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Found 21 results

  1. I am trying to use the reports plugin to export a csv of all my Movie titles as well as their parental ratings, I have only these two columns selected. When I export the data either as excel or csv all the columns are exported. My emby version is: My reports plugin version is:
  2. Hi, I was using Plex but want to migrate to Emby, but I am having problems with missing items in my library. I have multiple drives with Movies and TV shows, all named correctly for example TV Shows: └── Black Mirror (2011) ├── Season 01 │ ├── Black Mirror - s01e01.mkv │ ├── Black Mirror - s01e02.mkv │ └── Black Mirror - s01e03.mkv ├── Season 02 │ ├── Black Mirror - s02e01.mkv │ ├── Black Mirror - s02e02.mkv │ ├── Black Mirror - s02e03.mkv │ └── Black Mirror - s02e04.mkv Unfortunately Emby did not identify all or added some as duplicates, I don't know.. For example, I have 413 TV Shows but in Emby I see only 412. How to find where is the problem? Is there some way to list all items in library with paths to files/folders?
  3. Is it possible to select just one library to run a report on? I cannot seem to find it in either filters or grouping. Thanks
  4. chowbok

    Reports CSV export problem

    I'm not able to import CSV files into my spreadsheet program correctly because the Reports plugin uses semicolons for delimiters but doesn't escape or quote the semicolons used to separate multiple genres. Can this be fixed? Thanks...
  5. Your libraries of movies, TV, etc. almost certainly have lots and lots and lots of misidentified items, errors... 5%, perhaps more is possible... And 5% of a large collection, is a lot of items. Wrongly identified. Emby relies on the various databases on the internet, and between them, they inevitably make the odd mistake... That's fair enough. Many factors are involved, bad filenames, rare titles, foreign character, etc, etc... Some are just stupidly wrong. They're going to happen... BUT. We still don't have any tools to find them. You have no way of knowing how many errors are in your libraries. We have to rely on stumbling upon the error, or if you have an intimate knowledge of what titles you do have, you'll spot a few more of the errors perhaps. As attempted a couple of times, some of us have tried combining the grossly, needlessly inadequate 'Reports' feature (now a plugin), with data pulled from the database files with external tools. This has worked OK, but is a royal PITA, and not slick, not quick to do. But it does show you how many errors emby holds. Which might horrify/surprise you. If you want some fun, reinstall emby from scratch, rebuilding your libraries... You'll very quickly see some errors, with many more being there without you knowing. ALL WE WANT is the ability to, at least, list the path, filename, against the title and year from metadata downloaded... This simple feature, ability, would make finding these numerous errors possible, if a little bit slow to process (takes a lot of concentration to check 5,000 filenames, titles, years). Later, yeah, it would be sweet to have it highlight non-exact matches, that would speed up the process immensely. But we need the minimum now. These tools need to be in the core of emby... It's not good enough that this media database application doesn't have the most basic data analysis tool! Path, filename, title, year. Please.
  6. brunovon

    Reports - Where is it?

    I read in these forums that the reports menu would be in the left menu section. I do not see it. So I went and downloaded and installed a report plugin I found in the plugin area. That just has one report and the ability to export to excel. That does not help me much. Here is what I want to do. I want to find duplicates in my folders. First how do I do that? Second, does Emby no longer have reports?
  7. English: Hello Can you expect to be added in Filter > Columns: Original Name? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Polish: Witam Czy można się spodziewać dodania w Filter Columns: Original Name?
  8. Feature Request - EMBY Server- Reports - ability to sort by Video/Audio/Genre/Resolution Columns Currently you cannot sort the reports in Emby Server by Video, Audio, Resolution or Genre. Please add this feature.
  9. as above, would be nice to be able to sort by studio
  10. Hi, I noticed yesterday in the latest version of server (6070) that when you go to the Reports tab, then select Filter and click on something like Genres where the list is longer than the screen, there is no way to scroll down the list. The only workaround is to decrease the screen size to the point where everything is viewable (but maybe not readable). In the attached screen cap I'm talking about the far right side of the screen. The actual list, the left side, still scrolls normally. I don't know if this started recently since I don't use Reports very often, and I also don't know if it happens in browsers other than Chrome. Not a big deal, but you can put it on the list of things to do.
  11. The subject tells it all. after v5930 I can't scroll the right panel in Reports. So when I explode the Filters or Columns, I can't access the ones who go to the bottom of the list.
  12. wiretap

