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Enhancing XMLTV with TMDB Data: Specifying Posters and Backdrops
SalimRahmani posted a topic in Live TV
Hello Emby Community, I am currently working on enhancing my XMLTV file with data from The Movie Database (TMDB) to improve the visual experience in Emby. I have a few questions regarding how Emby handles images specified in the XMLTV guide data: 1. Posters and Backdrops: Is there a way to specify both poster and backdrop images within the XMLTV file so that they are properly displayed in Emby? If so, what tags or attributes should I use to differentiate between the two types of images? 2. Icon Tag: Currently, I am using the <icon> tag to include images. Could you please clarify what the <icon> tag corresponds to in Emby? Is it used as a poster, thumbnail, or something else? 3. Resolution and Aspect Ratio: What are the recommended resolution and aspect ratio for images included in the XMLTV file to ensure they display correctly and look good in Emby’s interface? I appreciate any guidance or examples you can provide to help me enhance my XMLTV file with the appropriate image data. Thank you! -
Dear Emby developers, first of all, thank you for this great piece of software. I enjoy it even more than the clients of Amaozon or Netflix despite them having AI suggestions. Emby is a wonderful example of the benefits of open source software! Before I started using emby, I was using my primitive homemade DLNA server. So I can say, the $120 for the lifetime license was totally worth it! Unfortunately, there's only one thing I miss from my old server, and that's sorting by popularity. The TMDB API provides a popularity score for movies and TV shows (see When requesting the details of movies ( or TV shows (, there is a "popularity" field in the JSON response. It is a number with no meaning of its own, but it is perfect for sorting. Would it therefore be possible to integrate sorting in the clients based on this popularity value? Another interesting thing would be sorting by trends or a trending list, but I think that would be a little more complicated to integrate. Anyway, sorting by popularity would make me very happy for now. Best, lulan
First crack at this... using powershell for now since it's my native language. Attempting to create a composite movie rating leveraging the standard set of ratings sources, while adding weighting measures to various community ratings. Definitely some more conditions and logic will be needed for scenarios where subsets of ratings sources are available, but the weighting math should hopefully mitigate a chunk of that. Feedback welcome! $moviename = "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" $rtaudiencerating = 95 $rtaudiencecount = 645107 $rtcriticrating = 98 $rtcriticcount = 82 $tmdbrating = 7.8 $tmdbcount = 5028 $traktrating = 8.3 $traktcount = 11089 $metacriticrating = 91 $imdbrating = 8.2 $imdbcount = 547137 $ratings = @{} $null = $ratings.Add('tomatometerallaudience',@{'MaxValue'=100;'rating'=$rtaudiencerating;'weight'=10;'votecount'=$rtaudiencecount } ) $null = $ratings.Add('tomatometerallcritics',@{'MaxValue'=100;'rating'=$rtcriticrating;'weight'=10;'votecount'=$rtcriticcount} ) $null = $ratings.Add('themoviedb',@{'MaxValue'=10;'rating'=$tmdbrating;'weight'=20;'votecount'=$tmdbcount} ) $null = $ratings.Add('trakt',@{'MaxValue'=10;'rating'=$traktrating;'weight'=20;'votecount'=$traktcount} ) $null = $ratings.Add('metacritic',@{'MaxValue'=100;'rating'=$metacriticrating;'weight'=20;'votecount'=0} ) $null = $ratings.Add('imdb',@{'MaxValue'=10;'rating'=$imdbrating;'weight'=20;'votecount'=$imdbcount} ) $community = @{} $totalcommunityvotes = $ratings['imdb'].votecount + $ratings['trakt'].votecount + $ratings['themoviedb'].votecount + $ratings['tomatometerallaudience'].votecount $imdbpercentvotes = [math]::Round( $ratings['imdb'].votecount / $totalcommunityvotes,3) $traktpercentvotes = [math]::Round( $ratings['trakt'].votecount / $totalcommunityvotes,3) $tmdbpercentvotes = [math]::Round( $ratings['themoviedb'].votecount / $totalcommunityvotes,3) $rtpercentvotes = [math]::Round( $ratings['tomatometerallaudience'].votecount / $totalcommunityvotes,3) $communitysum = $imdbpercentvotes + $traktpercentvotes + $tmdbpercentvotes + $rtpercentvotes if ( $communitysum -gt 1 ) { $rtpercentvotes = $rtpercentvotes - ($communitysum - 1) } elseif ( $communitysum -lt 1 ) { $imdbpercentvotes = $imdbpercentvotes + (1 - $communitysum) } $adjtraktcount = 1; if ( $traktpercentvotes -eq 0 -and $ratings['trakt'].votecount -ne 0 ) { $adjtraktcount = 100 } elseif ( $traktpercentvotes -lt 0.002 ) { $adjtraktcount = 100 } elseif ( $traktpercentvotes -lt 0.004 ) { $adjtraktcount = 80 } elseif ( $traktpercentvotes -lt 0.006 ) { $adjtraktcount = 60 } elseif ( $traktpercentvotes -lt 0.008 ) { $adjtraktcount = 50 } elseif ( $traktpercentvotes -lt 0.010 ) { $adjtraktcount = 30 } elseif ( $traktpercentvotes -lt 0.100 ) { $adjtraktcount = 10 } $adjtmdbcount = 1; if ( $tmdbpercentvotes -eq 0 -and $ratings['themoviedb'].votecount -ne 0 ) { $adjtmdbcount = 100 } elseif ( $tmdbpercentvotes -lt 0.002 ) { $adjtmdbcount = 100 } elseif ( $tmdbpercentvotes -lt 0.004 ) { $adjtmdbcount = 80 } elseif ( $tmdbpercentvotes -lt 0.006 ) { $adjtmdbcount = 60 } elseif ( $tmdbpercentvotes -lt 0.008 ) { $adjtmdbcount = 50 } elseif ( $tmdbpercentvotes -lt 0.010 ) { $adjtmdbcount = 30 } elseif ( $tmdbpercentvotes -lt 0.100 ) { $adjtmdbcount = 10 } $adjtotalcommunityvotes = $ratings['imdb'].votecount + ($ratings['trakt'].votecount*$adjtraktcount) + ($ratings['themoviedb'].votecount*$adjtmdbcount) + $ratings['tomatometerallaudience'].votecount $adjimdbpercentvotes = [math]::Round( $ratings['imdb'].votecount / $adjtotalcommunityvotes,3) $adjtraktpercentvotes = [math]::Round( ($ratings['trakt'].votecount * $adjtraktcount) / $adjtotalcommunityvotes,3) $adjtmdbpercentvotes = [math]::Round( ($ratings['themoviedb'].votecount * $adjtmdbcount) / $adjtotalcommunityvotes,3) $adjrtpercentvotes = [math]::Round( $ratings['tomatometerallaudience'].votecount / $adjtotalcommunityvotes,3) $adjcommunitysum = $adjimdbpercentvotes + $adjtraktpercentvotes + $adjtmdbpercentvotes + $adjrtpercentvotes if ( $adjcommunitysum -gt 1 ) { $adjrtpercentvotes = $adjrtpercentvotes - ($adjcommunitysum - 1) } elseif ( $adjcommunitysum -lt 1 ) { $adjimdbpercentvotes = $adjimdbpercentvotes + (1 - $adjcommunitysum) } $null = $community.Add('imdb',@{'votecount'=$ratings['imdb'].votecount;'percentage'=$imdbpercentvotes;'adjpercent'=$adjimdbpercentvotes } ) $null = $community.Add('trakt',@{'votecount'=$ratings['trakt'].votecount;'percentage'=$traktpercentvotes;'adjpercent'=$adjtraktpercentvotes } ) $null = $community.Add('themoviedb',@{'votecount'=$ratings['themoviedb'].votecount;'percentage'=$tmdbpercentvotes;'adjpercent'=$adjtmdbpercentvotes } ) $null = $community.Add('tomatometerallaudience',@{'votecount'=$ratings['tomatometerallaudience'].votecount;'percentage'=$rtpercentvotes;'adjpercent'=$adjrtpercentvotes } ) $communityweight = 70; if ( !$ratings.ContainsKey('metacritic') ) { $communityweight = $communityweight + 20 } if ( !$ratings.ContainsKey('tomatometerallcritics') ){ $communityweight = $communityweight + 10 } $scoring = @{}; $scoringtable = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $ratings.