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  1. I've been using emby for a few weeks and just bought premier during black friday. I was not signed in and don't have an account i just bought with paypal. I got no email with a key or anything and have no idea how I would activate this even after making an account.
  2. I have been trying for the last few hours to reinstall Emby Server on my fresh installed system (Win 10 x64 Pro) but every time I try I get the following error and can go no further. Could anyone assist please as I would like to get my movies back on line. I am a Premiere user. Thanks for the assistance!.
  3. Meeko

    Change TV EPG Bar

    EDIT SOLVED: /*Continue Watching-Next Up-Itemdetails Progress indicator*/ div.innerCardFooter {background: transparent;} div.itemProgressBar { background: transparent; } div.itemProgressBarForeground {background-color: #B41803;} Hello GUys, Im a css newbie. Can you show me how i can change this LiveTV epg bar from green in Red!? on this picture: Best regards Soldize
  4. deej1978

    I don't understand which version?

    I'm trying to update Emby on Linux (openmediavault) via Portainer. I am currently running and Dashboard is telling me there is an update. When I update the container it doesn't update to 4.6xx? On the Linux server website it shows that they are up to 4.6? https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-emby/ I don't understand. Pulling the latest version and updating just updates to 4.5, even if I rebuild the container from scratch the same happens. Thanks.
  5. Hello, I run emby in a docker container on linux with volumes mounted on CIFS shares. This has worked great for years now but I recently reinstalled my os as i was moving to a new server and now, without changing anything, i am unable to scan new items and am getting the Busy" database is locked error. The server works as normal otherwise. users and media is all there. plays things just fine. I can even create a new user. the linux version is the same. the only thing that changed was the emby server user was 1001 and now it's 1000 (and i have updated docker config) I have followed the steps in https://support.emby.media/support/solutions/articles/44002210894-corrupt-databas, even deleting all wal and shm files. the database integrity check for library is fine. weirdly enough if i run the integrity check while emby is running its locked, stop emby and its no longer locked. i checked all other databases and they seem fine to: Any ideas of what could be causing this? or things to look at next? thanks edit: i tried the recovery steps in that link and got this: but then when i copied off the network share the command ran without issue.. however when i copied that back into the data dir the server wouldn't even start up copied the original library.db in and it goes back to database being locked
  6. Hi guys, I'm afraid this has probably been asked before as I have tried to follow several of the posts on this forum. Namely: and I haven't setup a ssl cert yet but I am assuming this is not critical if I am testing things on port 80. My default.conf from /etc/nginx/conf.d/ is below. If I add anything above "server {" it stops working. I suspect it's something trivial like a missing } but I am at a loss to what. # Forward everything into Emby server { listen [::]:80; listen 80; server_name video.dyndns.org; proxy_hide_header X-Powered-By; add_header X-Xss-Protection "1; mode=block" always; add_header X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff" always; add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=2592000; includeSubdomains" always; add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN" always; add_header 'Referrer-Policy' 'no-referrer'; add_header Content-Security-Policy "frame-ancestors dyndns.org video.dyndns.org;"; #add your domainname and all subdomains listed on your cert location / { proxy_pass; # Local emby ip and non SSL port proxy_hide_header X-Powered-By; proxy_set_header Range $http_range; proxy_set_header If-Range $http_if_range; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; #Next three lines allow websockets proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; } } Any suggestions, as always, welcome
  7. kaynemo

    4.6.7 Will not install on Mojave?

    Hi good folks at Emby, Super excited about the 4.6.7 release today. But I currently have MacOsX 10.14.6 installed. I've downloaded the latest 4.6.7 file and strange enough it refuses to install, while saying the following: "You have macOS 10.14.6. The application requires macOS 10.9 or later." It took me a couple of minutes to comprehend the message and yet I am baffled - what gives? The previous version installed and is currently operating, now why can't I install 4.6.7 if I have 10.14.6 ????
  8. I just thought I would mention this in case it is a problem for anyone else. I had a series where the shows stopped showing up after the update. They were named Series name(folder), Season#(folder), Episode name. I changed the naming to Series name(folder) Season#(folder), S01E01 - Episode name etc. and now they show up.
  9. visproduction

