:37:08.389 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1/How I Met Your Mother S01E01 Pilot (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18683: 2024-07-30 07:38:32.769 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 811ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line 18685: 2024-07-30 07:38:35.523 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1/How I Met Your Mother S01E02 Purple Giraffe (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18711: 2024-07-30 07:38:53.725 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1/How I Met Your Mother S01E03 Sweet Taste of Liberty (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18729: 2024-07-30 07:38:59.022 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1/How I Met Your Mother S01E04 Return of the Shirt (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18746: 2024-07-30 07:39:03.527 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1/How I Met Your Mother S01E05 Okay Awesome (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18763: 2024-07-30 07:39:07.784 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1/How I Met Your Mother S01E06 Slutty Pumpkin (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18782: 2024-07-30 07:40:29.418 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1/How I Met Your Mother S01E07 Matchmaker (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18817: 2024-07-30 07:40:50.516 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1/How I Met Your Mother S01E08 The Duel (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18838: 2024-07-30 07:40:56.801 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1/How I Met Your Mother S01E09 Belly Full of Turkey (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18862: 2024-07-30 07:41:01.108 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1/How I Met Your Mother S01E10 The Pineapple Incident (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18879: 2024-07-30 07:41:05.269 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1/How I Met Your Mother S01E11 The Limo (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18898: 2024-07-30 07:42:14.551 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1/How I Met Your Mother S01E12 The Wedding (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18927: 2024-07-30 07:43:30.032 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1/How I Met Your Mother S01E13 Drumroll, Please (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18953: 2024-07-30 07:43:42.059 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1/How I Met Your Mother S01E14  Zip, Zip, Zip (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 18975: 2024-07-30 07:43:46.713 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1/How I Met Your Mother S01E15 Game Night (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19001: 2024-07-30 07:43:50.566 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1/How I Met Your Mother S01E16 Cupcake (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19020: 2024-07-30 07:43:55.463 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1/How I Met Your Mother S01E17 Life Among the Gorillas (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19036: 2024-07-30 07:43:58.246 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1/How I Met Your Mother S01E18 Nothing Good Happens After 2 A.M. (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19052: 2024-07-30 07:44:00.563 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1/How I Met Your Mother S01E19 Mary the Paralegal (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19068: 2024-07-30 07:44:03.553 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1/How I Met Your Mother S01E20 Best Prom Ever (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19085: 2024-07-30 07:44:07.244 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1/How I Met Your Mother S01E21 Milk (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19138:       at Emby.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2[TItemType,TIdType].ExecuteRemoteProviders (MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers.MetadataResult`1[T] temp, MediaBrowser.Model.Configuration.LibraryOptions libraryOptions, System.String logName, TIdType id, MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers.IRemoteMetadataProvider`2[TItemType,TIdType][] providers, MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers.MetadataRefreshOptions options, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x00146] in <5fe95be693194ddcbd71be16078d00c8>:0 
    Line 19158: 2024-07-30 07:44:51.978 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 1/How I Met Your Mother S01E22 Come On (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19181: 2024-07-30 07:44:59.679 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19188: 2024-07-30 07:45:01.860 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2/How I Met Your Mother S02E01 Where Were We (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19222: 2024-07-30 07:45:15.199 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2/How I Met Your Mother S02E02 The Scorpion and the Toad (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19252: 2024-07-30 07:46:24.316 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2/How I Met Your Mother S02E03 Brunch (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19279: 2024-07-30 07:47:45.743 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2/How I Met Your Mother S02E04 Ted Mosby Architect (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19307: 2024-07-30 07:48:02.593 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2/How I Met Your Mother S02E05 World's Greatest Couple (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19323: 2024-07-30 07:48:07.834 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2/How I Met Your Mother S02E06 Aldrin Justice (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19340: 2024-07-30 07:48:12.076 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2/How I Met Your Mother S02E07 Swarley (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19356: 2024-07-30 07:48:16.417 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2/How I Met Your Mother S02E08 Atlantic City (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19372: 2024-07-30 07:48:20.455 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2/How I Met Your Mother S02E09 Slap Bet (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19389: 2024-07-30 07:48:24.173 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2/How I Met Your Mother S02E10 Single Stamina (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19406: 2024-07-30 07:48:28.068 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2/How I Met Your Mother S02E11 How Lily Stole Christmas (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19423: 2024-07-30 07:48:32.173 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2/How I Met Your Mother S02E12 First Time in New York (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19439: 2024-07-30 07:48:35.722 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2/How I Met Your Mother S02E13 Columns (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19456: 2024-07-30 07:48:39.748 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2/How I Met Your Mother S02E14 Monday Night Football (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19475: 2024-07-30 07:49:55.964 