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { $current = $_; $source = $current.Name $sourcetype = $null; if ( $source -in ('tomatometerallcritics','metacritic') ) { $sourcetype = "Critic" } else { $sourcetype = "Community" } $sourcerating = $current.Value.rating $sourcemax = $current.Value.MaxValue if ( $sourcemax -eq 5 ) { $adjustedmax = $sourcemax*20; $adjustedrating = $sourcerating*20 } elseif ( $sourcemax -eq 10 ) { $adjustedmax = $sourcemax*10; $adjustedrating = $sourcerating*10 } else { $adjustedmax = $sourcemax; $adjustedrating = $sourcerating } $sourcevotecount = $current.Value.votecount $communitylookup = $null; $communitylookup = $community[$source] $communityvotepercent = $communitylookup.percentage $communityadjvotepercent = $communitylookup.adjpercent $weighting = 0; if ( $sourcetype -eq "Community" ) { $weighting = $communityadjvotepercent * $communityweight } else { $weighting = $current.Value.weight } $newcompositerating = ($adjustedrating * ($weighting/100 ) ) $null = $scoring.Add($source,@{'SourceType'=$sourcetype;'SourceVoteCount'=$sourcevotecount;'SourceRating'=$sourcerating;'SourceMax'=$sourcemax;'AdjustedRating'=$adjustedrating;'AdjustedMax'=$adjustedmax;'CommunityVotePrc'=$communityvotepercent;'AdjCommunityVotePrc'=$communityadjvotepercent; 'Weight'=$weighting; 'NewRating'= $newcompositerating } ) $null = $scoringtable.Add([pscustomobject]@{'Source' =$source;'SourceType'=$sourcetype;'SourceVoteCount'=$sourcevotecount;'SourceRating'=$sourcerating;'SourceMax'=$sourcemax;'AdjustedRating'=$adjustedrating;'AdjustedMax'=$adjustedmax;'CommunityVotePrc'=$communityvotepercent;'AdjCommunityVotePrc'=$communityadjvotepercent; 'Weight'=$weighting; 'NewRating'= $newcompositerating } ) } #$highestweight = $scoringtable | Sort-Object Weight -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 if ( ($scoringtable.Weight | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum -gt 100.1 ) { Write-Warning "Weighting calculated over 100.1%" } elseif ( ($scoringtable.Weight | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum -lt 99.9 ) { Write-Warning "Weighting calculated under 99.9%" } $NewRating = [math]::Round( (($scoringtable.NewRating | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum/10),1) Write-Output "","" Write-Output "Current movie is $($moviename)." Write-Output "Rotten Tomatoes Critic rating is $($rtcriticrating) out of 100." Write-Output "Rotten Tomatoes Community rating is $($rtaudiencerating) out of 100." Write-Output "Metacritic rating is $($metacriticrating) out of 100." Write-Output "Trakt community rating is $($traktrating) out of 10." Write-Output "IMDB community rating is $($imdbrating) out of 10." Write-Output "The MovieDB rating is $($tmdbrating) out of 10." Write-Output "","New composite rating is $($NewRating) out of 10."
Hello! I was using Jellyfin for Docker and moved to Emby for Docker, but Emby is not able to connect to TMDB. However and I can get metadata and images from TMDB normally in both Jellyfin for Docker and Emby for Synology Package. I'd appreciate if you could fix it! Thanks! embyserver.txt
1:tmdb元数据问题 我的媒体库元数据的优先级设置的是tmdb,语言选择的中文,但在最近的一两个月的使用过程中,识别出来的元数据都只有英文。 之前是好的。 比如“青蛇劫起”在tmdb网页是可以正常搜索到,但在媒体库中手动识别,却识别不到。 2:一个关于社区的问题 按语言分类的那几个板块是否可以增加“中文”支持?
If I add new movies to Emby the movie metadata isn't downloaded directly. If I manually Identify the movie only some metadate (like Images and Title) are fetched. Other metadata (like Plot and Actors) are not downloaded. I only use TMDB as metadata provider. For example I tried the movie Independence Day (1996). The complete metadata of this movie is available on TMDB, but it's not downloaded completely:e I also appended the Logs ("CompleteLog.txt") and already identified a relevant section ("RelevantLogSection.txt"). Emby reports an Error in TheMovieDB that states: I already restarted my NAS (Synology DS 220+), restarted Emby (Version, tried different movies and used the Refresh Meta button. In Addition the metadata fetching was possible until yesterday. RelevantLogSection.txt CompleteLog.txt
Hi, was wondering if I'll lose some accuracy if I were to choose the TMDB option instead of the TVDB when my folders use the TVDB naming structure? Sonarr doesn't support using TMDB and all my folders have been named using Sonarr, so I would much prefer to not have to manually rename all my folders, or if I were to chose TMDB and all of my Emby entries gets messed up. Thanks in advance.
