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Found 5 results

  1. hjason7812

    Theme requests

    Attn: Luke or whoever does this, I would love to have a section to request themes for our server on here or let us know how we can add the themes we want on our server. Officially I would love different carbon fiber style themes Luke black,grey,silver,blue,all the colors carbin fiber Officially comes in because I love carbon fiber texture look. This shouldn't take any time at all I hope Also it would take a lot of work away from you to let us know where we can add themes at in the files or please add a plugin to allow us to add themes I'm sure people would Like this as well I mean the themes you have to choose from are good but it would be awesome if we could use what we want you know. Thank You have a great day
  2. It used to be quite well with the font of sans droid fallback or something like this, and it was changed in recent versions, and the font of Chinese characters are bad, bad looking in simplified Chinese, and it is not available for the traditional Chinese now. So all I can do is to repack the apk file with the old font ttf file to replace the new version...and resignature on my own ... it's pretty silly isn't it... hopefully you can change it back in next version. thanks.
  3. M3th0s

    Emby niggles

    Preface Long term plex user and finally frustrated with the whole thing, made the decision of swapping to emby. Have been very happy, seems to work better, better performance overall (lighter on resources) and has a lot more granularity in the settings compared to plex. However there are still a few frustrating points that (and this is my opinion) are stopping emby from shining. Below is a list of little annoyances, with the hope emby devs have a look and maybe incorporate them. Also apologies if I missed something and these have workarounds! I'll be adding to this list, as I'm pretty certain I have missed a few things. Emby niggles: More work needs to be done on the identification process - at the moment, if a movie/show doesn't load posters or the title is too big, it's too hard to identify what show it refers too. Most times I'm forced to go the tvdb/imdb and find the show id there, then paste the id on the identify screen to get the correct show. More work needs to be done on this interface. Allow for bigger titles, etc When identifying, there should be no need to wait for the server to finish collecting metadata so that we can use the GUI. At the moment you need to wait for the metadata gathering process to finish in order to use the server interface again, as there is a loading screen in between. Better interface for un-merging wrongly identified shows - at the moment, if you want to un-merge you have to turn off the merge option on the library, identify the show, then re-merge. The way it should work, it should allow you to split apart based on folder so you can identify each folder separately without the need to un-merge the whole library. Splitting single episodes apart doesn't work in my experience, No way to setup general folder access or folder access templates - as an example, select from a list of users and apply an access template (all, no 4k, no anime, etc.). These would of course be user created templates and it would save the trouble of going user by user to apply restrictions when you've just added a new 4k folder and not all your users can't take advantage of it. More detail needed on the dashboard screen about active streams - the dashboard needs to be reworked. There is not a lot of useful information on the streams at the moment regarding type of stream, quality, etc. Also notifications need to be better reorganized Need movie merge, like TV show merge - at the moment I am using a custom made addon found in the forums however this needs to be implemented by the emby team, as it is super useful. Better details for library scans - at the moment you only have a percentage complete bar. Let's be fair, that doesn't really tell us much., I'm doing "tail -f" on the emby server log, but we still need a more user friendly approach to this. Something like "Currently scanning x", "Grabbing metadata for y", etc No compatible streams found - now this one is truly frustrating. Have tried to fix it, reproduce it with other files, to no avail. Why are there no compatible streams found when the files are in place and you can actually download them directly from the server interface? However, ask for the server to play them on the GUI/iOS app/whatever, it won't. Thanks again for all the love given to emby and keep up the good work!
  4. EmbyUsers

    On now

  5. Hello All, First, admins if you think that this post is not in right sub forum, move it please. These are my personal notes from the last 6-8 months, where i write down now and then when i stumble on some issue, or improvement that i think emby would be nice to implement. Also some ideas, suggestions that i hope community will pick up and embrace it. 1. Suggestion (all): Movie Library - remove trailers from upper menu, in that place place menu Directors, so movie library can be brows-able by Directors filter. Trailers can always be accessed from movie menu. 2. Suggestion (android): Music player: Android client, allow forward seeking of playing song, currently not possible. 3. Suggestion (android): Collections, allow horizontal scrolling (big collections will be easier and faster to browse. 4. Suggestion: Emby is missing some admin notice / news / blog page where server admin can always put information of any kind. Admin would publish news article through admin dashboard. Now you can msg users, that's not the same. Maybe implement news sub menu, just allow admin to put some news or info about server or content or anything. 5. Suggestion: Backdrop images. Implement scheduled task option to recheck all movies that don't have a backdrop, so i it can be configured in admin panel to download for all movies that backdrop is missing. It often happens that on initial scan backdrop is not available on themoviedb site, it shows u after 2-3 days..but movie in library don't refresh so backdrop is missing. If u have large library this is kinda annoying. That refresh 30 days settings for library don't help at all at least for me and it is questionable if it is working at all. 6. Bug / issue : Multi movie version, manual download subtitle for one version of the movie is not possible in web app or any app. Emby gives you 1 movie version for subtitle search, don't know which one is default first scanned or any other, but it is not possible to download manually subs for movie version that admin is targeting in web app for example. 7. M3U tuner : Categories, channels with same epg name are not possible to import in m3u playlist so we can have only 1 channel with same epg and there are like 4-5 versions always available (hd,fhd, sd, ...) 8. Suggestion: Easy way to block some device. For example i want block device by default which is using Chrome web browser. Lets say i want to implement policy that my emby server can be watched only with Theater and android clients. 9. Suggestion: Clone user. Easy way to clone already active user and his settings and access permissions to new user. faster creation of new users basicly. 10. Bug / Issue: Addicted plugin: Web app, manual search for movie subtitle, results screen shows many subtitles on addicted plugin, clicking download nothing happens. not possible to download subs from addicted at all on manual search. 11. Bug / Issue: Old TV shows genres cant be deleted. Used the genre cleaner plugin, but some genres are still there empty that cant be deleted. 12. Issue : Admin dashboard - No way for admin to see / identify what version of movie is playing. Is it 1080p or 4k. Even playback reporting which is amazing plugin don't show this. It would be nice if on admin dashboard would be possible to see what version is playing. 13. Issue: Podnapisi plugin downloads .sub files which are not compatible with any of the apps i use (web app, theater, android tv app). Had to delete all the subs that were downloaded. 14. Improvement: Music Visualization, so many data is scraped for music but very little can be shown when playing music. 15. Improvement: Easier to build music playlist, and share them between server users. Playlist type private / public for example. 16. Improvement : Custom featured section in apps for server admins. Lets say i want to make section where i feature this weeks best movie, or tv show. Or some section that would be like "Recommended" but that admin can handpick easily in admin dashboard what will show in that section for users. I apologize if some of this has already been posted in meantime. Keep up the good work fellas.
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