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Found 8 results

  1. I had been running Emby on Windows Server 2016 for some time and watching movies and TV shows on my Mi Box S (MiBox4) Android box on Kodi with Emby plugin without any problem. Last week I migrated my PC to Windows 10 Pro and reinstalled Emby server on it, also did a fresh install of Kodi on my Android box to re-sync everything. Since then, it's been a debugging nightmare for me as no matter what video, large and small, high bit-rate and crap sd, video playback stops randomly every few minutes! First I thought that it might be my router configs (It's a 2.4GHz running at 40MHz wide channel 150Mbps N)... I kept playing with the configs, replaced DD-WRT with OpenWRT, then with the original D-Link firmware, then back to the latest version of DD-WRT; no matter what I did the videos kept stopping. Then I started messing with Kodi on Android's advancedsettings.xml's cache/buffer values, I even installed Emby's Android app, still the same, video drops randomly, sometimes with the "source too slow" message. I then came to my PC, changed the Realtek NIC's configs, Windows registry values, Firewall settings, routes, even reinstalled and reconfigured Emby numerous times, it even got worse! Now I come to thee completely exhausted and out of ideas, looking for help... Any ideas? Here's the most usual error on Emby's logs: 2020-07-20 10:20:55.583 Info HttpServer: HTTP Response 206 to Time: 162278ms. 2020-07-20 10:21:26.604 Info SessionManager: Session 8b7b1e843b7e2410fdd159d7908f4244 has gone idle while playing 2020-07-20 10:21:26.604 Info SessionManager: Playback stopped reported by app Kodi 4.1.19 playing Deeper, Deeper, Deeper Still. Stopped at 713000 ms I bet it's some kind of f*-up on Microsoft's side as I did not have ANY problem with the same PC, Router, and Box on Windows Server 2016 even with playing very-high-bitrate 30GB 1080p 4-hour movies! If it needs mentioning, there's no problem playing videos on Emby server localhost.
  2. Hello I was wondering if we could be allowed to configure how long the OSD (hud/playback ui) stays onscreen after interaction. The current ~5 seconds feels too long and I'm sure a lot of people would appreciate it if one is able select (either server-side or user-side) how long it should stay on screen. Thank you for your consideration.
  3. martylavender

    Connection Timeout

    Roku TV Latest Roku Emby channel Linuxserver.io Docker container Forwarded both HTTP and HTTPS ports in my WAN facing router Checked these ports externally and both are allowing traffic Emby detects my Emby server without any issue. I click Connect and the app sits for a few seconds attempting to connect. Connection eventually times out with an error stating just that. I then can remove the server and manually input the IP address of the Emby server. It connects fine without any issue. Why can I manually connect but not automatically through Emby Connect?
  4. cfox10

    Unusable on UN60KU6300

    Converting all of my devices over to Emby as I would like to support the community and I enjoy the interface. Unfortunately the Tizen version of the application is (for my model at least) unusable to say the least. My media collection is large (Nearly 2k movies, mostly HD) which I know plays a part in the issue ~ I hate to mention Plex, but it handled this collection with no issue whatsoever. I don't have the option to sort by release date like I do on the Android version of the Software I'm able to navigate through TV shows, and other smaller collections however it's extremely slow and falls behind when clicking the navigation buttons. After enough scrolling it completely times out and causes the TV to stop responding and requires a full shut down. If I'm able to provide any further information to help resolve these issues I'd be glad to.
  5. Radical924

    Emby Not Loading In Firefox

    Okay for so for quite some time now I have been unable to launch the Emby Dashboard using the link http://localhost:8096/web/dashboard.html It seems to either not load at all or it will partially load and buttons will not work etc... I am able to get the server to load on Microsoft Edge Browser but I prefer to use Firefox way more... Anyways I was able to create a log in Firefox of when the issue occurred: http://pastebin.com/mXxBiAUi
  6. I have Emby theater installed on a PC that is used for whole house audio. Through any client I can remotely control this to play music, podcast, etc. The issue that I'm having is that after some time (several hours), this ET is not showing up in the remote control list. I can go to this PC and directly control it (so it has not crashed) but I can't see it in the list again until I close ET and start it back up. It would seem that Emby Server just forgets about that ET running if no one touches it for a while. Is there some timeout setting that I can override or does anyone have a better solution to accomplish this? Subsonic had the perfect solution for this but I'm working towards a single backend... I'm so close! Thanks!
  7. Hi there, I'm able to use Emby for Kodi normally when I'm on my LAN, but as soon as I switch off WiFi on my phone, I can't seem to get anything to play. I should mention that I've already selected the option "Play from HTTP instead of SMB" from inside the plugin settings, and that I have port 8096 forwarded correctly on my router. I've attached the log file. The only thing I've done in the log is edited my DDNS hostname from what the no-ip hostname actually was to <hostname>.no-ip.org, for security purposes. Is there anything I'm missing here? I spent the last day trying to figure this out with less than desirable results. Any insight that anyone could provide into this would be greatly appreciated. P.S. - The log entries might look a little strange at the end there as you can see that I'm transferring the log file to a local share, but at that point I had switched WiFi back on solely for that purpose. kodi.log
  8. BinaryShrub

    Request: Set Shuffle Limit

    So here is my usecase: 1) When I go to bed at night, I like to shuffle though TV shows I have through my FireTV Stick. 2) So I go to the TV show, select shuffle, put my tv on a sleep timer. The issue is, because my FireTV Stick doesn't turn off when my TV does, it will continue to fetch and play videos until I physically stop it myself. This causes my Emby Media server to endure unneeded processing and will ultimately cause my HDDs to fail at a much faster rate, since they are use non stop. I'd like to see a way in the system.xml file to set the maximum shuffle time or shuffle count before requesting if the user is still watching. Netflix implements this feature nicely and I think it will save emby users from having to replace their hardware as much. Perhaps every time a client requests content from the server, it can pass the server information about idle time, and if the idle time surpass what the server is set for, it can show a dialog on the client requesting to see if the user is still watching and would like to continue.
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