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  1. SystemAdmin

    Batch File Renamer

    Ever had to rename an entire series worth of file to the proper format? It sucks... It's time consuming.... Does anyone else have use for something like this? Double clicking a folder will go into that sub-directory. Single clicking highlights a file, click multiple files will highlight multiple files. Any suggestions? Was it worth the time?
  2. mauriciomaurente

    Renomeando Arquivos - Outras Considerações

    @@cayars @@Happy2Play Na Wiki do Emby está que podemos ter várias versões do mesmo arquivo, basta que suas nomenclaturas estejam corretas para o Emby compreender. Se houver um filme: movie - 720p movie - 1080p Porém, não fica muito claro que se houver estes filmes acima o arquivo de trailer deve ter um para cada? movie - 720p - trailer? movie - 1080p - trailer? Eu acho que o trailer pertence aos dois arquivos, portanto: "movie - trailer" seria a opção mais correta. Estou certo? E se houver mais um tipo de classificação no mesmo arquivo, como: "movie - 1080p - 3D", isto estará correto? Diferente são as legendas. E isso também não fica claro na Wiki. O correto nome do arquivo seria: "movie - 720p.srt" e "movie - 1080p.srt" E no caso dos filmes 3D, que as legendas são mais complicadas, não é melhor que estivessem dentro do MKV? Outros arquivos são compartilhados pelos dois arquivos, como poster, banner, etc... E no caso das legendas forçadas, acredito que Emby compreenda: movie - 720p.forced.srt. Agora dúvida mesmo fica na *.nfo e *.info, cada arquivo deverá ter um em separado? Por favor me confirmem se estou certo. In the Emby Wiki is that we can have multiple versions of the same file, just that their names are correct for Emby to understand. If there is a movie: movie - 720p movie - 1080p However, it is not very clear that if there are these movies above the trailer file should have one for each? movie - 720p - trailer? movie - 1080p - trailer? I think the trailer belongs to both files, so: "movie - trailer" would be the most correct option. Am I right? And if there is one more sort of classification in the same file, such as: "movie - 1080p - 3D", is this correct? Different are the subtitles. And that is not clear on the Wiki either. The correct file name would be: "movie - 720p.srt" and "movie - 1080p.srt" And in the case of 3D movies, where subtitles are more complicated, isn't it better that they were inside MKV? Other files are shared by both files, such as poster, banner, etc ... And in the case of forced subtitles, I believe Emby understands: movie - 720p.forced.srt. Now doubt really is in * .nfo and * .info, each file should have a separate? Please confirm me if I am right.
  3. cyberrep


    Dear guys, Is it possible to add an option to auto organize Movie name %mn Movie name Origina Movie name %mno Original Movie name Because I would like to save translated name and original name like Guerra nas estralas (Star wars) (1983) Acctually Movie name rename to imdb pt-br (in my case)
  4. cyberrep

