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  1. Hi, I want to ask you if you can provide me with a link so that I can download the Beta version of the server for windows, but with a zip file and a portable installation. I always prefer to use the completely portable installation, so I have the servers in my portable programs folder, and this is much easier for me when I have to format and delete all the data on my hard drives, since I always before format and delete my internal hard drives I copy the portable programs folder on the external USB hard drive or flash drive. So I don't have to spend time reinstalling all the programs from scratch when I format my internal hard drives. And I also don't waste time reconfiguring all the server configuration options from scratch. But the problem is that the download section of the server for windows, there is no portable download of the Beta version, and besides the installation file of the Beta version does not even allow to choose the location path for the installation. https://emby.media/windows-server.html For this reason I ask you for a link so that I can download the Beta version with completely portable installation, identical to the portable one of the stable version of the server. Thanks
  2. Scenario: I have an external disk full of movies and lend it to my brother. The film folder is full of nicely named or scene named movies, but it's hard for my brother to see/know what some of the films are. It'd be nice to have a "Contents.html" page on the disk that he could open to see the poster view page we get to see in emby! The poster view alone would allow them to work out what most movies were kind of about and whether they want them... but perhaps the posters could be clickable to go to the metadata page for that movie. The page would be generated for a Media Location, so it'd just show what movies that are in that folder, that has been included in an emby library. the html file would be created in the root of that folder. The external drive would be currently holding folders added to emby's libraries... (could it export the moves and data to an external disk?) This 'contents' page would be generated/updated on demand, so if i was lending the disk to my brother tonight, i'd ask emby to create the contents page for this specific media location or to update/recreate it if it had previously been created... The contents.html's images/data would be stored in a folder (just like a saved webpage does), perhaps hidden, say '_embydata'... This would include all the posters, metadata, etc. if they're not already set in emby to be saved in the media folders. All links relative so the whole folder could be moved/copied. The contents page would be paginated, i'm guessing only statically, set at creation time, so 200, 500, whatever... Just a simple poster page would be awesome for what i'm needing, but one with clickable metadate, other bells & whistles would be good later.
  3. MrGrymReaper

    Portable Version Of 4.0.0

    Hi, Please will 4.0.0 or higher still have the portable version or has the setup tool gained the ability for the user to specify the location? As I utilise limited privilege accounts for running services to restrict damage possibilities. With the server (or setup) binding to an Admin privileges account. It means that hack attempt attacks attempts will have more damage possibilities. But with where I install Emby it is still able to do its job without needing complete access to the system. Thank you for time and attention in this matter. Kind Regards, MrGrymReaper
  4. Seems that if you move Emby (Portable) everything is fine, except this reference to the library information? Everything else is detected in the correct new location, except this, and it only errors when you try to scan the library. Program data path: D:\Emby\programdata Application directory: D:\Emby\system System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'E:\Emby\programdata\root\default\Movies'. Any Idea how I can fix this easily/quickly?
  5. Is there a version of FFMpeg that I should be downloading that is special for Emby? As I have upgraded my Emby but I never see a copy of FFMpeg inside so I keep running a copy I got form FFMpeg website.
  6. ThermoDust

    [Portable Edition] DLNA Ports

    What ports need to be opened for the DLNA discovery and streaming to work? PS - I guess a secondary question would be work ports in general does Emby need opened to be fully functional?
  7. tired dad

    Sync to External drive

    Hello, I've tried this on two different portable hard drives, but I cannot get the sync plug-in to choose a folder other than the root folder on each drive. Has anyone else experienced this? Reboot did not help. This is on sync 3.0.5582.40801 and server 3.0.5675.1 I can't see anything obvious in the server log, but here it is anyway. server-63573638400.zip
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