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Found 5 results

  1. When I select "Play Next" for a song, it creates a new item in the play queue immediately after the song that's currently playing. This is great for adding songs to the play queue. However, if I select "Play Next" for a song already in the play queue, I want to move the existing item in the queue instead of creating a new one. Same thing when I select "Add to Play Queue". Initial play queue: Song A Song B <- Now Playing Song C Song D Song E If I select "Play Next" for Song D... What currently happens: Song A Song B <- Now Playing Song D Song C Song D Song E What I want: Song A Song B <- Now Playing Song D Song C Song E
  2. When I have the play queue open and I select "Play all from here" on a song, it closes the play queue and sends me back to whatever view I had open previously. This appears to be a bug with the Android mobile client since it doesn't do this on the web client. As a solution, I recommend hiding the "Play all from here" option for items in the play queue. It's much easier to just click/tap on the item in the queue than to open the context menu and select "play all from here".
  3. When I select "Play Next" for a song in the play queue, the interface should update to reflect that change. Right now I have to do something else to force the interface to update (pause/play, play next/previous song, leave the play queue and come back, etc). Same thing when I select "Add to Play Queue" or the minus button to remove a song from the play queue. This might be a bug. I have replicated it on the Android mobile client and the web client. It is only a problem if you select "Play Next" for a song already in the play queue.
  4. While playing items through the Web App, the current play index is not updated when a previously played item is removed from the Play Queue. The next expected item is skipped. It appears the current play queue item index is not updated after removing an item which came before it (having an ID < current ID). Thus when the next item is selected, it increments the current (old) index by 1 and looks up the new index in the updated (smaller) list. When the current item being played is second to last (n-1) and a previous item is removed, the "Next Item" arrow disappears as though there are no other items to play (which is not true). Examples: A play queue contains 9 songs (with IDs 1 through 9). While listening to the forth song (ID:4), the user clicks the "Remove" circle on the second and third song (ID:2 and ID:3 respectfully). Then when the current song concludes (or the user clicks the "Next Item" arrow) the next song to play is song with ID:7 (instead of the expected song with ID:5). A play queue contains 3 songs (with IDs 1 through 3). While listening to the second song (ID:2), the user clicks the "Remove" circle on the first song (ID:1). Then the "Next Item" arrow disappears, even though song with ID:3 remains. Versions/Clients: Emby Server Version: Emby Web: User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Safari/537.36 Suggestions: A possible solution to attempt first is to call 'refreshPlaylistIndex' from the 'PlayQueueManager.prototype.removeFromPlaylist' function within playqueuemanager.js
  5. Hi, I'm evaluating emby since yesterday, to see if it could replace synology audio station for my use case. It almost does a perfect music server, at least for me. The bummer is that some critical functions, that work fine while playing locally, do not seem to work when sending music to a remote DLNA device. When playing music on the local device it's all fine: I see the current playing queue, and can add/remove/reorder items. If I click on the little cast icon and choose a DLNA device, though, like my kodi box for example, then I cannot see the playing queue on the remote device. Nothing at all. The "now playing screen" only contains the current song, there is no list under it. Choosing a song, or an album, clicking the little dots and choosing "add to play queue" has no effect neither. Payback stops at the end of the current song. The one I selected has not been added to the queue on the remote device. My use case is fairly standard, I believe. I have some devices around the house that can play music. I use my phone as a remote control, to send music to one device or another. Not being able to manage the play queue on those remote devices is, for that use case, a show stopper. Is there any chance that this can fixed, eventually? Many thanks for the great work
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