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  1. Hi there, for several reasons, I would like to restructure my Server, meaning I would like to rename and / or move paths/folders/directories that are (partly) related to emby’s library. For example, I would like to rename the folder "Media" to "Video" (as I d like to split up audio and video into separate folders). I am supposing, such an action would have an impact on emby’s library, meaning media would no longer be found, etc. But my question is, if I could fix this by just renaming/adjusting paths within the library/libraries or if this would lead to data/media no longer being found or any other impacts such as metadata being lost, etc. In other words: - Can I adjust a media path within a library in emby? (for examle from "/Media/Animation/" to "/Video/Animation/"? - What impact will such an adjustment have? (f.e. Meta-Data and / or Images being replaced, watch-states getting lost, … Thank you in advance for your kind support. Best regards, hi2hello
  2. Hi, Just wondering if you guys can point me in the right direction. I'm just in the middle of updating/cataloguing my Music Video collection with numerous separate video clips, music concerts, documentaries and general music related movies. I've read through the wiki on file naming and a few other posts relating to the topic but can't seemed to go in a direction. Currently I have a few folders: Movies Movies (music) - general music related movies Music - filled with MP3, FLAC etc Music Videos - Split by artist/title or artist/clips if general clips TV - TV series/doco's etc So all of the general music related movies are in the Movies (Music) folder (such as Spinal Tap, Still Crazy, School of rock etc) they're all named as per moviesand are set to movies in emby. The Music Video folder (and it's set as music video on emby server) has a mixture of docos, concerts and random clips (are clips). The docos/concerts are named as per movies, the clips are chucked in a seperate folder called clips and named as per the wiki - artist-clips/artist-song name.ext. As emby doesn't have the support yet for music videos, I'd like to find out whether I should split the clips and docos/concerts into a separate folders/categories and set clips to music video and the rest to movies.Most movies databases have the info and display correctly. With music videos you have to manually set the database number, update, generally make an image as the Db don't always have them. Which if it's a music clip, the Db won't have the info anyway, only for the doco's etc. I'm not too sure whether I should just stick to the music video category and persevere until it's supported or go the other way and make all the docos/concerts as movies and just leave the random clips either in a music videos folder or just plonk them in the music folder with all the MP3's as some other posts have hinted at. It's not real clear which way embys going either. Any direction would be great - thanks Pete
  3. Rakim

    Artists tab and Artwork

    Where do i start with this... 1 - The "Artists" tab. I been using several media stream servers and they dont have this tab, why? Because under this tab is usual very very messy business to deal with. The album artists tab contains the main artists therefore is simple to manage the artwork. Under the artists tab, instead of just one main artist, for example Michael, youll have some like: Michael ft Nina, Micheal + mango, michael & romeo, michael with chicken nugget, michael, steve and the list goes on. So youll find that the main artist has artwork but the rest need some serious manual editing. So with this in mind, just for the sake of organisation and make the library look good, please add the option to perhaps hide this tab if its that useful to others. 2 - Artwork Someone pls tell me how Emby reads artworks from tags. I did not set Emby to look for artworks on the net because this usually does not end well as quite often i would find incorrect picture put on wrong album artist. All my music are organised but i figured some artwork are embeded to mp3 files and some are just in the folders. With other media stream servers all my mp3 have artwork, with emby, only about 60% have artwork.
  4. cjnp92

    Ignoring Subfolders

    Hey, thanks for making such a great product, its working well with the exception that placing a file named .ignore into the subfolders I don't want to be scanned doesn't seem to be working on my mac. Is this the standard way of ignoring subfolders on OS X? Thanks for your help!
  5. aspdend

    Music Videos - File Naming

    A quick question as I am a bit confused by Music Video file structures. I am sorting out my music videos on my server and I think I have it right in that the music videos are stored in a Music Video share on the UnRAID server as: Server/Music Videos/artist name/artist name - track name.ext Example Server/Music Videos/ABBA/ABBA - Dancing Queen.mp4 And all other ABBA videos are in the same folder. The Share is listed as a Music Video folder in Emby. However, what do I do for my music videos that are in *.VOB format? These are under a VIDEO_TS folder Do I put them Server/Music Videos/artist name/artist name - track name/VIDEO_TS/artist name - track name.vob or should I be doing something else instead? The Wiki is quite unhelpful for music videos - it just says it's the same as for movies...
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