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Found 7 results

  1. Hey guys, the Server Config Backup plugin creates a lot of small files, mostly xml. As there is no incremental backup anyway, wouldn't it be nice to just zip the whole backup? Thats probably a one liner and would make handling backups much easier.
  2. Archangél

    Migration from Windows 10 to Arch Linux

    hey all, I am a bit confused... As far as I know I should be able to just run the backup tool in Windows and then run it in the arch installation and then it should "magically" work, right? this have not been the case with my installation, I can literally not see the libraries even tho the paths are correct. I need to know how to get emby working again. Right now i cannot see media files in any of the libraries when looking through them, not even the metadata tool shows anything. I have tried several browser (opera and firefox, tried both in private mode as well) so it got nothing to do with cache/cookies. example picture from opera: I am on the latest build of emby available for my distro which is I ran sudo pacman -Ssy emby Result I got from that: :: Synchronizing package databases... core is up to date extra is up to date community is up to date multilib is up to date community/emby-server [installed] Bring together your videos, music, photos, and live television I am attaching embyserver.txt if you require any other log from emby server I shall conjure it into existence for you helping folks. I tried to create new libraries, and it works, it is just that the already existing ones does not work, and I really would like try to avoid to recreate them, thank you It is 2am when typing this, I am sorry for any spelling mistakes, if you need any clarification, ask away! Thank you for taking your time reading through this and trying to help me with my trouble. have a nice day! embyserver.txt Edit: Added embyserver.txt logfile
  3. Hello everyone, just last night I was messing with my server looking at the many new plugins I hadn´t seen before and I decided to try a few new ones that might come in handy, having had a recent catastrophic hdd failure on a different computer I´m painfully aware of my lack of backups so I installed this wonderful Server Configuration Backup plugin. For it´s intended purpose it appears to work, although I haven´t tried the restore function yet, at least having a copy of the information makes me happy. The problem I got last night was that while trying the available functions I created a new profile as a test but didn´t type a name in it, the server went ahead and named it "undefined" for me at least while it wasn´t saved, once I clicked on it, modified the options inside the profile and saved it, it was automatically renamed to "Default", which I believe is a problem because once it gets that designation it becomes unable to delete, (renaming would be appreciated but delete and recreate would also work), I succeed replicating the fact multiple times, even by naming the profile "Default", I uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin to see if the profile list would clear itself without any luck and now I´m stuck, I´m not sure what is going to happen when the scheduled task tries to run said "Default" profile being that I now have 6 of them with different configurations, for now I´ll leave it disabled. Any other name but Default appears to be ok to delete (even while a new profile is named undefined before it´s saved), but once another Default is created I don´t know how to get rid of it.
  4. Lupodata

    Backup läuft nicht

    Hi. hat jemand Erfahrung mit dem Plugin "Server Configuration Backup"? Habe es gestern installiert und auch ein Backup gemacht. Wenn ich jetzt das Plugin aufrufe, dreht sich der Kreisel und es passiert nix. Wenn ich den Backup-Ordner aufmachen will, steigt Emby aus und ich bekomme folgende Meldung: Handler for Request not found: Request.HttpMethod: GET Request.PathInfo: /web/dlg1450704310216 Request.QueryString: System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection Request.RawUrl: /web/dlg1450704310216? Habe sowohl Emby-Server als auch meinen Rechner neu gestartet; gleicher Fehler...
  5. Hii I'm running the Server Configuration Backup Plugin ( and it's really awesome! But i've two things: First: It would be nice, if we could backup our collections too. I saw the entry in the MBBackup.xml but it does not backup anything. Is it possible to get this working? Second: A sheduled task for restore the default backup would be very nice, because i'm using this plugin to get all the same configurations on every server we are running (atm i'm using a autoit-script to get this done). Thanks for the advise.
  6. Restoring a backup doesn't seem to restore the timings of the scheduled tasks in a fresh install. Steps taken: - set scheduled task timings - run backup task - update docker container with latest version, this gives me a completely fresh first time installation - set supporter key - install backup plugin - retore latest backup - scheduled tasks all have their default timings I've looked in the backup files, I can see it backs up the current status of the scheduled tasks but I couldnt find anywhere the actual schedule. PS. Loving the config backup in general, especially now I'm running docker!
  7. Would it be possible to add user/custom DLNA profiles be added to Server Configuration Backups? Thanks
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