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So I've looked around a bit and it is quite clear that the Emby project does not condone the scraping of websites to aquire data in accordance with the websites terms of use. However I was wondering whether the non-commercial IMDB data dump that they make available for download via FTP would be a viable source of metadata as it is free for non-commercial personal use as long as you don't put it onto the WWW as a competitor to imdb itself. The metadata is a rather large datadump especially when decompressed but should be manageable especially if you parse it once and put it into a non text file based database (which you may do for non-commercial personal use) Is there any specific argument against using this data or has noone bothered so far to write a plugin that leverages this data but such a plugin would be appreciated?
I have just updated the metadata for a lot of my collection, as much is now on imdb that was not before. I have had good luck finding the shows/concerts on imdb with a tt id. But even if I enter it in "identify" it might fail, and also if I add manualy it under "ext ids" it does not always work, not even with "advanced refresh". The concert Legends of Jazz Showcase is a good example.Imdb entry here, but it fails to collect the info: Sometimes it is not possible to enter an external id, as the box are not there Secondly I was wondering if MB3 occationally check if missing inf and img has become avalible, and also update ratings etc regularly? And also if missing ids for imdb etc? It seems as many data on concerts, tvshows and documentaries has become avalible in imdb, that was not before. Is possible to update one category, say genres for all movies from imdb/other data provider? Is it possible to select a number of movies and enter say a genre for all of them? A lot of my movies does not have images of actors, but I can see they start showing for the ones I add now. Does MB3 check for the missing images by itself? I have used MCM a bit before, and it had some nifty features to highlight movies etc with missing ids/images/info in a large collection. Being able to be shown the entries with stuff missing could be nice. The tutorials of file structure covers the basics, but there is no mention of say what to do with Pilots in tv series. Are there other tricks to file/folder naming that are not documented? They could be very useful to know :-) You could also point peole to a multiple file renaming app such as the WildRename or one of the others as it is a nifty tool to fave when editing series and many file names. One thing about tvseries is that many of mine are one season and ended, so I was wondering if it is posssible to have them without the season step in the menu. This is not a complaint. These are minor things in a very good project and I really like it. Thank you very much for this and for all the work you put into it. It is really turning into something good.