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  1. Hi guys, I wanted to move from plex to emby since a while for multiple reasons. I decided to make this guide first because I want to give back something to the amazing community behind UNRAID/REDDIT/EMBY and second because I couldn't find a step by step guide so I thought it would be nice to have a lot of useful information in a single place. If you just want to setup the hardware transcoding using intel quick sync video in emby on unraid go directly to STEP 8. I take also the opportunity to thank spaceinvaderone for the amazing videos he made about UNRAID, I learned a lot, and the linuxserver.io guys/gals for the amazing job they do supporting and maintaining the community images. Note: I am not affiliated with anybody nor I get paid to do this, this shows the steps I used to setup emby on unraid so to make it easier for you to do the same. Also english is not my native language so excuse me for any syntax/grammar error. Last premise before we start, if you want to add something or you think some steps needs additional informations to be clearer let me know in the comments. @Mods: I couldn't post it under "tutorial and guides" section. if you can please move it to the appropriate section, thank you. Let the fun begin... PREREQUISITES: -------------------- UNRAID 6.9-RC1 or newer UNRAID COMMUNITY APPLICATIONS (Refer to this post on how to install: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38582-plug-in-community-applications/) EMBY v4.5 or newer EMBY PREMIERE SETUP: --------- STEP 1 - Setting up a dynamic DNS ----------------------------------------- Use your preferred dynamic dns provider to setup a custom dns tracking service. For example: "emby.hopto.org" where "emby" is the name you want and the rest is fixed depending on the dynamic dns provider. Ex.: "myembysrv.hopto.org" STEP 2 - CREATE A CUSTOM DOCKER NETWORK ---------------------------------------------------------- Inside the unraid web interface, open a terminal by clicking the terminal icon on the top right corner and type docker network create cdocknet where "cdocknet" is the name of our custom docker network. You can name it whatever you want. Press ENTER and then a long string of random characters (network id) should appear meaning the custom network was successfully created. If there is an error message make sure you correctly typed in the command otherwise search google for the error message and fix it before moving onto the next step. If everything is successful you can close the terminal window and proceed to the next step. STEP 3 - Install SWAG (Secure Web Application Gateway) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside the unraid web interface, go to apps then in the top right corner inside the search bar search for "swag" (without quotes) Click install and you will be redirected to the container settings. Change the following settings: Network type: -> Select Custom: cdocknet (or watherver name you assigned in step 2) HTTP: -> Change it to 8080 or another port that is not in use either in unraid or any docker you have HTTPS: -> Change it to 8443 or another port that is not in use either in unraid or any docker you have EMAIL: -> Your email address DOMAIN NAME: -> The Dynamic DNS domain name, so if we use the one I setup in the first step it is going to be hopto.org Yours can be different. Ex.: ddns.net, duckdns.org SUBDOMAINS: -> Delete the "www" and replance it with the custom name you chose in step 1, in our case emby. ONLY SUBDOMAINS: -> Set it to true (we tell swag to issue the cert. only for our subdomain as we don't own the top level domain be it hopto.org or whatever else you chose) You can leave the rest as default. Now before clicking "APPLY" open a new tab and go to your router setting and setup a port forward to unraid for the port 80 and 443. I cannot give a specific guidance here as every router setting is different. Try to search for port forwarding [your router model] in google and read how to do it. You should have a table/items like this. You need to setup 2 port forwarding, one for port 80 and one for port 443. NAME/APPLICATION NAME/SERVICE NAME: Swag80 IP ADDRESS: enter unraid ip address PUBLIC PORT: enter the default HTTP port, in this case 80 PRIVATE PORT: enter the custom port you setup for the docker, in our case 8080 PROTOCOL: TCP NAME/APPLICATION NAME/SERVICE NAME: Swag443 IP ADDRESS: enter unraid ip address PUBLIC PORT: enter the default HTTPS port, in this case 443 PRIVATE PORT: enter the custom port you setup for the docker, in our case 8443 PROTOCOL: TCP After you did so go back to unraid and click apply. Once swag is installed check the log setting to make sure everything is done without error thus a certificate is created and valid. Basically you shouldn't have any red/amber warning in the log and at the end you should see a "Server ready." message. If any red/amber shows then check the port are correctly forwarded (make sure the numbers are correct, the unraid server's