    Number of TV seasons is wrong

    Library - TV Shows Really small status math issue: This div gets the wrong number of TV seasons and shows it on the TV show media page. The example has text "1 Season". It should be "2 Seasons". body > div.mainAnimatedPages.skinBody > div:nth-child(1) > div > div.topDetailsContainer.flex.flex-direction-row-reverse.topDetailsContainer-withbackdrop > div.flex-grow.topDetailsMain.flex.flex-direction-column > div.verticalSection.detailMainContainer.flex.flex-direction-row.align-items-flex-start.padded-left.padded-right.padded-bottom > div.flex-grow.detailTextContainer.details-largefont > div.flex.align-items-center.flex-direction-row > div.flex.flex-direction-column > div.mediaInfo.mediaInfoPrimary.flex.align-items-center.flex-wrap-wrap.reduce-font-size-tv.focusable > div.\33 .mediaInfoItem A show running from 9/1/2000 to 5/15/2002 shows up as 1 season. I am guessing the math in the backend rounds down, just like the number of minutes. The example show is really 2 seasons, so the code math should round up instead. Most shows start in September and can get cancelled after a second season, mid-year.
  10. I use the emby server on my nvidia shield (emby for android) I let Emby go over my library (tv show type) which is filled with anime series (naming series name - SxxExx, according to thetvdb). In my library settings I have choosen many metadata sources (with tvdb first, see screenshot below). It manages to get most stuff. but it cant get everything, which is fine with me. When i want to identify it myself the server seems to be having problems finding many shows. I am trying with the name that is on thetvdb, thetvdbid, themoviedbid, sometimes it just doesnt find anything or it just shows some empty folder. What is happening here? this seems to happen most with movies. the library is set to tv shows (i want both shows and movies in the same library). that might be the reason it cant find metadata for movies? even though those are also on tvdb. even so, shouldnt i be able to identify those manually still? As example I used the following Anime Movie (anthem of the heart) thertvdb: https://www.thetvdb.com/movies/the-anthem-of-the-heart themoviedb: https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/364111-anthem-of-the-heart check also variuous screenshots where i input data in the identify window and what results i got. why can i not identify this? this is not the only series/movie that doesnt work. there are many more. anybody had the same problem?
  11. Here is my API call: http://watch.tv/emby/Users/97fbc***access_token***b9268559d/Items?limit=5&Recursive=true&IncludeItemTypes=Movie&api_key=180c6***user_key***d98c5747b3668 First five items from the movie library are returned as expected: https://pastebin.com/9ju2deqX Adding offset=X does not seem to "shift" the items returned: http://watch.tv/emby/Users/97fbc***access_token***b9268559d/Items?offset=4&limit=5&Recursive=true&IncludeItemTypes=Movie&api_key=180c6***user_key***d98c5747b3668 This time I would expect the last item from the results above to the first item returned, followed by the next 4 items in the movie library. Instead I get the same items returned: https://pastebin.com/qx3E4hZ7 I have tried this several times with different offset values (that are less than "TotalRecordCount": 53) and the result is always the same. What am I doing missing? Emby Version:
  12. Bonjour, J'ai une erreur sur le batch qui calcule les statistiques. Je ne sais pas pourquoi. Si quelqu'un a une idée. Bien entendu, pas indispensable Server.txt
  13. Is it correct that embyserver runs as root user even though i have configured the docker container PUID to be user 1000 (my user account)? PUID is set to 1000 However it looks like embyserver is run as root user I cannot access the Media files within my volumes unless i set the owner of them to also be root.
  14. Yodikko

    Emby and VPN, I need help!

    So remote connection on my server won't work. Which port should I forward to my VPN provider? I am not really good in networking and stuff like that so I really need help!
  15. NGNear

    (One of my) Libraries is empty...

