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  1. I have seen many people have been switching to using mkv over mp4 in recent times and others complaining about playback issues with mkv. Many know that remuxing can help but it's very time consuming to do so, but it works. The issue is that the cues of a mkv file are normally written to the end of the file. This is an issue that's been corrected with mp4 files with -movflags faststart option when encoding mp4 files, but with mkv it's a little different. The script I have put together makes use of a program to move the cues to the front of the mkv and optimize the file for faster playback and better skipping and resume support. So I have a rather large library and it's become a bit of a problem for me so I found a program called mkclean from matroska that is used to fix and move the cues to the start of the mkv file. With very little documentation on the issue I had to go through a lot of trial and error to get things to work properly, but I put together a python script to fix this. Attached is that python script for those of you who would like to try it out. As of right now this guide is only for Windows machines but I still believe those that are using linux are more than capable of adapting this info for their environment. Step 1: Download the MKClean file to a directory. https://www.matroska.org/downloads/mkclean.html My files are located in a separate drive lettered K: so I created a folder called K:\mkclean to house my mkclean.exe file. Step 2: Download and install Python on your machine if you don't already have it installed. You can see the link below for that. https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/ Step 3: Open a command prompt as administrator and update pip to the latest then download the watchdog feature to python to be able to monitor your folders for newly added files. Use the following command python -m pip install --upgrade pip when done then run python -m pip install watchdog Step 4: Once both of these commands are completed update your system environment PATH with an entry for mkclean. Settings -> System -> About -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables... In the system variable section scroll down and select path and click on the edit button. Then click on New to add an entry for the folder containing the mkclean.exe file. (In my case it was K:\mkclean) Once done click ok and reboot your system. Step 5: Not it's time to create your python file. Attached is a .txt version of the python file I created for myself and have been running. You will need to edit it some, but I'm here to help with that. NOTE THAT WHEN ENTERING A PATH YOU MUST ENTER IT WITH \\ AS EXAMPLE BELOW K:\mkclean WILL FAIL BUT K:\\mkclean WILL WORK. (Below is the path were you want your database of the the files it's processed to be stored at, update it to the path you want your database created at, but please leave the files_processed.db name for ease of use of you will have to edit more lines.) LINE 9: DATABASE_FILE = 'K:\\mkclean\\files_processed.db' (Below is the path to make the connection to the database you created on line 9, be sure that the path matches what you have entered on line 9) LINE 65 conn = sqlite3.connect('K:\\mkclean\\files_processed.db') LINE 77: conn = sqlite3.connect('K:\\mkclean\\files_processed.db') (Below are lines identifying the folders to work it's way through looking for .mkv files and running this mkclean optimization script on. Change each line to identify your library folders. You will need 1 line per folder that you are looking to process and it will search recursively through them for any .mkv file) LINE 95 process_existing_files("K:\\TV_Shows") LINE 96: process_existing_files("K:\\Movies") (Below is a line to identify the folders to monitor after it has completed it's initial task of recursively working it's way through your files and checking for .mkv files to optimize. When new ones are added it will find them and run the optimization on them again making them perfect for streaming.) On this line all the folders to monitor should be comma seperated values inside of double quotes and AGAIN take note of using \\ when entering a path vs a single \. LINE 99: folders_to_watch = ["K:\\Movies", "K:\\TV_Shows"] Step 6: Now when you go to save this I recommend saving this in the same folder as your database and the mkclean.exe file so you can locate it easily, but save it once with a txt extension for ease of updating later, and then save it again with a .py extension. Step 7: Now you can run the file by opening a command prompt and entering this command. python "K:\mkclean\mkclean_optimization_script.py" NOTE: To stop the running program hit CTRL+C with the command window active. Step 8: Many of you would probably like to have this also start up when your system starts so it's easy enough to do by creating a .bat file and placing it in your startup folder. I'm not going to walk you though that in this tutorial, but the code is simple enough to add for you and for you to make your edits to so it's below. @echo off python "K:\mkclean\mkclean_optimization_script.py" PLEASE NOTE I AM NOT THE BEST PYTHON PROGRAMMER OUT THERE BY FAR AND THIS IS A PERSONAL PROJECT OF MINE THAT I'M MAKING AVAILABLE FOR YOU TO USE IF YOU LIKE, BUT I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT IN ANY WAY. PLEASE TEST OUT ON SOME COPIES OF FILES FIRST AND USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Other than that enjoy and let me know if this helped you out at all. mkclean_optimization_script.txt
  2. About two weeks ago Emby Theater for Windows stopped being able to skip around in the movie. Any attempt to use the skip buttons or to drag the movie to a different location causes the movie to start back from the beginning. Another oddity is that if I had dragged the ribbon to the middle of the movie for example, the movie would then re-start with the progress ribbon still in the middle where I dragged it but when the ribbon reached the 'end' of what it determined the movie was the movie stops playback at that time instead of playing through to the end.EmbyLogs.txt Logs attached.
  3. Guest

