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  1. Hello pals, I'm using short term Emby server to serve my Movie and Music collection and I'm fully satisfied. After installed XMLTV server plugin I can watch and my TVHeadend IPTV received TV programs. Now I've though (just an idea because don't look at server plugins in depth) - if the XMLTV plugin uses ffmpeg or avconv to cast TV channels is it possible to make choose second channel and produce resultant stream from both channels with Picture in Picture. I know with FFMpeg is relatively easily like ffmpeg -i pipInput1.flv -i pipInput2.flv -filter_complex "[1]scale=iw/5:ih/5 [pip]; [0][pip] overlay=main_w-overlay_w-10:main_h-overlay_h-10" -profile:v main -level 3.1 -b:v 440k -ar 44100 -ab 128k -s 720x400 -vcodec h264 -acodec libfaac PIP_output1.mp4 or more simple ffmpeg -i master_video.mp4 -vf "movie=second_video.mp4, scale=800:-1 [inner]; [in][inner] overlay=70:70 [out]" completed.mp4 ffmpeg -i rtsp://serer/mp4:1.mov -i http://serer2/sample-video2.mp4 -filter_complex “[1]scale=iw/4:ih/4 [pip]; [0][pip] overlay=main_w-overlay_w-10:main_h-overlay_h-10″ -ar 44100 -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/Stream etc more variants. Could be possible to be created such PiP IPTV plugin server side ? Thanks to anyone in advance.
  2. Hello Emby Community, I am currently working on enhancing my XMLTV file with data from The Movie Database (TMDB) to improve the visual experience in Emby. I have a few questions regarding how Emby handles images specified in the XMLTV guide data: 1. Posters and Backdrops: Is there a way to specify both poster and backdrop images within the XMLTV file so that they are properly displayed in Emby? If so, what tags or attributes should I use to differentiate between the two types of images? 2. Icon Tag: Currently, I am using the <icon> tag to include images. Could you please clarify what the <icon> tag corresponds to in Emby? Is it used as a poster, thumbnail, or something else? 3. Resolution and Aspect Ratio: What are the recommended resolution and aspect ratio for images included in the XMLTV file to ensure they display correctly and look good in Emby’s interface? I appreciate any guidance or examples you can provide to help me enhance my XMLTV file with the appropriate image data. Thank you!
  3. warrentc3

    XMLTV refresh question

    It appears that when performing a guide refresh, items that have a start time after the time the refresh was initiated, are dropped. Am I observing this behavior correctly?
  4. When I click "refresh guide data" to manually refresh data the status shows that it downloads the XML data for 7 days worth of data for 100+ channels in less than 5 seconds but Emby GUI shows no channels or guide data. I can access and see all the xml data by putting URL into a web browser so it's not an access issue. There are no errors in the log after refresh (shows completion in <5sec) and it properly shows the TV channels recognized from M3u source. Furthermore I can see .xml files generated by Emby with timestamps associated to the refresh action in /config/xmltv that appear to have all the correctly formatted XML data.... just nothing shows up in the GUI. Running Emby as Docker Container via docker compose pulling latest image Logs after refresh - embyserver (3).txt config/xmltv folder screenshot : embyserver (3).txt snipit of XML file generated at 14:53 from log file: and finally the empty guide in the GUI:
  5. Bridjee

