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  1. Rextra

    Conectar emby a samsung smart tv

    Hola a todos recien acabo de instalar el programa, a la hora de ponerlo en mi tv samsung smart tv todo va bien lo instale y todo pero cuando abro el programa me pide para conectarlo la ip y no se que mas y no pude lograr conectarme.
  2. Hi Emby. I have a weird issue I hope you can help me with. My recent .mov videos from my iPhone are playing upside down when I play them via my Samsung Smart TV app directly on my Samsung Art Frame TV I played the video directly on the server (on windows) to check it and it plays correctly with no issue. In then tried playing it on my IOS app and it too played correctly. it’s ONLY when I play the video on the Samsung TV app (embedded) does it play upside down. I’ve attached three photos to show what I mean. (1) the upside down one is the Samsung TV app (2) the two correct photos are the server direct play on the windows OS and a screenshot of my iPhone app playing it in the correct orientation. I’m hoping this is a simple “switch” on the TV app to fix please. Thanks Rob.
  3. sftech13

    Some Users unable to play Videos

    Hello, while visiting family, we attempted to watch a movie on a Samsung UN55CU8000FXZA TV using the 'App: Emby for Samsung 1.7.0'. However, we encountered an issue where the content continuously buffered, displaying the dreaded circle of death without actually showing any content. The movie we attempted to watch is "Ferrari (2023)" located at /media/Movies/Ferrari (2023)/Ferrari (2023) {imdb-tt3758542} [AMZN][WEBDL-2160p][HDR10Plus][EAC3 Atmos 5.1][HEVC]-FLUX.mkv Interestingly, when we tried to play the same movie through a Firestick using its native app, it played without any issues. However, attempting to play it through the Emby app on the Firestick resulted in the same buffering problem as experienced with the Samsung app. Our current setup for hosting includes: Ubuntu 20.04.2 Emby Server version: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB I have attached a few logs for further analysis. It would be greatly appreciated if someone could assist in diagnosing why this issue occurs specifically for certain movies while others play without any problems. embyserver.txt ffmpeg-transcode-dd46aec8-73f1-41ce-b569-5622240bc967_1.txt
  4. ricky_buyo

    USB Installation problem

    Good morning I am having an issue with the usb installation. I insert the usb into the TV, but it doesn't automatically install the software. I have followed all the instrutions: - put the userwidget folder in the root of the usb - format the usb 2.0 to fat16 My TV is Samsung UE50RU7105 Any advice? (I can also post in Spanish)
  5. Cheesey Productions brings you SUB-KILLER for Emby Remove those unwanted subtitle languages Removes Graphical subtitles by default & can extract text based subtitles as an option Available from the plugin store A huge shout out to @rbjtech @FrostByte and @Dickydodah!for all their help with this. https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/2/72x72/1f44d.png Please read the wiki page available that will help you get set up. - currently under construction SUB-KILLER WIKI PAGE This plugin is destructive as it removes physical subtitle files from your media containers PLEASE USE A TEST LIBRARY FIRST Config Page
  6. Wann kommt endlich die Emby App für Samsung Tizen TV für Deutschland / Schweiz /Österreich ? Es ist sehr mühsam die App jeden Monat neu zu Installieren!!! Klar ist das eine doofe Restriktion von Samsung für externe Apps wo Emby nichts dafür kann, aber es müsste mit Samsung eine Lösung gefunden werden ! Also, haut hier in die Tasten und schreibt eure Meinung dazu, dammit sich endlich was bewegt........
  7. I've recently added the Emby app to my new Samsung tv, and installed the server to my Synology NAS. It's working reasonably well, though I can't find a way to trigger a library rescan from the Samsung app - particularly necessary if a new movie has just been added to the NAS. The Emby management webpage hosted by the server app can rescan, but not the Samsung client app. Also, if any of the developers are reading this, I would much prefer to browse my movies by a detailed list showing full file names, rather than by tiles showing the first word of the film's title.
  8. Salve mi piacerebbe sapere se è possibile con emby essere visti sulle smart v. Ho provato ma oltre a vedersi il server quando voglio vedere le tv in diretta vedo solo uno schermo nero. Grazie
  9. Hey Devs, Just wondering what is required to get the Emby App on the Australian Samsung App Store? Unfortunately utilising the guide for installing the app outside the US won't work for me as there are Aussie apps I use and need to keep. I'm happy to assist if I can if its a manpower issue?
  10. Hi everyone i would like to know when emby will be available on the European country Tizen Store? I can't get the Emby Tizen App on my French Country Samsung App and I have some configurations that I won't reset to change the country can please emby tell me when it was available across the other country like French, Spain, Portugal or also China? Kind regards
  11. I have Emby apps running on windows, lg tv, iphone and samsung tv When Emby (ON SAMSUNG TV) attempts to play this one movie, it hangs at 99% However it seems to play every other movie just fine. I have tried changing resolutions and switching from dolby 7.x to 5.x There is no message. I just see the swirling circle with 99% showing.
  12. Super1

