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  1. Been using Emby for a while for personal use, loving it. Recently decided to add another family member with their own ID since they watch shows on a different schedule than me. The question comes up, though, for something both of us are going to watch and then delete, is there any way to see when both User-1 and User-2 have watched the show? Thanks.
  2. gianmarcomurru

    LDAP Plugin not working

    Hello! I am trying to configure the LDAP Plugin to work without success. I have an Emby server and my LDAP server deployed as a docker container, they have access to the same docker network. I have ensured that the Emby container can reach the LDAP one successfully. These are my settings on the LDAP Plugin: If I run this from a docker container in the same network (I couldn’t install the required package openldap-clients on the Emby server container). As you see these settings are working here: These are the logs related to the login attempt 2024-03-04 14:59:37.467 Error UserManager: Error authenticating with provider LDAP *** Error Report *** Version: Command line: /system/EmbyServer.dll -programdata /config -ffdetect /bin/ffdetect -ffmpeg /bin/ffmpeg -ffprobe /bin/ffprobe -restartexitcode 3 Operating system: Linux version 6.1.64-Unraid (root@Develop-612) (gcc (GCC) 12.2.0, GNU ld version 2.40-slack151) #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Nov 29 12:48:16 PST 2023 Framework: .NET 6.0.25 OS/Process: x64/x64 Runtime: system/System.Private.CoreLib.dll Processor count: 4 Data path: /config Application path: /system Novell.Directory.Ldap.LdapException: LdapException: Invalid Credentials (49) Invalid Credentials LdapException: Matched DN: Source: LDAP TargetSite: Void ChkResultCode() 2024-03-04 14:59:37.468 Error DefaultAuthenticationProvider: Invalid username or password. No user named alessandro exists 2024-03-04 14:59:37.469 Error UserManager: Error authenticating with provider Default *** Error Report *** Version: Command line: /system/EmbyServer.dll -programdata /config -ffdetect /bin/ffdetect -ffmpeg /bin/ffmpeg -ffprobe /bin/ffprobe -restartexitcode 3 Operating system: Linux version 6.1.64-Unraid (root@Develop-612) (gcc (GCC) 12.2.0, GNU ld version 2.40-slack151) #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Nov 29 12:48:16 PST 2023 Framework: .NET 6.0.25 OS/Process: x64/x64 Runtime: system/System.Private.CoreLib.dll Processor count: 4 Data path: /config Application path: /system System.Exception: System.Exception: Invalid username or password. at Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.DefaultAuthenticationProvider.Authenticate(String username, String password, User resolvedUser) at Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.UserManager.AuthenticateWithProvider(IAuthenticationProvider provider, String username, String password, User resolvedUser, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Source: Emby.Server.Implementations TargetSite: System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[MediaBrowser.Controller.Authentication.ProviderAuthenticationResult] Authenticate(System.String, System.String, MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.User) 2024-03-04 14:59:37.470 Warn Server: AUTH-ERROR: - Invalid username or password entered. 2024-03-04 14:59:37.470 Error Server: Invalid username or password entered. Any suggestion? Thank you in advance
  3. Hi, I can't enable user playlists under Users > User > Access > Playlists The option appears greyed out with all users.
  4. ZLuckyTraveler

    Error Adding Emby Connect Email

    I am unable to add an Emby Connect email to any user account.. I have tested with multiple accounts and multiple confirmed registered Emby connect email addresses, the result is the same with it erroring every single time. I have also tried restarting my server and the issue still persists. embyserverlog.txt
  5. Hello, I want to notify you that for the moment my Windows operating system server was not affected by the vulnerability, everything works normally. Since I became aware of the serious problem with the vulnerability, I have adopted some measures, first I eliminated all the users who had privileges to administer the server and I created new users to transmit local and remote streaming without a password but without no privilege to manage my server, at the same time I also created a new user with administrator privileges to exclusively manage the server but never use it to stream on the local network, nor remote streaming. Also, for the new exclusive user to administer the server, I configured the option to not allow remote connections to that user, so that user is only accessible from the computer where the server is installed. For all this that I am explaining to you, I ask you if it is safe for me to use all the users to do local and remote streaming without the privilege of managing my server, and that I have an exclusive user to manage the server with the remote connection disabled and also hidden from all local and remote clients, in this way the exclusive users for streaming can continue working without any password. Since it is very annoying to have to be typing passwords in the local network. Besides, I use the Beta version for windows with the current version and I think that the vulnerability affected the stable version more. ¿Can I safely continue to use all users without exclusive passwords for streaming, but without any privileges to administer the server, and with another unique user exclusive to administer the server with the remote connection disabled, and hidden from all local clients and blunt?
  6. wakirk2002

