Hi All,
I did a quick search of the forums and haven't found anything of use to the below.
My server version is 3.0.5490.2.
I am running 3 desktop clients with a mixture of MBT and browser access, 2 Android phones, as well as an iPad and iPhone.
Over the weekend I had a drive with media fail so I recreated the library structure in a new location.
What I have noticed is all my devices have picked up the new media with the exception of the iPhone. Both the Movies and TV Shows show as blank.
I have tried the obvious of pulling down to get it to refresh from the server and have also tried to remove and re-add the server configuration.
When you pull down to refresh a message pops up for about half a second saying, "refreshing from server" and then disappears.
The iPhone has connectivity to the network and I am able to access media if I access it through the browser by going to:
iPhone app version is 1.5, which is the same as the version on my iPad.
I have not tried to remove and re-install the application yet.