Hi All,
The recent upgrade to 4.3.3 states "Performance improvement to TV guide', But I am not seeing anything on my setup.
My setup is Andriod TV on an Nvidia Shield, connecting directly to a Synology NAS via managed hub on the same VLAN. The NAS runs the Emby Server which also connects to a HD Homerun Quattro, also on the same hub and VLAN.
My issue is with scrolling through the TV guide
If you scroll through the guide with the BBC channel highlighted, I can scroll forward through programmes for weeks, no problem. But if if I select another channel to be highlighted such as ITV2+1, it will scroll up to 10pm that day then screw up the whole guide with "<No programme Data Available>". Yet if I use the calendar to select a future date, all works fine. So scrolling on certain channels is broken for me
Any ideas ?