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2/How I Met Your Mother S02E15 Lucky Penny (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19504: 2024-07-30 07:50:12.469 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2/How I Met Your Mother S02E16 Stuff (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19522: 2024-07-30 07:50:21.638 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2/How I Met Your Mother S02E17 Arrivederci, Fiero (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19538: 2024-07-30 07:50:24.375 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2/How I Met Your Mother S02E18 Moving Day (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19556: 2024-07-30 07:51:36.865 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2/How I Met Your Mother S02E19 Bachelor Party (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19584: 2024-07-30 07:51:48.151 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2/How I Met Your Mother S02E20 Showdown (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19602: 2024-07-30 07:51:56.271 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2/How I Met Your Mother S02E21 Something Borrowed (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19631: 2024-07-30 07:52:02.433 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 2/How I Met Your Mother S02E22 Something Blue (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19660: 2024-07-30 07:52:07.358 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 3 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19668: 2024-07-30 07:52:08.481 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 3/How I Met Your Mother S03E01 Wait for It (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19695: 2024-07-30 07:52:16.690 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 3/How I Met Your Mother S03E02 We're Not from Here (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19713: 2024-07-30 07:52:21.426 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 3/How I Met Your Mother S03E03 Third Wheel (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19732: 2024-07-30 07:52:26.465 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 3/How I Met Your Mother S03E04 Little Boys (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19748: 2024-07-30 07:52:29.276 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 3/How I Met Your Mother S03E05 How I Met Everyone Else (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19768: 2024-07-30 07:52:32.510 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 3/How I Met Your Mother S03E06 I'm Not That Guy (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19785: 2024-07-30 07:52:36.594 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 3/How I Met Your Mother S03E07 Dowisetrepla (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19803: 2024-07-30 07:52:40.848 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 3/How I Met Your Mother S03E08 Spoiler Alert (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19821: 2024-07-30 07:52:43.618 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 3/How I Met Your Mother S03E09 Slapsgiving (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19839: 2024-07-30 07:52:47.331 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 3/How I Met Your Mother S03E10 The Yips (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19862: 2024-07-30 07:53:59.680 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 3/How I Met Your Mother S03E11 The Platinum Rule (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19892: 2024-07-30 07:54:10.962 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 3/How I Met Your Mother S03E12 No Tomorrow (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19908: 2024-07-30 07:54:16.506 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 3/How I Met Your Mother S03E13 Ten Sessions (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19927: 2024-07-30 07:55:27.378 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 3/How I Met Your Mother S03E14 The Bracket (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19953: 2024-07-30 07:55:41.499 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 3/How I Met Your Mother S03E15 The Chain of Screaming (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19971: 2024-07-30 07:55:47.705 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 3/How I Met Your Mother S03E16 Sandcastles in the Sand (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 19987: 2024-07-30 07:55:51.696 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 3/How I Met Your Mother S03E17 The Goat (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20029: 2024-07-30 07:58:04.289 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 3/How I Met Your Mother S03E18 Rebound Bro (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20096: 2024-07-30 07:58:08.423 Debug TaskManager: IntervalTrigger fired for task: Refresh Emby Connect Data
    Line 20097: 2024-07-30 07:58:08.454 Debug TaskManager: Queueing task RefreshAuthorizationsScheduledTask
    Line 20098: 2024-07-30 07:58:08.454 Debug TaskManager: Executing Refresh Emby Connect Data
    Line 20100: 2024-07-30 07:58:09.570 Debug TaskManager: Refresh Emby Connect Data Completed after 0 minute(s) and 1 seconds
    Line 20117: 2024-07-30 07:58:18.910 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 3/How I Met Your Mother S03E19 Everything Must Go (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20138: 2024-07-30 07:58:27.249 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 3/How I Met Your Mother S03E20 Miracles (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20158: 2024-07-30 07:58:34.307 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20165: 2024-07-30 07:58:35.445 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E01 Do I Know You (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20194: 2024-07-30 07:59:51.919 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E02 The Best Burger in New York (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20218: 2024-07-30 08:00:07.190 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E03 I Heart NJ (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20238: 2024-07-30 08:00:12.557 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E04 Intervention (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20255: 2024-07-30 08:00:17.598 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E05 Shelter Island (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20271: 2024-07-30 08:00:22.222 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E06 Happily Ever After (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20288: 2024-07-30 08:00:26.799 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E07 Not a Fathers Day (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20305: 2024-07-30 08:00:29.971 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E08 Woooo (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20322: 2024-07-30 08:00:33.636 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E09 The Naked Man (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20339: 2024-07-30 08:00:38.824 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E10 The Fight (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20357: 2024-07-30 08:01:51.399 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E11 Little Minnesota (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20379: 2024-07-30 08:02:09.052 