    Samsung Dex

    Hello i have a samsung s21. If i plug my phone into hdmi display and start samsung dex i cannot watch video on emby. The sound is playing but the screen is black. Other media player apps work fine so i am sure it is emby app at fault I think the emby app doesnt know on which display to play when its connected to samsung dex
  13. Hi Team, Recently I've found that a more than a few larger files fail playback. The app will attempt to play (spinning circle) and then fails. TV files don't seem to have the same issue. Emby Server version: 4.7.2 Samsung TV App: 1.2.8 Samsung TV Model: UA55J6200 Transcoding logs attached. Thanks ffmpeg-transcode-9379cffa-b20d-448d-b7c7-09e1eac97530_1.txt
  14. I have Emby on Samsung TV model UN48J5200, when playing the movies in mkv and mp4 format, it closes the app and starts again and freezes. Emby Theater 0.122
  15. Hello, Not sure if this is Samsung specific or not, but thought I would start here since right now I'm only experiencing this on my Samsung smart tv. Random tv shows don't play back smoothly, but I haven't figured out why based on the app or video settings. I say random because it seems to be a growing issue where shows don't have smooth playback only on the Samsung app, even if they have the same video configuration as a show that does have smooth playback. I have provided an example below with the log file (no transcoding log since it direct plays), images of the settings and a quick video showing what happens in person. This is episode 3 of the show and both episode 1 and 2 played back completely fine, which have the exact same audio/video configuration. All are direct playing and there are no bandwidth issues between devices. I tested this exact file/episode on Windows, Chrome, Firestick and Roku and there is smooth playback on all of these (with direct play), so that's what makes me think its something specific in the Samsung app that is wonky. Messing around I tried to lower the quality to where it forced transcoding and it seemed to play fine that way which is weird and i'll let the admins decide if that is meaningful. Obviously I don't want to watch shows at 480p and would prefer to direct stream at full quality. Please let me know if I need to provide anything else. Thanks! PXL_20211004_220817075.mp4 embyserver.txt
  16. flyload

