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Kodi Beta version discussion thread

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Posted (edited)

I don't really know what I'm looking at in the cache file, but I don't think I see any errors. It's just trying to load cache content from a different profile that has different server information. In this case, instead of pointing to userdata>profiles>myprofile>addon_data, it goes to userdata>addon_data (masterprofile). I just don't understand why a brand new profile using MQ5 skin would do such a thing. That's why I'm not sure if it's the cache or the skin, because the error goes away if I remap those default menu items.


I hope this helps....

Edited by Angelblue05

Running the beta repo now and on the latest stable server


@ - Great improvement on the image handling buddy, everything is much faster and more stable for me (after the cache is built of course) -- since I like the dancing hot dog on my built in XBMC show info screen  :D (where the disc art rolls across is very stable - I'm not sure if it was looking for disc art each time previously so the improvement could have been on the skin side as well) Overall, backing out and re-entering the movies and tv shows library is much quicker now

Posted (edited)

@@im85288, @


Version: XBMB3C 0.9.702, Skin Aeon MQ5, XBMC Gotham 13.2, MBS 3.0.5424.1


I think I've just experience a caching issue. I've created a new profile with my server information and it keeps trying to pull information from a different server information I have put on my masterprofile. I have not copied any settings. I'm posting here, because I don't know if it's a skin issue. If it is, then Aeon MQ5 might needs a quick update for default home menu items.


What I did: I've tried different skins like Titan and Eminence. I've not experienced the issue.


Error in XBMB3C log: The following error results in XBMB3C failing. This happens when trying to access Movies and TV Shows after putting the new server information. To work around the problem, I have to repath movies and TV shows (the default home menus) or else it will keep trying to use a previously created cache (it persists after XBMC restarts). It seems to ignore the server IP address I've configured.

12:50:32 T:7840  NOTICE: Cache_Data_Manager:C:\Users\Angel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata\profiles\XBMC_skin\addon_data\plugin.video.xbmb3c\cache\a767f3e8dc7978e96a7185af92f0b693
12:50:32 T:7840  NOTICE: Cache_Data_Manager: Loading Cached File
12:50:32 T:7840   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>
                                            Error Contents: No JSON object could be decoded
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "C:\Users\Angel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\plugin.video.xbmb3c\default.py", line 39, in <module>
                                              File "C:\Users\Angel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\plugin.video.xbmb3c\resources\lib\MainModule.py", line 3048, in MainEntryPoint
                                                getContent(param_url, pluginhandle)
                                              File "C:\Users\Angel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\plugin.video.xbmb3c\resources\lib\MainModule.py", line 1398, in getContent
                                                result = dataManager.GetContent(url)
                                              File "C:\Users\Angel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\plugin.video.xbmb3c\resources\lib\DataManager.py", line 95, in GetContent
                                                result = self.loadJasonData(jsonData)
                                              File "C:\Users\Angel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\plugin.video.xbmb3c\resources\lib\DataManager.py", line 65, in loadJasonData
                                                return json.loads(jsonData)
                                              File "C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\system\python\Lib\json\__init__.py", line 338, in loads
                                                return _default_decoder.decode(s)
                                              File "C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\system\python\Lib\json\decoder.py", line 365, in decode
                                                obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
                                              File "C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\system\python\Lib\json\decoder.py", line 383, in raw_decode
                                                raise ValueError("No JSON object could be decoded")
                                            ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
12:50:32 T:7792   ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.xbmb3c/?url=http%3A//**Wrong-IP**%3A8096/mediabrowser/Users/a1bb43b93687d6361173a92774062f64/Items%3F%26SortBy%3DSortName%26Fields%3DEpisodeCount%2CSeasonCount%2CPath%2CGenres%2CStudios%2CCumulativeRunTimeTicks%2CMediaStreams%2CPeople%2COverview%26Recursive%3Dtrue%26SortOrder%3DAscending%26IncludeItemTypes%3DMovie%26format%3Djson&mode=0
12:50:32 T:7792   ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.xbmb3c/?url=http%3A//**Wrong-IP**%3A8096/mediabrowser/Users/a1bb43b93687d6361173a92774062f64/Items%3F%26SortBy%3DSortName%26Fields%3DEpisodeCount%2CSeasonCount%2CPath%2CGenres%2CStudios%2CCumulativeRunTimeTicks%2CMediaStreams%2CPeople%2COverview%26Recursive%3Dtrue%26SortOrder%3DAscending%26IncludeItemTypes%3DMovie%26format%3Djson&mode=0) failed
12:50:32 T:7880  NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
12:50:32 T:6080  NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
12:50:32 T:6080  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
12:50:34 T:6708  NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
12:50:34 T:6708  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
12:50:34 T:6708  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
12:50:34 T:7024  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
Edited by Angelblue05
Posted (edited)