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E12 Benefits (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20397: 2024-07-30 08:02:14.516 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E13 Three Days of Snow (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20419: 2024-07-30 08:02:19.025 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E14 The Possimpible (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20436: 2024-07-30 08:02:22.708 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E15 The Stinsons (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20452: 2024-07-30 08:02:25.849 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E16 Sorry Bro (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20469: 2024-07-30 08:02:29.277 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E17 The Front Porch (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20485: 2024-07-30 08:02:31.792 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E18 Old King Clancy (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20502: 2024-07-30 08:02:35.802 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E19 Murtaugh (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20519: 2024-07-30 08:03:39.671 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 1043ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line 20521: 2024-07-30 08:03:42.280 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E20 Mosbius Designs (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20547: 2024-07-30 08:03:56.494 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E21 The Three Days Rule (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20578: 2024-07-30 08:04:02.678 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E22 Right Place Right Time (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20594: 2024-07-30 08:04:07.686 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E23 As Fast as She Can (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20611: 2024-07-30 08:04:12.234 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 4/How I Met Your Mother S04E24 The Leap (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20628: 2024-07-30 08:04:15.896 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20635: 2024-07-30 08:04:16.845 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E01 Definitions (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20660: 2024-07-30 08:05:25.803 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E02 Double Date (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20686: 2024-07-30 08:05:37.125 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E03 Robin 101 (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20707: 2024-07-30 08:05:41.814 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E04 The Sexless Innkeeper (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20724: 2024-07-30 08:05:45.688 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E05 Duel Citizenship (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20740: 2024-07-30 08:05:48.433 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E06 Bagpipes (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20756: 2024-07-30 08:05:51.314 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E07 The Rough Patch (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20773: 2024-07-30 08:05:56.275 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E08 The Playbook (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20791: 2024-07-30 08:06:02.091 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E09 Slapsgiving 2-Revenge of the Slap (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20813: 2024-07-30 08:06:11.253 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E10 The Window (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20829: 2024-07-30 08:06:14.521 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E11 The Last Cigarette Ever (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20852: 2024-07-30 08:07:27.879 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E12 Girls VS. Suits (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20874: 2024-07-30 08:07:36.707 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E13 Jenkins (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20905: 2024-07-30 08:08:19.787 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetItemList query time (slow 6x): 1248ms. Query: select A.type,A.Id,A.StartDate,A.EndDate,A.CommunityRating,A.CustomRating,A.IsLocked,A.PreferredMetadataLanguage,A.PreferredMetadataCountryCode,A.Width,A.Height,A.DateLastRefreshed,A.Name,A.Path,A.PremiereDate,A.Overview,A.ProductionYear,A.OfficialRating,A.SortName,A.Size,A.Container,A.DateCreated,A.DateModified,A.guid,A.ParentId,A.IsInMixedFolder,A.DateLastSaved,A.LockedFields,A.OriginalTitle,A.CriticRating,A.PresentationUniqueKey,A.Tagline,A.ProviderIds,A.Images,A.ProductionLocations,A.TotalBitrate,A.ExternalId,A.SeriesPresentationUniqueKey,(Select ShareLevel from UserItemShares join AncestorIds2 on AncestorIds2.AncestorId=UserItemShares.ItemId where UserItemShares.UserId=1 and UserItemShares.ShareLevel not null and AncestorIds2.ItemId=A.Id order by Distance limit 1) as ShareLevel from MediaItems A where A.Type in (4,32,31) AND Coalesce(ShareLevel, 0) > 0 ORDER BY A.SortName collate NATURALSORT ASC
    Line 20929:       at Emby.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2[TItemType,TIdType].ExecuteRemoteProviders (MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers.MetadataResult`1[T] temp, MediaBrowser.Model.Configuration.LibraryOptions libraryOptions, System.String logName, TIdType id, MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers.IRemoteMetadataProvider`2[TItemType,TIdType][] providers, MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers.MetadataRefreshOptions options, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x00146] in <5fe95be693194ddcbd71be16078d00c8>:0 
    Line 20948: 2024-07-30 08:08:28.509 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E14 Perfect Week (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20977: 2024-07-30 08:08:42.354 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E15 Rabbit or Duck (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 20995: 2024-07-30 08:08:47.776 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E16 Hooked (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21014: 2024-07-30 08:08:54.528 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E17 Of Course (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21031: 2024-07-30 08:08:58.496 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E18 Say Cheese (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21048: 2024-07-30 08:09:01.395 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E19 Zoo or False (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21106: 2024-07-30 08:09:04.963 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E20 Home Wreckers (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21129: 2024-07-30 08:09:10.241 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E21 Twin Beds (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21146: 2024-07-30 08:09:12.960 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E22 Robots vs. Wrestlers (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21163: 2024-07-30 08:09:17.202 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E23 The Wedding Bride (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21179: 