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  1. Hi I am using a combination of Plex and Emby to record from my Homerun Duo onto my PC. All the files record as TS files, which is what I want as the conversion to an MP4 of interlaced material is horrible. TS files can retain both progressive streams and interlaced streams and a combination, so I want to stick with TS. I've just invested in a Shield TV and was going to make a choice between Emby and Plex as I don't want to keep paying for both. My issue is, all TS files layed on the Shield in Emby end up transcoding (Direct Play error). This ends up slower, but also converts them and deinterlaces them which I don't want. Old 90s shows which I record a lot of do not look good. It doesn't affect newer progressive shows so much. The same files on Plex alwats play directly and seek really quickly. Just for comparison, I tried the Emby and Plex apps on my Samsung TV and they both use direct play for these files, it just seems that it's Emby on the Shield that doesn't. After investing £150 on a Shield I want to be using it and the experience geneanrally is quicker than using the apps on my TV. I know that there has been talk in the past about problems with seeking on TS files in Emby, but if Plex can do it and the Samsung TV Emby app can do it, why can't the Shield TV do it? I'm leaning towards keeping Plex at the momnent which is a shame as there are many parts to Emby that I prefer.
  2. Hey guys, When I use the m3u tuner and play .ts streams they just stop after 20-30 secs. Is there a way to buffer the stream or fix it to play these type of streams? Kind Regards, Daniel
  3. What happened to the Live TV DVR function in the last server release? The folders in the TV library are now named TV show (2018) instead of TV Show, so now I have new series recordings split across two folders. I can recombine them if this is the naming convention going forward, not a huge deal, but it did cause some confusion. A bigger problem is the shows are no longer remuxed to MKV container on the fly, and I no longer am able to find the configuration for this feature in Emby Server. Was the feature removed? If so, why? I thought MKV was preferred to TS for use in these applications.
  4. bonifacefj

    NPVR Jumbled EPG - Won't Play Stream

    Hello, I am quite new to Emby and am very impressed with what I have seen so far, I am running Emby Server 3.0.7300.0 on Windows 10 Pro, the same machine as NPVR 3.8.3. As far as I can tell there are no problems on the NPVR side of things as I can browse the guide and watch streams locally and through the HTTP server. The problems I am encountering are: a) My guide data is jumbled only in Emby, BBC ONE West shows guide data for Channel 4, Channel 4 shows guide data for Kerrang! Radio. BBC Two shows BBC 4 Data etc. When I click to play BBC One West, Channel 4 plays - matching the guide data. It appears that only the names are mixed. b ) I can no longer play any streams from Emby, I am still able to play them from NPVR. I have tried Web, iPad and Emby HT clients and no playing at all. I have made no changes since I could play channels about two days ago. I have attatched the log file, I have difficulty understanding it but have found this entry: Unknown Bitrate @ 2016-10-08 20:33:03 I have searched around for fixes but all I have found is a couple of other people with the issue but no fix. I would greatly appreciate any help as I am really enjoying my Emby and NPVR experience so far, If any more log files are needed let me know and I will post those. Many thanks, Fred Boniface. Edit: I have also found a transcode log for a live tv attempt, it is also attatched. server-63611514212.txt ffmpeg-transcode-e245424b-26fd-435c-958b-0909a0b2feb5.txt
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