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  1. Request No. 1: Implement Metascore rating for movies, from Metacritic.com, in Emby. OMDb api provides this information. Request No. 2: Also, fix an option in settings to enable or disable a ratings source according to the user's choice.
  2. Hey, I'm trying to identify the penguin 2024 with imdb code - tt15435876. Nothing pops up in the results, I've tried identifying the show with theTVdb with no success as well. Is it caused by a syncing problem with the services?
  3. leturc

    bonjour ,nouveau sur emby

    bonjour la communaute,je suis nouvel utilisateur d'emby et j'ai besoin de vos connaissances.dans mes series certaines sont refractaires pour se mettre a jour .j ai essayé pas mal de trucs mais je n'ai pas envie de bousillé ce qui marche bien.un petit screen d ecran est plus parlant,mercii
  4. First crack at this... using powershell for now since it's my native language. Attempting to create a composite movie rating leveraging the standard set of ratings sources, while adding weighting measures to various community ratings. Definitely some more conditions and logic will be needed for scenarios where subsets of ratings sources are available, but the weighting math should hopefully mitigate a chunk of that. Feedback welcome! $moviename = "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" $rtaudiencerating = 95 $rtaudiencecount = 645107 $rtcriticrating = 98 $rtcriticcount = 82 $tmdbrating = 7.8 $tmdbcount = 5028 $traktrating = 8.3 $traktcount = 11089 $metacriticrating = 91 $imdbrating = 8.2 $imdbcount = 547137 $ratings = @{} $null = $ratings.Add('tomatometerallaudience',@{'MaxValue'=100;'rating'=$rtaudiencerating;'weight'=10;'votecount'=$rtaudiencecount } ) $null = $ratings.Add('tomatometerallcritics',@{'MaxValue'=100;'rating'=$rtcriticrating;'weight'=10;'votecount'=$rtcriticcount} ) $null = $ratings.Add('themoviedb',@{'MaxValue'=10;'rating'=$tmdbrating;'weight'=20;'votecount'=$tmdbcount} ) $null = $ratings.Add('trakt',@{'MaxValue'=10;'rating'=$traktrating;'weight'=20;'votecount'=$traktcount} ) $null = $ratings.Add('metacritic',@{'MaxValue'=100;'rating'=$metacriticrating;'weight'=20;'votecount'=0} ) $null = $ratings.Add('imdb',@{'MaxValue'=10;'rating'=$imdbrating;'weight'=20;'votecount'=$imdbcount} ) $community = @{} $totalcommunityvotes = $ratings['imdb'].votecount + $ratings['trakt'].votecount + $ratings['themoviedb'].votecount + $ratings['tomatometerallaudience'].votecount $imdbpercentvotes = [math]::Round( $ratings['imdb'].votecount / $totalcommunityvotes,3) $traktpercentvotes = [math]::Round( $ratings['trakt'].votecount / $totalcommunityvotes,3) $tmdbpercentvotes = [math]::Round( $ratings['themoviedb'].votecount / $totalcommunityvotes,3) $rtpercentvotes = [math]::Round( $ratings['tomatometerallaudience'].votecount / $totalcommunityvotes,3) $communitysum = $imdbpercentvotes + $traktpercentvotes + $tmdbpercentvotes + $rtpercentvotes if ( $communitysum -gt 1 ) { $rtpercentvotes = $rtpercentvotes - ($communitysum - 1) } elseif ( $communitysum -lt 1 ) { $imdbpercentvotes = $imdbpercentvotes + (1 - $communitysum) } $adjtraktcount = 1; if ( $traktpercentvotes -eq 0 -and $ratings['trakt'].votecount -ne 0 ) { $adjtraktcount = 100 } elseif ( $traktpercentvotes -lt 0.002 ) { $adjtraktcount = 100 } elseif ( $traktpercentvotes -lt 0.004 ) { $adjtraktcount = 80 } elseif ( $traktpercentvotes -lt 0.006 ) { $adjtraktcount = 60 } elseif ( $traktpercentvotes -lt 0.008 ) { $adjtraktcount = 50 } elseif ( $traktpercentvotes -lt 0.010 ) { $adjtraktcount = 30 } elseif ( $traktpercentvotes -lt 0.100 ) { $adjtraktcount = 10 } $adjtmdbcount = 1; if ( $tmdbpercentvotes -eq 0 -and $ratings['themoviedb'].votecount -ne 0 ) { $adjtmdbcount = 100 } elseif ( $tmdbpercentvotes -lt 0.002 ) { $adjtmdbcount = 100 } elseif ( $tmdbpercentvotes -lt 0.004 ) { $adjtmdbcount = 80 } elseif ( $tmdbpercentvotes -lt 0.006 ) { $adjtmdbcount = 60 } elseif ( $tmdbpercentvotes -lt 0.008 ) { $adjtmdbcount = 50 } elseif ( $tmdbpercentvotes -lt 0.010 ) { $adjtmdbcount = 30 } elseif ( $tmdbpercentvotes -lt 0.100 ) { $adjtmdbcount = 10 } $adjtotalcommunityvotes = $ratings['imdb'].votecount + ($ratings['trakt'].votecount*$adjtraktcount) + ($ratings['themoviedb'].votecount*$adjtmdbcount) + $ratings['tomatometerallaudience'].votecount $adjimdbpercentvotes = [math]::Round( $ratings['imdb'].votecount / $adjtotalcommunityvotes,3) $adjtraktpercentvotes = [math]::Round( ($ratings['trakt'].votecount * $adjtraktcount) / $adjtotalcommunityvotes,3) $adjtmdbpercentvotes = [math]::Round( ($ratings['themoviedb'].votecount * $adjtmdbcount) / $adjtotalcommunityvotes,3) $adjrtpercentvotes = [math]::Round( $ratings['tomatometerallaudience'].votecount / $adjtotalcommunityvotes,3) $adjcommunitysum = $adjimdbpercentvotes + $adjtraktpercentvotes + $adjtmdbpercentvotes + $adjrtpercentvotes if ( $adjcommunitysum -gt 1 ) { $adjrtpercentvotes = $adjrtpercentvotes - ($adjcommunitysum - 1) } elseif ( $adjcommunitysum -lt 1 ) { $adjimdbpercentvotes = $adjimdbpercentvotes + (1 - $adjcommunitysum) } $null = $community.Add('imdb',@{'votecount'=$ratings['imdb'].votecount;'percentage'=$imdbpercentvotes;'adjpercent'=$adjimdbpercentvotes } ) $null = $community.Add('trakt',@{'votecount'=$ratings['trakt'].votecount;'percentage'=$traktpercentvotes;'adjpercent'=$adjtraktpercentvotes } ) $null = $community.Add('themoviedb',@{'votecount'=$ratings['themoviedb'].votecount;'percentage'=$tmdbpercentvotes;'adjpercent'=$adjtmdbpercentvotes } ) $null = $community.Add('tomatometerallaudience',@{'votecount'=$ratings['tomatometerallaudience'].votecount;'percentage'=$rtpercentvotes;'adjpercent'=$adjrtpercentvotes } ) $communityweight = 70; if ( !$ratings.ContainsKey('metacritic') ) { $communityweight = $communityweight + 20 } if ( !$ratings.ContainsKey('tomatometerallcritics') ){ $communityweight = $communityweight + 10 } $scoring = @{}; $scoringtable = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $ratings.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { $current = $_; $source = $current.Name $sourcetype = $null; if ( $source -in ('tomatometerallcritics','metacritic') ) { $sourcetype = "Critic" } else { $sourcetype = "Community" } $sourcerating = $current.Value.rating $sourcemax = $current.Value.MaxValue if ( $sourcemax -eq 5 ) { $adjustedmax = $sourcemax*20; $adjustedrating = $sourcerating*20 } elseif ( $sourcemax -eq 10 ) { $adjustedmax = $sourcemax*10; $adjustedrating = $sourcerating*10 } else { $adjustedmax = $sourcemax; $adjustedrating = $sourcerating } $sourcevotecount = $current.Value.votecount $communitylookup = $null; $communitylookup = $community[$source] $communityvotepercent = $communitylookup.percentage $communityadjvotepercent = $communitylookup.adjpercent $weighting = 0; if ( $sourcetype -eq "Community" ) { $weighting = $communityadjvotepercent * $communityweight } else { $weighting = $current.Value.weight } $newcompositerating = ($adjustedrating * ($weighting/100 ) ) $null = $scoring.Add($source,@{'SourceType'=$sourcetype;'SourceVoteCount'=$sourcevotecount;'SourceRating'=$sourcerating;'SourceMax'=$sourcemax;'AdjustedRating'=$adjustedrating;'AdjustedMax'=$adjustedmax;'CommunityVotePrc'=$communityvotepercent;'AdjCommunityVotePrc'=$communityadjvotepercent; 'Weight'=$weighting; 'NewRating'= $newcompositerating } ) $null = $scoringtable.Add([pscustomobject]@{'Source' =$source;'SourceType'=$sourcetype;'SourceVoteCount'=$sourcevotecount;'SourceRating'=$sourcerating;'SourceMax'=$sourcemax;'AdjustedRating'=$adjustedrating;'AdjustedMax'=$adjustedmax;'CommunityVotePrc'=$communityvotepercent;'AdjCommunityVotePrc'=$communityadjvotepercent; 'Weight'=$weighting; 'NewRating'= $newcompositerating } ) } #$highestweight = $scoringtable | Sort-Object Weight -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 if ( ($scoringtable.Weight | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum -gt 100.1 ) { Write-Warning "Weighting calculated over 100.1%" } elseif ( ($scoringtable.Weight | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum -lt 99.9 ) { Write-Warning "Weighting