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PowerShell Script to Backup Files - Revisions Welcome


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I wrote this today, and seems to do the trick. I've been playing a lot with PowerShell recently and am looking for any feedback, or additional tricks/tools I can use to refine this script.

Ideally, it would be nice to have a 1-1 sync between source and destination, but robocopy won't allow that. But, for the time being, this'll do!

You all are welcome to it, as well!


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Simple and clean.  Why did you choose RoboCopy instead of Copy-Item?

I'd suggest some status output like "now copying Movies".

Why are you clearing the screen between copies?  Sometimes it is nice to keep the output in case there is an error or other unexpected msg.

To be more PowerShelly, replace pause with Read-Host "put prompt here".

Now you need to put in some error management - the fun part!  Logging?

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11 hours ago, justinrh said:

Simple and clean.  Why did you choose RoboCopy instead of Copy-Item?

I'd suggest some status output like "now copying Movies".

Why are you clearing the screen between copies?  Sometimes it is nice to keep the output in case there is an error or other unexpected msg.

To be more PowerShelly, replace pause with Read-Host "put prompt here".

Now you need to put in some error management - the fun part!  Logging?

Ha, I chose RoboCopy instead of Copy-Item, because I am rather unfamiliar with the function of Copy-Item and had a pre-existing script written using Robocopy that I used previously. What would syntax look like for Copy-Item?

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