Our server is an Apollo server where HW's are
Intel XEON E5-2620 32 core processor
128GB Ram
150TB of Raid 5 Storage.
16gigs swap mem
10gbps throughput
Os is running on Latest version of Linux and Emby version is
The main issue occurs at the peak hour when 20-30 starts streaming at the same time. Transcoding is enabled on our server but the contents are maintained so that the transcoding is minimal. This last 30 day's data on PlayMethod
But at peak time CPU usage racks up to 90-95% where ram is used for only around 20% of the whole lot. This is causing serious lagging even with just loading the front page. I know transcoding consumes a lot of reso urces but wasn't this build is relatively okay for handling this much of data? What should we do?
Here is the log file.
Should we add a GPU? What is the root issue here? Thank you.