    Playlist and Users

    I have Emby installed from Standalone and setup to run as a Service, that's all working fine. Emby is installed on a D: drive because I didn't want to fill my SSD with emby stuffs, not knowing how big it could get. I live with Me and Two housemates, and have 4 users setup, an Admin user, My user, and my two mate's users. Now, I am referring to Emby users, NOT windows users. The issue I am having is when I create a playlist under my user all the users see it and can edit it. All google shows me are posts on how to actually share playlists, when in actually, I don't want to do this. What I am trying to do is have each of us (on our own Emby user) have our own private playlists. How do I do this? Thanks.
  7. speedingcheetah

    Separate user recodrings

    How do I make it so that each user has their own DVR TV Recordings folder/library. I have a separate user setup for my mother to use via Roku in tv in living room, want to give her ability to record shows...however, in my testing, it appears that their is only one global Recording path/folder. So any thing ever user set to record, shows up in that single folder/library, for all to see. I need to have her recordings separate from my own....I don't to see all her soaps...nor do I want her(or any other user) to see my recordings.
  8. hi guys my isp has blocked port 80 and I'm unable to authorize my certificates for my ddns. for the sake of the noob users on my network it would be helpful if your apps would automatically accept self signed certificates. i understand this is not possible in web browsers but surely its possible in your apps on smart tv's and consoles etc.... i have recently had to give plex my money which i am not happy about. i dont want to stop supporting emby however if i cant use the secure connections its of no real use to me anymore.
  9. Hi, When i am making a new collection with movies as admin, other users are able to delete the collection that i have made. Is there a option that they can't? I also read about the parent control.... Anyone? Thanks
  10. internetpourtou

    Users configuration

    Hello Guys! i just finished to discover emby. I wanted to know if it was possible to create a user and allow him to see only one movie in the media library that will be assigned to him? After seeing the movie, he will have to ask me if he wants another one so that I activate him again. Thank you
  11. kmsonic023

    Search User API

    Hello people !!! In my system, I need to search for a user to find out if he exists or not and in the API I didn't find a way to do that. Thank's for now!
  12. kmsonic023

    API Treatment Users

    Hello guys!!! I need help handling the API with blocked users. I'm using PHP (cURL). I need the API to bring only the necessary information (whether the user is blocked or not). The list currently shows for all users, but I need to filter this information. Can anyone help me with this?
  13. Why It's troublesome to manage bottom up permissions (User -> Access -> Folder) and personally I think that a top down (User <- Access <- Folder) approach would be better (or both). I understand that changing access permission structure might be troublesome (or not desired by everyone) so I'd like to suggest something else instead Feature I think it would be a good idea to have a setting in the "Libraries" that allows you to make a folder hidden by default. That way when you add a new user you don't have to worry to much about them having access to all the folders and it improves user management. It's a good solution for servers that have a lot of users to manage. This isn't a must have but more of "Quality of life" feature. How These changes would have to be implemented: 1. Add the setting to the Libraries under "Advanced options" -> "Library Settings" 2. Disable "Enable access to all libraries" setting in the user access settings if any of the libraries (for that user) are hidden, and enable all but the hidden library. OR alternatively... disable "Enable access to all libraries" (so that the list of libraries shows up) for all users if any folders are hidden, then the hidden folder should not be enabled on the access list.
  14. BossRFC86

    Accesos (display-login)

    Buen día Me acerco con ustedes para saber si existe alguna forma de modificar la pantalla de logeo del sistema emby, Esto con la finalidad de accesar por medio de terceros (wordpress para ser específicos). He estado explorando varios topicos y se acercan mucho a lo que busco, pero no visualizo una solución como la que varios solicitamos. Sin mas por el momento, quedo pendeinte de sus valiosos comentarios. Saludos Cordiales. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ good day I am approaching you to find out if there is any way to modify the emby system login screen, This with the modification of access through third parties (wordpress to be specific). I've been exploring various topics and they are very close to what I'm looking for, but I don't see a solution like the one we requested. Without further ado for the moment, I remain pending your valuable comments. Best regards.
  15. Hey there, So before the latest update, you could click on the users icon in-between the search and settings icon on the right hand side of the screen, in the top bar, to switch user profiles. You'd get a screen with a blurred background and your user profiles as squares you could click on to switch. This was useful since I had multiple profiles and could see what content had been viewed by individual users before deleting. Since the latest update I can't find a way to do this. Clicking on the user icon on the top bar brings up the settings menu for some reason. Even hovering over it, it says settings. So now the two buttons do the same thing basically. Unless the ability to switch profiles was moved to somewhere else, and I'm being dense, I'm not sure why this was removed. Clicking on the users submenu on the left hand side, inside the settings menu doesn't give the option to actually switch users either. I'm running on Debian but I assume this affects all versions of the app.
  16. itkserver

