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Found 11 results

  1. Smitty018210

    Default image size?

    Hey guys, When you have your images set to default size, dose anyone know what that display dimensions really are? I've screen shot page and cropped down to one cover and close as I can tell it's somewhere around 176x263. Is there any way to tell for sure what it is? Thanks!
  2. centuryx476

    Movie Poster Size

    Hello, I have searched the forum and not really found a direct answer. If there anyway to increase the size of the posters when they are being displayed ? For example I have a poster that is 2000x3000 pixels and viewing it in the web browser for example seems small. I can increase the font size of the browser itself but that affects other aspects of the web browser. Thank You
  3. Gulan

    Subtitle settings

    Hi, I use my video files(mkv) with srt subtitles. For a while it seemed so that you only had one size for the subtitle and the black background for subtitles were not removable. With the new version (1.0.19) under settings there came a "subtitle appearance" setting where you could set the font size, color and drop shadow. Oddly enough this does not seem to work with any of my MKV with srt subtitles. The subtitle stays with black background and one font size and white letters. Am I missing something? If you include something like drop shadow, i would expect also that the black background would dissappear because otherwise this would be a useless setting. But maybe it doesn't work with external srt subs? Thanks in advance for any advise. WEB OS (5.10.20)
  4. _Seb_

    Subtitle at the top

    Hi! I use Emby Version running on a Synology Diskstation. I'm streaming through Google Chrome. Today I saw that the Subtitles for normal is located at the top of the screen. When I change to smaller or larger they are placed at the bottom of the screen (where I prefer them to be). As soon as I change back to normal size they go at the top again. I'm attaching a couple of screenshots. Any ideas? Thanks.
  5. I have some 4K material which is hevc encoded. Now this can't not be directly played on all devices it gets watched on so sometimes it needs to be transcoded. I have transcoding working nicely on my nas, 4K is a bit much though unless I use quality settings that decrease the quality significantly. Rather than having to decrease the quality too much I would rather decrease the resolution of the the material, so reduce it to 1080p instead leaving it on 4K. Even though I have found some settings where I could limit settnigs e.g. did try limitinig the device/user to 1080p with a certain bandwith when playing it the file it still played on 4K so the 1080p setting didn't seem to be enforced. I was testing this using the webbrowser on my PC so hevc will be transcoded but my pc is capabable of the 4K resolution. Not even sure if emby will look at those things. So is it possible to force 4K material when it needs to be transcoded to be also resized to 1080p. If this is already possible how can I realize this? As currently I wasn't able to figure this out.
  6. When I modify the size of the subtitles in configuration, it doesn't actually change, it stays too big for my screen. I have made the same change in the web client and there the size does change, but not for emby theater (https://emby.media/emby-theater.html) Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? It happens for every movie/tvshow and also it happens in the same movies/tvshows that DO change their subtitles sizes in the web client, so I don't think it has anything to do with the subtitles themselves. I am running latest emby theater connected to a version emby server. Thanks in advance.
  7. steve@moubray.com