Hi, I just uploaded a poster image to TMDB movie but Emby still can't find it when I go to edit images. How long does it take for me to find the image so I don't have to manually add it to Emby? Could it be cached somewhere? I have tried replacing all metadata and replacing existing images but still cannot find it.
Hi, nach längerer Nutzung des TMM um Metadaten zu pflegen, habe ich Mal wieder emby selber getestet. Leider funktioniert das scrapen über TMDB für Filme (Serien ist ein anderes Thema) auf Deutsch immernoch nicht ordentlich. Beispielsweise wird die Handlung für den Film "Luca" auf Englisch bezogen, obwohl auf TMDB eine deutsche Handlung verfügbar ist. (Metadaten über emby schon mehrfach versucht zu aktualisieren, bleiben Englisch) Der TMM ruft korrekt die verfügbare deutsche Handlung ab. Wäre es evtl. möglich, dass sich dieser Problematik einmal angenommen wird? Letztendlich sind die korrekte Abfrage und Verarbeitung von Metadaten ja ein essentieller Bestandteil von emby. Hier wird bei solchen Problemen leider immer bzw. meistens auf eine fehlerhafte APi von z.B. TMDB hingewiesen, dass mag auch mal so gewesen sein, mittlerweile bekommen andere Scraper es aber hin Daten fehlerfrei auf deutsch (wenn verfügbar) von TMDB zu scrapen.
So I've looked in the FR's for 'Search' tag and can't see this anywhere obvious. I was surprised that External ID's (IMDB, TMDB etc) are not included in the search results ? ie if I put 'tt0088763' in the search box, I was expecting to get 'Back to the Future' listed .. but I get back no results at all. The local metadata clearly has the ID's listed and available - so can we please include this in a global search ? Thanks.
Recently I found Emby could not access to tvdb and tmdb to fetch metadata. I need to use v2ray to proxy those traffic before, because the GFW in China, but I find that there's no traffic going trough my v2ray client now, when starting a "Rreconize" progress.,,, Those 3 proxy rules are added to my pac settings, and I'm sure the proxy service is functional, I can access to with browser. embyserver.txt
Started having issues with getting TMDB data. Specifically, Actor Images. I'm attaching my log file which shows time-out errors. Any help would be greatly appreciated! embyserver.txt
I'm aware there is an issue with TMDB links pointing to an old/outdated location that has been causing issues for the last several weeks. However, I'm wondering if this is a different issue. I'm noticing that even for recently-added movies, I still see a black/gray boxes instead of an image for a handful of actors. If I do individual metadata refreshes, it pulls down the image without any problem. Again, these are not for old movies but rather new ones (e.g., within the last several days).
