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  1. Pessoal, criei um sistema bem legal de testes para o servidor emby. Exemplo: Você manda passa o link para seus amigos, eles podem clicar e solicitar um teste, e na mesma hora recebem os dados de acesso do login teste. Você pode parametrizar quantidade de dias de teste, o que ele poderá acessar no teste, ele receberá um whatsapp e e-mail com os dados de acesso e será avisado quando teste estiver acabando e quando acabar também. Quando o teste vencer o usuário é excluído automaticamente, e se ele tentar um novo teste não consegue mais, quando ele vai solicitar o teste é enviado um código de verificação para ele, e ele digita o código durante a solicitação do teste para garantir que não é um robô. Tudo automático, muito legal mesmo! Quem tiver interessa me chama no particular.
  2. I searched but couldn't find a similar request. If one exists with or without all of the options below then please lock this one and point me in that direction. Now that all users are required to login with username and password at least once on each app/device it would be nice to have the option to use a one time password (OTP) for the initial login on any device but mainly TV apps and streaming devices where it's difficult to enter long strings. It doesn't need to be limited to initial login but should at least allow that. 1. Allow any user who is already logged in to an app or browser to generate a one time 4-6 character OTP for themselves to enter on a new app/device in order to login on said app. This would only log them into their account using the single OTP. 2. Allow an admin account to generate an OTP for any specified user to login. This would be useful for Emby admins to help remote users, particularly those who have difficulty with apps and on screen keyboard-remote combinations. Or to help household users while away from home... 3. The generated OTP would be associated with the corresponding user, either self or assigned by admin. No need to enter or select name on the app login screen, the OTP would suffice. 4. The OTP should be created with a short time to live, either fixed or configurable. I don't know enough about Emby Connect to suggest how it should/could work for those users. EDIT: Evidently Jellyfin has a similar feature called Quick Connect but I don't know if it also has the ability for admins to generate codes.
  3. Sketchcatt

    Using the Emby app on Roku

    Are you able to log into your network using a Roku Emby app remotely?
  4. I've noticed every once in a while when I open the app, the server I was logged into is lost, same thing if I had multiple servers configured. I am then getting the login screen and need to reconfigure and login to my servers again. I saw similar posts 2 years ago but did not find a solution.
  5. smich222

    Unable to Sign In

    I’m trying to sign into my Emby connect on my Fire TV by navigating to emby.media.pin, entering my username and password, and the PIN code displayed on the screen, however when I select ‘Next,’ it redirects me to the login screen again, requesting I select a method of sign in again, despite the page displaying “Pin confirmed.” Please advise.
  6. hargydon

    Unable to Sign In

    Also been having this problem for almost a year now, on multiple Fire Sticks. Luckily I have other devices but it would be much more useful if the Fire Stick worked like it used to instead of using an 8 year old Android TV as a workaround — as you can probably guess it isn’t the best to use.
  7. Daniel1091

    Unable to Sign In

    Hi I've got the same problem with my fire stick it won't login and the IP address won't work. Without sounding thick that link you gave Luke where do I put that.....in the IP address bar? Thank you really pulling my hair out with this.
  8. lhamanda

    Logging in to Dashboard

    I cannot login into dashboard. The TV apps work fine even with login. But I can't login into dashboard for updates or adding/removing users, data and such. How can this be remedied.
  9. Salut, je cherche à créer des utilisateurs à partir de leurs comptes google, ou bien autoriser les connexions à partir d'un compte google. Cette fonctionnalité est possible à mettre en place sur une page .html basique : Et est même déjà intégré sur d'autres applications à travers un plugin additionnel. Voici la page d'administration du plugin social login installé sur le serveur nextcloud : Et le résultat pour les utilisateurs une fois configuré avec les différents api de google facebook etc... :
  10. DanSellers


    I'm not sure what i'm doing. I'm caught in a circle with the log in. I feel like I'm missing a download.
  11. wolflarson

    how do I skip Emby Connect?

