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Found 13 results

  1. Hello everybody! Did the design application for Web OS, please vote and write what you think. If OK, continue to do a PS4 and XBOX ONE. With colleagues think make applications. So far, there is no design of some pages. P.S. I do not speak English well =) https://www.behance.net/gallery/32725695/Emby-LG-Web-OS-DLNA-client-design
  2. Hey all i have had a bit of an idea and would like to share with the devs to see if this would be possible. as you can see from the first photo this is how the collections column looks like now and i would like to talk you through the new design idea i have had with the following pictures. second photo : Okay so as you can kinda see i have extended the view panel for what would be available in the selected collection when being hovered over by mouse or keyboard, this would then show what movies our available in that current collection that uploaded to your server. along with its collection logo and information. if there is more than 4 movies in you collection you would then be able to scroll from left to right to show the 5th 6th etc movies. also just to note when closing this panel to see the next collection you could press your back button on your keyboard or mouse to show other collection under the view panel. Photo 3: So in this photo, i am showing you that when hovering over one of the selected films it will in-large the same as emby currently when hovering over films along with the movie logo and information and metadata information ie date added, ratings, length etc. once clicked it will then redirect to the movies page then being able to press play from there. Photo 4: The last photo is just showing when hovering to the next film it is showing its in-large image and information. I hope you guys like this idea and same for the devs as well. not sure if it would be feasible or even a good idea but just thought i would share with you and hope you liked it haha.
  3. Hello Guys, Would it be possible to add new themes so we can customize the look and feel of the emby app a little bit more. I really like how embuary looks for example. the emby app looks similiar to embuary but only if i go into the recommended category. Would be cool if we could make our movies and series categorty look like the recommended area on the homepage or embuary instead of the boring grid view. for comparisson some screenshots.
  4. Skyobliwind

    Formatting description texts

    I wonder is there a way to format the description text? With html tags or something? New lines are ignored for example. This would be great, especially for longer musicvideos/concerts to add the setlist.
  5. yarez0

    LG TV App

    Hi Guys, If I go to a tv show, I see all episodes the "netflix" style but I can't go the episode page, maybe it's just me but I think the options on the right (like the web UI) disapeared on LG app. I can't choose options (subs, audio) before starting playback. Had to start playing and then change my options. But, on the starting page, if I go to CONTINUE WATCHING, I land to the episode page with options Is there a way to go to the episode page on the season page ? hope this is comprehensible, thanks
  6. The UI design on the android tv/fire tv platform is looking better and better! Thanks for giving it some attention! I especially like the ability to hide the card backgrounds on the homescreen, and the translucent gradients on the preplay screens with left justified text really lets the art shine through...it really provides a much more elegant look. Looking forward to video backdrops to really set off the overall experience. I'm THIS close to ditching kodi... Anyway, the look of the new update inspired me to create some mockups of what I'd personally love to see changed for both the "Playback/Details OSD" and "Paused OSD" screens. In my opinion, these design concepts would really tie everything together for a more unified look. They also provide a little more elegance, and even provide an option for a little extra eye candy. Nothing drastic, I'm using all the same elements found elsewhere throughout the interface - text, formatting, etc - just moving/resizing a few things a bit here and there. Here's how the options/paused OSD looks currently. See images depicting both TV and Movie media types. I've included shots of the details screen(s) as well just to show what I'm getting at in regard to consistency: https://imgur.com/a/0zxEyiK Here's my take on what I'd love to see instead: Remove the current translucent black "Playback OSD" panel in favor of an elegant gradient effect (also consistent with the preplay screens). I've changed the padding around the poster and increased the size a bit to really showcase the cool artwork treatment options that are available. Right now, the poster is butted up right to the bottom of the screen, with a sizeable gap between the poster and the edge of the screen on the left side. The current pause screen is kind of in line with this idea already- with the gradient behind the progress bar-but this takes it to the next level, providing some detail and eye candy options as well. These concepts also keep the padding between the screen edge and other onscreen elements consistent as well: https://imgur.com/a/rMiJca4 There's a few different variations here for Playback OSD/Paused OSD screens, as well as Paused OSD style variations for shown/hidden progress bar, media flags vs text, and an option to display either discart or clearart (depending on media type). Emby server already provides the options to download these types of artwork, but the client apps don't yet really provide a useful but non-intrusive way to put them on display. Put them on the pause screen! And possibly an option for it to fade away after xx seconds for those that seem to feel they need an unobstructed view of the scene while paused....ahem . You could even take it a step further and offer this styling on a per-theme basis. Windows media center, holiday, apple tv, and emby themes shown below: https://imgur.com/a/vzcyQpJ What you think @@Luke ? Any possibility of implementing a change like this? EDIT: Posted albums using link method for the time being...cannot get imgur albums embedded via media bbcode the way I intended...
  7. Hey I’m not sure if this is where im suppose to put this up there but \_(‘-‘_/ . So I have noticed that, although you can add books to Emby, there is no native way to read them or access them in general. So I used my graphic design skills and though of a simple UI you guys can use for it when you guys release this feature. So I based some of the designs on some apps that I have use or know, that are for reading books and brought them all together in this design, bring in some of my favorite features So the first image is how it would look when you go and open a book to read. So you have a pop in mini-menu, that goes away simply by tapping on the center and top on the top or bottom to make it apear again. On the top shows the progress of the book with page number, tile of the book along with the author, exit arrow, and the bookmark icon to add bookmarks. At the bottom you find arrows to turn the page, which if its a touchscreen device just sliding should work just as fine. And the circle, upon pressing it will show info on the book and author, your bookmarks, and similar books. Which in my mind looks like this You can see that bookmarks and chapters can be accessed through a drop-down menu and the reason it has the arrow on the top is that you just drag down to make it go away. And through some provider or manually add the information about author and book, just like in the movies ui. Here are both side by side If you have any questions or ideas for change feel free to ask and comment on things it can improve on. Hey I noticed that second photo had an error, so here is the correct image, it was missing the arrows of chapters and bookmark
  8. shaefurr

