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  1. my system is stuck on transcoding, has been for months, and it grinds to a halt. its a windows box, SSD, accessing synology via mapped drive, was working fine for ages as I was building it then sent it to reindex and its been grinding to a halt ever since. system usage (task manager) is around 50% CPU and 40% RAM and 1% disk so its not hitting hardware limits. When I log into the web interface it shows 3 tasks as running so I stop them (Convert media . Scan media library . Transfer media). But it just gets stuck on "stopping" When I try and access the settings to stop these tasks from running the page wont load. It either just hangs or occasionally says "Emby Server transcoding services are still busy starting up. This screen will automatically refresh when transcoding services are ready." Mostly its just a blank loading page though. So Im wondering if there is a way to prevent these from starting without being able to access the web page for those settings?
  2. Hola, Tengo un grave problema, desde hace unos días el escaneo general de las bibliotecas duraba aproximádamente una o dos horas como mucho, ahora tarda muchas más horas, diría que incluso más de 24h. La identificación individual de una película ha pasado de tardar menos de un minuto a tardar más de 15 o 20 minutos. El update del plugin Top picks se queda colgado de forma indefinida y no termina jamás y por algún motivo eso bloquea también el scan general de las bibliotecas. No se que sucede, que puede haber cambiado, he revisado todas las configuraciones y no entiendo el motivo de este retraso en estos procesos. Adjunto logs por si ayudan en algo quick-extract-imageseries-D7A3A5AA7BC1_1.txt embyserver (2).txt quick-extract-imageseries-A40E09F603B6_1.txt embyserver (1).txt
  3. Hello, I've installed Emby on my machine, my library is a bit huge (80 To), scan for Movies and Series was pretty fast but Anime scan is very very long and looks stuck to 87.4% (now 2 days just for it), I don't know why. Library is mounted on ubuntu server using sshfs with Tailscale tunnel and using the Emby beta embyserver.txt hardware_detection-63846109564.txt
  4. Guest

    Bibliothek wird nicht erkannt

    Hallo Zusammen, ich habe ein Problem beim erkennen meiner Bibliotheken. Ich habe im Emby Server 2 Benutzer angelegt. Ich (Administrator) und mein Kind (Nicht-Administrator). Auf meinem NAS habe ich einen Ordner "Filme". In diesem Ordner sind alle Dateien fein sortiert. Exemplarisch siehe unten. Filme The Expendables The Expendables 1 The Expendables 2 Kinderfilme Die Eiskönigin Das Dschungelbuch Ich als Administrator habe Zugriff auf alle Dateien. Damit gibt es keine Probleme. Für mein Kind habe ich eine neue Bibliothek "Kinderfilme" - Inhaltstyp "Filme" angelegt. Der Pfad bezieht sich allerdings nur auf den Unterordner "Kinderfilme". Dieser ist bei mir und unter dem zweiten Account leer. Die Berechtigungen in den Benutzereinstellungen sind alle gesetzt.
  5. Maratonando

    Library scanning is very slow

    Library scanning is very slow. In 48 hours 98%. Image generation of chapters and introductions are disabled. embyserver.txt
  6. StLDreiling

    library scan never completes

    For the past week or so, manually triggered scans of my media library fail to complete. I do not have a scheduled task for full scans, only folder watching. Logs attached. There are no other discernable errors or limited/unavailable functionality, but until the server is restarted, folder watching is not reactivated. The scans consistently get to the completion percentage indicated in the clip below. I am running the current stable ( build of Emby Server as Windows service via NSSM on a headless Windows Server 2016 server powered by an Intel Core i9-9900K CPU with16Gb of DDR4 memory. Prior to posting, both the service and server have been restarted several times as I attempted to troubleshoot. I have also attempted the library scan after terminating the service and running Emby in a normal desktop session with the same results. embyserver.txt
  7. jspmiller

    Library scan hangs

    After the v4 upgrade, my library scan hangs at 88%. After looking at the log, it looks like it does finish sometimes, but it takes 30 minutes to complete. Other times it appears to bomb out and start over. Either way, once it finishes, it starts right back up. Before the upgrade it took less than a minute. All Plugins have been upgraded and the server has been rebooted. I have disabled ipv6 and subtitle downloads per other users questions. I also upgraded to last night and I have the same results. I have attached my server log. EmbyServer.txt
  8. roshanconnor