2024-07-30 08:09:20.907 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 5/How I Met Your Mother S05E24 Doppelgangers (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21195: 2024-07-30 08:09:23.670 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21204: 2024-07-30 08:10:26.077 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E01 Big Days (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21242: 2024-07-30 08:10:49.529 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E02 Cleaning House (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21267: 2024-07-30 08:10:55.980 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E03 Unfinished (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21286: 2024-07-30 08:11:00.261 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E04 Subway Wars (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21360: 2024-07-30 08:12:16.579 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E05 Architect of Destruction (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21379: 2024-07-30 08:12:23.753 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E06 Baby Talk (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21399: 2024-07-30 08:12:30.293 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E07 Canning Randy (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21420: 2024-07-30 08:14:43.916 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E08 Natural History (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21448: 2024-07-30 08:15:01.613 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E09 Glitter (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21469: 2024-07-30 08:15:09.434 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E10 Blitzgiving (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21486: 2024-07-30 08:15:13.892 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E11 The Mermaid Theory (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21503: 2024-07-30 08:15:18.486 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E12 False Positive (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21520: 2024-07-30 08:15:21.576 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E13 Bad News (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21536: 2024-07-30 08:15:24.453 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E14 Last Words (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21552: 2024-07-30 08:15:28.914 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E15 Oh Honey (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21567: 2024-07-30 08:15:32.126 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E16 Desperation Day (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21583: 2024-07-30 08:15:35.974 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E17 Garbage Island (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21601: 2024-07-30 08:15:40.586 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E18 A Change of Heart (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21617: 2024-07-30 08:15:43.616 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E19 Legendaddy (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21633: 2024-07-30 08:15:47.482 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E20 The Exploding Meatball Sub (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21650: 2024-07-30 08:15:51.643 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E21 Hopeless (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21674: 2024-07-30 08:17:10.658 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E22 The Perfect Cocktail (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21695: 2024-07-30 08:17:19.702 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E23 Landmarks (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21713: 2024-07-30 08:17:25.186 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 6/How I Met Your Mother S06E24 Challenge Accepted (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21731: 2024-07-30 08:17:30.090 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21737: 2024-07-30 08:17:30.801 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E01 The Best Man (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21763: 2024-07-30 08:18:51.113 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E02 The Naked Truth (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21784: 2024-07-30 08:19:01.979 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E03 Ducky Tie (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21801: 2024-07-30 08:19:09.987 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E04 The Stinson Missile Crisis (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21832: 2024-07-30 08:20:18.397 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E05 Field Trip (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21858: 2024-07-30 08:20:29.731 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E06 Mystery vs. History (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21875: 2024-07-30 08:20:36.230 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E07 Noretta (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 21894: 2024-07-30 08:20:42.218 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E08 Perfect On Paper (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22001: 2024-07-30 08:21:37.898 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E09 Disaster Averted (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22023: 2024-07-30 08:21:44.742 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E10 Tick Tick Tick (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22042: 2024-07-30 08:21:53.270 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E11 The Rebound Girl (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22061: 2024-07-30 08:21:59.091 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E12 Symphony of Illumination (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22079: 2024-07-30 08:22:03.843 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E13 Tailgate (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22096: 2024-07-30 08:22:08.409 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E14 46 Minutes (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22114: 2024-07-30 08:22:12.007 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E15 The Burning Beekeeper (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22130: 2024-07-30 08:22:14.568 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E16 The Drunk Train (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22146: 2024-07-30 08:22:18.931 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E17 No Pressure (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22162: 2024-07-30 08:22:22.078 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E18 Karma (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22180: 2024-07-30 08:22:25.718 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E19 The Broath (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22195: 2024-07-30 08:22:28.472 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E20 Trilogy Time (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22210: 2024-07-30 08:22:31.333 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E21 Now We are Even (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22226: 2024-07-30 08:22:34.261 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E22 