calculated under 99.9%" } $NewRating = [math]::Round( (($scoringtable.NewRating | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum/10),1) Write-Output "","" Write-Output "Current movie is $($moviename)." Write-Output "Rotten Tomatoes Critic rating is $($rtcriticrating) out of 100." Write-Output "Rotten Tomatoes Community rating is $($rtaudiencerating) out of 100." Write-Output "Metacritic rating is $($metacriticrating) out of 100." Write-Output "Trakt community rating is $($traktrating) out of 10." Write-Output "IMDB community rating is $($imdbrating) out of 10." Write-Output "The MovieDB rating is $($tmdbrating) out of 10." Write-Output "","New composite rating is $($NewRating) out of 10."
  5. Hey all, Sometimes I have multiple entries for the same person and wanted to know if there is a way to alias one record to the other (I believe the genre plugin does something like this). 95% of the time this is due to Asian actor names where they are often credited differently. For example, I have "Sammo Hung" but also "Sammo Kam-Bo Hung" in my DB. It would be cool if I can just alias any DB records for Sammo Kam-Bo Hung to point to Sammo Hung. That way all his movies appear under Sammo Hung in the emby GUI. I'm fine with paying for a plugin if needed, I'm just hoping to avoid having to having to go and manually editing each record one by one.
  6. Hi, ich versuche mich seit einiger Zeit an Emby und bin sehr angetan auf den unterschiedlichen Systemen mit den Möglichkeiten. Nun ist mir bei einem Ordner der Bibliothek aufgefallen, dass manche Ordner korrekt mit den Filminfos angezeigt werden und andere wiederum nicht. Die Ordner sind alle gleich aufgebaut: Ordner entspricht Filmname und darin befindet sich der Film als MKV. Dort, wo das Bild nicht angezeigt wird, ist die Filminfo bei den darunter liegenden MKV Dateien enthalten. Aber ich hätte das gern für alle auf einer Ordnerebene - ist das möglich? (Siehe Screenshot) Ich habe es schon mit manueller Aktualisierung der Metadaten versucht, aber das klappt nicht.
  7. Hi, I just installed emby and I mostly view my media via the webapp on my mac. I love the filters and the sorting options but I was wondering if its possible to show the IMDB ratings on the covers in the grid view of the library. For example : What my webapp now looks like : Thanks!
  8. So I've looked in the FR's for 'Search' tag and can't see this anywhere obvious. I was surprised that External ID's (IMDB, TMDB etc) are not included in the search results ? ie if I put 'tt0088763' in the search box, I was expecting to get 'Back to the Future' listed .. but I get back no results at all. The local metadata clearly has the ID's listed and available - so can we please include this in a global search ? Thanks.
  9. Using Win 10x64 pro and Emby in FireFox / Chrome: If I select MOVIES, FAVORITES, "Sort by IMDB rating" is listed. "Sort by COMMUNITY rating" is on the sort menu for Collections but listed as "IMDB" elsewhere. If I go into a GENRE and use the sort function, it is "Sort by CRITIC rating" and "Sort by COMMUNITY rating". These "sort methods" should be unified to match in all areas of EMBY as it can be a bit confusing when renamed elsewhere. From what I was told, IMDB rating is NOT really IMDB rating because it is pulled from TMDB which is always outdated and hardly accurate after it gets ratings from IMDB (or maybe users?). Seems a bit not quite right to call those IMDB ratings, unless they are coming directly from IMDB. Even if the choices are unified a bit and match in all menu choices, I would very much still LOVE to see a deal worked out that would allow EMBY or a plugin for it, to directly update IMDB (COMMUNITY rating) / Rotten Tomatoes (CRITIC rating) without having to rely on a second hand account of what those scores might be. Not holding my breath on that though. At the very least a plugin that would update them from the available sources (such as TMDB) if not directly without having to re-fetch ALL metadata would even be a step forward. Thanks
  10. cochize1