English: Hello, I tell you about the problem I have. I'm trying to update metadata for the One Piece series (season 21) and I have the following settings in the series library: And what is happening is that tvdb has only the titles and not the synopsis, and most of the episodes on tvdb are blocked from being edited. In theory as tvdb does not have the synopsis, it should be taken from tmdb, but it is not. And I see that in the cache of tmdb-tv it creates a file "season-21-en.json", which has the data of the episodes, but emby apparently does not use them. I clarify that I am looking for metadata in the Spanish language, and I apologize for the translation into English of this topic. Attached the server log, to generate this log reset the server and when I start the only action I took was to replace the metada of the season in question. Do you know why this happens? Español: Hola, les comento el problema que tengo. Estoy intentando actualizar la metadata de la serie One Piece (temporada 21) y tengo la siguiente configuracion en la libreria de series: Y lo que esta pasando es que tvdb tiene solo los titulos y no la sinopsis, y la mayoria de capitulos en tvdb estan bloqueados para poder editarlos. En teoria como tvdb no tiene la sinopsis, deberia tomarla de tmdb, pero no lo esta haciendo. Y veo que en la cache de tmdb-tv crea un archivo "season-21-es.json", que tiene los datos de los episodios, pero emby no los usa al parecer. Aclaro que la metadata la busco en el idioma Español, y pido disculpas por la traduccion a Ingles de este topic. Adjunto el log del servidor, para generar este log resetie el servidor y cuando inicio la unica accion que realice fue reemplazar la metada de la temporada en cuestion. Saben porque ocurre esto? season-21-es.txt embyserver.txt
Bonjour Je constate un décalage de date de sortie d'une vidéo par rapport aux bases de données comme TVDB ou TMDB. En effet sur beaucoup de fichiers, emby affiche une date de sortie en avance de un jour sur la date indiquée dans les bases de données. Y a-t-il une raison ? Mon serveur sous Linux est à l'heure Europe/Paris, donc CET +2 heures. @@Happy2Play
Hi, in Emby i can play the Trailers from TheMovieDB, but in Kodi is now (1-3 Updates) no trailer available anymore. I've synced with addon mode and native mode, no trailer. Emby Server is version and Emby for Kodi is 4.1.3 on Odroid C2 with Coreelec 9.0.x nightly (Kodi 18.3), i don't know on what side the problem is, Emby or Kodi. In the movie.nfo file is the trailer located like <trailer>plugin://</trailer> So, in Emby works all correct like this thread Thanks in advance
Hi, i've been trying to add my library of Chinese (Hong Kong) movies to emby, but after adding all Names and Descriptions are appearing as Simplified Chinese. Further investigation from the logs i found there's a -HK missing from the query. e.g. this is what emby sent to tmdb: this is what it should be to show correct language result: Is there an easy way for a regular user like me to manually modify the query to get my desired results? Thanks.
As seen in this post: , there's a new update to the API engine where now they can tell apart PT-PT from PT-BR (usually was only PT) I just tested that it works perfectly in new API, as seen below. Movie: Die Hard 2 PT (only one until yesterday): PT-PT (now official PT for Portugal) : {"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/kywkOlRpYtfVlar41R1s8lO46vD.jpg","belongs_to_collection":{"id":1570,"name":"Duro de Matar - Coletânea","poster_path": "/mbJHXe0fooS9ukOZsZ4PmDQnjcw.jpg","backdrop_path":"/5kHVblr87FUScuab1PVSsK692IL.jpg"},"budget":70000000,"genres":[{"id":28,"name":"Ação"},{"id":53, "name":"Thriller"}],"homepage":"","id":1573,"imdb_id":"tt0099423","original_language":"en","original_title":"Die Hard 2","overview":"Terroristas assumem o controle do aeroporto de Washington, visando libertar um preso político (Franco Nero) que está sendo extraditado, e ameaçam destruir várias aeronaves se as exigências deles não forem cumpridas. Mas a esposa (Bonnie Bedelia) de John McClane (Bruce Willis) está em um dos aviões, assim ele resolve enfrentar a quadrilha sozinho.","popularity":2.824351,"poster_path":"/2vHKly0sePRowvOGZbQL5PuhwHn.jpg","production_companies":[{"name": "Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation","id":306},{"name":"Gordon Company","id":1073},{"name":"Silver Pictures","id":1885}],"production_countries": [{"iso_3166_1":"US","name":"United States of America"}],"release_date":"1990-07-02","revenue":240031094,"runtime":124,"spoken_languages":[{"iso_639_1": "en","name":"English"},{"iso_639_1":"es","name":"Español"}],"status":"Released","tagline":"John McClane está de volta na hora e no lugar errados.", "title":"Assalto ao Aeroporto","video":false,"vote_average":6.4,"vote_count":1045} PT-BR (item with Brazilian info): {"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/kywkOlRpYtfVlar41R1s8lO46vD.jpg","belongs_to_collection":{"id":1570,"name":"Duro de Matar (Coleção)","poster_path": "/mbJHXe0fooS9ukOZsZ4PmDQnjcw.jpg","backdrop_path":"/5kHVblr87FUScuab1PVSsK692IL.jpg"},"budget":70000000,"genres":[{"id":28,"name":"Ação"},{"id":53, "name":"Thriller"}],"homepage":"","id":1573,"imdb_id":"tt0099423","original_language":"en","original_title":"Die Hard 2","overview":"Terroristas assumem o controle do aeroporto de Washington, visando libertar um preso político (Franco Nero) que está sendo extraditado, e ameaçam destruir várias aeronaves se as exigências deles não forem cumpridas. Mas a esposa (Bonnie Bedelia) de John McClane (Bruce Willis), um detetive de Nova York, se encontra em um dos aviões, assim o marido resolve enfrentar a quadrilha.","popularity":2.824351,"poster_path":"/2vHKly0sePRowvOGZbQL5PuhwHn.jpg", "production_companies":[{"name":"Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation","id":306},{"name":"Gordon Company","id":1073},{"name":"Silver Pictures","id": 1885}],"production_countries":[{"iso_3166_1":"US","name":"United States of America"}],"release_date":"1990-07-02","revenue":240031094,"runtime":0, "spoken_languages":[{"iso_639_1":"en","name":"English"},{"iso_639_1":"es","name":"Español"}],"status":"Released","tagline":"","title":"Duro de Matar 2", "video":false,"vote_average":6.4,"vote_count":1045} As they created the PT-BR database from scratch, there will be movies/series missing... but users are adding they in a daily basis, and with the correct info! PLEASE make Emby query correctly pt-BR from TMDB after this update. I`m tired of getting movie names from Portugal. ps: I tried to color the title difference inside the boxes above, but it hasn`t worked. So please note the TITLE difference between them.
tmdb is the only image provider emby doesn't allow season images to be fetched please make this possible
EDIT: Initial title: "BUG: metadata date wrong if imdb release date is 1/1/nnnn" Changing due to bug applying to all movies, the date is a day out for all of them. Original Post. -------------- I've just noticed with a couple of films, old ones, that emby gets the year and date wrong is themoviedb's entry lists the release date as the 1st of January of that year, showing the 31st of December the year before instead. I'm guessing the exact release date wasn't known perhaps, for the old film, so 1/1 is entered... What i see (e.g. a 1977 movie): TheMovieDB's website lists Release Date (for an example) as 1977 Emby's page for the movie shows 1976 [wrong] Emby's metadata page shows Release Date as 31/12/1976 [wrong] Emby's metadata page shows Year as 1977 [correct] If i delete the metadata Release Date and refresh the movie in emby, then: Emby's page for the movie shows 1977 [correct] Emby's metadata page shows Release Date as 31/12/1976 [wrong] Emby's metadata page shows Year as 1977 [correct] So the refresh makes the movie look correct, unless you actually look at the metadata/info page. Is this some weird timezone error??? Tmdb's release date entry was for Israel, i'm in Indonesia... It's the only thing i can think off... but it shouldn't cause this, should it??? ... Strange.
Hello, I noticed that when Emby tries to fetch episode metadata from TMDB and there's no title metadata for my language (pt-BR), it uses the whole filename as title, instead of fallbacking to English. Can you reproduce it?
I've learned that TMDB now uses profile configuration to choose priority and fallback of metadata language being returned, when API is used. So, I'd like to ask you to, just like seen in FanArt, allow us to choose our own TMDB api key to be used... that would be a little more help to foreign users like me. Thanks
Hello guys. I've noticed that in the TMDB query for TV there are two problems: 1. Parental Ratings is not being returned and used. 2. My country's metadata is not being queried (I use pt-BR, working OK for movies) Today query: h t t p://,images,keywords,external_ids,videos&language=en&include_image_language=pt-br,null,en Correct query: h t t p://,images,keywords,external_ids,videos,content_ratings&language=pt-BR&include_image_language=pt-BR,null,en Thanks!
As the title suggests, I'd like to see TMDB added to the list of sources for episode metadata. Some shows actually have better metadata on TMDB. For example, Black sails has no overview for any season 3 episode on thetvdb, but does on tmdb
Version 3.0.5509.223 This Film with this folder name is not identified.. A local .nfo has localtitle tag populated as St. Vincent (2014) Further use of identify function, without manual changes, does not detect. The Following Work as manual ammedments within the identify function... St. Vincent - without the year St Vincent (2014) - without the full stop St. Vincent 2014 - without the year in brackets %Movietitle% (%Year%) ...has always been a good way to get 100% is this a bug/an opportunity to improve? or am i out of step with naming convention and need to change...? I have OMDB First and TMDB second as metadate fetchers... edit noted server version