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after moving my Emby Server from Synology Diskstation to Raspberry Pi with DietPI, the real time monitor on my mounted network shares does not work. On Synology I had no problems, but with the mounted shares on my Raspberry I did not get it to work. I tried to mount my Synology drive with SMB and NFS, but no success. I searched for a solution mainly in this forum, but no luck. 

So I found another solution/workaround for this problem: a script running on my Synology NAS, which triggers a library refresh task, if a file has created, changed or removed in my media folder:

1. install inotify_tools

Install from synocommunity:

2. Create script

Create script such like this:


# check for mkv and ts files which have at least a character or a bracket
# NOTE: the PATTERN does not work in --include param (don´t know why...)

set -e -u

trap ctrl_c INT

function ctrl_c() {
    echo [$(date)] Monitoring media files canceled  >> $LOGFILE

# add additional file extension here and to --include pattern!
PATTERN="[a-zA-Z\(\) ].*\.(mkv|ts)$"
# adjust the IP and the api-key to your settings!
COMMAND="curl --data '' http://192.168.xxx.xxx:8096/Emby/Library/Refresh?api_key=<api-key>"

echo [$(date)] Start monitoring media files  >> $LOGFILE

while true
	while read directory action file; do
		echo "[$(date)] The file '$file' appeared in directory '$directory' via '$action'" >> $LOGFILE
	    if [[ "$file" =~ $PATTERN ]]; then
	    	# wait for other changes for not re-trigger during the sleep time
	        echo [$(date)] Trigger scan in $WAIT_SEC seconds  >> $LOGFILE
	        sleep $WAIT_SEC
	        echo [$(date -Is)] Trigger library refresh  >> $LOGFILE
	done < <(inotifywait -q -m --include "\.(mkv|ts)$" -r -e create -e moved_to -e delete /volume1/media/)
	echo [$(date)] trigger done, wait for the next change >> $LOGFILE

echo [$(date)] Stop monitoring media files  >> $LOGFILE

The script can be easier, because I wanted to exclude files, which only have numbers. So if you don´t need it, you can remove the part with the PATTERN or change the regex (I´m not a regex expert, but it works like expected...). The wait time is also optional or can be de-/increased...

3. Create Task to run script on startup

Create triggered task for startup in Synology which is calling this script. I would suggest to test it before... ;-)

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Hello pachi81,

** This is an auto reply **

Please wait for someone from staff support or our members to reply to you.

It's recommended to provide more info, as it explain in this thread:

Thank you.

Emby Team

Posted (edited)

I updated the script for better usage:


# check for mkv and ts files which have at least a character or a bracket
# important some PATTERN does not work in --include param (don´t know why...)

### Configuration:
# list of file extension separate by |
# special filename regex pattern (without extension!!!) .* for all
# folders to monitor (recursive) separate by space " "
# logfilename
# emby server address with port
# emby API key
API_KEY="<replace with your API key!>"
# time to wait before trigger library scan in seconds
### End of configuration 

# config variables (DO NOT CHANGE!)
COMMAND="curl --data '' http://${EMBYSERVER}/Emby/Library/Refresh?api_key=${API_KEY}"

##### start of the script
set -e -u

echo [$(date)] Start monitoring media files > $LOGFILE

while true
    while read directory action file; do
        echo "[$(date)] The file '$file' appeared in directory '$directory' via '$action'" >> $LOGFILE
        if [[ "$file" =~ $FILE_PATTERN ]]; then
          # wait for other changes for not re-trigger during the sleep time
            echo [$(date)] Trigger scan in $WAIT_SEC seconds >> $LOGFILE
            sleep $WAIT_SEC
            echo [$(date)] Trigger library refresh  >> $LOGFILE
            $COMMAND &>> $LOGFILE
    done < <(inotifywait -q -m --include "$INCLUDE_PATTERN" -r -e create -e moved_to -e delete $MONITORDIR)
    echo [$(date)] trigger done, wait for the next change >> $LOGFILE

echo [$(date)] Stop monitoring media files >> $LOGFILE

You only have to change the Configuration part.


(After the topic has moved, I could not edit my first post...)

Edited by pachi81
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