    XMLTV - Live TV - Australia

    Hi All, I am part of the team that provides the XML guide service @ XMLTV.net. Recently just started using Emby and the guide looks to work well. If there are any issues or requests please send post on the site or DM me. Please also be aware that we are limited by the source data we provide and Australian freeview channels are notorious for not providing repeat or episode data.
  6. Hi, nutze eine Synology DS720+ mit EmbyServer (App, nicht über Docker). Habe diese gestern manuell mit der x64 *.spk Datei geupdatet und nun habe ich keinen EPG mehr. Den EPG beziehe ich über easyEPG über Docker. Die Sender über mein Zattoo-Account, welches ich über Telerising eingebunden habe. Das läuft einwandfrei. In der Emby-Log sehe ich auch, dass die EPG-Daten gefunden werden, blos nicht angezeigt werden. Außer bei 2 Sender. Habe die XMLs nochmals neu über das easyEPG-Script gezogen und danach den Server neugestartet und manuell die EPG-Daten nochmal einlesen lassen. Pfade überprüft...stimmt wohl alles. Aber EPG wird einfach nicht mehr angezeigt. Embyversion ist die "emby-server-synology7_4.7.6.0_x86_64.spk", Synology hat DSM 7 installiert. Ansonsten ist Docker, Telerising und easyEPG auch auf dem neusten stand. Hat da wer eine Idee, warum das plötzlich so ist? Habe mal im Anhang paar Bilder und die Log. PS: Scheint wohl das selbe Problem wie HIER zu sein. Werde daraus aber nicht so wirklich schlau. Lg taker-` embyserver.txt horizon_de.xml magentatv_de.xml swisscom_ch.xml tv-spielfilm_de.xml
  7. Guten Abend zusammen, Ich habe auf dem Emby Server ein Kinderprofil angelegt mit Restriktionen bezüglich der Altersfreigabe von Medien. Sprich alle Medien welche über FSK-6 liegen werden ausgeblendet. Soweit so gut funktioniert das auch bei Filme und Serien. Beim Live TV allerdings nur zum Teil. Im Live TV Guide werden alle Einträge über FSK-6 ausgeblendet. Allerdings ist ein abspielen des dazu gehörigen Senders ( Im meinem Beispielfall SRF - Tatort FSK-12) möglich. Ich weiss, dass es möglich ist den kompletten Channel ein FSK zu geben ,- somit ein abspielen nicht mehr möglich ist. Davon würde ich aber gerne abstand nehmen. Ist es möglich auf Grundlage der im EPG enthaltenen Altersfreigabe den Channel für die Zeit des Programms (Sendung) zu blockieren? Eine Altersfreigabe ist in der XMLTV EPG vorhanden: <rating> <value>FSK-12</value> </rating> Zusätzlich ist meiner Frau ein Bug aufgefallen: Wenn sie eine Sendung im LiveTV pausiert und die Wiedergabe fortsetzen möchte wenn bereits die nächste Sendung läuft, springt Emby (Samsung Tizen App aus Irland Store) zum LiveCast um und spielt nicht ab der Stelle ab, ab welcher Pausiert wurde. Beispiel: Tatort läuft von 20:05 Uhr bis 21:40 Uhr - LiveTV wird pausiert um 21:20 Uhr - Comedy Showcase läuft von 21:40 Uhr bis 22:25 Uhr - LiveTV wird Fortgesetzt um 22:05 Uhr ---> Entgegen der Erwartung wird nicht Tatort abgespielt, sonder die Wiedergabe springt zu Live Bild Comedy Showcase Emby Server Version ist: Tizen App Version: keine Ahnung -> Automatische Updates aktiviert Vielen Dank Wortburrito
  8. TheKamakaZi

    Odd XMLTV behaviour

    Hi guys, I'm using RapidIPTV, and have realised that my XMLTV data isn't being handled as usual. For one, it no longer loads, and when I went to the scheduler, it completes a refresh in 6 seconds! Knowing that not even my server is this efficient, I dug deeper. I eventually made it into the cache/xmltv directory, where I tried to view the cached xml files to see what's in there, only to be met with "this is a binary file" from `less`. After renaming it to xml.gz from xml, and then gunzip'ing them, I was able to view the files as normal. This raises two questions: 1. Was something altered in the XMLTV file extension behaviour recently? 2. Are xml files stored in cache/xmltv supposed to be in xml or xml.gz format?
  9. MadibaJ

    Xmltv Enhancer

    I’d like there to be an option for the tvguide xmltv to be enhanced using tvdb or moviedb data. Also useful would be to tag the scheduled recordings with a tvdb Id so it fetches the correct metadata and matches shows more easily.
  10. doffactory