    Users and Chromecast

    G'day, I am fiddling about with some voice commands using Tasker and its menagerie of plugins on top of swagger and some python code, attempting to tell my various tvs to play the next episode of or shuffle 'x' series or 'y' movie. I have the core code and actions set. (it works near perfectly on my Roku with some outliers due to naming collisions). What I am struggling with is 2 things, my Chromecast and user authentication. I have tried both user auth methods listed in UserService, I get the 204 response, but no change appears to take place on any of my devices. My goal here, is to say "Play Paw Patrol as <My Daughter's Name> in living room" or "Play Iron Man as <My Name> in Basement" The other issue is trying to get Emby on my Chromecasts. I can obviously do it with a physical button press no issues, but I cannot find a way to do it programmatically nor with Tasker. AutoInput seems to have an issue with the Emby Android app, non of the Elements are clickable by that plugin. Has anyone found any solutions to one or both (crosses fingers) of these, no matter how hacky (you should see my python library, I don't think I have written anything that is not hacky) Thanks in advance.
  17. I made the installation of the emby server and tested it in my house, after some accesses I noticed that the system asks me for a single payment or a fixed payment for monthly payments. I wonder if with just such a single payment, the system lets me create multiple users on my local network and if there is any limitation on the number of users to be registered. (Realizei a instalação do emby server e teste em minha casa, após alguns acessos notei que o sistema me pede um pagamento único ou um pagamento fixo por mensalidades. Gostaria de saber se com apenas esse pagamento único, o sistema me deixa criar vários usuários em minha rede local e se existe alguma limitação na quantidade de usuários a serem cadastrados.)
  18. I apologize if this has already been requested or rejected. I could not find reference to it prior to posting. In my setup I have two users, one is personal with access to all media libraries the other is a restricted account with access to only a few media libraries. Ultimately, an item watched/paused/partially-viewed I'd like to reflect the same state within both users. Emby for Kodi supports this by allowing me to add the other user as a permanent user to the session, meaning whenever Kodi for Emby launches, both users are logged in (what the user watches affects both users states). However my Main TV Setup (obviously LG) the app only allows me (afaik) to login as one of these users (in this case I used the more limited user 100% of the time). While not the worst problem to have, it is annoying to backfill my watched status on episodes/movies/music etc. that I happen to remember I already viewed via the LG. Is this a feature that can be added? Maybe users need a revamp at the server level instead? A big thank you to the devs who make Emby great and the Users who make it worth their while!
  19. Doebert

    Emby shows unknown users

    All of a sudden I can no longer get into Emby?? When I start Emby in windows 10 it shows 2 unknown users. 1-computerguyiptv and 2-doom. I have no idea who they are? When I try to log in with my credentials it doesn't recognize my account. I first noticed a problem when I was trying to access it on Roku and it showed my server name with addition info after that "LIVETV VOD AND MORE". I have no idea where that came from either?? So........what should I do to resolve this without losing all my media? Thanks in advance.
  20. princeshawn420

    Limit Streams per User

    i would like to not allow them to stream more than x amount per logon as there sharing passwords and manualy enforcing is a pita ... plex can do this ... its the reason i still push it over emby but i like embys abuilty to limit bandwith at user level not server
  21. when I updated the user on my local using api http://localhost:8096/emby/Users/{userid} Then it will return "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." I don't know what happen here. Please Help Thanks
  22. Super Friends

    Users Invitations

    Is there a how to regarding invitations and users? I searched for users and received a list of Emby users. I searched for invitiations and the search resulted in 5 results with none offering an overview. Invitations via Emby connect that have been sent are not being received. Thank you,
  23. Folks - Running a fresh install of both Emby Server and Windows Pro 1809. There seems to be a glitch with the "Users" functionality that I couldn't find an existing post about.. After setting up a new user, when going back into "Users" via the Dashboard - the screen will come up with no data and a spinning wheel. Or, if going into "Settings" via the Web App - the options screen comes up and when I click "Profile", the only thing that happens is the spinning wheel again. This is sporadic. Sometimes it happens directly after restarting the server, sometimes it happens a bit later after having worked fine a few times. I've attached screen prints and logs from these two instances (I think I copied the correctly timed logs). I happened to have only the single user from the installation at the time - "Admin". However, it still happens after adding an everyday user - "Thomas" as well. I have Windows Security ignoring the entire Roaming\Emby-Server Directory structure - so that isn't sporadically locking up any files.. Thanks! Thomas
  24. In Emby I have multiple local users set up. I've already set up tv and movie libraries per user. I came over from Plex and like that Emby allows each user the ability to record. However I am not seeing any options for choosing the recording folder for each user. How can I do this? My server is on Windows 10 Pro but the clients in use are Rokus, Fire TV, iOS and android mobile devices.
  25. HI Everyone, The LDAP plugin is just amazing and would like to congratulated the designer, we are a large secondary school and use Emby as our main media library, there are a couple of things which would be great to have as options within the LDAP plugin 'New User Defaults' settings. By default the following settings are enabled for any new registered user. Allow Media Conversion Allow social media sharing At the moment we have to check everyday to see if a user has registered and then untick the 2 above options. Is there a way this could be added as an option to the New User Defaults section of the LDAP plugin.
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