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  1. Hello, My first post here. I'm on an UnRAID server, but I didn't see that as an option, so I figured Linux was general enough. Tonight I went to watch Emby and found that the number of episodes in my library was way off. Upon further investigation, it's reading the wrong folders. My folders are organized as recommended here https://support.emby.media/support/solutions/articles/44001159110-tv-naming, for DVD episodes. M*A*S*H, for example /TV /M_A_S_H /Season 1 /M_A_S_H S01E01-E08 /VIDEO_TS episode 1.mkv episode 2.mkv episode 3.mkv In this example, Episodes 1-8 are all from the same DVD, with each episode being an individual video file. Previously, this was read correctly by Emby, and all the episodes in a given season were displayed as individual episodes. Now, it's counting the disc level folder, "M_A_S_H S01E01-E08," as a single episode. However, it seems to still understand that there are multiple episodes, it's just lumping them all together and listing all the titles in a row. Screenshot of this attached. This is consistent, across my entire library of TV shows. Doesn't seem to be affecting movies or music, although they don't have as many subfolders. Anyone know what would have caused this? How do I fix it? Edit: corrected/clarified the way the files are organized within the folders.
  2. How do I re-order a multi-season TV series to match its DVD or other non-aired ordering? I know how to re-order a single season like Firefly: lock metadata, then manually edit Season and Episode numbers. That doesn't work for multiple seasons. I'm trying to get Futurama into either theTVDB's or Wikipedia's (which uses The Infosphere's) ordering. The problem is that a TV-season contains episodes spanning two, three, maybe four DVD-seasons. Altering editing the metadata season and episode values, there are unexpected side effects. You get a new mixture of the episodes with their revised ordering but in their original season. And then you get the re-ordered episodes for that season. Here's two images to illustrate: Futurama S1: Everything's ok here. There are four episodes pulled in from season 2 to complete season 1. The ordering looks good. Futurama S2: The multi-season side effects appear. The four episodes originally in Season 2 that were revised to be in Season 1, appear with their S1 metadata in the beginning of S2. And then the correctly revised S2 list follows. Let jump to Futurama S4: Now the season listing is preceded with 9 episodes from the aired Season 3 that were revised to fall into other Seasons. Season 5 is especially screwy since "Season 5" according to the Wikipedia ordering are the Made-for-TV movies, which are filenamed and stored in Season 00 (Specials) to conform to theTVDB listing to try and get metadata. What metadata do I need to edit and how do I edit it to force Emby to conform to the desired season listing? I'm open to revising NFO files, video filenames, etc. I accept that Emby doesn't support DVD-ordering automatically. And it doesn't have the Reordering Agent that Plex does. But I'm looking for a solution and willing to try the manual editing, if necessary. Thanks!
  3. So this is a really strange issue I am facing, I think I tried everything. I recently loaded 21 seasons of Pokémon, as ordered per to the TVDB DVD order. However, for instance when I check any season like Season 15, I see all these missing episodes that I can only attribute to the episodes that would be missing if the show was ordered as per the Aired order on TVDB (since the missing episodes are ep.50-58). I noticed that sometimes Emby will have merged S15E11 with like S15E30. Another minor issue I noticed is that many of the episodes may have the correct Title, and description, but the wrong TVDB episode ID. I have TVDB as the highest priority metadata fetcher for the TV library, and do have the show selected as DVD order. My files are named as per the Emby standards.
  4. buddyweiser

    Series Metadata

    Ok, I'm not sure how to go about this, but...I have Batman: The Animated Series on DVD and getting ready to add it to my MB Server, and here is my dilemma...The aired order(order listed on thetvdb.com) is hugely out of order, as opposed to the dvd order(actual order show is meant to be viewed in). So, how do I add this series exactly? My normal naming convention/file structure would be Batman The Animated Series\Season 1\s01e01 - The Cat & The Claw (Part 1).mp4 but that episode(according to the dvd order) is actually s01e15. I want the episodes to order according to the dvd listing, NOT the air listing. Also, I don't want to just rename it s01e15 - The Cat & The Claw (Part 1).mp4, because then I'm pretty sure it will fetch the metadata for the 15th ep to air (s01e15 - The Last Laugh). Has anyone come across this particular problem? And is there an easy fix in MB?
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