I'm using 0.9.702 on my raspberry pi and am getting a similar JSON issue (this shows up when I simply navigate to "TV Shows"... I don't get it when navigating to Movies... I also don't get the error when navigating to "All TV").  Same issue as reported above?  Here's the exception:


01:56:16 301.067932 T:2911233088  NOTICE: XBMB3C -> running XBMB3C: 0.9.702
01:56:16 301.068359 T:2911233088  NOTICE: 14.0-BETA1 Git:d6947be
01:56:16 301.125916 T:2911233088  NOTICE: XBMB3C -> Platform: Linux/RPi
01:56:16 301.126343 T:2911233088  NOTICE: XBMB3C -> LogLevel:  0
01:56:16 301.128143 T:2911233088   DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.xbmb3c/resources/language/English, fallback to strings.xml
01:56:16 301.150482 T:2911233088   DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Application.GetProperties", "params": {"properties": ["version", "name"]}, "id": 1 }
01:56:16 301.160919 T:2911233088  NOTICE: XBMB3C 0 -> Version : 14.0 - {u'major': 14, u'tag': u'beta', u'tagversion': u'1', u'minor': 0, u'revision': u'd6947be'}
01:56:16 301.168854 T:2911233088  NOTICE: Cache_Data_Manager:/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.xbmb3c/cache/f2b9ae1d7ac09f73d0ceffb10d9f0b48
01:56:16 301.169891 T:2911233088  NOTICE: Cache_Data_Manager: Loading Cached File
01:56:17 301.203766 T:2911233088   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>
                                            Error Contents: No JSON object could be decoded
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.xbmb3c/default.py", line 39, in <module>
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.xbmb3c/resources/lib/MainModule.py", line 3048, in MainEntryPoint
                                                getContent(param_url, pluginhandle)
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.xbmb3c/resources/lib/MainModule.py", line 1398, in getContent
                                                result = dataManager.GetContent(url)
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.xbmb3c/resources/lib/DataManager.py", line 95, in GetContent
                                                result = self.loadJasonData(jsonData)
                                              File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.xbmb3c/resources/lib/DataManager.py", line 65, in loadJasonData
                                                return json.loads(jsonData)
                                              File "/home/stephan/projects/openelec-5.0/build.OpenELEC-RPi.arm-4.95.1/Python-2.7.3/.install_pkg/usr/lib/python2.7/json/__init__.py", line 326, in loads
                                              File "/home/stephan/projects/openelec-5.0/build.OpenELEC-RPi.arm-4.95.1/Python-2.7.3/.install_pkg/usr/lib/python2.7/json/decoder.py", line 366, in decode
                                              File "/home/stephan/projects/openelec-5.0/build.OpenELEC-RPi.arm-4.95.1/Python-2.7.3/.install_pkg/usr/lib/python2.7/json/decoder.py", line 384, in raw_decode
                                            ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
And I tried to view the contents of the cache file mentioned at /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.xbmb3c/cache/f2b9ae1d7ac09f73d0ceffb10d9f0b48, but the file is blank and the filesize is 0.
Edited by LehighBri

that is what I expected might happen, I will add the extra checks in for valid cache data file checking.

Great, thanks!


version 0.9.703 is now available to test the changes mentioned above.

Posted (edited)

version 0.9.703 is now available to test the changes mentioned above.

I'm now getting a different issue (which happens when I launch the addon... I can't even get to the main menu any more).