ip address is correct) otherwise read what the error says and do a search to fix it. STEP 4 - Install Emby -------------------------- As before go under the apps tab in unraid to open the community applications and search for emby. You should see 3 or more emby containers, you can use the one you prefer. For our guide we use the official emby container. Click install and again you'll be redirected to the docker settings. Change the following settings: Network type: -> Select Custom: cdocknet (or watherver name you assigned in step 2; if you have multiple custom network make sure you use the same you setup in swag otherwise the reverse proxy won't work) Host path 2:* -> Path to your media folder share. Ex.: /mnt/user0/Media Then click apply and wait for the docker to be pulled. Once it's complete you can open emby web interface by clicking on the EmbyServer icon and select "WebUI". Emby asks you to setup a username and a password. Note this one will be the admin of the server so use a strong password. Don't worry about Emby connect, this is not required at this moment so you can leave it blank. If you have one feel free to enter it. Click next. You can already setup the library in this part or skip and do it later. For the purpose of this guide we skip it as it's not difficult and there is plenty of documentation on emby website on how to do that. So now you can click finish and you will have emby UI with all the libraries (if you setup any) and the possibility to access the server settings. STEP 5 - Configure SWAG proxy-conf --------------------------------------------- If you didn't change the default appdata config path in swag you will have all the config file under /mnt/user/appdata/swag. So from unraid webui set the appdata share to export with public access type. To do so just click on the appdatashare, then under SMB Security Settings set the following: Export: -> yes Security: -> Public Click apply then done. From your PC/MAC navigate to the appdata share and open the swag folder. In windows would be "This PC-> Network -> unraid_server_name -> appdata -> swag" Inside swag navigate to nginx and then open proxy-conf folder. Search and open a file named emby.subdomain.conf.sample with your preferred text editor be it notepad, notepad++, gedit or whatever. Inside this file you have to change: server_name emby.* to whatever name you setup in step 1 for the dynamic dns. Example if your dynamic dns is myembysrv.ddns.net in this line you would setup server_name myembysrv.* The other line we have to change is the set $upstream_app emby by replacing emby with the container name. If you used the official emby container and you didn't change it then you would set this up to set $upstream_app EmbyServer . You can find the container name in unraid. Now click save and rename the file by removing the ".sample" at the end. So the new file name will be "emby.subdomain.conf". Go back to unraid webui, click on the swag container icon and restart the container. (This reloads the configuration files in swag like the one we just modified) STEP 6 - Configure remote access on Emby --------------------------------------------------- Open emby webui by clicking on the emby docker icon in unraid, go to settings -> network. Tick the "Allow remote connections to this emby server" now some extra settings will appear. Scroll down till you find "Public HTTPS port number" and change it to "443" Right below you find the "External domain:" and set this to the dynamic dns we setup in step 1. In our case is "emby.hopto.org" Then scroll down a bit more till you find "Secure connection mode:" and change it to "Handled by reverse proxy" Then just below it untick the "Enable automatic port mapping" and then scroll at the end of the page and click save. Go back to unraid webui and restart emby docker. STEP 7 - Test the remote connection -------------------------------------------- Open a new tab and go to "https://emby.hopto.org", of course replace this with your custom dynamic dns entry. Ex.: "https://myembysrv.ddns.net" You should see a "Please sign in" page with emby logo asking you for a login and password. If you see a connection timeout then you did something wrong. Go back and re-read all the steps and make sure you did everything correctly. If you see an SSL cert error/browser warning that the connection is not secure then you messed up with the ports or skipped some steps. Again re-read and make sure you did everything properly. STEP 8 - Setting the HW (hardware) transcoding in Emby with intel QSV (Quick Sync Video) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements: Emby premiere Intel CPU that has Quick Sync Video (search your cpu at https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark.html#@Processors) Compatible motherboards (sometimes iGPU has to be enabled in BIOS/UEFI, in some other cases you need a VGA/HDMI plugged-in to have it functional either by plugging in a monitor or by using a dummy VGA/HDMI adapter) If you meet the above requirements