Good Crazy (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22270: 2024-07-30 08:23:54.460 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E23 The Magicians Code Pt.1 (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22298: 2024-07-30 08:24:08.534 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 7/How I Met Your Mother S07E24 The Magicians Code Pt.2 (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22317: 2024-07-30 08:25:24.880 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22327: 2024-07-30 08:25:28.367 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E01 Farhampton (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22354: 2024-07-30 08:25:41.590 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E02 The Pre-Nup (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22372: 2024-07-30 08:25:48.719 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E03 Nannies (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22389: 2024-07-30 08:25:51.986 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E04 Who Wants to be a Godparent (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22405: 2024-07-30 08:25:55.163 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E05 The Autumn of Breakups (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22422: 2024-07-30 08:25:59.978 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E06 Splitsville (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22438: 2024-07-30 08:26:03.085 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E07 The Stamp Tramp (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22458: 2024-07-30 08:26:08.169 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E08 Twelve Horny Women (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22472: 2024-07-30 08:26:11.696 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E09 Lobster Crawl (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22487: 2024-07-30 08:26:14.361 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E10 The Over-Correction (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22501: 2024-07-30 08:26:16.798 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E11 The Final Page Part One (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22515: 2024-07-30 08:26:19.793 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E12 The Final Page Part Two (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22529: 2024-07-30 08:26:21.867 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E13 Band or DJ (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22543: 2024-07-30 08:26:24.759 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E14 Ring it Up (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22559: 2024-07-30 08:26:30.389 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E15 P S I Love You (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22575: 2024-07-30 08:28:14.915 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E16 Bad Crazy (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22606: 2024-07-30 08:28:39.438 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E17 The Ashtray (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22624: 2024-07-30 08:28:44.272 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E18 Weekend at Barney s (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22639: 2024-07-30 08:28:47.442 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E19 The Fortress (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22653: 2024-07-30 08:28:50.127 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E20 The Time Travelers (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22667: 2024-07-30 08:28:53.037 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E21 Romeward Bound (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22682: 2024-07-30 08:30:09.301 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E22 The Bro Mitzvah (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22702: 2024-07-30 08:30:19.793 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E23 Something Old (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22719: 2024-07-30 08:30:23.988 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 8/How I Met Your Mother S08E24 Something New (1080p x265 Joy).m4v due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22735: 2024-07-30 08:31:44.472 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22748: 2024-07-30 08:31:48.533 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E01 The Locket (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22790: 2024-07-30 08:32:00.701 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E02 Coming Back (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22807: 2024-07-30 08:32:06.738 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E03 Last Time in New York (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22846: 2024-07-30 08:33:35.102 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E04 The Broken Code (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22866: 2024-07-30 08:33:41.936 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E05 The Poker Game  (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22881: 2024-07-30 08:33:46.669 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E06 Knight Vision  (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22895: 2024-07-30 08:33:50.581 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E07 No Questions Asked  (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22911: 2024-07-30 08:33:55.029 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E08 The Lighthouse (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 22933: 2024-07-30 08:35:16.539 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E09 Platonish (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23033: 2024-07-30 08:36:04.770 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E10 Mom and Dad (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23050: 2024-07-30 08:36:12.727 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E11 Bedtime Stories (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23067: 2024-07-30 08:36:18.591 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E12 The Rehearsal Dinner (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23081: 2024-07-30 08:36:22.108 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E13 Bass Player Wanted (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23095: 2024-07-30 08:36:25.255 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E14 Slapsgiving 3 Slappointment in Slapmarra (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23116: 2024-07-30 08:36:29.531 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E15 Unpause (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23130: 2024-07-30 08:36:32.820 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E16 How Your Mother Met Me (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23154: 2024-07-30 08:37:50.614 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E17 Sunrise (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23182: 2024-07-30 08:38:09.264 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E18 Rally (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23201: 2024-07-30 08:38:16.005 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E19 Vesuvius (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23218: 2024-07-30 08:38:20.237 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E20 Daisy (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23234: 2024-07-30 08:39:30.014 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E21 Gary Blauman (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23263: 2024-07-30 08:40:53.906 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E22 (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23289: 2024-07-30 08:42:19.237 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E23 Last Forever Part One (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23311: 2024-07-30 08:42:30.720 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/How I Met Your Mother [Ended]/Season 9/How I Met Your Mother S09E24 Last Forever Part Two (1080p x265 Joy).mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23330: 2024-07-30 08:42:36.490 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23351: 2024-07-30 08:42:44.478 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 1 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23360: 2024-07-30 08:42:45.484 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 1/Into.the.Badlands.S01E01.The.Fort.