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Found 3 results

  1. I have been using Emby for awhile now, but the one thing I've been unable to do is watch ripped 3D Blu Rays on my HTPC. I was wondering what solutions people have come up with for this problem? So far the only success I have had (other than putting in the disc and playing it with PowerDVD 15) is to rip it with MakeMKV as an mvc file, and use Stereoscopic Player. The trouble is, I only have the demo of Stereoscopic Player since its not a free application and I'm, um, on a budget. Is there any free software that can be used to play 3D Blu Rays? If not, I will bite the bullet and buy it, but can Emby use Stereoscopic Player as an external player? The second, less important, question I have is...is there any way to get my TV to play ripped 3D Blu Rays in 3D automatically? If I stick the disc in or watch something natively in 3D on TV (DirectTV used to have 3D channels, though they are long gone now) my Samsung un60es7150 would automatically swtich to 3D mode. However, with Stereoscopic Player I have to pick 'side by side' as my viewing format, start playing, then go to the TV's menu and manually turn on 3D side by side mode. Boo hoo, my diamond necklace chafes, but it is pretty annoying. Is there a better way? Thanks for your help and sorry if this is in the wrong forum, I wasn't really sure where to post it.
  2. Please like this post if you agree. This will let the developers know that people actually want this feature. I am requesting that external players be put in use by tag. Primarily, 3D tag. What this means is that if a movie is tagged as 3D-SBS or more importantly MVC, then a third party player can be set up to play this file. With many films, they can all be in MKV containers, but there's no real way to distinguish them aside from tags. In this way, you can decide if a third party player is required to play a file based on that tag. For example, if I have a 3D movie in MVC format in an MKV container made by MakeMKV, I can then tell emby theater to play it in stereoscopic player or PowerDVD, etc. This request is being made because I personally tore my hair out all weekend trying madvr, lav, windows media player, kodi, emby theater and about six other setups trying to get things to work, and only stereoscopic player would work. Therefore I am making this request in order that those of us with large 3D libraries can have Emby Theater working with stereoscopic. Again, if you agree, please like this post. The devs judge the popularity of features by likes. Cheers!
  3. Hi all, I have been working on a configuration that allows the playback of DVD, BD, and 3D all from mkv containers and getting the best PQ for the big screen theater while having the best experience around the home.... anyway I think I am very close but have one last issue I need help with. I did search and couldn't find anything, so hope one of you already knows the answer or can share your own solution... I need to call a batch file at the same time an external player is used, just for 3D playback of mkv rips. It sounds like this can be done with XBMC so looking to see how we would create that in an MB3 environment. The basic setup is this.. MBC using MPC-HC with MadVR for DVD and BD (madvr handles the refresh rate switching) MBC using stereoscopic player for 3D Blu-ray MKV rips (also does its own refresh rate switching) I'm using NVidia cards so am dealing with the bug/feature that they do not playback frame-packing 3D correctly without the 3DTV add-on, the batch file is needed to activate NVidia 3D before Stereoscopic player launches and then deactivates it when the player closes and returned to WMC/MBC Here is how is works in XBMC which another explained to me: You can turn NVidia's 3D function on and off with nvstlink.exe I made a batch file called PlayStereo.bat Code: @echo off "C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvstlink.exe" /enable Start "C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey" AutoHotkey.exe Set pth=%1 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Stereoscopic Player\StereoPlayer.exe" %pth% -fss -nl -ol:NVIDIA -termend "C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvstlink.exe" /disable Taskkill /IM AutoHotkey.exe /F You don't need the lines about AutoHotkey. I just use it to write keyboard shortcuts for Stereoscopic Player. This file turns Nvidia 3D on before it opens Stereoscopic Player in full screen, and it turns Nvidia 3D off after Stereoscopic Player is terminated (or exits full screen). I then use XBMC's playercorefactory file to call PlayStereo.bat every time I need it to play 3D. I don't know how MB works, but I'm sure you'll figure it out from here. SO... any ideas or suggestions on how we can do this? Many thanks,
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