    Fast forward/rewind issues?

    Unsure if this has been mentioned before but during playback while casting from android phone when I need to fast forward or rewind sometimes it starts the movie or TV show over. Was wondering if others sometimes had the same issue? I noticed if I click rewind once and let it load it seems to mostly be fine. But not always. Also if I double click fast forward or rewind, this seems to be a way to get your progress erased. But also not always.
  4. Having issues with the latest Tizen emby app 1.0.80. Although it happened on earlier ones as well. It seems like it happens when watching sports. I usually record about 5 hours in one file in case of rain delays and the files are usually around 35GB. I have attached the stats for nerds screenshot from the tv along with the server log. The problem is the fast forward and rewind stop working correctly. At this point the fast forward is causing it to go backwards about a minute will the rewind button just went backwards around 2 to 3 minutes. I have no way to fast forward during the commercials. I have even tried using the phone app as the remote control and it seems to cause the same issue. I have unplugged the tv, restarted the emby server on the NAS and have restarted the app on the tv. None of it fixed it. Any other suggestions? Model: UN55MU630DF Firmware version: 1280 Emby App: 1.0.80
  5. embyben

    Cannot seek MKV files

    I am using Emby premium via FreeNAS 13.3 on a VMWare ESXi Model HP ProLiant MicroServer Gen8 CPU 4 CPUs x Intel® Xeon® CPU E3-1265L V2 @ 2.50GHz Memory 15.97 GB When I watch ANY .MKV file i can only start from the beginning to watch the video. If i try to seek using the progress bar the video stops and is unable to restart playing. Any ideas? ffmpeg-remux-2b1a20e6-e179-4d9b-8fc7-b6154edddd95_1.txt
  6. Kimballslice1890

    Chromecast Seek issues

    Been using a chromecast pretty extensively recently and have noticed some issues consistent across web app, android app, and iOS. When chromecasting and opening up the chromecast remote control in the app, the time stamp does not move, however if I back out of the remote and go back, the time stamp will move to wherever it currently is but not move from that point. When trying to drag and seek or use the skip forward X seconds or rewind, the stream usually skips back to the beginning. The only success I have had seeking while using a chromecast is using the web browser and dragging the progress bar on the bottom of the screen, if I open up the full control panel for the chromecast on the website, it suffers the same problem. Hope I explained this well enough. Thanks in advance for any help!
  7. Maybe I am missing something but I am having some issues with the live TV section (I have a premier subscription). I have tried with the Emby App in the official Samsung Store and also with the newest version available on GitHub. I have a Samsung model: UN55MU630DF and the server is running on my NAS device. If I go to either recordings or movies I can rewind and fast forward from the remote. But when in the live TV section, I can't change channels, rewind or fast forward. I do get the bar at the bottom with the record, rewind and play/pause and fast forward buttons and the gear on the right side. So I can highlight the fast forward or rewind icons but nothing happens. And once paused it will start playing again but I can't catch back up to the live broadcast. I don't think it is my TV buffer settings because it works on the android app. Also I can use the casting feature from my phone to the TV and the controls on the phone allow me to fast forward or rewind live TV. But I don't want to have to use my phone as the remote. Did I leave anything out? Any advice would be much appreciated.
  8. NightwingDG