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23383: 2024-07-30 08:42:50.624 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 1/Into.the.Badlands.S01E02.Fist.Like.a.Bullet.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23399: 2024-07-30 08:42:53.922 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 1/Into.the.Badlands.S01E03.White.Stork.Spreads.Wings.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23416: 2024-07-30 08:42:57.534 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 1/Into.the.Badlands.S01E04.Two.Tigers.Subdue.Dragons.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23432: 2024-07-30 08:43:02.078 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 1/Into.the.Badlands.S01E05.Snake.Creeps.Down.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23450: 2024-07-30 08:43:05.766 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 1/Into.the.Badlands.S01E06.Hand.of.Five.Poisons.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23480: 2024-07-30 08:43:10.459 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 2 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23491: 2024-07-30 08:43:11.007 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 2/Into.the.Badlands.S02E01.Tiger.Pushes.Mountain.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23508: 2024-07-30 08:43:14.264 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 2/Into.the.Badlands.S02E02.Force.of.Eagle's.Claw.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23525: 2024-07-30 08:44:31.049 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 2/Into.the.Badlands.S02E03.Red.Sun,.Silver.Moon.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23554: 2024-07-30 08:44:48.758 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 2/Into.the.Badlands.S02E04.Palm.of.the.Iron.Fox.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23572: 2024-07-30 08:44:53.761 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 2/Into.the.Badlands.S02E05.Monkey.Leaps.Through.Mist.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23589: 2024-07-30 08:44:57.790 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 2/Into.the.Badlands.S02E06.Leopard.Stalks.in.Snow.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23604: 2024-07-30 08:45:00.375 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 2/Into.the.Badlands.S02E07.Black.Heart,.White.Mountain.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23618: 2024-07-30 08:45:03.491 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 2/Into.the.Badlands.S02E08.Sting.of.the.Scorpion's.Tail.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23632: 2024-07-30 08:45:05.664 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 2/Into.the.Badlands.S02E09.Nightingale.Sings.No.More.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23647: 2024-07-30 08:45:07.779 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 2/Into.the.Badlands.S02E10.Wolf's.Breath,.Dragon.Fire.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23670: 2024-07-30 08:46:28.303 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 3 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23678: 2024-07-30 08:46:30.953 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 3/Into.the.Badlands.S03E01.Enter.the.Phoenix.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23703: 2024-07-30 08:46:43.338 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 3/Into.the.Badlands.S03E02.Moon.Rises,.Raven.Seeks.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23722: 2024-07-30 08:46:47.230 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 3/Into.the.Badlands.S03E03.Leopard.Snares.Rabbit.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23740: 2024-07-30 08:46:50.046 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 3/Into.the.Badlands.S03E04.Blind.Cannibal.Assassins.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23757: 2024-07-30 08:46:52.915 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 3/Into.the.Badlands.S03E05.Carry.Tiger.to.Mountain.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23777: 2024-07-30 08:48:10.047 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 3/Into.the.Badlands.S03E06.Black.Wind.Howls.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23801: 2024-07-30 08:48:20.498 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 3/Into.the.Badlands.S03E07.Dragonfly's.Last.Dance.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23818: 2024-07-30 08:48:23.881 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 3/Into.the.Badlands.S03E08.Leopard.Catches.Cloud.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23841: 2024-07-30 08:49:32.076 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 3/Into.the.Badlands.S03E09.Chamber.of.the.Scorpion.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23870: 2024-07-30 08:49:48.251 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 3/Into.the.Badlands.S03E10.Raven’s.Feather,.Phoenix.Blood.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23931:       at Emby.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2[TItemType,TIdType].ExecuteRemoteProviders (MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers.MetadataResult`1[T] temp, MediaBrowser.Model.Configuration.LibraryOptions libraryOptions, System.String logName, TIdType id, MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers.IRemoteMetadataProvider`2[TItemType,TIdType][] providers, MediaBrowser.Controller.Providers.MetadataRefreshOptions options, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x00146] in <5fe95be693194ddcbd71be16078d00c8>:0 
