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  1. I tried to change the Content Type of an existing library on Emby server installed on Synology. I followed the guide here: https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/99927-how-to-change-the-content-type-for-a-library/, but Synology stores libraries in an SQL database, so the process is not as straightforward. Therefore, I’m sharing the procedure that worked for me. I hope that it hepls someone. - Turn off the Emby server - Connect to NAS by SSH - Navigate to the directory: cd /var/packages/EmbyServer/var/data - Set correct permissions: sudo chmod 664 library.db sudo chmod 775 /var/packages/EmbyServer/var/data/ - Create a backup of the database: cp library.db library.db.bak - Open the database tool: sudo sqlite3 library.db - List the tables: .tables - Libraries are stored in the table `MediaItems`. - Get the column names for the library table: PRAGMA table_info(MediaItems); - Select data based on the name of the desired library (focus on entries with an existing `Path`): SELECT Id, Name, Path FROM MediaItems WHERE Name = 'LIBRARY_NAME'; - From the selected record, take the ID. - Select additional settings for the library based on the ID: SELECT * FROM ItemExtradata WHERE ItemId = ID; - It will show that one column contains JSON data with settings, including the `ContentType` value. - Valid `ContentType` values: - Audio books: `"ContentType":"audiobooks"` - Camera Uploads: `"ContentType":"homevideos"` - Collections: `"ContentType":"boxsets"` - Home videos & photos: `"ContentType":"homevideos"` - Movies: `"ContentType":"movies"` - Music: `"ContentType":"music"` - Music Videos: `"ContentType":"musicvideos"` - Playlists: `"ContentType":"playlists"` - TV shows: `"ContentType":"tvshows"` - Mixed content: `EMPTY` (no `ContentType` key) - Update the `ContentType` to Mixed content (original value is `ORIGINAL_CONTENT_TYPE`): UPDATE ItemExtradata SET Value = REPLACE(Value, '"ContentType":"ORIGINAL_CONTENT_TYPE",', '') WHERE ItemId = ID; - Alternatively, update `ContentType` to a new value (`NEW_CONTENT_TYPE`) (original value is `ORIGINAL_CONTENT_TYPE`): UPDATE ItemExtradata SET Value = REPLACE(Value, '"ContentType":"ORIGINAL_CONTENT_TYPE"', '"ContentType":"NEW_CONTENT_TYPE"') WHERE ItemId = ID; - Exit the database tool: .exit - Delete the database backup: sudo rm library.db.bak - Start the Emby server - Run the "Scan media library" task
  2. I have installed and run the setup for the OS5 version of emby and updated the operating system on MyCloud EX4100. The operating system doesn't have an easy setup for making emby work correctly. I have reset it several times and changed the SSH and DLNA settings trying to access the port emby opens "8096", nothing works. When I try to configure the app in the MyCloud device Mycloud opens a new browser window using the "8096" port, and the page opens saying the server returned an invalid response. and never responds correctly. Please Help, my entire video library has been transferred to the MyCloud. I need to get some sort of access besides direct connection.
  3. prinzpiuz

    Manager for emby server

    I have built a Media server managing application (for managing media server like emby, jellyfin, plex) please have a look https://github.com/prinzpiuz/MSM_mobile built with #flutter #dart
  4. Hi All, I'm running Emby server on Hetzner server but the speed are terrible to my home. I'm in Australia. I been hearing from the plex guys about creating SSH tunnel. Plan is to get VPS in Australia. I had look at this guide but it is for plex. If anyone can offer some ideas or tips. Much appreciated. https://gist.github.com/MarMed/94b5537a9fb61cf7212808692bbef14d
  5. cmart2112

    Add Directory To Library From Afar

    Hello! I manage a linux media server for my sister. She lives in a remote location and only has broadband internet. I built a linux server with emby on it with the intention of giving her an external USB drive from time to time with new content. I can only access this machine via SSH, but within the local network, Emby is working like a champ. My question is, how can I add the external USB to the Emby library via ssh? I tried to symlink the content into the existing library directory, but it doesn't appear to be working. The local hard drive is about 1TB and already full of content and the external hard drive is about 5 TB. I have it mounted in the same root directory as the current content. Any tips would be great! Thanks!
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