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  1. marriedman

    Emby Theater jerky playback 4K video.

    I have one 4K video in my entire library. And this naturally the only movie that has always played with 1960's stop motion animation smoothness. It doesn't matter if I am using a Firestick, Vero4k+, or computer (web browser or embytheater) - it's always jerky. I've tried several different versions of the file, ranging from 5 to 14 GB and it's always the same. The network utilization is never saturated. The only client that will play this video smoothly is my LG TV (that was a shocker). I have noticed that if I use the browser or theater in a maximized or fullscreen state, the jerky playback is at it's worse. If I have it restored or at any window size other than fullscreen, the playback is smoother. Technical data Emby Server Version running on QNAP TS-451+ Clients LG-75NANO91ANA (TV) Firestick Firestick 4K Vero4K+ 3 coumputers with 8th generation i5's and minimum 4GB RAM, no dedicated video cards. The only thing I can think that could be the cause is the display on most clients are 1080. However, while troubleshooting this last night, I changed one computer to a outdated Sony Bravia's native resolution (4K) and the problem still persists. I have attached an excerpt from the embyserver log. I removed the subtitle search that it does over night and my wife's binge watching background noise. There were no ffmpeg-transcode log, so I didn't have one to attach. Any help appreciated. embyserver_2023-03-20.txt
  2. Hello folks, Need a little help with issues on video playback. I'm running Emby on Windows 10 with the client/server on the same machine. Emby version with the default installation and I run it on Chrome. I'm using the standard Windows paths (not UNC) for file access. I have some videos that were ripped at 29.97fps and they stream fine to my TV (via chromecast) and play fine locally with the Emby client. Unfortunately the quality of the rips are bad so I found some replacements that have good video quality that play at 25fps. Unfortunately these are choppy when I stream them to my TV. They're even worse when I try to play them locally on my laptop with the Emby client. They're fine playing them locally with VLC. I don't have anything else installed at the moment that I can test streaming. I could re-install Plex to test streaming if needed or maybe the VideoCast extension I used to have installed for Chrome. I'm not sure what's going on or what I need to look at in my Emby config. Maybe it's not even the framerate that's the issue but something else? I have attached the media info of both files. I can attach the logs if needed. I read another post that said if the client and server were on the same machine then UNC isn't needed and to be honest I haven't had this issue before so it's not like this is a chronic issue with most of my videos. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  3. schwefel1981

    DS216j as Server

    Hi Guys, I have the following problem: The streaming playback from outside, in the constellation with a DS216j and the Emby server on the Nas, very jerky and stops synonymous during playback of a movie. Can I fix or improve the problem with settings?
  4. jhs39

    Transcoded playback jerky

    I have a new problem that I haven't seen before this week and I've been using Media Browser on the same computer with my Roku 3 for about a year. This week I suddenly found a few videos of small size (1 gig or less) where the playback is noticeably stuttery. These videos play fine on my computer and also play fine in Play On for Roku. When looking at my processes I see that ffmpeg is running which I'm guessing means Media Browser is transcoding the video for the Roku app, and ffmpeg keeps hitting 100% of cpu, which is likely why I am having problems. I tried lowering the max bitrate on my Media Browser Roku app but that didn't seem to have any effect at all. This is a problem I never noticed before this week and I've been using Media Browser on the same computer for at least a year without ever having this issue. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I might try to improve playback?
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