    Hi all, I've run into an unusual problem with Emby - one of my libraries is empty, and repeated scans do not seem to be repopulating it. Debug log covering a requested library scan is attached to this post. Details: Server is running Ubuntu 20.04.1LTS; problem occured on Emby 4.4.3 and remains the same on 4.5.3 as well. I currently have 9 libraries on the system, scattered over several HDDs: - 12TB_D1 holds "Ongoing TV", "Unwatched TV" and "Archived TV" Libraries - no problems - 8TB_D1 holds "Anime Series", "Anime Movies", "Music" and "Soundtracks" Libraries - no problems - 12TB_D3 holds "Movies" and "Unwatched Movies" Libraries. "Movies" is fine; populated normally, no issues. "Unwatched Movies" appears completely empty. Here's a complicating factor: Until a week or two back, both "Movies" and "Unwatched Movies" were stored on a different HDD. I moved the files across, and updated the Library settings from the Emby Server Dashboard by adding the new folders to each library, then deleting the old folders. This worked for "Movies" but apparently not for "Unwatched Movies". I spotted the problem a couple of days ago (i.e. several days after the switchover), and tried deleting the "Unwatched Movies" library in it's entirety and creating a new one with the same name - no change, nothing found on scan. I've checked permissions - ownership and permissions are identical between "Movies" and "Unwatched Movies" and their content. I've created a Test Library as a new item and pointed it at the same folder, but it remains empty after a media scan, so I don't think it's a corrupted item in a database caused by using the same name for a "different" library. Any thoughts or suggestions for the next step in troubleshooting would be appreciated. Thanks. embyserver.txt
  16. Hi all, new to Emby, just got it installed and running, added a library - it looks and feels great. If I can get it working properly with remote access, etc I'm definitely going to spring for a lifetime premiere subscription. When I try to access the server remotely (Windows 10, Firefox) I log into Emby Connect and I see the server, but when I click on connect I get what I think is a common error for new people: Also, it's a little weird it says "Sign in with Emby Connect" on the screen since I am already signed in. I am running Emby on port 9096 (rather than 8096). I've updated that in the dashboard and it appears to be working: I've also run a port checker app and confirmed that the port is there and the service is listening on that port: Any thoughts on how I can get this working? After this I'll be on to SSL securing the server.
  17. Hi, just installed the Emby docker container on my Linux (Ubuntu) docker host. I've been running a normal Emby server for a while, and normally I just use the shell to copy the SSL cert onto the server, then I can enter the filepath to the cert in the network settings. However apparently with the Emby docker image there's no shell installed. So how do I copy the SSL cert into the Emby docker and/or how do I enable a shell so I can use the exec command? I know this is more of a docker use question than an Emby one specifically, but I cannot find information on how to do this, and I've been googling for about an hour. Thanks.
  18. There was an update to the OTA channels in the last few months. Since then, some of the OTA channels are not working. I upgraded my 2 HDHR3 HDHomerun to the latest firmware. I rescan all 4 tuners. Using Emby, 4 of the 14 channels are not working. They all work fine if I use the HDHomeRun Player directly. I have removed and re-installed the HDHomeRun Devices in Emby. I have also restarted Emby. It appears like Emby is going to the old channel number. For example: CTV used to be on channel 13.1, now it's on channel 16. Is there a config that I need to update? Or is there a procedure on Emby that can rescan the channels? Thank you Z
  19. postboy99

    Docker HWA

    Hi guys, I run Emby on a Synolgy NAS and it's working fine. For quite some time I want to move to Docker but I cannot get hardware transcoding to work. It's just not detecting VAAPi like Emby directly installed on NAS and of course I've put in the Emby premiere key. I've also tried :latest and :beta and even linuxserver/emby docker all with no success. Here is my docker configuration: #!/bin/bash docker run -d\ --name=emby1 \ --net=bridge \ -e UID=1042 \ -e GID=100 \ -e GIDLIST=100,65537 \ -e TZ=Europe/Berlin \ -p 9999:8096 \ -p 9998:8920 \ -v /volume1/docker/Emby:/config \ -v /volume1/Filme/:/Filme \ -v /volume2/Serien/:/Serien \ -v /volume1/music/:/music \ --device /dev/dri:/dev/dri \ emby/embyserver:beta User video: id video uid=1042(video) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),65537(video) /dev/dri permissions: ls -l /dev/dri total 0 crw-rw-rw- 1 root video 226, 0 Oct 5 07:09 card0 crw-rw-rw- 1 root video 226, 64 Oct 5 07:09 controlD64 crw-rw-rw- 1 root video 226, 128 Oct 5 07:09 renderD128 So I just don't get the VAAPI Transcoder seen on the transcode section in Emby/Docker So Can you please help. @Happy2Play please move my posting to a new topic. Thanks. embyserver-63737496636.txt hardware_detection-63737496322.txt
  20. Hello there, fellow Emby-ers. I'm having an issue where, when browsing my Movies library (both on Android and Web), I'm seeing some folders showing up instead of the individual movies. I've gone up and down through the settings, and I'm not seeing anything, and am at a loss. I've attached a screenshot. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears.
  21. Chuck Tobias