    Emby theater Skin Mockups

    Figured id start a post for anyone that might want to make a new skin for emby theater in the future. These mockups were already posted in the emby theater thread, but figured id start with these and add more in the future. One of the reasons I love Kodi is all the different skins. Would be cool to have that with emby someday, skins to suite everyone's tastes. Id love to make some myself but I cant code for the life of me. So Ill stick to just drawing up some ideas for others. Mockup 1 ARRAY: An enhanced version of the default emby theater skin.
  9. Here's a humble screenshot of a re-designed Emby icon that follows Google's material design principles. If you're interested in incorporating it into the App builds, let me know what file format you'd like. These were made with Adobe Illustrator and are vector files, so I can export pretty much whatever filetype you need. Two samples, adding a little more virtual depth to the logo.
  10. 3psus

    Music UX improvement

    I would like to propose some changes to the Music section UX, which I think would bring some improvements. After playing in there and using the music section for a while, some things I've noticed are a little bit annoying. I will refer at this image, red notations representing sections and yellow ones buttons. 1: When making queues on the go, I want to click the 3 dots button (button #3) to reveal the menu. The problem is if you hover to long over the image, the black cover with thumbs appears and a click over the button #3 will start the album's playback. This will just kill your queue and play the first track. I suggest that the button #3 always stays on top, or that area #1 remains uncovered: this could allow for other futur buttons next to #3 that would remain uncovered. Leaving the buttons on top seems to be the best option though. 2: Everywhere in Emby, clicking the thumb or poster image will get you to a detailed page. In the music section though, this just starts playing the album. If you want to access the detailed page, you need to click the 3 dots to get to the alternate menu, then click open. This is confusing and should be kept the same all over the app: clicking the poster (like area #4) should bring you to the detailed page of the item. Plus, "navigation" clicks happen way more often than "play" clicks. Thus, clicking the thumb or poster should be used for navigation and not playback. For the same reason, I think that area #2 should also bring to the detail page and not start playback. For playback, there is a "play" button that serves this purpose. In area #2, only the yellow buttons should represent other actions than getting to the detail page. Tell me what you think 3psus
  11. anderbytes

    FR: Better "Upcoming" views

    Hi dear devs, I've been thinking in how "Upcoming" bar could be a lot pleasant, and I have 2 suggestions of alternative layouts (switchable?): - Side-by-side episodes scroll (Or timeline view) How: Make a one-row scroll of big thumbs, each one taking up all the height space as possible, and creating a bottom scroll bar. Date would appear above (just like today), but would be grouped (written only 1 time) for episodes at the same date Reason: This would make possible a bigger thumb in screen and at the sametime using better the screen space, avoiding big empty holes as I see today. - Side-by-side wrapped scroll (Or calendar view) How: Uses small thumbs (just like today) and same side-by-side above, but when reaching the end of screen, next episode would appear at line below... avoiding creating horizontal scrollbars. Vertical scrolls will be possible. Reason: This way will be possible to have a better overview of upcoming episodes, and will make more visible at the screen at the same time. See ya!
  12. apologies for the following comparison with Plex, i hope a comparison is reasonable/helpful in this instance..... Whilst investigating an issue the other day i had cause to look at the raw emby and Plex databases. . I noticed that the Plex has 1 database with different tables for different datatypes, and precooked indexes to speed up common select statements, with an app memory footprint 1/20th-1/50th of emby and a speed of anywhere between same to 50 times slower on the same hardware...for similar user functions eg. show album artists.. I noticed emby has a few separate database, and uses blobs to store text attributes for media parts....with less separation of data types into table types...and no? person/artist database Is album artist performance slow for large collections because their is no table dedicated to people/artists which can be queried immediately and indexed? The design decision of emby to support multiple album artists, album as well as artist bios, rich image metadata, gives emby the potential of being best for music, but currently the performance is seriously hampering the product (imo for use with larger collections). Could the devs share their thoughts on DB design/album artist performance?..this is what i am selfishly interested in...perhaps there are others too...please speak up/lend weight to discussion. thanks
  13. shaefurr

    Old Mock-ups

    Made these a while back when Red had started working on the TV UI for Android, it changed drastically before release so nothing really got used, but here's a few of the mock ups. Maybe these can help inspire someone in the future for something else.
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