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  1. Brief: Thumbnail extraction and creation of *.bif files for progress/seek bar doesn't create *.bif files for tv shows, but it does for movies. Running EmbyServer on Kubuntu 22.04 I reviewed this link for reference; it helped with debugging a bit, but didn't solve anything. A few days ago, I turned on thumbnail extraction for *.bif on two libraries, movies and tv shows. After the first run timed-out after 4 hours (a sensible default), I ran the scheduled task manually so it would go to completion. Today, it finished the movies, and *should* have taken another week or so to chew through the tv shows. The *.bif files for the movies are present in /var/lib/emby/metadata (as expected and desired), and they function as expected, at least in Emby Theater for Linux. Looking in embyserver.txt, I see thousands of lines with "quick-extract-imageseries' (one with the command executed, one noting success, per movie). However, when it finished the movies and switched to TV shows, it started using 'quick-extract-image' instead, again with two entries (command & success) as for movies. However, no *.bif files were generated for tv shows, either in /var/lib/emby/metadata (desired) nor in the content folders (not desired). Incanted `updatedb&`, then used `locate` and `grep` to confirm no *.bif files for tv shows anywhere on the machine. Below is a sanitized snippet from embyserver.txt showing the transition from movies to tv shows. <snip> 2022-08-10 14:42:57.187 Info App: ProcessRun 'quick-extract-imageseries' Execute: /opt/emby-server/bin/ffmpeg -f matroska -threads 1 -skip_interval 10 -copyts -i file:"/srv/samba/public/video/movies/Movie.Title,The [2022.1080p.x265.EAC3.6CH].mkv" -an -sn -vf "scale=w=320:h=180,format=yuv420p,eq=contrast=0.9:gamma=0.95:saturation=1.8" -vsync cfr -r 0.1 -f image2 "/var/lib/emby/cache/temp/1c2a5bd3e45247c4a9b6a13faa9b9815/img_%05d.jpg" 2022-08-10 14:43:53.471 Info LibraryMonitor: tmpmusicvideos (/srv/samba/public/video/tmpmusicvideos) will be refreshed. 2022-08-10 14:43:54.187 Info MediaProbeManager: ProcessRun 'ffprobe' Execute: /opt/emby-server/bin/ffprobe -i file:"/srv/samba/public/video/tmpmusicvideos/Starland Vocal Band/Afternoon Delight/Starland Vocal Band - Afternoon Delight.mkv" -threads 0 -v info -print_format json -show_streams -show_chapters -show_format -show_data 2022-08-10 14:43:54.211 Info MediaProbeManager: ProcessRun 'ffprobe' Process exited with code 0 - Succeeded 2022-08-10 14:43:54.866 Info HttpClient: GET https://musicbrainz.emby.tv/ws/2/artist/?query="Starland Vocal Band"&dismax=true 2022-08-10 14:43:55.417 Info HttpClient: GET https://www.theaudiodb.com/api/v1/json/2139078587215309723505/artist-mb.php?i=2dd30f18-241e-44b3-8bb3-950380f22dfa 2022-08-10 14:43:55.585 Info HttpClient: GET https://webservice.fanart.tv/v3.1/music/2dd30f18-241e-44b3-8bb3-950380f22dfa?api_key=x_secret1_x 2022-08-10 14:43:58.530 Debug NetworkManager: Detected local ip addresses:, fe80::4423:11d7:9015:f4ae%2,, ::1 2022-08-10 14:44:07.972 Info App: ProcessRun 'quick-extract-imageseries' Process exited with code 0 - Succeeded 2022-08-10 14:44:08.029 Info App: ProcessRun 'quick-extract-image' Execute: /opt/emby-server/bin/ffmpeg -skip_list 515 -f matroska -threads 1 -copyts -i file:"/srv/samba/public/video/tv/TV Show Name/S04/Tv.Show.Name.S04E01 [1080p.x265.AAC.6CH].mkv" -an -sn -update 1 -vf "scale=trunc(min(max(iw\,ih*dar)\,min(600\,0*dar))/2)*2:trunc(min(max(iw/dar\,ih)\,min(600/dar\,0))/2)*2,thumbnail=24" -vsync 0 -f image2 "/var/lib/emby/cache/temp/ca5f3275-94c8-4a9d-9bbc-55120e9ad6a3.jpg" 2022-08-10 14:44:12.279 Info App: ProcessRun 'quick-extract-image' Process exited with code 0 - Succeeded <snip> EmbyServer spent about 6 hours doing 'quick-image-extract' for all the tv shows. It then spent about 15 minutes doing 'extract-multi-image' for some very recent tv show episodes. When I try to run the scheduled task manually, it finishes in 0 seconds, doing nothing. There is no "thumbnail-failures.txt" in /var/lib/emby/cache. Screenies of the relevant portions of the library settings are attached. TV library was set to 'Chapters' originally, which seems suspect. I just changed it to '10 seconds' and re-ran the scheduled task. It completed within 49 seconds, which can't be right. More investigation is required. I've attached the complete server log corresponding to the snippet above. Update: Changing the tv library to '10 seconds', then re-running the scheduled task resulting in emby creating *.bif files for four tv episodes, then finishing the task. Running the scheduled task again (repeatedly) and it just finishes instantly without creating more *.bif files. 2022-08-10 20:39:32.364 embyserver.error.finishing.movies.starting.tv.shows.no.bif.files.for.tv.txt
  2. Hello, Feature request: Add a setting within the LiveTV settings that would execute the thumbnail image creation task (even just for that single file). I see the section for "Recording Post Processing" and would think that a selection there to have the thumbnail image creation task to run (or again, just process that single file). I could set the thumbnail creation task to run every hour, but that seems messy and an unnecessary amount of task run cycles. User Case: I will often watch a recorded TV show later on the same day that the show was recorded (or even shortly after the recording has ended) and to ease in fast forwarding of commercials and pre/post recording buffers I want to have the thumbnails available without having to manually run the thumbnail image creation task each time. Thanks, Erik
  3. Hello my server was working just fine and then it stopped getting information and adding thumnails to the videos.. What is going on?! and please fix it
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