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Found 6 results

  1. Has anyone upgraded to Windows 10 with FlexRaid-F? Please note:header should read FlexRaid-F not "T"
  2. So, I recently installed 3 WD red drives in my MB Server system. I also installed FlexRaid(F) to manage the drives. Everything in my MBS then showed as Offline. That's fine, MBS was pointing at a previous location that no longer exists. So I added the new location for each libraries and deleted the old locations. However, now that I have done that, the initial library scan will not complete. It hung at 48% initially, and so I restarted the server(after waiting over an hour for the scan to complete), and now it has hung at 31%. I made sure to share the new flexraid disk so that's not the problem. I'm completely stuck. Does anyone know what is going on here?
  3. I have been trialing tRAID which I have found to be generally very impressive getting sustained write speeds of 55MB/s. tRAID and MB3 are installed on the same hardware platform (HP Microserver with 3x3TB HDD array for media). However, the stability of the storage pool is causing concern; every time MB3 scans the media library the storage pool drops (not immediately but during the scan) with the NZFSB service crashing. I then have to restart the service and start the storage pool again. Anyone seen this behavior? I have verified that it only happens when MB3 scans the library and not when streaming. So I can stream media and I have no problems though, of course, when the pool drops MB3 clients cannot access anything! At the moment I have disabled all MB3 tasks other than the library scan to try to isolate the problem so do not know if the other scheduled tasks would cause the same behaviour. Raised this issue at the FlexRAID forum as well but it is not a simple problem as the NZFSB service crashes with no error messages.
  4. Hello Guys First of all happy new year and second Thanks alot to all of you for all the help 2013 was great year for learning and improving and i would not been able to without great help of this great community I have an advance question to ask but before i ask i have show you guys some screenshots so things can make sense 1- So here is image of my computer: 2- here is image of configs drives 3- here is image of config and some error i get So guys with F Raid will know what i am talking about. so here is what i did In each main drive i created one folder as main folder name and everything else will be under it , configure parity and f raid everything is working great. My issue: When i cut a folder of size 700 GB + from one drive to new drive inside config in same pool the cut and past happens in seconds WOW that Great i love it but in same time i am concern and confused of where the data are actually where data actually moved ? Second in config i see the drive size did not change for From hard drive and for to hard drive .... Strange ?? so i went to tool and try to update and that when i get error can someone advise Thanks
  5. Hello guys Just trying to share my experience with everyone about tRaid transparent raid from FlexRAID This is my third time trying to open a post here and it keep failing and not sure what is causing the it. First of all FlexRAID fourm does not have any doc on how to install and their wiki is down and fourm is dead so no one will help anyone. I am not looking for any support or help here as i said i am just trying to share my experiences with everyone and anyone who wants to get into tRaid Thanks
  6. Hello Guys, I am asking here so all new uerser and advnace users who dont know FlexRAID can be aware of it , i am talking about Raid F here only the Combo (Data Protection + Storage Pooling) for $59.95 + TAX deal I know in the past alot of users in MB3 spoke about FlexRAID and provided screenshot and so on and "assassin" wrote a manaual on setup and install http://assassinhtpcblog.com/server-flexraid/ it is 100 page manaual but i have so many question about this , after i look at "assassin" manual and some other screenshots and so on i relaized that Storage Pooling was not as i thought it would be , i thought it will make a large files of data of all 30TB 12 drives space but i could be wrong also Data Protection with Parity drive is little confusing if in the future i buy second drive and extend the Parity size , i am not talking about 2 Parity drive backup of a backup just incase one drive died and that was the Parity drive i am talking about 2 Parity drive being one large 8TB size to cover 27TB worth of data so i still need some help in this so i can get back to world of media browser 3 it been alsmot 3 Months and i over come all issue now trying to move on to next level as usual i am very new to all this so i am still little confused about Transparent RAID™ (tRAID™) also because alot of people saying diffrent thing and i dont know which one will be better for me Can someone advise Thanks guys
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