    Hello, How do I skip emby connect and just login to my server with url / user+pw? I dont see any way to skip emby connect it just goes back and forth between "OK" and using a pin to login. This is my second apple tv and the first one works just fine but I don't remember how setup went with it. They are both on the same subnet. Thanks, Wolf Larson
  12. Hi, I run the following command to start Emby docker container: docker run -d --name emby --volume /Emby/data/config:/config --volume /Emby/data/movie:/mnt/share1 --volume /Emby/data/show:/mnt/share2 --net=host --publish 8096:8096 --publish 8920:8920 --env UID=1000 --env GID=100 --env GIDLIST=100 emby/embyserver: When I use browser to access it prompts a panel to login with a default user of emby. I created local account named emby with UID 1000, but I still can't login with the password I set locally. Could you help how to login Emby? Thanks, Song
  13. Like the title says, navigating to my server address (from my PC, using Firefox) or right clicking on the Emby icon in the task bar of the server itself (using Chrome) and selecting 'Configure Emby' or 'Browse Library' takes me to a black screen that, if I highlight the area per the photo, I can see should be allowing me to log in, and isn't. This screen appears after briefly showing me the Emby logo and a loading wheel. I am running; I've checked my network numerous times and it's configured the same way it always has been. I can connect just fine with my Android app and Emby Theater on the same PC having issues. I have restarted Emby multiple times. I think I've attached the logs, but I couldn't say for sure, so if there's other files you need to help me figure out what the hell is happening, please ask. embyserver.txt
  14. I'm running nvidia shields for my platform of choice. When I go to logout and switch users this works but it will not stay logged out. If I close the app and open it the last person logged in is now logged in. On a side not is there a way to have just a num pad come up if you are using pin? After typing either pin or password you have to hit next, then done, then go down to ok. The login seems a little clunky.
  15. I'm running Emby on a QNAP NAS TS-251+. Several days ago I went to view a movie and I was asked to login and it claimed my password was wrong. I tried all sorts of things including resetting my password with no luck. Next day opened Emby on my iMac and iPad with no problem. Next day it didn't recognize me and shut me out. Fine the next day. I am perplexed by this and its odd internal schedule. Suggestions? Thanks.
  16. I am unable to scroll down when logged in I go to Live TV and either when I use the keyboard down button or scroll bar on the right it bounces back to the top and does so repetitively no matter if I hold it down. Furthermore I am unable to select the password field in some occasions when attempting to log on. It works fine from another computer but not this one.
  17. I had hosted the emby server on a vps just 2 hours ago . I am the admin and the only user currently I had logged into the emby app in my android device using the wan access and was using it for past 2 hours Just few minutes ago , i suddenly got logged out and now when i am trying to log in it says incorrect username or password ( although i am 100% sure I ain't entering any wrong credentials ) . The username and password both were merely 4 letters long Nevertheless i thought that i would still just reset the pass , when i click on forgot password and enter my username - it just gets stuck there , nothing happens at all I just checked in my vps and the emby server is active and running well Can someone please help me to find a way out of this situation , i really don't have any clue what just happened ? ========================================= Edit - So apparently i was trying it continuously since this happened and just few seconds ago i got logged in , beleive me i used the very same credentials i was trying since the past 15 minutes I have hosted the emby server v4.5.0.050 on a ubuntu vps . I think this might be a bug . I am posting the logs here . Hopefully it will be helpful to analyse what had happened . I also noticed that the library scan which was ongoing got cancelled once i was able to login after failed attempts for 15 mins embyserver.txt
  18. jonyskids

    Emby Select User

    When ever I turn on my TV to Kodi it asks me to login in to Emby. If I pause a show for a bit, when I go to start it again it plays for 20 seconds and the goes back to the home screen and ask me to login again. How do I stop this?
  19. BossRFC86

    Accesos (display-login)

