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  1. I'd love to figure out a way to solve a problem with scraping in Emby. I am finding that Emby never scrapes all of the actor images for movies that I import. And I'm not talking about indie movies, I'm talking about AAA movies with big name actors. It will always find some, but never a complete list. So part of my work-flow for importing a movie is to go back through and manually search for actor images and cards and fill them out myself. I'm a completionist, and having gray cards for actors is a no-go for me. Hopefully I'm not alone in this though. I think that the issue is that the current databases that Emby can scrape are limited. We can't scrape IMDB, so we're left with databases that are incomplete. How about we create our own Emby database and leverage the work that people like me are already doing? What I'm envisioning would be an opt-in sort of thing. I realize that not everyone would necessarily want to share their custom images and/or metadata. But for those of us that would be comfortable doing that, we could create a new Db to potentially fill in the gaps. Over time it could become much more complete than what's currently offered. I'm not talking about replacing the TheMovieDb or Open Movie Db. This would be something to compliment those and to fill in what they lack. It could even be something like this: You upload an Actor Picture and you're presented with a checkbox to add it to the Community Database. You check it and that image is uploaded and connected to the profile in the database for that actor. The same could apply to any Metadata that is currently scraped in Emby. Anytime someone creates something, they get a checkbox to add it to the Community database. By default the Community Database could be the last option for scraping data for content. So if it's not found in the official databases, then the Community database is scraped. I hope this makes sense, and I'm hopeful that I'm not the only one that would be interested in contributing to something like this.
  2. Hello, Pushing out a question for Emby gurus and hopefully someone can help. Background: Started using MB back ~ 10 yr ago and still using today. I have always liked and supported MB but because I started my movie DB some time ago most of my movie files are full copies and placed in directories containing the original file structure of VOB (VTS_01) structure (My collection containing ~ 360 movies). Issue: I am now running a new instance of MB on a win 10 machine and everything seemed to great except for some titles will only play the first VOB file in the directory and stop. I suspect I have damaged or corrupted filed when I moved over a large about of data to the new machine. I ran the MB conversion on the problem file and that fix it and made a MKV file that plays fine. Here's my question, is there a tool that I can run in a batch mode that will scan all directories ( folders) containing the file structure for each movie and repair if found to be damaged? My other option is to convert my entire DB to MKV. Can I run MD conversion and covert the entire contents of a Library folder from the home screen using MB? Thx Bw
  3. Err0r0815

    lokale Kodi db zu Emby "importieren"

    Hallo, ich sehe erst jetzt, dass es auch ne deutsche Sektion hier gibt :-). Ich habe mich für den Liftime Support entschieden und gestern auch aktiviert. Jetzt meine Frage, gibt es einen eleganten weg automatisiert die Kodi db in EMby einlesen zu lassen? Das alle gesehenen Filme/Serien usw. übernommen werden? Grüße
  4. rubicon

    MAC OS EMBY corrupted database

    Hi Guys, Just a quick one, one friend has setup emby on his iMac and he needs to fix his database as he receives the message: "Database disk image is malformed" every time he scans the library. Can you please help me locate the library.db file location on a Mac (or the relevant file I need to delete to fix it)? Couldn't find it anywhere no matter where I looked. Thanks in advance, George
  5. plasmon

    export / copy imdb id's

    Hi, Is there a way to export/copy all imdb id's of my movies ? I looked in C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\data\library.db with sql lite but I can't find any reference to imdb ID's I also gave a look at all other DB files in there, but I didn't saw any ttxxxxxxx. (I had a major problem and all movies files and backup of it were lost. Having the IMDB ID's would help me to restore everything) Regards
  6. Hi, I'm not sure if this is possible but I think it worth bringing up the idea. Every time that we made a change on the Emby addon settings (server address, use of local paths) that involves a path change for media in Kodi internal DBs, a DB reset/resync is required. How complex or even possible is to instead of doing that, the addon will just change the paths on Kodi DB by executing a SQL query against them as is documented on Kodi wiki site for a library path change? This will require sqlite3 binary on Kodi, that I'm not sure is always there (like in OpenELEC or other Kodi distros). I did this in the path and to be honest it worked like a charm everytime. The advantage I see is that we will save the time it takes for a full resync on huge libraries with low end devices like RPi. Another benefit is that it will reduce the load on the server since it would not be needed at all. Just my two cents. Thanks.
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