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  1. Please post any questions/support queries here for the TV Theme Music Plugin Full Details here: http://mediabrowser.tv/community/index.php?/topic/1069-tv-theme-music-plugin/
  2. radeon

    Radeon's Theme Media Plugins FAQ

    Hi All, I get a lot of repeat questions that I thought an FAQ might cover off so here goes: Q: What are the Media Theme Video and Music Plugins? A: These plugins download extra metadata to your Movie and TV shows which ultimate enriches the library experience whilst browsing your collection. They do not control any part of the media playback and simply download the theme media, putting it in the correct place within your media collections. What and where the media is played back is controlled by the client you are using and it's greatly advisable that you check with the client as to what functionality you will get before buying the plugins. Q: Where can I buy them? A: Either individually though the emby plugin catalog or as a bulk buy via my website https://www.ballingtons.com/products Q: OK, so I have them installed, what should I do next? A: Run the scheduled tasks! Depending on which plugins you have installed, you will have some download tasks under your scheduled tasks within the emby dashboard. Run them up and theme media will start to download. Q: I don't seem to have as many themes downloaded as I was hoping? A: The plugins have load balancing within them so it can take a few runs over a few days to get all available for your collection. Not all movies or shows in your collection will have themes but the library is always getting bigger. Q: What do I need to do if a new TV show or Movie is added to my collection? A: Nothing! The particular theme plugins for that type will automatically detect the new addition and scan for themes straight away. If one isn't available right then, as long as you have the scheduled task scheduled to run periodically, it will hopefully be picked up in the future. Q: I'm having a problem with one of the plugins, what should I do? A: Get in touch! I'd always suggest dropping a post on one of the support threads for the plugin you're having issue with. If i'm not available, someone else will likely be and can often help if the issue is something simple. Always try and post fresh debug logs (Enable debug logging, restart emby, run the plugin with the issue, wait for it to complete the scheduled task) or if you're worried about sensitive data, feel free to drop me a PM with you log and licence info. Q: The plugins have stopped working, now what? A: Report it to me via one of the support threads. From time to time, there are some breaking changes to emby or the host which require a rework of my plugins to get them up and running again, it's just a fact of life. I am a long standing member of emby and have been around for years with no intention of leaving yet. My personal work has taken me away from emby more than I would ideally like but I'm definitely not going anywhere soon. Emby is still central to my media setup and I personally use my own plugins so take it as a good thing that from a selfish perspective, I want these plugins to stay working as much as you do. If they're broken, I'll always do my best to fix them. Q: What emby clients work with the theme media metadata downloaded? A: The clients are always changing and being updated so it's tough to keep on top of which ones are doing what. Before buying the plugins, it's always advisable to make use of the trial or just manually place some theme media in the right locations to give it a test and make sure you're happy with what you're going to get. If you don't check this out and you're not happy with what you've got then not a lot can be done. Due to the nature of the plugins and the fact they're delivering meta data, no refunds can be given and you have already got the functionality they offer by downloading the theme media. Q: Can I change the location the media is downloaded to? A: No. The media needs to be stored in the correct places to be detected by the emby server, If I change the place, the theme media will no longer be found by emby server. Q: Where is the location the media is downloaded to? A: See the Emby support article here: https://support.emby.media/support/solutions/articles/44001159179 I'm sure there are plenty more FAQ's but that's my start for now.
  3. First let me start off by saying the new theme music integration for the Android TV app is amazing... Thanks for this, it works flawless! I was holding off on doing theme music until this happened. So, started applying themes today and testing on different devices.... IOS, Android Phone, PC, Android TV. And I noticed a few things. 1. On IOS, Android and the Web interface, once you go into a TV series and the music starts playing it will not stop if you go back out. So if I hit the back button at the top to go back to my series list its still playing, unless I hit the home button, go into another series or start a video. Granted, I can always hit the pause button at the bottom to stop it if I need to, but I feel like going out of the series should stop it like it does on the other devices. 2. It works perfect on the android TV app and Emby theater. Is the way it works on IOS, Android, and the web interface expected for now? Thanks,
  4. https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Wiki/wiki/Theme-songs-&-videos
  5. Is it possible to gain the volume of the theme videos and theme songs to background level? I know I can gain the mp3 with mp3gain but it would be nice if this can be done automaicly. Now some have songs that have low volume and others are much too loud. Also when theme songs or videos are playing and I delete items from the library from within MBClassic the music stops and the recycle sound takes over. Is it possible that this does not happen?
  6. TV Theme Songs Downloads Theme Songs for TV Shows Theme Songs for TV Shows The TV Theme Songs Plugin will download TV Show Songs where available to your local media library in the correct format and location required by the MediaBrowser 3 Server. Once installed and the theme intro songs downloaded,they will be played whilst browsing your collections. As Theme Songs are supported by the Media Browser server, any client/theme can make use of them if they choose to. Current Supported Clients & Themes Media Browser Theatre Media Browser Classic - All themes (with ThemeVideo Backdrops for MediaBrowser Classic - FREE plugin installed) Roku Client Android Client Due to the nature of this plugin, a trial is offered which only downloads shows beginning with the letter A. Registering will give complete download of all available Support For support, please post HERE Revision History (Release)Updated some lookups in prep for new source & changed licence message in log to stop Cbers stressing (Release)Skip theme songs downloaded that are less than 25kb in size to prevent "we are sorry but this song has been removed message" (Release)Cleanup of temp files on fail (Release)Trial facility added (Release)Config Page Implemented
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