please read on... Open a terminal window in unraid (top right corner, click on the terminal icon inside the unraid webui) and type the following: ls /dev/dri and press ENTER If you see something like by-path/ card0 renderD128 this means that the QSV is already enabled in your unraid server and you can skip to the docker setting step otherwise read on. In the terminal window type: modprobe i915 then press ENTER (if there is any error stop and solve this before moving on. Make sure you meet all the requirements) Then type: ls /dev/dri and press ENTER. Now you should see something like this: by-path/ card0 renderD128 Now type chmod -R 777 /dev/dri to set the permission on the folder so we can access to it from the emby docker container. Once that's done close the terminal window, go over Emby docker container icon and click "Edit". This will bring the container settings up like the first time we installed it. Scroll down at the bottom and click on "+ Add another path, port, variable, label or device". A new window/popup will open. Change the following settings: Config Type -> Device Name -> /dev/dri Value -> /dev/dri Description -> Intel Quick Sync Video Then click "ADD" and the "APPLY" and after the container is pulled down again click on "DONE". Now open emby webui, go to "Settings -> Transcoding" and make sure you have "Enable hardware acceleration when available:" set to "Yes" or "Advanced". With advanced you can see the various preferred hardware encoders/decoders emby will use and tick/untick the ones you want. Scroll to the bottom and click on "Save". STEP 9 - Testing the hardware transcoding and make Intel QSV persistent across unraid server reboots ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To test if the hardware trascoding is working as intended just go to your library, open a movie and select a different quality. For example you can set it to 480p - 1Mbps and click play. If you go in your server dashboard inside emby webui settings you will see under Active devices the client name that is reproducing the movie and just below informations about wether it is being transcoded or not and which encoder/decoder is being used. For example if you see VAAPI (Video Acceleration Api) means the hardware transcoding is working using the intel QSV by accessing /dev/dri (Direct rendering infrastructure). Finally last step is to go back into unraid webui, open a terminal window and edit the go file to make sure Intel QSV is always on even if we reboot the server. To do so type: nano /boot/config/go and press ENTER Nano editor will open and you will see the content of the file. If you never modified it before it should be similar to: #!/bin/bash # Start the Management Utility /usr/local/sbin/emhttp & Just add the following lines to the bottom of the file modprobe i915 chmod -R 777 /dev/dri Your go file should look like this: #!/bin/bash # Start the Management Utility /usr/local/sbin/emhttp & modprobe i915 chmod -R 777 /dev/dri Save using the CTRL + O and then CTRL + X to exit Done! If you read it this far I thank you for the attention and I hope you found this guide useful. Finally you can enjoy your media on the sofa.
  2. Hello from Fanart.tv I see there are quite a few budding artists and professionals alike over here that are creating fanart for Media Browser. We would love to see some of that art make it over to our site so it can easily be shared with even more people. Even if it's not shared on our site, I thought some of our video tutorials might be of use to any fanart creators. Our tutorials are a little scattered, so I thought I could show how to access them here. For strictly video tutorials you can either view our youtube channel or our G+ page. For all types of tutorials and templates, you will find them under each section of our homepage. Movies, TV, and Music respectively. Just look under each artwork type and click the Tutorial or Template buttons to see if any exist for that artwork type. We also have some tutorials in our forums under Gimp Chat and Photoshop Chat. I have just recently started a "Gimp from Scratch" video tutorial series for new creators that are not familiar with gimp or creating fanart. I really hope that these tutorials will be of use to someone here and please remember...We are there to help. I realize that some users are a bit weary of uploading to us as we have some pretty strict requirements to get an image approved. Once you understand what these are and how to abide by them, I think you'll find it will be a rewarding experience. If you are having trouble with something, just post in our forums, or join us in the IRC channel and we will do our best to help out. Lastly, please post in our forums for any requests of tutorials you'd like to see. Best Regards, Akovia
  3. Przemek

    Vaapi not recognized

    Hello @jaycedkI have strange situation. I have set everything like You said and today when I check I don't see even VAAPI to choose. Also throttling settings are uncheck. It's because I recreate container?