    XMLTV playback interruption on change

    Hi All, I have a strange problem since upgrading to Emby 3.5.x.x. The issue is related with the download of EPG via webgrab++, which I did/do regularly every day. It creates a file `guide.xml` which I then load into Emby's TV Guide Data Providers (Emby > LiveTV > XmlTV). This all works fine, and it worked nicely. However, since the upgrade to Emby 3.5.x.x whenever there is a programme change based on EPG (e.g. programme1 | programme 2 | programme 3 | ...), the playback ends at the end of the EPG playback time (i.e. where the | is), resulting the need from the user for restarting the playback. Pre-emby 3.5.x.x this was not the case, the playback just went on, until it has not been stopped (programme1 >>> programme 2 >>> programme 3 >>> etc). Anybody has similar issues?
  11. Hello, I'm creating my own EPG data using WebGrab+Plus, the XML loads fine however in chrome and on android it looks strange for certain channels, while in Emby Theater all looks fine all the time. See attachments! Someone experienced the same perhaps, i'm coming over from plex and on Plex it worked great but it had other issues so wanted to give emby a shot. Best Regards, Toetje
  12. Hi, I recently moved over from Plex to Emby & hoping i can get some help with EPG artwork using an XMLTV file generated by EPG Collector. Im using EPG collector with the 'lookup' tab enabled to gather poster images for Freesat UK. Data is being collected successfully and i have a fold full of fanart. I cannot seem to get this to display in Emby? Update: I have managed to get rid of the block colours under Movie, can get all details and a poster sized image outline, but their is no fanart. If i try to reload nothing happens. When i copy the link address i see this message: "Only 'http' and 'https' schemes are allowed. Parameter name: requestUri"
  13. Popple2000

    xmltv folder question

    Good afternoon, I am fairly new to emby as well as the livetv feature. That said, the cache/xmltv folder seems to be creating a 30mb file every 10 minutes and thereby slowly filling up my cache drive. This cant possibly be normal behavior, can it? Please let me know if any type of logs might help with this or if it is indeed normal behavior. Thanks
  14. marmei