    IMDB rating

    How to refresh an IMDB ratin (the one with the star)? Library scan and refreshinh metadata does not work.
  11. pooh-bah

    Embycon and movie ratings?

    After fighting with the other emby addon for a long time, which occasionally just refused to play certain videos for no reason, I was very happy to see an alternative choice in embycon. The one thing that I can't seem to figure out how to do is to show movie ratings while browsing the movies section of embycon. Tried: multiples skins (estuary, confluence, xconfluence, a few others), all settings, and multiple devices. Is this possible? Am I just an idiot and I missed a setting somewhere? I really don't care where the ratings come from. Is there a skin that does this with embycon? Can I hack this into confluence?
  12. kaczy44

    IMDB - show votes

    Hi, Is there any possibility to add display of IMDB votes in next release ?
  13. Blueeyiz702

    Actor Images Not Matching up with Imdb

    When i try to identify a actor image that does not show on movie,and input imdb id it keeps returning a blank like actor does not exist and it has to be done manually. Its happened multiple time over past couple of weeks. Even tho there is a imdb id for Sienna Nanue when i input to identify with id and name it does not work and image stays blank?
  14. Hi, I´m using Emby for Kodi with the current version: Emby for Kodi 2.2.49 OSMC (Kodi 17 beta 16.8-170) and Windows Kodi 17.0-BETA3 (Oct 4 2016) I have the following problem since I´m using the Kodi 17 beta: IMDb ratings are not synced with my local database. Nether in OSMC (beta) nor in Windows (beta). Therefore I assume this problem is connected to the Emby-Addon? Other reason could be missing addons because of beta status? I would appreciate to get your feedback on this.
  15. Hi there. New to Emby, one hour after install I'm now a licensed member. Absolutely LOVING Emby over Plex. Wondering a few things... 1) Do I have to punch a hole in my firewall in order to access Emby if I'm on the go (outside my home network). With Plex I didn't have to do this...not a big deal if I have to do it with Emby, but it's always nicer when you don't have to open FW ports. 2) Love the list of Actors when you bring up a movie or trailer. Wondering if there's anything in the works (or maybe something already exists?) that will give me Actor details perhaps pulling from IMDB or some other source. I see in Chrome that I can go to the IMDB link but I'd like to be able to pull up Actor details while I'm on my Android mobile device or FireTV. Thank you for such a KILLER product. =)
  16. Blackclaws

    Offline IMDB Data Parser

    So I've looked around a bit and it is quite clear that the Emby project does not condone the scraping of websites to aquire data in accordance with the websites terms of use. However I was wondering whether the non-commercial IMDB data dump that they make available for download via FTP would be a viable source of metadata as it is free for non-commercial personal use as long as you don't put it onto the WWW as a competitor to imdb itself. The metadata is a rather large datadump especially when decompressed but should be manageable especially if you parse it once and put it into a non text file based database (which you may do for non-commercial personal use) Is there any specific argument against using this data or has noone bothered so far to write a plugin that leverages this data but such a plugin would be appreciated?
  17. Emby Version 3.0.5607.2 I noticed that the ID-number of a movie is wrongly set in the IMDB Id field. In fact the ID of TheMovieDB is set wrongly in that field and the info about the movie is thereby incomplete. Look at the picture below. ID 241239 (A Most Violent Year) is TheMovieDB id number, not the IMDB Id number. This bug must be there in previous versions as I had to correct the IMDB Id number for a lot of movies in my database.
  18. It looks like MBS is pulling the Parental/Content Rating tag from TMDB which doesn't have a rating for most Australian movies. IMDB does have these ratings It would be good if there was an option to set the preference for where to pull metadata from on a field by field basis.
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