    Anime as a Library

    Hi everyone So I had added my Anime Collection as a Library I chose Category - TV Shows Plugin - I installed Anime Plugin from Plugins option Database - I chose AniDB as my database of choice for the metadata My Fliles are named perfectly for Media server..its working great with Plex Server So it took some time for the initial scan and it was done after around 4 hours The issue is it detected the files..but there is no metadata at all..I cant see any images or any info about the show How can I fix this Thank you
  9. Hi, I will try to explain my doubt, because it is something complicated to tell, and more with the difficulty of the language. When emby doesn't recognize a movie, it scans the video and takes a sample image.. If it recognizes the video, it uses the images from internet databases. So: I have several videos (student shorts) that emby misrecognizes. What I do is go to the metadata, edit it by hand, and enter the correct data. And the images, I delete them all. From that moment on, the video image is shown to me with a rectangle with a color, and the name of the video above it. Is there a way to make emby scan the video so that it automatically takes a frame in the preview? Regards,
  10. Emby is far better, in every way, than Plex. An improvement would be a drop down option from the Menu bar to Scan the Library (videos added to my source folder for the library don't automatically appear in Emby, so I have to scan to load them).
  11. Hi Everyone, First off, huge thanks to the dev team for the awesome support they've provided us over the years! I currently have a fresh, new installation of Emby Server, with no Plug In's enabled at this point. I setup a single Library, consisting of the Content Type ''Music''. When setting up the Library, I only have ''Download artwork and metadata from the internet....'' checked. All of the folders in my music library follow the proper naming convention: Artist --> Album --> track1, track2, track3, etc. I have all my MP3's meticulously tagged. Anyways...the library scan needed up being ''stuck'', so to speak, at 68.4% for several hours now. I went ahead and stopped Emby Server and enabled Debug Logging, restarted and re-kicked off a Library Scan. Again, the scan took about 10mins to get to 68.4%, and it's been stuck there for about 90 mins. Attached is the log...is there anything I'm doing wrong at this point? Thanks! server-63650048977.txt server-63650048977.txt server-63650102399.txt
  12. Good night, my Emby Server stopped adding new movies and series to the library, even running manual manually it won't. Please help me. thank yo
  13. I gather that square brackets are ignored when identifying movies? Could we also have an option that when enabled, it also ignores the normal ( ) brackets as well. I have a lot of foreign films in my collection and they're named with both the english title and the original foreign title in brackets... E.g. English Title (Foreign Title) (1980) (Almost) None of these identify when scanning so i have to manually id them, editing the title in the search to remove one or the other title (it usually works with either). This is a chore, especially for me who's had to rebuild the library a few times recently due to hardware failures and upgrade. Ignoring the brackets would also help with those movies with (Director's Cut) in the title too... This should then mean that almost all the films would ID automatically, which is always our goal.
  14. henriquefer

    Scan only a specific subdirectory

    Hi, I have a bash script that can trigger a library scan for a specific library (Movies or TVShows). However, I would like to know if it is possible to trigger a scan for a specific subdirectory. For example, I have this structure for TV Shows: TVShows/<TV SHOW NAME>/<SEASON>/EPISODE I would like to trigger a scan only for a specific <TV SHOW NAME> directory. Is it possible? Thank you in advance.
  15. tattoomees

    Scan not showing anymore

    I noticed when i go example on movies section and select Scan Library Files green progress circle is not showing . How i can monitor if the scan is actually started and scanning ?
  16. atrpm

    GDrive - emby_autoscan

    I have been working on a python script to pull file changes from GDrive using google’s api, get the file info and send a request to emby’s api to update the file path via the library/media/updated endpoint. So far I have been able to successfully do this, script have been running with no issues for 24 hrs before I make it public there are a few improvements that I have to make. I have tested this on a windows machine, I would like to find a few ppl with different OS to make sure that it works fine there, so please is interested send a PM. I do have an Emby related question, after a request has been sent and media is scheduled to be refreshed, what happens if the server is restarted before that task is completed? Here is the github link: https://github.com/atrpm/emby_gdrive_autoscan
  17. Trinax

    Inaccurate Scheduled task report

    I seem to have run into a bug recently where the "Last ran XX ago" time is inaccurately reporting 60 minutes since last scan/ran. Instead of starting the timer at 0 minutes and 0 seconds, it jumps up to 60 minutes the moment the scheduled task finishes. This is not a problem for me personally and I have tried to do a full restart of the server in order to fix it, but it is still inaccurately reporting finish time. Info App: Application version: emby-server-deb_{version}_amd64.deb Operating system: Unix 64-Bit OS: True 64-Bit Process: True User Interactive: True
  18. Hello, I would have a small request, for management reasons, I disabled automatic library scans and I wondered if it would be possible to add a contextual entry to the Emby icon located in the notification area to " scan all libraries now ". It would be really great to be able to do a right click to perform this operation than having to do the long way of the web page ... Thank you for your consideration of our suggestions.
  19. knowenoughtobedangerous

    Music scan missing albums and tracks with # in their name

    Topic title says it all really. Example of albums missed: //HomeServer/Music/MediaMonkey/Louis Jordan/Jivin' With Jordan #2 - Let The Good Times Roll/. #1, #3 and #4 are also missed. There are entries in the attached logs that appear to relate to this. Example of tracks missed: //HomeServer/Music/MediaMonkey/Vivaldi/Four Seasons/Spring - Concerto #1 in E major - 2 - Largo.mp3. 11 other tracks with similar names and from the same album are also missed. But 6 more tracks from the same album were found. I can see nothing in the log relating to the missed tracks. Plex running on the same server finds these and other missed items fine. I've not tested for similar failures wth Album Artist names. I'll thank you not to suggest that I edit the tags - they were completed automatically and would likely be changed back, if not by Emby then by MediaMonkey. I believe this to be a fault. But I'm amazed that nobody else has reported it as far as I can see. Anyone? Thanks Ian QNAP TS-453 Pro, V Emby V embyserver.txt hardware_detection-63704836041.txt
  20. Kimballslice1890