    XMLTV several image formats

    Is it possible that Emby displays the image in the correct format in the grid? In my XMLTV file, several image formats are included (2x3, 3x4, 4x3, 16x9) On the Apple TV (Emby Beta) the different image formats are used. <programme channel="guide2go.86886.schedulesdirect.org" start="20181112030500 +0000" stop="20181112035000 +0000"> <title lang="de">Terra X (Der Mond - unser magischer Trabant)</title> <sub-title lang="de">(Der Mond - unser magischer Trabant) Diese Sendung berichtet über die Rolle, die der Mond in der Wissenschaft spielt.</sub-title> <desc lang="de">Diese Sendung berichtet über den Mond. Dieser bestimmte unsere Geschichte und hält eine spektakuläre Zukunft bereit. Der Mond wurde als erster Himmelskörper von Menschen betreten und soll in naher Zukunft als Forschungsstation dienen.</desc> <category lang="en">Documentary</category> <category lang="en">History</category> <category lang="en">Science</category> <episode-num system="original-air-date">2018-11-11</episode-num> <icon src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/schedulesdirect/assets/p9587122_b_v7_ad.jpg"height="720" width="480"></icon> <icon src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/schedulesdirect/assets/p9587122_b_v4_ad.jpg"height="720" width="540"></icon> <icon src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/schedulesdirect/assets/p9587122_b_h11_ae.jpg"height="540" width="960"></icon> <video></video> <audio></audio> <previously-shown start="2018-11-11"></previously-shown> </programme> Data comes from Schedules Direct I'm sorry, the picture is the wrong way around
  15. Hello, new to Emby from Plex. I have only been using Emby for a week or so. @@cayars brought me over to the better side. I think he might have started a revolution and more folks might be coming over. He forced my hand (due to the benefits, functionality, and support) and I purchased a lifetime subscription. So far this platform has been amazing! Maybe it is something I am not understanding/doing, but I can’t get Live TV to run correctly. I have Verizon Fios TV and internet at home, using a HDHomeRun PRIME with a cable card to record shows on my NAS. Added my HDHomeRun PRIME as my Tuner Device. All the Channels show up. In Live TV >> Guide, the channel numbers and names display but not the icons or any of the shows/content by time (3:00 pm, 3:30 pm, 4:00 pm, etc). In Live TV >> Channels, all the channels display and run when I press play. In Live TV, Programs and Recordings do not display anything. For TV Guide Data Providers, I choose Xml TV. Downloaded the software and set it up in the following directory path: “C:\xmltv-0.5.70-win32\xmltv.exe.” When I select “…” >> Map Channels, no channels are displayed. Downloaded zap2xml to use XMLTV files but not sure how to point emby server to map it. I am not using any of the Live TV plugins available in the catalog. Thank you in advance for any guidance!
  16. This is a request to expand / explain the XMLTV supported tags / features Currently, the XMLTV supported tags seem quite basic. As far as I can tell, they are being read, but aren't being used to their full extend. There is no documentation on which tags Emby supports and how they are implemented. So, I'm just going from personal experience here. As @@Luke mentioned: Feature requests work best with examples, so here goes. Consider this current piece of XMLTV: <programme start="20181217135500 +0000" stop="20181217142500 +0000" channel="Comedy Central HD"> <title lang="nl">Family Guy</title> <sub-title>The Peter Principal</sub-title> <desc lang="nl">Amerikaanse animatieserie. Meg maakt gebruik van Peter's positie als tijdelijke directeur van de school om wraak te nemen op haar pestkoppen. Brian en Stewie openen een B&B. </desc> <date>20170430</date> <category lang="nl">TV Drama</category> <category lang="en">Drama</category> <category lang="nl">Komedie</category> <category lang="en">Comedy</category> <icon src="somesite.com/1.png" width="180" height="260"/> <icon src="somesite.com/2.png" width="180" height="260"/> <icon src="somesite.com/3.png" width="75" height="108"/> <icon src="somesite.com/4.png" width="210" height="303"/> <icon src="somesite.com/5.png" width="110" height="159"/> <icon src="somesite.com/6.png"/> <episode-num system="onscreen">S15E18</episode-num> <episode-num system="thetvdb.com">series/75978</episode-num> <episode-num system="thetvdb.com">episode/6021539</episode-num> <rating system="Kijkwijzer"> <value>6</value> <icon src="https://somesite.com/1.png"/> <icon src="https://somesite.com/2.png"/> <icon src="https://somesite.com/3.png"/> </rating> <star-rating> <value>7.2/10</value> </star-rating> <credits> <director>Greg Colton</director> <director>Dominic Bianchi</director> <writer>Seth MacFarlane</writer> <actor role="Peter Griffin">Seth MacFarlane</actor> <actor role="Lois Griffin">Alex Borstein</actor> </credits> </programme> This will generate the following in the Emby guide : This seems to be missing, or at least not utilizing, some of the data that is available. Recording this, also seems to record to an "Unknown" season. What if we utilize some of the data available. Consider the following (badly done) mockup of mine: This incorporates much of the available data. This is just an idea of what can be done. The tags used in the XMLTV file conform to the standard set out in https://github.com/XMLTV/xmltv/raw/master/xmltv.dtd. I could imagine that with working season/episode information, Emby could give an indicator to show if this program is in the library and if it has been watched. Perhaps we could get some documentation up in how the Emby XMLTV implementation supports certain tags? Currently unused in ui tags: credits (director, writer, actor[role], etc episode-num[onscreen, thetvdb.com, imdb.com] rating[icon*] With the implementation of Gracenote for some countries, I would expect the Emby UI to start showing more and more data that is available. Please chime in with your thoughts and possible examples
  17. kanipek

