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  1. Using your guide on how to name and place multi-version movies (shown immediately below), I have determined through tests made by some of my WAN users, and also by myself here at the server location; Using three different platforms (a Roku stick: WAN user, an AppleTV: wired on the LAN, a Roku TV: wired through the LAN, an iPad: wifi on the LAN using both a web browser and the iPad Emby App, a PC: WAN user's web browser, and from a web browser on the iMac server itself). [BEGIN quote..] Multi-version movies Multiple versions of the same content can be stored in a single movie folder. /Movies /300 (2006) /300 (2006)/300 (2006) - 1080p.mkv /300 (2006)/300 (2006) - 1080p-trailer.mp4 /300 (2006)/300 (2006) - 4K.mkv /300 (2006)/300 (2006) - 720p.mp4 /300 (2006)/300 (2006) - extended edition.mp4 /300 (2006)/300 (2006) - directors cut.mp4 /300 (2006)/300 (2006) - 3D.hsbs.mp4 [END quote] The result of all these tests shows two important things: 1. There is no way to specify rules in Emby server for version default settings by the server administrator. 2. Different versions of the Emby player behave and look differently: in how (or even if) their version information and user-selection choices are presented in the various players. I would like to ask the Emby devs to consider adding a way to specify DEFAULT rules in Emby server for version default settings for different user types (LAN or WAN) by the server administrator. These default settings should also be the version used by Emby server's handling of encoding for movies when typically required. It would also be nice if each user can override the defaults and choose another version, and make this so across all the different player clients out there - this is probably asking too much (I know) but I just had to bring it up. Finally, I would like to show an example (via the attached screenshots) of how, when Emby server initially digests the contents of a multi-version movie's folder, how it seems to digest each version according to the sort order visible in the finder at the moment the versions are read into the Server. Please note the correspondence in the way Emby orders the first and alternate version choices in the two dropdowns shown, and my two favorite sort methods for these two movies in the Finder. I'm only making a presumption here, as I have not don't enough testing regarding the read-in order of the movie versions at the time Emby server initially reads them in. Thank you for your time and for Emby in general. I love this thing - but it can always be improved.
  2. Is the naming convention located at https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Wiki/wiki/Movie-naming not correct? I followed the naming convention for the movie Logan (2017) and it is not working properly. It just labels both versions of the movie with their media info " 1080P/H264/AC3". I have the files named as Movies-Full\Logan (2017)\Logan (2017) - Noir Edition.mkv & Movies-Full\Logan (2017)\Logan (2017) - Original.mkv Also, for the chapter screencaptures, the detail page displays the Noir Edition, which is black and white (I'm assuming it defaults to the first alphabetical version), is there any way to get the screen captures to come from the "Original" version? Also, there is no way to choose a version to play when on the web browser. When you select the play button, it only plays the Noir Edition (again, I'm assuming it selects the first alphabetical version automatically.) Please see screenshots below for reference:
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