    Buen día Me acerco con ustedes para saber si existe alguna forma de modificar la pantalla de logeo del sistema emby, Esto con la finalidad de accesar por medio de terceros (wordpress para ser específicos). He estado explorando varios topicos y se acercan mucho a lo que busco, pero no visualizo una solución como la que varios solicitamos. Sin mas por el momento, quedo pendeinte de sus valiosos comentarios. Saludos Cordiales. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ good day I am approaching you to find out if there is any way to modify the emby system login screen, This with the modification of access through third parties (wordpress to be specific). I've been exploring various topics and they are very close to what I'm looking for, but I don't see a solution like the one we requested. Without further ado for the moment, I remain pending your valuable comments. Best regards.
  20. johnsonb

    Cannot log into Emby

    Hello. Some how I messed up my Emby account on the Roku box. It was working fine and then I removed the pwd and that is when the trouble started. I go into it now and a pin-wheel spins for a few seconds, and I am bounced right back out. I tried adding a pwd back to the account however no luck. If that account is the last one I used, is it ok if I delete it and create a new one? I do not want to mess this up any more. thanks guys.
  21. Lameslime

    Picture as login background

    Started using Emby couple days ago, problems here and there, but this is something I can't solve. As the title says I'd like to change the color grey in login screen into a picture of my choice. I have no experience with css so if I had to do it myself I wouldn't know where to start. Thanks in advance.
  22. LanternMyWilly

    [API] Login with external form

    Hi! I'm trying to create a webform where you can create an account and login into Emby without having to login in 'https://domain.com/web/index.html#!/startup/login.html?serverId=123'. I've noticed that when you authenticate a user, this user stays authenticated throughout the entire browser. So I thought if I did a '/Users/AuthenticateByName' call in the form, this would would authenticate the user like it would when you normally login but it doesn't. So basically I call '/Users/AuthenticateByName' with my desired username and password I want to login, this does the job but when I go to the same url as provided in the api call, it still asks me to login. Both in the same browser. My code to authenticate the user: function userAuthenticate($username,$password) { $dataArray = array("Username"=>$username, "Pw"=>$password); $dataString = http_build_query($dataArray); $url= 'https://domain.com/emby/Users/AuthenticateByName?api_key=123456789&'; $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $dataString); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $responseDecoded = json_decode($response,true); echo $responseDecoded["AccessToken"]; } The code above does always succeed but doesn't do what I want (that is authenticating the user in https://domain.com/web). Now I'm wondering if it is possible to accomplish what I just described. Thanks in advance! (I'm sorry if I didn't describe my problem very well, I didn't really know how to ) Greetings!
  23. archlector

    Question about my Administrator user

    I am unable to login to Open Subtitles on my Emby installation, on my Synology DS218+ NAS. I am an Emby Premiere member, and have checked that my login/password details for Open Subtitles are correct. When I click 'save', I get a spinning circle symbol that appears and nothing further happens. Any ideas how to fix this? Screenshot attached. Thanks!
  24. dadofhgnadn

    Android Emby connect

    I recreated and opened ports however in android using emby connect I am stuck in a loop with no idea or prompt concerning what the fault is. See attached images: 01: I Choose Emby Connect 02: I enter my credentials 03: I am brought back to the first screen again. Am i missing something obvious? I will also attach a log. embyserver.txt
  25. EduardoSantos

    User data on toggling server

    Hi, New to the AndroidTV app. Very good work, good ideas and some very beautiful screens. My regards to developers. Is there a means to snapshot from Emby's the current screen? That would make it a lot easier to post issues here... Anyway, this issue relates to the toggling server mechanism. I do not use Emby Connect so this is about direct connections. When toggling from one server to another the app seems to forget user data (name/password) already provided. I have to re-enter it on each and every toggling to already known servers. Also, but seems of least importance, on the toggling screen servers are presented with their name (url) but with the LAN IP address below. This is kind of akward when some servers are remote. I tried to set LAN parms on server configuration but it the app still shows the LAN IP. Though that does not prevent actual connections it could be a security issue...
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