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Found 11 results

  1. CodesWScissors

    macOS Download Page Title Error

    Hi- I couldn't figure out a good place to put this, so if it should have gone somewhere else, let me know. I just wanted to let someone know that the title of the macOS download page (https://emby.media/emby-theater-macos.html) says "Emby Theater for Xbox One" - that's basically all.
  2. I get this error when trying to play a video: Playback Error No compatible streams are currently available. Please try again later or contact your system administrator for details. This error only started a few days ago when I updated the server. Any help would be appreciated. OS: Windows 10 Emby Server: Version The video file is a .mkv (attached screenshot of details). The error occurs when i try to play it on the following: in Chrome on the Android phone(Android 9) Android Emby app (Android 9). all the vids not in emby work fine, and the video plays fine on localhost emby theater app on the desktop issue mostly on the phone app even when connected to the same network The video plays fine on my windows machine using VLC, Windows Media Player and the built-in "Movies & TV" app, I hope I attached everything that is needed to help with this Something interesting about this problem is that only some of the shows the recently got add are getting this error but older content works fine. Ever file is MKV internal subs (i need to make it external later). embyserver.txt
  3. My memory might betray me here, but ever since I started working on translations for my language the only area where they've been added/updated are for the clients, not the server/web UI. Is translations updated with every stable server update or when do you guys deem it timely to update?
  4. lushLi2ard60

    Question About My Firefox Installation

    Hello all! I noticed this morning an issue with some movies on Firefox, I can't skip of fast forward them from Chrome on Linux. After some investigation, I noticed that it happens with movies that gets converted to VPX codec by the server. If I watch the movies from the Android app, it works just fine as the server delivers it in h264. It also works just fine with Chrome based browser (as it doesn't use that VPX codec). Here is what I tried: Disabled subtitles Metadata refresh Changed resolution Disabled HTTP/2 & CSP Restarted Emby Server No matter what I tried, it is still being delivered to my Chrome client in VPX and I think that is the issue. It is happening on all the files with a "Container not supported". Server config: Emby in docker I attached logs of the same movie played in Emby for Android and Emby Web with debugging turned on. I also attached screenshots of the "Stats for nerds" on that same movie for both clients. Thanks! transcode_emby_android.txt transcode_chrome-linux.txt
  5. MediaMogal

    Web interface is down

    Since you don't seem to have a forum section for reporting when the web interface seems to be down I'm just going to report it here. I just logged in and with in second I got a failure to connect screen when I attempted to access one of my libraries. Has anyone else else been having issues with the portal? when I enter on Down for everyone or just me https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com I get the below. Thanks Uh oh! There was an error: It doesn't look like you entered a valid domain or service name. Note: we can't check IP addresses ( directly. Please enter a domain name (http://example.com).
  6. Hi. The question is on the title, i look into the forum and can't find anything... sorry if it is in another post. "Is there a way to show more of 100 items (the complete library) in the WebUI?" I mean in ONE page I ask because my libraries are made by categories according my needs. Example Action-Thriller, Action Violence, Romance, Drama,, Animation, etc. (I just have movies at this moment) But I have more than 100 items for each one and is not handy when i'm working in the cover arts in the second page Thanks in advance. H.
  7. Hi With some episodes like this one: https://gofile.io/?c=NoX0w9 - It's really slow to read it, take 30 secondes before to start and if you move inside the movie, again, the timing take 15 / 30 secondes. Is it possible to avoid this waiting time ? Thank you in advance Regards
  8. Emby WebUI - Please create a general device that represents all web browsers At present, its impossible to restrict users to only the WebUI without granting permissions to all devices. It would be good to have a device in devices, that represents the webUI or all web browsers in general. This way permission can be granted to users without granting permission to all devices. This would serve as a solution to allow only downloading (no streaming, no transcoding, no direct play, etc) Only browse library and file download.
  9. On my setup, the aspect ratio of album covers in the Home view of the Web Interface is not correct, it is 16:10 I guess, while it should be squared, since it shows album covers. I'm on 3.0.5786.0. Can anybody confirm this bug?
  10. I use the web client more for media management than as a 'viewing client'. It would be useful to have an option to have the default action set to 'open', where it is currently 'play'.
  11. Hi, I've been meaning to ask about this for a while, but haven't got around to it until now. Starting a few weeks ago, I haven't been able to clear notifications from the WebUI. Right now, the Notifications badge says I have 2 notifications, but when I click on it there is actually 5, and I have no option to mark them as read. I did have the option to earlier, but when I clicked on it nothing happened, and now that option is gone. Any help would be appreciated Thanks, Patrick
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