  4. Hey guys, I am a Kodi/XBMC long time user. I really have enjoyed using Media Browser for greater control over my metadata and artwork. I also use it for our chromebooks and accessing our media outside of our home network. This may not be new news to this forum but I posted a noob guide here including configuring your router for external access. http://gameroomsolutions.com/organize-access-home-theater-media-anywhere-media-browser/ Thanks, Ryan GameRoomSolutions.com
  5. lllrinzlerlll

    ASUSTOR Setup and Transcoding Settings

    Hey guys I have been using Emby / Media Browser since way back when it was a mere WMC plugin (probably 8 years... just guessing). Never really bothered to look into or comment in the forums but did pay for premiere Recently I took down my Windows based Emby server which worked great and decided to move everything to a NAS I have noticed there is not much Asustor info so hopefully my setup can help other people. Recently I setup an Asustor 6104T with 4 x 10TB IronWolf drives and 8GB DDR3L 1600. It was slow going at first with not much Asustor info in the Emby forums, however after about a week I ended up with a rock solid system, some of my experiences might be able to help people using Asustor or trying to set one up. Home layout for NAS Internet - Fibre 100/40 Router - ASUS N55U LAN - NAS - Asustor AS6104T (4 x 10TB IronWolf drives and 8GB DDR3L 1600) - I tried 1333 RAM and it seemed to have a massive impact on system performance, so I recommend sticking with 1600 The NAS is in a server room with other household equipment, so it is effectively running headless and no content is played directly on the NAS to a monitor Emby Setup Installation I initially installed Emby from App Central, then using WinSCP, I FTP into the NAS and update the Emby version with the most current from the Emby website (currently This process takes around 20 seconds to do and it should be noted that you must shutdown the Emby server, go to App Central and disable the app before updating. Once updated go back into App Central and reenable the app. Users I currently have 9 users, 6 of those are usually on the internal network (sometimes external) and 3 are external all the time Library My library is around 8TB ranging from TV, SD - HD - 4K, with most of the HD content having DTS 5.1 Playback I have external streams limited to 2Mps, this limits the pressure on transcoding as well as the network Transcoding I spent hours and hours in transcoding, testing multiple devices, configurations etc. Below is the best outcome I can get out of the system thus far, please note I cannot get 4K with DTS 5.1 to play reliably yet although I can get some 4K to work with 2.0 sound. If transcoding continues to be an issue or I can't get Intel Quick Sync working, I will most likely move to something like an Intel NUC i5/i7 to run the Emby server and use the NAS for content only Hardware Acceleration - Video Acceleration API (VA API) (experimental) VA API Device - /dev/dri/card0 Transcoding thread count - Max Enable throttling - unticked FFmpeg version - Use a custom version - I use the version found in App Central (I find it works better with the Asustor than the version shipped with Emby) FFmpeg path - /volume1/.@plugins/AppCentral/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg Transcoding temporary path - Set it to whatever you want. In the event of problems I made mine a location that is easily accessible so it can be flushed Audio boost when downmixing - 2 H.264 encoding preset - Auto H.264 encoding CRF - 20 Live TV Using a HDHomeRun HDHR4-2DT but not setup as yet Plugins I have Auto Box Sets and Server Configuration Backup Scheduled Tasks - Chapter image extraction can take anywhere from 20 seconds to 2 hours depending on how much content I add at a time, note that this is quite heavy on the CPU so if you have added new content and the chapters are extracting, you may have playback issues if transcoding while this process is running. This will run the CPU up to around 95% of both cores (my system is a dual core, quad core should be better) - Refresh people takes around 10 mins and loads the CPU to around 5% - Scan media library takes around 10 - 20 mins and can bump your CPU usage up to between 30 and 60%. Similar to Chapter image extraction, while this process is running transcoded playback may be affected The biggest bottle necks of this system are the CPU and RAM, CPU is something you can't change once you buy it (only talking about my Asustor NAS here) therefore you have to manage it appropriately, the memory I highly recommend bumping up to as much as your Asustor can handle (mine is 2 x 4GB, total 