    EPG123 - Now provides XMLTV data

    It's in beta testing at the moment. If you are frustrated with somewhat complicated setup of the various XLMTV programs out there or perhaps you would like a GUI? I highly recommend EPG123: http://epg123.garyan2.net/ The beta is discussed here: http://www.thegreenbutton.tv/forums/viewtopic.php?f=99&t=11525 The primary focus for EPG123 has been getting reliable, accurate data into WMC and it does this very well and very easy. He has also built some channel management stuff for WMC in this beta for those that are still using it. Take a look and see what you think, if you like it buy the guy a beer, coffee or chocolate.
  18. Jennice

    xmltv changes?

    Hi all, Has something changed recently regarding xmltv EPG import? Recently, parts of my EPG info is no longer showing in Emby. /Jennice
  19. schmitty

    IceTV support

    Hi, Could IceTV support be added to Emby Server guide providers, so we are not forced to use XMLTV? They now have an API http://forum.icetv.com.au/iceforum/announcements/4/icetv-api-documentation/5065/.
  20. Hello folks, I've been running my emby server for several months on the same IPTV provider service, and until lately its been working great. The problem I've run into now is that the XMLTV guide no longer downloads automatically from the HTTP link. If I post that same link in a browser, download the XMLTV file manually, then load it locally - it works just fine and the guide fills in completely. If it is trying to load from the HTTP link automatically, no guide information shows up at all. Any guidance would be appreciated. I'm running win 10 pro 1803 latest updates and Emby server latest release (I've also tried the latest beta, .16 at the time of this writing). Thanks, T.J. Emby-Server.zip
  21. So I switched to using XMLTV for guide data (using EPG123) primarily because the data correctly displayed the "premiere" indicator in the guide listings - I lose the "HD" but I can live with that. Updated to and now the premiere indicator is no longer getting displayed in the EPG. Switched back to and the premiere indicator is displayed in the EPG. Can this be fixed? Also is it possible to get all of the indicators displayed when using XMLTV as the guide source - HD program, Live broadcasts, New episodes, Premieres, Repeat episodes together when all are checked? I am currently missing HD Program and Live broadcast when viewing the EPG (along with Premiere as I mentioned with Like I said I can live without the HD being displayed, would be nice to have them all. Alternately is it possible to get the premiere tag displayed when using the SD JSON data as the guide source? Thanks!
  22. Just curious about images using XMLTV vs. SD-json images Using XMLTV some of the recording schedule thumbs and series posters are "zoomed" in, while using SD-json they appear correct or normal. It isn't consistent across all scheduled recordings either, some are displayed correctly and some are "zoomed". Same issue with the series artwork on the series tab some are correct posters and others look to be "zoomed" thumbs. I don't see these issues using the SD-json data. What is the cause of this? Attached a couple of examples Is there a reason that existing user library images can't be used for these images? Provided they already exist in the users library. I like to use to XMLTV data vs. json because I get more detailed info in the EPG - premieres are shown correctly is one example (I do have that option selected using json for me it doesn't work) Thanks!
  23. jasonwilliams

    EPG Not Loading

    EPGerrors.txtHello, I wiped all my guide providers today (was going to start from scratch and manually map the channels), but now the EPG isn't loading. My server log is filled a message for each channel as in the attached sample. Did I do something wrong?
  24. Could Emby also incorporate built in support for XMLTV guide providers in the following format: - *.gz (GZIP) - *.zip Above formats are common for commercial EPG providers (especially gz), because it saves them bandwidth server side with a factor 10. Thanks !
  25. Hello, I've been trying to configure pulling xmltv data using ZAP2IT. I am getting channel data, but nothing in the guide. I am running the perl script using perl zap2xml.pl -u drewtlo@emaildomain.com -p password The XMLTV file is being generated, and the channel mapping looks okay, so I'm not sure why my guide is empty. I've attached my server log and xmltv file as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Log.txt xmltv.xml
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