    Line 23948: 2024-07-30 08:51:30.624 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 3/Into.the.Badlands.S03E11.The.Boar.and.the.Butterfly.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23977: 2024-07-30 08:51:46.806 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 3/Into.the.Badlands.S03E12.Cobra.Fang,.Panther.Claw.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 23997: 2024-07-30 08:51:51.124 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 3/Into.the.Badlands.S03E13.Black.Lotus,.White.Rose.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24015: 2024-07-30 08:53:02.659 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 3/Into.the.Badlands.S03E14.Curse.of.the.Red.Rain.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24040: 2024-07-30 08:53:10.354 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 3/Into.the.Badlands.S03E15.Requiem.for.the.Fallen.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24060: 2024-07-30 08:53:16.581 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Into The Badlands [Cancelled]/Season 3/Into.the.Badlands.S03E16.Seven.Strike.as.One.1080p.10bit.BluRay.AAC5.1.HEVC-Vyndros.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24077: 2024-07-30 08:53:18.759 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24122: 2024-07-30 08:54:41.562 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 1 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24133: 2024-07-30 08:54:44.136 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 1/Invasion.2021.S01E01.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re].mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24166: 2024-07-30 08:55:04.288 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 1/Invasion.2021.S01E02.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re].mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24184: 2024-07-30 08:55:10.200 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 1/Invasion.2021.S01E03.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re].mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24202: 2024-07-30 08:55:15.210 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 1/Invasion.2021.S01E04.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re].mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24219: 2024-07-30 08:55:19.904 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 1/Invasion.2021.S01E05.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re].mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24235: 2024-07-30 08:55:23.352 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 1/Invasion.2021.S01E06.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re].mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24252: 2024-07-30 08:55:26.112 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 1/Invasion.2021.S01E07.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re].mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24267: 2024-07-30 08:55:29.500 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 1/Invasion.2021.S01E08.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re].mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24284: 2024-07-30 08:56:47.201 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 1/Invasion.2021.S01E09.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re].mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24316: 2024-07-30 08:57:04.821 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 1/Invasion.2021.S01E10.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re].mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24336: 2024-07-30 08:57:11.209 Debug App: Refreshing Folder /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 1/Subs due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24338: 2024-07-30 08:57:11.813 Debug App: Refreshing Folder /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 1/Subs/Invasion.2021.S01E01.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24339: 2024-07-30 08:57:12.101 Debug App: Refreshing Folder /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 1/Subs/Invasion.2021.S01E02.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24341: 2024-07-30 08:57:13.615 Debug App: Refreshing Folder /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 1/Subs/Invasion.2021.S01E03.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24342: 2024-07-30 08:57:13.751 Debug App: Refreshing Folder /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 1/Subs/Invasion.2021.S01E04.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24343: 2024-07-30 08:57:13.845 Debug App: Refreshing Folder /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 1/Subs/Invasion.2021.S01E05.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24345: 2024-07-30 08:57:13.970 Debug App: Refreshing Folder /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 1/Subs/Invasion.2021.S01E07.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24346: 2024-07-30 08:57:14.496 Debug App: Refreshing Folder /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 1/Subs/Invasion.2021.S01E08.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24347: 2024-07-30 08:57:14.660 Debug App: Refreshing Folder /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 1/Subs/Invasion.2021.S01E09.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24348: 2024-07-30 08:57:14.755 Debug App: Refreshing Folder /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 1/Subs/Invasion.2021.S01E10.1080p.WEBRip.x265-RARBG[eztv.re] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24350: 2024-07-30 08:57:14.975 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 2 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24358: 2024-07-30 08:57:16.325 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 2/invasion.2021.s02e01.1080p.web.h264-successfulcrab.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24378: 2024-07-30 08:58:34.930 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 2/invasion.2021.s02e02.1080p.web.h264-successfulcrab.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24402: 2024-07-30 09:00:00.664 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 2/Invasion.2021.S02E03.1080p.WEB.h264-ETHEL[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24422: 2024-07-30 09:00:09.763 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 2/Invasion.2021.S02E04.The.Tunnel.1080p.ATVP.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.Atmos.H.264-FLUX[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24439: 2024-07-30 09:00:17.119 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 2/invasion.2021.s02e05.1080p.web.h264-successfulcrab[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24463: 2024-07-30 09:01:39.295 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 2/invasion.2021.s02e06.1080p.web.h264-nhtfs.mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24488: 2024-07-30 09:03:09.327 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 2/invasion.2021.s02e07.1080p.web.h264-gloriousmongoose[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24511: 2024-07-30 09:03:19.794 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 2/invasion.2021.s02e08.1080p.web.h264-nhtfs[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24527: 2024-07-30 09:03:25.962 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 2/invasion.2021.s02e09.1080p.web.h264-nhtfs[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24549: 2024-07-30 09:04:48.008 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Invasion [Ongoing]/Season 2/invasion.2021.s02e10.1080p.web.h264-nhtfs[eztv.re].mkv due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24577: 2024-07-30 09:05:09.483 Debug App: Refreshing Series /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing] due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24609: 2024-07-30 09:06:00.771 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 1 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24617: 2024-07-30 09:06:02.712 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 01 Episode 01 - The Gang Gets Racist.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24653: 2024-07-30 09:06:19.268 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 01 Episode 02 - Charlie Wants an Abortion.