07:13:54 T:2332  NOTICE: XBMB3C -> running XBMB3C: 0.9.703
07:13:54 T:2332  NOTICE: 14.0-BETA2 Git:20141108-2d88a9a
07:13:54 T:2332  NOTICE: XBMB3C -> Platform: Windows
07:13:54 T:2332  NOTICE: XBMB3C -> LogLevel:  0
07:13:54 T:2332   DEBUG: LocalizeStrings: no strings.po file exist at C:\Users\ERICA\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.video.xbmb3c\resources\language\English, fallback to strings.xml
07:13:54 T:2332  NOTICE: XBMB3C 0 -> Version : 14.0 - {u'major': 14, u'tag': u'beta', u'tagversion': u'2', u'minor': 0, u'revision': u'20141108-2d88a9a'}
07:13:54 T:2332 WARNING: CVideoInfoTag::GetDurationFromMinuteString <runtime> should be in minutes. Interpreting '' as 0 minutes
07:13:54 T:4848   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
07:13:54 T:2332 WARNING: CVideoInfoTag::GetDurationFromMinuteString <runtime> should be in minutes. Interpreting '' as 0 minutes
07:13:54 T:2332 WARNING: Previous line repeats 30 times.
07:13:54 T:2332   ERROR: EXCEPTION: The parameter "entry1" must be either a Tuple or a List.
07:13:54 T:2332   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>
                                            Error Contents: The parameter "entry1" must be either a Tuple or a List.
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "C:\Users\ERICA\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.video.xbmb3c\default.py", line 39, in <module>
                                              File "C:\Users\ERICA\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.video.xbmb3c\resources\lib\MainModule.py", line 3122, in MainEntryPoint
                                              File "C:\Users\ERICA\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.video.xbmb3c\resources\lib\MainModule.py", line 671, in displaySections
                                                xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(pluginhandle, dirItems)
                                            TypeError: The parameter "entry1" must be either a Tuple or a List.
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--

Edited by LehighBri

Awesome job! However, I do not see any improvements when I'm browsing my anime. I use absolute numbering so it's common to see +100 episodes under Season 1. It still takes 15+ seconds to load the right list view.



The latest beta version has a half-fix for slow episode loading.  If you turn OFF 'Show Indicators' it will be significantly faster loading widgets and large episode lists.


Over the weekend I hope to come up with a solution where 'Show Indicators' does not add nearly as much delay.




Right - it was causing a slow-down even when not enabled before - that is what I fixed...



  • Like 1
Posted (edited)



I do not use Show indicators. I believe it is useless to enable them when using MQ5 skin. Therefore, I do not think the indicators are the cause to slowing down the loading of +100 episodes, in my case.... Oh also, I do not use widgets with MQ5, they never loaded properly.


[Version 0.9.703] The good news is the latest beta version did fix the buffering I had when loading +100 episodes. It now loads instantly, so awesome job guys! I will keep testing further and report back if there's anything wrong.  :)

Edited by Angelblue05

Were you guys able to reproduce my issue above re: entry1 must be a Tuple or a List?  I am getting it on multiple PCs and can't even get the main menu to show (whereas that used to load just fine).


No, I haven't been able to duplicate.  Please post a full log (I guess).




Had to completely uninstall the beta repo, i got "Script error" - "Cant connect to server"

The log said: 

  1. 18:29:01 T:3059798560   ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.xbmb3c/
  2. 18:29:01 T:3059798560   ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.xbmb3c/) failed
After completely uninstalling beta and installing stable version, it worked again like a charm!
-complete log can be found here: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=350571
  • Like 1

My brother and I are experiencing the same error when navigating to the XBMB3C plugin (launching it). The on-screen error says "Error: Script failed! : XBMB3C".


Version: XBMB3C 0.9.703 w/ the new cache system activated


XBMB3C log - level 1:



Let me know if you need more information. 

  • Like 1

That's the same issue I got as mentioned earlier.


My brother and I are experiencing the same error when navigating to the XBMB3C plugin (launching it). The on-screen error says "Error: Script failed! : XBMB3C".


Version: XBMB3C 0.9.703 w/ the new cache system activated


XBMB3C log - level 1:



Let me know if you need more information.


This issue also breaks the play from here function in xbmc


Can you please post a log with level 2 debug on?  I can't reproduce this...



Posted (edited)

A new version is up 0.9.705


This version contains changes to the alternate Info screen that would need 1080XF to see the changes...but it should be backwards compatible with other skins so please test it. Another change is in the theme music area, it will now play theme music when viewing the alternate info screen. 


Edit - version 0.9.705 has been pushed with a tiny change to choose alternate fanart background images with the info screen instead of the first.




With regards the problems posted above...I cannot reproduce them and the log does not make it obvious why it is going wrong for a lot of you. As xnappo requested, please post a log with level 2 debug on...ideally in the format shown in my signature as it makes it easier to read :)

Edited by im85288
Posted (edited)

Here is the XBMB3C log - debug 2:






I'm getting this error with 0.9.705. At first, I was simply trying to navigate to my movies. XBMC then stopped responding. I've restarted XBMC and I'm now able to navigate to my movies. However, the Attribute error repeats itself in the log after every =====XBMB3C Stop=======. 