    Emby am TV vorspulen

    Hallo, kann man die Emby App am Samsung TV ändern, dass das Vorspulen wie z.B. auf Netflix funktioniert? Dass man auf der Zeitleiste die Stelle auswählen kann, wo man weiterschauen bzw. vorspulen will? Ansonsten muss man ewig die zwei Pfeiltasten drücken um an die gewünschte Stelle zu gelangen. LG
  17. On my Samsung Tab S3 I have some TV shows that are Apect Ratio 4:3 and Auto for Aspect Ratio setting on a video doesn't work for them, I have to use COVER for them to display properly. I have to choose this every time a new episode begins on the tablet. The tablet is a 4:3 tablet so these shows are best watched on it, but having to pick "cover" over and over and over and over is really annoying. I can watch the same show on Emby Theater on my PC, have to use COVER there too, fill whatever size window I have ET opened to, but it sticks when watching one episode after another, unlike on my tablet with Android Mobile. Is there a way to keep Aspect Ratio: "Cover" on my tablet for 4:3 content ... make the setting stick per session, or per device, at least. Something better than it currently is? ---------------------------- 3.1.73 current emby android mobile app on my tablet.
  18. and no i doubt its the subtitle itself since it appears perfectly sized in other players
  19. Ok I know there must be something simple that I'm missing but it's doing my head in trying to work out whats going on. So I'm running Emby on a NUC and its' fine and I've got emby premium Installed the Emby app on my phone (Samsung S10) If I'm on my local wifi , no problem all works as it should with the mobile app If i'm away from home and using my phones data plan the app gets into the server ok and I can see all my shows but if I try and play them with the android app it just hangs BUT if I try to use the web player to emby via chrome (still using my data plan) then it plays ok So how come it works on my phone if using the web player in chrome but not the android app (even though I can see my shows, change server settings etc etc). It must be something so simple I'm just not seeing it.
  20. Hi! I'm requesting the feature to be able to use the video timeline in the player for the Emby app on Samsung SmartTV, we are not able to to forward or backward a video so can you put the feature on? I know there is a new version of Emby for Samsung SmartTV (Ver. 1.0.84) since 3 days but the feature is not in. Thanks! Greetings, Brandon
  21. gsites

    Samsung UN50RU7100

    Hello I can't find the app for my TV Samsung UN50RU7100 What is the link to download the exact app? Thank you =========================================== olá não consigo achar o app para minha tv Samsung UN50RU7100 Qual é o link para baixar o app exato? muito obrigado
  22. Samsung Model: UN48H8000 Samsung Firmware Version: 1400 Samsung Emby Client version: 0.122 Hello, At or around the time Emby Server updated to, episode listings disappeared when using Emby via Samsung TV. It continues to work properly when using Emby via Chrome browser. I am fairly confident that folder structure and episode naming are correct as prior to the update mentioned it was working without issues on all devices. I initiate the Emby app on the Samsung TV. I then select "TV Shows" and get the listing of shows, as expected and as intended. I select a show and am brought to the screen with the show summary, the "Up Next" list, and the individual season "icons", again as usual and as expected. I then select a season, and am presented with a screen that only shows the show image/icon in the top left and options for "Play All" and "Shuffle". Below that the rest of the screen is blank. This blank portion of the screen is where I would normally see the episodes listed. I have tried several things, none of which has made any diffrerence: - I have deleted entire shows and re-uploaded them using same and different folder structures - I have run the full-scan of the library - I have deleted and re-installed the Emby app on the Samsung TV - I have shut down Emby and re-started the NAS, then re-started Emby Please let me know if you require additional information or if you have any questions. Thank you
  23. flyload

    Samsung TV DTS

    Hallo, ich will mir den Samsung Q70R TV kaufen und wollte fragen ob ich damit über Emby Filme mit DTS anschauen kann. Der TV untestützt ja eigentlich kein DTS. @@SamES
  24. tamim2007

    Best DLNA profile for Samsung K series

    Hi This is going to play most videos without transcoding , I made it in 2018 but I was lazy to share this! anyway it still works great. 1 download the profile Samsung Smart TV mod.xml 2 Move it to C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\programdata\config\dlna\user (xxxx=your name) 3- Go to dashboard > DLNA > profile make sure you can see the "Samsung Smart TV mod' on the top. 4- Restart emby Have fun!
  25. Server version Emby Theater 0.122 Samsung Smart TV (UE65HU8500) latest firmware TV episode- icon shows for delete. However on clicking no action performed (NB on clicking neighboring icons , watched, favorite the action is performed.) No issue when deleting from Android app or from web viewer. All windows security settings should allow Emby TV to delete but no joy PS keep up the good work. Long term user of Plex. Switched to Emby this month and apart from the minor issue above very pleased
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