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Found 13 results

  1. DarrenClimie-Newman

    Not receiving Emby Connect Confirmation

    Hi. Is there any issue with the Emby Connect email verification process? I've tried to add 2 new Emby Connect accounts to my server, but both emails haven't received the confirm/link email after registering? Thanks Daren
  2. What is your policy on peoples personal info. Do you for instance sell it to marketing firms for profit? Such as email, birthday etc. I am asking because I just made myself a new email specifically for here. Mostly for anonymity purposes. Please refer me to any links that might be available for any legal documentation you have provided to your users for their reference and you policies involving personal info if any exist. Thanks.
  3. I am able to get the test email notifications but I do not receive the emails when new content is added, a user starts watching, or any other setting. I only receive the test emails.
  4. NerdGuy85

    Email Notification Plugin

    I've changed the email delivery settings for a user on my server and when I perform a test I'm seeing this weird error in the log. 2020-03-29 14:27:27.063 Error App: Error sending email: System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Service not available, closing transmission channel. The server response was: Cannot connect to SMTP server ::ffff: (::ffff:, connect error 10060 at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw(Exception source) at System.Net.Mail.SmtpConnection.ConnectAndHandshakeAsyncResult.End(IAsyncResult result) at System.Net.Mail.SmtpTransport.EndGetConnection(IAsyncResult result) at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.ConnectCallback(IAsyncResult result) --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- " The server response was: Cannot connect to SMTP server ::ffff: (::ffff: " I've double checked the host servers DNS cache, performed a ping, and the right IP address resolves. I'm not sure where the " ::ffff: " part is coming from. I've changed the settings and even tried restarting the server. Looking for some other suggestions or guidance. Thank you. Server Log 3-29-2020.txt
  5. Hello I tested the plugin to be notified of added files but the problem is that it sends an email for each added file. Wouldn't it be possible for it to send an email at a scheduled time with a list of additions? Or other workaround, being able to select the media library to monitor. Thank you
  6. Hello, First of thank you for this great application. On the other hand I have a problem : every time my Synology server starts and Emby starts, I receive 10 emails from my own email address. It must surely come from the mails plugin but I have not found the corresponding option. These are emails containing news of emby with new versions android, iOS, smarttv, freebsd etc ... Do you have a solution to disable this spam? Thank you in advance. Ptitsnake
  7. Hello, I have not been able to send email notifications using TLS/SSL using the email notification plug-in. I am able to send using non-secure settings. I have attached the log of the tests I have done. I am in the process of migrating my server to FreeNAS 11. I was not able to send using secure setting on my previous Freenas 9 set-up. Any help would be appreciated. Set-up Emby: (FreeNAS plugin build) OS: FreeNAS-11.2-RC1 Plug-in Version: embytlsemailerrorlog.txt
  8. Hi I'm using your Email Notif plugin which works well but I suggest you two features with one very important for me: 1) IMPORTANT I want to have only one email every X minutes hours / seconds etc. Avoid: If I upload 2 seasons of a tv shows, I don't want to have 39 emails in the same time :/ 2) NOT IMPORTANT BUT USEFUL I can't choose the group of folders that I want to follow for the emails. User X wants to follow a specific tv show or sections etc, so this feature can help to notify the good people MY SUGGESTION TO SOLUTION 1: Your algo which watch and send an email, is it possible to modify it, in adding the name of the episode in one array / list and then, when the X minutes / seconds / hours are reached (using a batch or something like that); you build the template of the email and you loop on the list in the aim to show all episodes in only one mail ? I think it's not very complicated and so much better like that NB: Maybe I miss something about this plugin to get this feature, I let you to tell me what you think about this Regards
  9. When using the Email service to deliver New Content Added, can more Media Info be added to the body. Specifically the length, encoding, poster, etc?
  10. This is a question probably directly for Luke or ebr... or another very involved dev I might not know yet. Do you guys use an email service for your email campaigns? Like for the email that went out July 23 at 11:53pmET with subject line "Emby Theater 2.5 Released" from email "admin@.media" Just looking to see what you guys use, maybe put my talents to use finally.
  11. Strontium_99

    Email plugin won't send notifications

    Hi there all, I'm running Emby server version 3.0.5934.0 on WIndows 10 Pro, and Email Notification plugin 3.0.5810.33617. I've got my Notifications setup to use Email and they are enabled, but it seems very hit and miss, mostly miss, actually sending out notification emails for EG. adding new content. I know Emby is finding the new content because if I'm login via Chrome I get the desktop notifications. The Email plugin is setup correctly and I can send a test notification every time without fail. I've tried uninstalling the plugin a number of times, reinstalling Emby and restarted the server loads of times too. But I'm lucky if I get 1 successful notification sent. Any ideas please? Thanks.
  12. https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Wiki/wiki/Notifications
  13. Taffer

    Supporter key problem

    I am having problems with my supporter keys. I have paid via PayPal for MBC key, as well as Breeze and Movie themes. When I try to enter the key for either plugin I get a meesage saying that I need to be a supporter of MBCin order to use premium features. I think the problem is because I have registered MBC with one email and the others with a different email. Can someone help me with this ?
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