8GB) I found that using 1333 DDR3 had an adverse effect on the system, I moved to 1600 DDR3L and everything was much better. I'm not sure if the memory problem was with the clocking speed (1333 vs 1600) or the voltage being used (DDR3 1.5V vs DDR3L 1.35V), limited info on the hardware makes it near impossible for me to know. I can tell you the original sticks that came installed in the system were 2 x 1GB DDR3L 1600 Network Devices LAN - Xbox One using Emby Theater or DLNA when remote playing content from my phone (Emby Theater is the main setup and used 99% of the time) LAN - Xbox 360 using DLNA I think... (havent used it in a while), have done tests on it but don't use it very often LAN - Yamaha 5.1 Reciever using DLNA for audio (Tested only, not used very often) LAN - Panasonic TV using DLNA (Tested only, will not normally use) LAN - HDHomeRun HDHR4-2DT - in the process of setting up so not currently online 5GHz Wifi - S6 Edge 5GHz Wifi - Another S6 Edge 5GHz Wifi - Tab S2 8" 5GHz Wifi - Note 3 5GHz Wifi - Note 5 5GHz Wifi - Windows 10 laptop 5GHz Wifi - another Windows 10 laptop 5GHz Wifi- Android TV (Emby App with MX Player mainly, have tested DLNA, VLC and Chromecast...) 2.4GHz Wifi - Chromecast version 1 2.4GHz Wifi - iPad mini Most of the time I use the Xbox One and the Tab S2" without any dramas at all, the other devices play content sporadically but have not been as thoroughly tested. I have also not had any problems with the Chromecast or Android TV Playback Experience I have tested all 6 internal users playing content as a direct stream along with 3 external users playing direct content as a direct stream, so with no transcoding present all 9 users were able to play content without interruption (they were all HD movies) With transcoding it is a different story, I have tested running 4 internal users with 1 external user. 3 of the internal users were direct streaming with 1 internal user transcoding, the external user was also transcoding but with external streaming set to 1Mbps. This is the max I could get out of the system, adding another user brought the system to a near holt... As soon as I removed one of the users transcoding everything kicked back in again, but note doing this test kept the CPU at 99% constantly. Throughout all tests I had my laptop (not playing any content at all) logged in the NAS VIA browser and the Emby server VIA browser, this allows you to be able to watch the CPU / RAM allocation of the NAS as well as check which users are streaming what content, and if its direct streaming or transcoding. The best everyday experience I have used and tested is the Xbox One App and the Emby for Android TV app using MX Player (codecs for MX Player are floating around and can greatly enhance playback). I always default back to the Emby App on the Tab S2 8" for testing when there is a problem as I haven't had a single issue with it yet... luck i guess. Hopefully this helps anyone currently using an Asustor NAS and is having issues or helps people thinking about setting one up.
  6. I call myself searching through the guides and the General/Windows forum section but I wasn't seeing a guide/tutorial for updating Emby when you're running it as a Windows service. Updating Emby when you're running it as a program or from the tray/dock seems straightforward Updating Emby as a Windows Service doesn't appear as straightforward. So is there a guide or makeshift instructions at all for updating Emby when running it as a Windows Service?
  7. ginjaninja

    Emby for Roku

    Emby For Roku Setup Guide Assumptions The Author only had access to a Roku 3 (Model 4200X Software v5.4 2240) . It is assumed that all Rokus behave in the same way in respect of this guide.Prerequisites Install EMBY Server. Create an EMBY User. Optionally (and recommended) make user an EMBY Connect User (by registering on community forums and adding the valid MB community username to the user account under server configuration and authorising via email) http://emby.media/connect/ Follow the Roku product installation instructions to register your email address/Roku account. Ensure the Roku has a valid IP route to your EMBY server and ensure the necessary rules are applied on any intermediary firewalls. See Client<>Server Connection Troubleshooting. Guide Chapters Adding EMBY Channel to Your Roku. Connect EMBY Roku Client to EMBY Server Client<>Server Connection Troubleshooting. Note many of the pictures in this guide need updating for the latest version and new product name. Media Browser is now EMBY
  8. Q: Is there a tutorial posted on how to setup gamebrowser?
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