    Scan Media Library Hanging

    Not sure if it was a result of server release or TVDB release 1.07 but my library scans have been hanging at 92.3% going on at least 6 hours now and the server has slow responses while this is happening. My emby server hung up 2 days ago and I had to do a full restart of the VM, not sure if it was because of the library scan or not. There are no issues with the storage locations in which my media is hosted. I searched the forums and didn't see anyone else reporting such issue.
  21. Hello, I’ve searched the Emby forums and have found very similar postings but without the clear answer I am searching for. My TV library stores each episode into a separate season sub-folder. So my library folder structure is similar to what is shown below. The parent series folder (Star Trek) has no actual episode files directly in it. Instead, the season sub-folders (Season 1) contains the individual episodes. When Emby goes to work on scanning the library: nfo files (i.e. tvshow.nfo) and image files are populated within the season sub-folders (Season 1). There are no nfo or image files in the parent series folder (Star Trek). As a result, Emby does not display the series folder art work for the series (Star Trek). ☹ As an experiment and to prove my theory: I manually copied a single episode from one of the season folders into the parent series folder and rescanned. Bingo, I got folder art work. So either I’m missing an important setting/configuration or Emby doesn’t support folder artwork for series and season sub-folders. I’m hoping someone can point out the missing configuration or tell me “No, your out of luck” so that I can stop spinning my wheels. TV Library ....Star Trek The Next Generation .......Season 1 .......Season 2 ......etc.. ....Star Trek .......Season 1 .......Season 2 ......etc.. As Always Thank you in advance, Julie
  22. Hi, I want to set up a more shiny UI and have been directed to emby. At the moment I'm browsing the smb share. So I've been playing around yesterday, scanning my movie share on my unRAID server. Looked nice as I left. Now I came back and the library is wiped clean. I imagine this is due to the fact that my media server is not running 24/7. The scheduler is set to scan the media library after 12 hours by default. The emby docker itself is running 24/7 on a bananaPi. SharpCifs.Smb.SmbException: SharpCifs.Smb.SmbException: Failed to connect:<00>/media.server.ip What is the right setting in my usecase. I think some check for the presence (e.g. ping) of the media server is needed before a library update is performed. Somebody with this usecase here?
  23. I recently upgraded from to using the following instructions from Makarai: Upgrade went smoothly and after initial database upgrade, library scan (4 & a half hours) and reinstall of some plugins, everything worked great... I added some more media and did a manual library scan which took around 40 minutes ( would scan in ~10 mins). I have done a couple more scans and get the same results around 40 minutes per scan. The scan gets to around 90% in about 5 minutes and then the last 10% takes the rest of the time. Any ideas about why it takes longer?
  24. wickedlemon

    Slow - almost non-existent - scan

    Hi New user and first post so hopefully I'm posting in the right place and it's not full of (too) stupid questions! I recently installed Emby Server on Windows 10, just to see what it actually did and get a feel of how it actually worked. I've now decided to set up Emby on a Raspberry Pi 2. I don't need it for streaming/transcoding, purely for pulling metadata, so I'm not concerned about any of the Pi's power limitations. I installed on a fresh install of Raspbian and started to set it up, adding libraries, plugins as I had done under Windows. Then I noticed that the scanning wasn't going as fast. Nowhere near as fast. Back to a fresh Raspbian/Emby install and this time no plugins and a minimal library - just 12 TV episodes to test. First run and I gave up before it had even completed. The episodes already had all the nfo and thumb images before the scan started but it was still taking ages. Log entries showed ffprobe entries for each file spaced anywhere between 5 and 20 minutes apart. Removed the library, nfos and images and tried again and it's still not working. Dashboard still says its scanning, but there doesn't appear to have been a log entry related to scanning for over half an hour. in both instances there just seems to be huge time periods of Emby not doing anything, or at least not logging anything. Any suggestions? There doesn't seem to be an errors in the log and I had no issues scanning under Windows. Two logs attached. 1 when folder had nfo/thumbs already and 2 with no existing local metadata. embyserver1.txt embyserver2.txt
  25. maxcol

    [DS418j] Partial libraries scan

    Hello everyone, I'm asking for some help Before, I was using Emby with 1 disk installed on 1 storage pool and 1 volume (SHR). After setting up all my librairies, I did a backup with the emby plugin. Then I splited my datas on 3 different disks, on 3 different storage pools, on 3 different volumes: I did a fresh install of Emby after removing/swapping the disk where Emby package was installed at the first place. Finally I loaded the backup previously done. I created 3 shared folders, one on each volume. With read/write authorizations for embysvr package. I also created sub-folders in each share folders with the same names: Then I setup my movie library like this: My problem is that Emby is only displaying movies in the Volume 2... I did other libraries, and same problem, emby is getting only files from the second volume, from Emby-2 shared folder. I disabled IPv6 in my synology settings: I'm sorry for the size of the log attached, I think it's because I activated the debug function.. Thanks in advance for your kind help, Max. Log.txt
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