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  1. I’ve got a strange server connectivity problem that affects the ability of Emby to update Metadata for library entries. I’ve explored the Emby forums and tried various fixes but can’t find a solution hence this post and request for ideas that might help. The Emby server [] runs on an Ubuntu Server [22.04.1 LTS] connected to my LAN, Router and ISP. My ISP doesn’t offer inbound connections so, as is, I’m unable to access my Emby server remotely. To overcome this problem I use a VPN connection to the internet, with a dedicated domain name, which allows me to access the server remotely. The basic setup works fine. I can access the server locally from my LAN and remotely using the dedicated domain name/VPN. The problem is that when the VPN connection is running on the server Metadata updates on the server don’t work. All other features viewing/streaming content work but Metadata updates fail. If I stop the VPN connection on the Ubuntu server so the Emby server just sees the LAN and standard ISP connection then Metadata updates work normally. For the remote connection, the Emby server connects via an Nginx reverse proxy and Openvpn. I’ve followed the guidance elsewhere in the forums on using Nginx and remote connections [e.g. https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/93074-how-to-emby-with-nginx-with-windows-specific-tips-and-csp-options/] and I’ve tried with both secure [https] and non-secure [http] remote connections. The problem remains the same. I’ve attached a copy of the Emby server log showing examples where Metadata updates fail. I’d be grateful for suggestions of any further things I might to do resolve this problem. Many thanks. embyserver.txt
  2. Hi - I'm experiencing an unusual problem associated with reading Metadata updates. I'm running Emby Server with a PPTP/VPN server and NGINX reverse proxy server. In general Emby works as expected (remote connections to the server and streaming are all possible) but for some reason, when connected to the VPN Metadata updates (and I think EPG updates) cannot be read. I've tested this and the problem is repeatable. When the server is connected to the internet via the VPN connection Metadata updates and searches cannot be read, when connected to the local ISP internet provision then Metadata updates can be read. I've attached the error log which may give some indication as to the source of the problem. I'm confident it isn't a Firewall problem and I've checked routing for both Ports 8096 and 8920. I'm fairly confident the problem is something to do with the interaction between the NGINX server and the VPN connection. I'd welcome any suggestions from folk as to how I might fix this problem . Thank you. embyserver(3).txt
  3. Fedora

    Remote Access with open VPN

    Hi Guys I am new on Emby and I would some help to get off from this issue. I am just another one struggling with remote Access, I have not problem at all to get server location when on /local but as I try to establish a connection from outside my local eth it looks blocked. So after a research around, I have to dealing with port forwarding and all that staff, because Upnp not seem to works on my case... However I ve two router on my local, and, the xxx.xxx.1.1 is the ISP modem wired to xxx.xxx.3.1 which is a linksys 3200 running DDWRT firmware and open vpn client who provide the service to all my lan/wlan devices connected to the including my home server which is behind that too and..... now as I said on /local there are not problem I ve set all rules on server firewall and its working, but not that easy when my attempts are from outside, (wan) I ve open 8096/tcp port for an unsecure connection but not lucky with it, UpnP is active too on both router but if I disable that nothing change, tried to uncheck the UpnP box on Emby server , still "cannot locate it" also tried to sing up for an easy remote access, you know, just avoiding to get lost dealing with address location, but I don,t think is that the problem. IMG. https://pasteboard.co/J8VsSKU.png Now after rebooting, open/close Ports and UpnP I decided to try in a easier way to understand where I get blocked... so I ve temporary connected my server On my ISP modem (which has not a port forwarding options/ only UPnP port mapping is available on that router) and with UpnP active it finally works on both /local and remotely perfectly.... so with this done we got a clear idea that is not my first Modem/router the reason. ( Now my question are... It could be by the firewall may provided from VPN? because all my network its behind that, including the server, as I get back connected to my linksys ( it back to not working, also from Open VPN client settings I ve disabled the Firewall protection by VPN side, rebooted and no works, well I suspect that the IP when I try to connect remotely is that VPN gives... But to do just one more attempt I ve Used my real one too, used easy remote access, still not lucky from /local on Emby Server setting all Users have "allow remote access" checked, only the Admin user who has the right to change server settings haven't got the option active but I don't think its that the problem, otherwise I couldn't even connect remotely using My ISP modem on step before. All right, this is it, Hopefully some sweet could help me, I m sure is just about ports, but opening from the port forwarding seems not working Also I ve launch a port scanning inside and outside and well inside its okay, outside even opening 8092 port, the only port showed open are the common such as domain, http/s mails excc exc... and I don,t know why SSh port too is opened, ( talking about internet side) I don't use SSH and I didn't open it from outside, but if I check my vpn/proxy's IP, that ssh port and common service ports are opened, not the 8092 whatever I do on the router, that ports won't change I thinking to try to open that port using command line instead the GUI router interface, you know some times linux like the old way but I m not sure if with IPTABLES stuff will do a miracle Waiting some professional advice Thank you all
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