    Export Server Reports

    Does anyone know of a way to export the Reports from the server's web report page? Either to Excel, CSV, or PDF? It would also be nice if we could filter the reports by media folder, if possible. Right now it only appears to filter by categories which lumps a lot of my other videos in with movies and TV shows that don't belong in the reports. I believe this would be a useful feature for those of us who want to do inventory management and easily compare dupes / missing media from various folders and collections, or to do backup/sync management. Thanks!
  13. Hi, I am trying to filter for missing episodes in report and found this useful thread. http://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/23628-how-to-run-report-for-missing-episodes/?hl=%2Bmissing+%2Bepisodes+%2Breport That works great so far but I noticed that there is a display issue when you want to modify the columns and filters, as they don't show completely. The menu is fixed to the right and doesn't show even if you scroll down completely. http://www.screencast.com/t/uWpTmW80RR http://www.screencast.com/t/SB1tQWO9n4w Could this be fixed in an upcoming build? I am currently running Version 3.0.5934.0 (windows). Thank you.
  14. Would it be possible to sort reports by audio or video codec, etc
  15. moviemadnessman

    Report Question

    Just a quick question about the reports features ... I went to take a look at my reports for all the movies in my library, and have found that you can show all in one page (nice!). However, for some reason, it does not mark which movies have trailers, specials, or subtitles anymore, even though I know almost all of my movies contain either internal or external subtitles (and in many cases they have both), and some do contain the trailer(s) as well. I think I remember the reports used to show a check mark if these were present, but that seems to have changed, unless I'm overlooking something. Beta server Version 3.0.5897.0 Also, while on the subject of server reports ... physical file location would still be a great feature; unsure how to implement it or I would, so I can see what files are on which drives (useful if one fails or whatnot ) EDIT: I just noticed that if I export the report to Excel, it is marked which films have the subtitle/trailer/specials. However, because it is not marked when viewing in the web browser, sort features such as "which movies do not have subtitles" do not work. I'm unsure where the discrepancy would be, since at some point, Emby sees the missing data and puts it into an exported excel file correctly.
  16. Hello devs, Complementing my Feature Request here: http://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/30927-reports-show-custom-parental-rating/ , I`d like to suggest that Reports could also open popup edit when some media is clicked. It happens that when I want to correct some metadata from Reports view.... I'm pushed to a common screen (not popup) to edit metadata, and then when I'm done, I can't get back to the latest report viewed. I decided today I were going to adjust ALL parental rating at the same time... so I created a filter to show only parental filters that are not OK, and hoped to treat the report as a self-refreshed "to-do" list while I was correcting metadata. But resetting the filter made this impossible. Thanks!
  17. The setting to block content with no parental rating is sometimes insufficient to e.g. protect children from undesirable content.. Consider the Film "The Human Race" tmdbid-185267.. has no UK rating..so MB3 helpfully downloads the French Rating - FR-U {The German Classification is 18 incidentally} whilst potentially normally helpfull to have classification equivalency across regions, this film would not have got a GB-U rating in UK.. Given the german classification , i suspect TMDB french classification may just be incorrect.. Is it possible to either turn off equivalency, so no rating for your country = no rating...(safest implementation for parental guidance scenarios) - The Strictest Option or Ensure that all non local ratings are mapped to the highest local rating {a sort of hack of the equivalency tables as a short term safety measure} or even better {To maximise protection and automation when perhaps different regions have different tolerances} - The slightly more relaxed Option. Select the highest rating from all the foreign regions (once equivalency is considered to the local country's rating system) alternatively a filter of no {local} parental rating in the movies reports would provide a halfway house..and be useful in any case to identify content that may need closer inspection..
  18. I recently had to replace one of my hard drives, and restore a backup. The backup wasn't up-to-date, so had to rip some of the tv shows. Some of my shows are multi-episodes, and are named 7x09-x10 for example. Metadata manager and the xml file both have the correct info, but under reports>missing episodes, it is showing the 2nd episode as missing. How do i fix this?
  19. pir8radio


    Can you add reports for each category (movies, music, etc) that show Play stats? So I can run a report that shows me like top 10 played movies, music, etc. and bottom 10. Also a report that shows most thumbs up (on my emby server) and thumbs down report?
  20. rickster53

    List View/Songs Report Failure

    When displaying a List View report of Songs in my Library, Emby correctly displays the first page of songs but upon hitting the right arrow to advance to the next page, the report drops the Name, Album Artist and Album columns on the 2nd and all subsequent pages. Hitting the left arrow and going back to the first page, still drops the columns. Emby Version: 3.0.5621.2
  21. Would it be possible to add the Audio language of a video file to the reports view comma separated with the primary language listed first? Occasionally it might be useful when looking through a large library list to find video files easily that don't have English as the primary language so they can be remuxed. Also, is there any thoughts to adding a User history in the reports section? Love the ongoing process keep up the awesome work guys!
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