    Poster Size

    I recently upgraded to Windows 10 and had to upgrade to the Emby Theater as my original version wouldn't work. How can I adjust the poster size which helps display more options on the screen? Thank you
  8. I work on a 27" Thunderbolt display often... and it'd be nice if we could get another breakpoint for .scalableCard.portraitCard posters... something around the 2000px mark for 10% width is what I'm thinking, but it might need to be specific to non-retina displays. So the media query should include -webkit pixel ratios and min-resolution. kinda like this. https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/retina-display-media-query/ Currently on this screen, poster images are coming out at 311x511px, real life 2.75x4.125" ... they're just monsters. Smaller subset of people, but that group of people will grow as technology gives us larger screens for less $$
  9. I'd like to share a script that I built yesterday for resizing of people photos, that potentially can take massive Mb/Gb of our HDs. With this script, you can set a max width or height and all photos larger than that will be reduced proportionally, saving diskspace and making page load easier. For now, it's interactive, so it can't be scheduled. I may fix that in the future. It requires ffmpeg and ffprobe in the server. #!/bin/bash EMBYPATH="/media/hard_disk/emby" # Write here the official Emby path MIN=300 # You can set a warning for operations smaller than usual echo -n "Would you like to set a max [W]idth or [H]eight of Emby People photos? : "; read TYPE; if [ "${TYPE,,}" == "w" ]; then TYPE="Width"; elif [ "${TYPE,,}" == "h" ]; then TYPE="Height"; else echo "Invalid type."; exit; fi echo -n "What will be the Max "$TYPE" size (in pixels) : "; read MAX; if [ ! $MAX -ge 1 ]; then echo "Invalid max size."; exit; elif [ ! $MAX -ge $MIN ]; then echo "Photos with less than $MINpx will produce bad results. You were warned. Tap to continue..."; read; fi NFiles=$(find "$EMBYPATH/metadata/People" -type f -iname 'poster.jpg' | wc -l) OldSize=$(find "$EMBYPATH/metadata/People" -type f -iname 'poster.jpg' -printf "%s\n" | awk '{t+=$1}END{print t}') ind=0; hits=0; IFS=$'\n' filelist=$(find "$EMBYPATH/metadata/People" -type f -iname 'poster.jpg') for photo in $filelist; do ### PHOTO ANALYSIS ### scale="" sizes=$(ffprobe -v quiet -show_entries stream=width,height -print_format csv "$photo") width=$(cut -d, -f2 <<< "$sizes") height=$(cut -d, -f3 <<< "$sizes") ### CONVERSION COMMAND ### if [ "$TYPE" == "Width" ] && [ $width -gt $MAX ]; then scale="$MAX:-1"; elif [ "$TYPE" == "Height" ] && [ $height -gt $MAX ]; then scale="-1:$MAX"; fi if [ ! -z $scale ]; then ffmpeg -hide_banner -v quiet -y -i "$photo" -vf scale="$scale" "$photo"; hits=$(( $hits + 1 )); fi ### PROGRES BAR ### ind=$(( $ind + 1 )); perc=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\",(${ind}/${NFiles})*100}"); echo -ne "Processing $ind of $NFiles [$perc%]\r" done; echo -e "\n"; if [ $hits -gt 0 ]; then NewSize=$(find "$EMBYPATH/metadata/People" -type f -iname 'poster.jpg' -printf "%s\n" | awk '{t+=$1}END{print t}') echo "Photos Reduced: $hits"; CalcSize=$(( $OldSize - $NewSize )); if [ $CalcSize -ge 1073741824 ]; then CalcSize=$(awk 'BEGIN {printf "%.3g",'$CalcSize'/1073741824}')Gb elif [ $CalcSize -ge 1048576 ]; then CalcSize=$(awk 'BEGIN {printf "%.3g",'$CalcSize'/1048576}')Mb elif [ $CalcSize -ge 1024 ]; then CalcSize=$(awk 'BEGIN {printf "%.3g",'$CalcSize'/1024}')Kb fi echo "Diskspace Freed: $CalcSize"; else echo "All Photos already respect max $TYPE of $MAX. No Photos reduced." fi
  10. I've been testing Emby, and I'm happy with everything about it, everything works very well for me. I use a 32 inch tv (1366x768) on a xbox one, but the subtitles are small for me, is there any way to change it or maybe the font?
  11. RedStripe

    appdata size

    Server Version 3.0.5781.0 Firefox 41.0.2 I have very large video and image libraries (5 or 6 terabytes total) My ...\Appdata\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server folder is 94GB!! (81GB is the cache) Does this seem reasonable? If so, Emby should offer a way to move this folder off the system drive. I moved my ...\Appdata\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server off my SSD system drive via a Junction point. Seems to work OK (at least until Emby changes the original path). Thanks for your attention.
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