13:14:05 T:6136  NOTICE: 
URL_REQUEST_REPORT : Total Calls : 1
13:14:05 T:6136  NOTICE: Cache_Data_Manager: getCacheValidatorFromData : hashData : 93b7cd326345632f2347a8e3dd5f21b8
13:14:05 T:6136  NOTICE: Cache_Data_Manager: loaded Validator String (93b7cd326345632f2347a8e3dd5f21b8)
13:14:05 T:6136  NOTICE: Cache_Data_Manager: CacheManagerThread Exited
13:14:05 T:4124   ERROR: Exception
13:14:05 T:4124   ERROR: AttributeError
13:14:05 T:4124   ERROR: :
13:14:05 T:4124   ERROR: "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'log'"
13:14:05 T:4124   ERROR:  in
13:14:05 T:4124   ERROR: <bound method DownloadUtils.__del__ of <DownloadUtils.DownloadUtils instance at 0x18E2FAF8>>
13:14:05 T:4124   ERROR:  ignored
13:14:05 T:4124  NOTICE: 
URL_REQUEST_REPORT : Total Calls : 0
13:14:05 T:4124  NOTICE: 
URL_REQUEST_REPORT : Total Calls : 1
13:14:05 T:4124 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(37, C:\Users\Angel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\plugin.video.xbmb3c\default.py): the python script "C:\Users\Angel\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\plugin.video.xbmb3c\default.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: class XBMCAddon::xbmcaddon::Addon
13:14:05 T:5824  NOTICE: XBMB3C BackgroundRotationThread -> MB3.Background.Movie.FanArt=
13:14:05 T:5824  NOTICE: XBMB3C BackgroundRotationThread -> MB3.Background.TV.FanArt=
13:14:05 T:5824  NOTICE: XBMB3C BackgroundRotationThread -> MB3.Background.Global.FanArt=
13:14:05 T:5824  NOTICE: XBMB3C BackgroundRotationThread -> MB3.Background.Global.FanArt.Poster=
13:14:05 T:5824  NOTICE: XBMB3C BackgroundRotationThread -> MB3.Background.Global.FanArt.Action=None
13:14:05 T:8088  NOTICE: XBMB3C ThemeMusicThread -> updateThemeMusic itemGUID :
13:14:05 T:8088  NOTICE: not in playing zone window id: 10000
13:14:05 T:8088  NOTICE: not in playing zone window infolabel:
13:14:05 T:8088  NOTICE: not in playing zone window id: 10000
13:14:05 T:8088  NOTICE: not in playing zone window infolabel:
13:14:06 T:5824  NOTICE: XBMB3C BackgroundRotationThread -> setItemBackgroundLink ItemGUID :
13:14:06 T:5824  NOTICE: XBMB3C BackgroundRotationThread -> setItemBackgroundLink Resetting MB3.Background.Item.FanArt
13:14:07 T:1440  NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
13:14:07 T:1440  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
Edited by Angelblue05

Thanks, yes I am also seeing that error in my logs..no idea why at the minute and it does not seem to effect anything. Perhaps it's cache related, have you tested it with the cache disabled?


I have just retried with the original cache system and it's still happening (I've restarted XBMC in between, to make sure)


Ok, I had a further look and if I am reading the logs correctly it is failing at this line in DownloadUtils:

def __del__(self):

        xbmc.log("\rURL_REQUEST_REPORT : Total Calls : " + str(self.TotalUrlCalls) + "\r" + self.TrackLog)

then for some reason the xbmc attribute is not set. If this is the correct place then it is only logging that is failing so it could easily be removed. But I will let @@xnappo and @ have a look to see what they think.

  • Like 1

A new version is up 0.9.705


This version contains changes to the alternate Info screen that would need 1080XF to see the changes...but it should be backwards compatible with other skins so please test it. Another change is in the theme music area, it will now play theme music when viewing the alternate info screen.


Edit - version 0.9.705 has been pushed with a tiny change to choose alternate fanart background images with the info screen instead of the first.




With regards the problems posted above...I cannot reproduce them and the log does not make it obvious why it is going wrong for a lot of you. As xnappo requested, please post a log with level 2 debug on...ideally in the format shown in my signature as it makes it easier to read :)

Have you had any chance to look at the theme music volume fading issue mentioned in the confluence thread? I have disabled theme music in the settings atm
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