    TV Series

    I dont know why my emby stop to rename tv series, after download to the folder monitored by auto-organize it move but dont rename to selected options. still with the same download filename.
  5. Original source Unix.stackexchange.com Thx to Adrian for this amazing script Since Emby doesnt have a proper scraper this will help to "fix" that Files to be renamed are all of the form [<tag>] <name> - <serial> [<quality>].mkv. Each anime has a lookup file called <name>.lst, listing the episodes in serial order, e.g. One Piece.lst contains: S01E01 S01E02 ... S01E08 S02E01 ... You use a bash shell at version 4 (minimum). #!/bin/bash # USAGE: canon_vids <dir> ... # Canonicalize the filenames of all MKV vids in each <dir> # All the anime lookup tables are in the lookup subdirectory # where canon_vids is stored lookup_dir="$(dirname "$0")/lookup" log_skip() { echo "SKIP ($1): $2" } find "$@" -name \*.mkv | while read f; do # Check filename against our desired pattern # (We don't want to rename what's already been renamed!) if [[ $f =~ /(\[[^]]+\])\ (.*)\ -\ ([0-9]+)\ (\[[^]]+\].mkv) ]]; then # We've now split our filename into: prefix="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" name="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" serial="${BASH_REMATCH[3]##0}" suffix="${BASH_REMATCH[4]}" # Some sanity checks if (( serial <= 0 )); then log_skip "$f" "Invalid serial# '$serial' for $name"; continue fi # Let's look up the episode episode="$(sed -n ${serial}p "$lookup_dir/${name}.lst")" if [[ -z "$episode" ]]; then log_skip "$f" "Can't find serial# '$serial' for $name"; continue fi mv -vn "$f" "${f%/*}/${prefix} ${name} - ${episode} ${suffix}" fi done And here's a bonus script that generates those lookup files, given the number of episodes in each season: #!/bin/bash # USAGE: generate_series <#eps> ... while [[ $1 ]]; do ((s++)) for e in $(seq "$1"); do printf "S%02dE%02d\n" $s $e done shift done Example: $ ls canon_vids generate_series # Create One Piece lookup table $ mkdir lookup $ ./generate_series 8 22 17 13 9 22 39 13 52 31 99 56 100 35 62 49 118 33 96 > lookup/One\ Piece.lst $ tail -n lookup/One\ Piece.lst S19E92 S19E93 S19E94 S19E95 S19E96 $ wc -l lookup/One\ Piece.lst 874 lookup/One Piece.lst # Create fake One Piece MKVs (adding a couple more to trigger errors) $ mkdir op $ for i in $(seq 0 876); do touch "$(printf "op/[TAG] One Piece - %02d [quality].mkv" $i)"; done $ ls op | wc -l 877 # And now, the moment of truth... $ ./canon_vids op renamed 'op/[TAG] One Piece - 724 [quality].mkv' -> 'op/[TAG] One Piece - S17E97 [quality].mkv' renamed 'op/[TAG] One Piece - 86 [quality].mkv' -> 'op/[TAG] One Piece - S06E17 [quality].mkv' ... renamed 'op/[TAG] One Piece - 819 [quality].mkv' -> 'op/[TAG] One Piece - S19E41 [quality].mkv' SKIP (op/[TAG] One Piece - 00 [quality].mkv): Invalid serial# '0' for One Piece renamed 'op/[TAG] One Piece - 52 [quality].mkv' -> 'op/[TAG] One Piece - S04E05 [quality].mkv' ... renamed 'op/[TAG] One Piece - 865 [quality].mkv' -> 'op/[TAG] One Piece - S19E87 [quality].mkv' SKIP (op/[TAG] One Piece - 875 [quality].mkv): Can't find serial# '875' for One Piece renamed 'op/[TAG] One Piece - 295 [quality].mkv' -> 'op/[TAG] One Piece - S11E69 [quality].mkv' ... renamed 'op/[TAG] One Piece - 430 [quality].mkv' -> 'op/[TAG] One Piece - S13E49 [quality].mkv' SKIP (op/[TAG] One Piece - 876 [quality].mkv): Can't find serial# '876' for One Piece renamed 'op/[TAG] One Piece - 655 [quality].mkv' -> 'op/[TAG] One Piece - S17E28 [quality].mkv' ... renamed 'op/[TAG] One Piece - 93 [quality].mkv' -> 'op/[TAG] One Piece - S07E02 [quality].mkv' renamed 'op/[TAG] One Piece - 278 [quality].mkv' -> 'op/[TAG] One Piece - S11E52 [quality].mkv' # OK, but what happens when we run it again? Will our files be further renamed? Will Luffy find One Piece? $ ./canon_vids op SKIP (op/[TAG] One Piece - 00 [quality].mkv): Invalid serial# '0' for One Piece SKIP (op/[TAG] One Piece - 875 [quality].mkv): Can't find serial# '875' for One Piece SKIP (op/[TAG] One Piece - 876 [quality].mkv): Can't find serial# '876' for One Piece # Of course! Those files were never found in the lookup table, so they're still # candidates for renaming. More importantly, no other files were touched. Little explanation: ./generate_series 8 22 17 13 9 22 39 13 52 31 99 56 100 35 62 49 118 33 96 > lookup/One\ Piece.lst Extra: If u want to automate create a line at crontab. canon_vids.txt generate_series.txt
  6. I Use Win10 Why different movie sizes do not group in the same location as the wemby catalog? The patch directory is this: H:\Meu Drive\fm_originais_01_mp4\02_40\SuperGirl (1984) (tt0088206)\SuperGirl (1984) (tt0088206) - dublagem_01_plex008.mp4 H:\Meu Drive\fm_originais_01_mp4\02_40\SuperGirl (1984) (tt0088206)\SuperGirl (1984) (tt0088206) - dublagem_02_plex008.mp4 H:\Meu Drive\fm_originais_01_mp4\02_40\SuperGirl (1984) (tt0088206)\SuperGirl (1984) (tt0088206) - dublagem_02_plex008 d.mp4 H:\Meu Drive\fm_originais_01_mp4\02_40\SuperGirl (1984) (tt0088206)\SuperGirl (1984) (tt0088206) - dublagem_02_plex008 e.mp4 H:\Meu Drive\fm_originais_01_mp4\02_40\A Torre Negra (2017) (tt1648190)\A Torre Negra (2017) (tt1648190) - legendado 720p.mp4 H:\Meu Drive\fm_originais_01_mp4\02_40\A Torre Negra (2017) (tt1648190)\A Torre Negra (2017) (tt1648190) - 720p a.mp4 The screens of the image is this: Thanks for helping
  7. I'm wondering if anybody has made their own simple script to go through (recursively) sub-directories and remove x in filnames with y. I've looked online (python) and found some pretty long winded solutions, but I feel like this could be done simply in a nested for loop with only 1 or 2 modules. for filename in dir: if filename contains ['list', 'of', 'items', 'easily', 'enumerated'] newname = filename.replace(x,y) os.rename(filename,newname) That is non recursive, but has been working for regular txt files for me, but not folders. Any suggestions?
  8. Hi, I've fairly recently stopped using meta</browser> for my metadata fetching purposes, and started using MBServer for everything. One feature, however, that I do miss from metabrowser is the auto-renaming feature. I suppose I'm a little OCD when it comes to how tidy my collection is, so I liked the fact that I could just add something to my collection, (i.e. a television episode) and it would automatically be given a nice, tidy file name. Example: "Breaking Bad S03E02 - Caballo Sin Nombre (2010).mkv" looks much nicer than: "Breaking.Bad.S05E15.720p.HDTV.x264.mkv". Same goes for movies, where something like: "man.of.steel.2013.1080p.bluray.x264.mkv" really sticks out to me, and if it could look more like: "Dracula (1992) - [MKV].mkv" my OCD would feel better haha. Real-time folder monitoring was a nice touch as well... Just putting it out there! Thanks for the great service, Patrick PS. I just made up these file names for example purposes...
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