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24675: 2024-07-30 09:07:31.577 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 01 Episode 03 - Underage Drinking A National Concern.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24708: 2024-07-30 09:07:50.036 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 01 Episode 04 - Charlie Has Cancer.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24728: 2024-07-30 09:07:56.342 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 01 Episode 05 - Gun Fever.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24745: 2024-07-30 09:08:00.076 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 01 Episode 06 - The Gang Finds a Dead Guy.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24763: 2024-07-30 09:08:03.106 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 01 Episode 07 - Charlie Got Molested.avi due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24787: 2024-07-30 09:09:22.868 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 10 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24795: 2024-07-30 09:09:25.281 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 10/Its.Always.Sunny.in.Philadelphia.S10E01.The.Gang.Beats.Boggs.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24826: 2024-07-30 09:09:38.878 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 10/Its.Always.Sunny.in.Philadelphia.S10E02.The.Gang.Group.Dates.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24846: 2024-07-30 09:09:46.148 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 10/Its.Always.Sunny.In.Philadelphia.S10E03.Psycho.Pete.Returns.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24863: 2024-07-30 09:09:51.137 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 10/Its.Always.Sunny.in.Philadelphia.S10E04.Charlie.Work.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24881: 2024-07-30 09:09:55.702 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 10/Its.Always.Sunny.in.Philadelphia.S10E05.The.Gang.Spies.Like.U.S.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24900: 2024-07-30 09:11:07.296 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 10/Its.Always.Sunny.in.Philadelphia.S10E06.The.Gang.Misses.the.Boat.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24932: 2024-07-30 09:11:25.472 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 10/Its.Always.Sunny.in.Philadelphia.S10E07.Mac.Kills.His.Dad.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24953: 2024-07-30 09:12:41.118 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 10/Its.Always.Sunny.in.Philadelphia.S10E08.The.Gang.Goes.On.Family.Fight.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24974: 2024-07-30 09:12:53.484 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 10/Its.Always.Sunny.in.Philadelphia.S10E09.Frank.Retires.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 24992: 2024-07-30 09:12:58.889 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 10/Its.Always.Sunny.in.Philadelphia.S10E10.Ass.Kickers.United.Mac.and.Charlie.Join.a.Cult.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 25008: 2024-07-30 09:13:04.082 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 11 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 25016: 2024-07-30 09:14:28.494 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 11/Its.Always.Sunny.In.Philadelphia.S11E01.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 25049: 2024-07-30 09:14:48.783 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 11/Its.Always.Sunny.In.Philadelphia.S11E02.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 25067: 2024-07-30 09:14:53.917 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 11/Its.Always.Sunny.In.Philadelphia.S11E03.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 25085: 2024-07-30 09:14:58.649 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 11/Its.Always.Sunny.In.Philadelphia.S11E04.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 25101: 2024-07-30 09:15:01.648 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 11/Its.Always.Sunny.In.Philadelphia.S11E05.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 25118: 2024-07-30 09:15:05.623 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 11/Its.Always.Sunny.In.Philadelphia.S11E06.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 25134: 2024-07-30 09:15:08.322 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 11/Its.Always.Sunny.In.Philadelphia.S11E07.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 25161: 2024-07-30 09:16:25.210 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 11/Its.Always.Sunny.In.Philadelphia.S11E08.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 25200: 2024-07-30 09:16:39.400 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 11/Its.Always.Sunny.In.Philadelphia.S11E09.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 25215: 2024-07-30 09:16:43.283 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 11/Its.Always.Sunny.In.Philadelphia.S11E10.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 25232: 2024-07-30 09:16:47.200 Debug App: Refreshing Season /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 12 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 25238: 2024-07-30 09:16:47.946 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 12/Its.Always.Sunny.In.Philadelphia.S12E01.The.Gang.Turns.Black.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 25253: 2024-07-30 09:16:51.690 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 12/Its.Always.Sunny.In.Philadelphia.S12E02.The.Gang.Goes.to.a.Water.Park.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 25268: 2024-07-30 09:16:56.034 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 12/Its.Always.Sunny.In.Philadelphia.S12E03.Old.Lady.House.A.Situation.Comedy.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 25284: 2024-07-30 09:16:59.598 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 12/Its.Always.Sunny.In.Philadelphia.S12E04.Wolf.Cola.A.Public.Relations.Nightmare.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 25300: 2024-07-30 09:17:04.671 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 12/Its.Always.Sunny.In.Philadelphia.S12E05.Making.Dennis.Reynolds.a.Murderer.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval
    Line 25324: 2024-07-30 09:18:36.926 Debug App: Refreshing Episode /shares/Vol. 1/Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia [Ongoing]/Season 12/Its.Always.Sunny.In.Philadelphia.S12E06.Hero.or.Hate.Crime.WEBRip.x264-ION10.mp4 due to configured automatic refresh interval



The pictures of the movie scan was a separate scan, that I did afterwards.

The log was from a media scan that was stuck on 9.1% for 9 hours, it doesn't get past the tv folder.

1 minute ago, Rhys93 said:

The pictures of the movie scan was a separate scan, that I did afterwards.

The log was from a media scan that was stuck on 9.1% for 9 hours, it doesn't get past the tv folder.

Unfortunately everything is being rescanned and you have to wait.  But really there is not reason to enable automatic interval refreshing but that becomes a personal preference.


If you scanned the movie library separately would need to see that log.  But so far everything looks normal and your system is just busy fetching metadata as shown in that 9 hour log.

Posted (edited)

But per that setting you may need to reevaluate.


Edited by Happy2Play
  • Thanks 1

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