Script to remove header compression and subtitles from selected MKV(s).
Useful for XBOX playback in MBC/WMC
For windows OSes with batch support
Script remuxes selected file(s) into a temporary holder (.mux), deletes (default) or renames the original (.old). and renames the temporary as original so you are left with the same file(name)(s) but without compression and subs.
script relies on MKVMERGE being in 'PATH' (otherwise you could hardcode the path to MKVMERGE)
Use rename (original) rather than delete in script until you are confident. Test first with files in a backup folder.
Unrem the pauses if you want to see what the script is doing.
Copy script to shell:sendto folder (varies dependant on OS)
[Rename script filename to your preference]
Right Click on selected file(s) and send to the script.
[Alternatively place script on e.g.. desktop - to support dragging file(s) onto the script)
Alternative uses.
You can change the main MKVMERGE command for other common library tasks e.g..
mkvmerge.exe -o "%~dpn1.MUX" --compression -1:none -a !2 -M -S "%~1"
remove the 2nd audio track (as well as turn off header compression and remove subtitles).