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  1. adrianrus

    No movie controls on LG TV app

    Hi, I just switch from Plex and i have a lot of issues/questions about Emby. Was able to load a library but when i play the movies in the TV sometimes there is no way to go back or get the controls on the movie, no stop, play, pause, settings - nothing... This happens on some movie and tv shows... cant understand that is the difference and what i need to do. Can you help? Do i need to change something in the settings? i did some changes there but didn't help... The worflow is like this: Library (Emby is on iMac with Catalina - streaming wirelessly to LG Smart TV (42LB650V-ZN) Emby Theater 1.0.24. IMG_2263.mp4
  2. Hello, I'm attempting to listen to my audiobooks on my server via the Android app, and there doesn't seem to be a "resume from..." playback option? When I load the file in a web browser it has the resume playback as the first option, but when I select it on the Emby android app the only options available are Play, which starts from the beginning each time. How do I get it to resume playback from where I left off on the app?
  3. TV Model: LG 55UH850V Smart 3D 4k TV WebOS Version: 3.3.3-3704 (dreadlocks-dharug) Software Version: 05.30.10 Emby App Version: 1.06 Server Version: Description of issue: During playback of content, the playback controls occasionally stop showing up when an arrow button is pressed and all control (pause, skip back or forward, Close Caption selection) of the content bar coming out of it completely, stops working. Only the show logo appears on screen when you attempt to get playback controls up. This seems to occur more often if I allow video to Continue on after an episode, but has also happened to me on the first item I play.
  4. admin.nxpoint@gmail.com

    [Feature Request] Playback Setting

    Hi, I would like to propose a some new features, at least for the web interface. 1. Ability to setup the keyboard shortcuts. - not all can use the default shortcuts, there might be other system shortcuts that get in the way. - a method to setup your own could really make a great difference 2. Setup and define the local cache size [if there is any local cache for browser play] - it will incredible to be able to setup the local cache size for playback
  5. Hello, since a couple of days (at least that's when I first noticed) I no longer see any controls when I play a file. This only occurs when I play something through the web client. I can right-click and select 'show controls' but I don't think this is how we are supposed to access these controls now are we? I would gladly hear some advice on this, thanks in advance.
  6. zebo51

    Help finding controls

    I have a 2015 samsung smart tv and installed the app from the app store. I got it connected to my server and so far so good. I started playing a show and the bottom menu or status window won't go away. I have tried up/down arrows, return button, exit button, info, tools. Return exits the emby app or maybe exit does. Either way neither of those work. Right/left arrows go between FF/FR and pause/play. I have searched google and these forums for Emby App controls and buttons. I found a few post in beta release notes but I can't find a list of what all buttons should do what, does this exists? Using the Samsung remote that came with the TV. UN40JU6400 Thanks
  7. I'm finding it very irritating when I want to skip chapters. If I have just resumed, or just ffwd/rwd, I have to wait until the osd fades away to press the right/left arrow. I very much appreciate the ability to now use CTRL+SHIFT+f and CTRL+SHIFT+b for ffwd and rwd, is there any way we can add maybe "f" and "b" as standard chapter skip buttons? Or some other combination of buttons?
  8. The latest blog update stated the now playing controls in the web client were updated. However upon updating to the last few versions, more and more buttons seems to be disappearing. I am on Server version 3.0.5667.6 with chrome and all that remains is a pause button with no time listed.... Here is the Log file
  9. arrbee99

    Video Controls

    Am just experimenting with the Windows 8.1 Media Browser app on a HP Stream 8. It streams movies fine, but if I can ask a dumb question, where do I find some of the video controls ? There's the timeline at the bottom with the sound icon and stuff in the bottom right, and a pause / play icon in the middle of the screen when playing, but shouldn't there be some kind of back icon to go back to the movie info where you press play in the first place ?
  10. Hi All - I would appreciate a quick check to see if anyone else is experiencing the loss of playback controls before I add logs and screen shots. I have a great new Samsung Tab Pro 8.4 running Android 4.4.2. I have MB3 app 1.0.45 installed which works a treat. I am using the tablet/app to direct the playback to my DLNA recognized HP MediaSmart X280N extender's interface rather than to Media Center. Most of the time the playback controls disappear after a few seconds and I can't find a way to bring them back up. Anybody else see this or know how to get the controls back in the app display? Thanks, Tanamur
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