    Rewind and FF on Sony BDP-S3200 profile

    I've got everything playing fine on my Blu-ray player through DLNA but I can't rewind or fast forward at all. It keeps saying "This operation is currently prohibited" every time I try to do so. Any idea why? Thanks!
  9. Hi everyone, the issues I have is with my Sony TV BRAVIA KDL-32EX521 via DLNA. - When I pause the video and press play the files plays from beginning - When I press Fast Forward the screen goes blank - When I press Rewind the file starts from the beginning I have Serviio and used Plex before without issue. I have attached my logs let me know if you need anymore info. Start looking at log at 2016-01-05 15:38:38.8796 Emby Version 3.0.5783.0 Thanks in advance. Log_160105 sideshowdad.zip
  10. I had posted about a similar issue prior and the thread was merged into another thread that really did not cover the same issue and there was never really a clear solution. I currently run an Emby server via HTTPS for secure WAN connections. Through the android app only I can only fast forward, rewind, and seek on random media playback. Sometimes it will only work for a short while until it decides it does not want to work anymore. When it does not work I can attempt to seek anywhere in the playback and it will not move to that spot but continue playing from where it currently is. If I pause and play it jumps back to its current location. If I pause and attempt to seek and hit play it jumps back to its current location. This happens on most of my media but not all, as some of my media I can seek freely through the playback. This has been a problem on my Nexus 5X, my Nexus 7, and now my Google Pixel. Also chromecast playback outside of my LAN does not work, it just says Emby on the chromecast screen, when the media is selected and said to be playing through the phone or web browser, it is not playing on the chromecast. This same problem occurs 50% of the time inside my LAN connected to the unencrypted connection. All certificates are stock to the Emby server. The problem is limited to the android app. I have not tested the iPhone app with the problem. (Side but far less important question that I am curious about is that I have the server running on a virtual machine with Windows Server 2012 installed with 16 cores dedicated to it. I see the server side settings that allows up to 8 cores selected or maximum, can the emby server take full advantage of the 16 cores I dedicated to the VM?)
  11. Hello, I can not seek/resume videos which require remuxing on my NVIDIA Shield using the Emby for Android TV's internal Player (exoplayer?). Whenever I try to resume, rewind or fast forward a video that is being remuxed, the video skips to the correct frame it is supposed to continue from but then stays there. According to ffmpeg logs and watching the size of the created tmp directory file transcoding works fine. If I play the video from beginning to end it works just fine. Also videos that are "direct play" or transcoded work fine including seek and resume - only "direct stream" is a problem. Workarounds are switching to use external player (vlc) or setting max bitrate low to force transcoding. What I have tried: - switching audio to "direct" and "downmix to stereo" - accessing emby server directly (8920 and 8096) - accessing emby server via nginx reverse proxy (ssl and unencrypted) - nginx: with and without http2 enabled - access emby server by hostname or ip - switching ffmpeg versions (3.1.4, 3.1.5, ffmpeg-git-20160215-64bit-static) - move transcoding temp folder to local or nfs storage This has been happening across several emby-server and emby for android tv versions. Possibly related: https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/43008-on-remux-android-tv-times-out-too-many-errors/ though I do not receive any errors on the client. Interestingly enough while trying various settings/configurations fast forwarding worked on one occasion yesterday though not repeatable. There is nothing in the server or ffmpeg logs which is different from attempts where it fails. I attached the logs of the attempt where the first fast forward worked (ffmpeg -ss 00:05:26.589 ...) while the second attempt on the same video with the same settings about 30 seconds later failed (ffmpeg -ss 00:11:21.392 ...). ffmpeg1.txt ffmpeg2_fast_forward_success.txt ffmpeg3_fast_forward_fail.txt server.txt
  12. First off, let me just say what a great program Media Browser is! After hearing about Microsoft dropping future development of WMC. I researched and tried all kinds of solutions, but MB is by far the best I have found. I'm currently using with a HD Homerun Dual Tuner and Server WMC for live tv. My only frustration is that I can't fast-forward or rewind during live or recorded tv. Have I missed a step or setting or is this just a limitation of the current version of MB or Server WMC? Does using Next PVR as the TV solution remedy this? I appreciate any insight or suggestions, as I greatly miss this feature from my WMC days.
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