    Emby server not finding a video file

    This concerns Emby server running on Debian 10. Recently due to bugs in the latest Roku media player I started looking for alternatives and found Emby. Previously on the server end I was using minidlna with media files organized mainly by directory structure rather than metadata, so the media repository was not set up with Emby in mind. Despite this it has worked well for the most part, but there is a problem that is something of a head-scratcher. (This problem did not occur with minidlna.) I have the 3-part "Atlas Shrugged" movie set ripped from my DVDs into mp4 files using Handbrake, with H.264 video and AAC audio. The files are located on the media server in /home/media/VIDEO/Movies/Drama/Atlas Shrugged and are simply named "Atlas Shrugged - Part 1.mp4" etc. However for some reason only the videos for Parts 1 and 3 show up in Emby, both via web browser or the Emby Roku app. (Emby did automatically pick the correct movie posters for both of those.) Part 2 comes up missing in the default Movies listing as well as in the directory listing and search. File and directory permissions are world read/write, so it should not be a permissions issue. The content type for the library is set to "Movies". The file plays fine locally on the Debian server using VLC. I've rescanned the media library several times, and restarted Emby. I've also tried deleting and restoring the files, but still the same result. So far this is the only file that has come up missing but it is possible there are others. What might be causing this? Is there any way to manually add a video file that Emby doesn't pick up by itself?
  22. AriaGloris

    Next Up Duplicate Episodes

    Hi Team, I just started watching Star Trek Lower Decks and noticed my Next Up episode is doubling up the show, showing 2 icons for the same episode coming up next. I have only noticed this on this tv show and don't know if I have done something wrong. I marked episode 2 as played but the same happens to episode 3. I also checked the folder and there are no duplicates there, only 1 folder. Just wondering how I can fix this?
  23. Hello, I have a small issue, i have a folder with 6000 files that all need to be renamed. The good news is i need to remove the exact same part. The structure of the files is that they are numbered before the file part it's numbered from 0001 to 6000 So for example 0003 - Filename 0139 - Filename 4239 - Filename So i need to remove XXXX - From all 6000 files (the numbers and the - ) and i don't feel like doing that by hand. Could anyone suggest me a easy way to rename all of this at once?
  24. Ok so i have - 2 phones Samsung S8 - Surface pro Win 64X - Desktop win10 64X - tv - Laptop Win10 64X That are being used for emby. 2 Days ago on the laptop suddenly all the media was gone even tho i'm logging in from the right account i double checked it by logging into the same account on my phone and that just worked fine. The laptop only has 1 profile instead of the usual 2 and nothing at all from my media it looks like a brand new server. I checked every other device and they have no problems at all just the latop. I've not made any changes to the emby server for a while and emby always automatically signs in everywhere.
  25. mcclurclur

    Errors when move config location

    Hi all, I have installed emby with a docker container using portainer for docker manager. I am using a unionfs volume for all of my data including the config folder. Everything works great if I leave the default for the config path alone but if I change it to using the custom path in the unionfs volume it throws constant errors and won't even let me load the mediabrowser. Here is my docker compose file (the path for the config is commented out at the moment so that emby will work) and here is a copy of the latest log file that gets created every few seconds. The path does in fact work because it puts the error log files in the directory that I am expecting them to. It just doesn't like something with it. Thank you for any and all help! --- version: "2.1" services: emby: image: linuxserver/emby container_name: emby environment: - PUID=998 - PGID=100 - TZ=America/Chicago - UMASK_SET=022 #optional volumes: #- /srv/17246701-96ff-4a52-bf79-e8d11f1923ef/config/emby:/config - /srv/17246701-96ff-4a52-bf79-e8d11f1923ef/tv:/data/tvshows - /srv/17246701-96ff-4a52-bf79-e8d11f1923ef/movies:/data/movies - /srv/17246701-96ff-4a52-bf79-e8d11f1923ef/kidstv:/data/kidstvshows - /srv/17246701-96ff-4a52-bf79-e8d11f1923ef/kidsmovies:/data/kidsmovies - /srv/17246701-96ff-4a52-bf79-e8d11f1923ef/music:/data/music - /srv/17246701-96ff-4a52-bf79-e8d11f1923ef/financial:/data/financial - /srv/17246701-96ff-4a52-bf79-e8d11f1923ef/fitness:/data/fitness - /srv/17246701-96ff-4a52-bf79-e8d11f1923ef/seasonal:/data/seasonal #- /srv/17246701-96ff-4a52-bf79-e8d11f1923ef/config/emby/transcoding:/transcode #optional #- /opt/vc/lib:/opt/vc/lib #optional ports: - 8096:8096 restart: unless-stopped embyserver-63732143528.txt
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