I'm still trying to get used to the new Roku app - I really liked that I could select "TV" and immediately get a list of all TV series that I have.
While I can get used to/live with the new "Continue Watching" and "Next up" as the first options, I'm really (really!) missing that the "unwatched/unplayed" filter doesn't seem to get remembered by either the app (or the server?) anymore.
I have old watched/played TV series on my server - I really don't need to see them every time I go to "All Shows". If I set the filter under my user as "unwatched", it would be awesome if either the Roku client or the server would remember that setting.
Server is Version, Roku-TV (TCL, 4K) is, err, whatever is live today (5/20/2017)
Thank you for considering this,
P.S.: pressing "up" on the first row of multi-row choices as a shortcut for "go to the last row" would be awesome, too