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  1. How can you export the "missing episodes" view from the Metadata Manager? The page is too large to copy and paste or to screenshot; I was hoping to get a CSV or Excel export Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  2. With an eye toward eventually upgrading our main 1080p TV to a 4K one, I'm going through my Movie and TV Show libraries to determine the resolution of each individual video... I won't live long enough to do this manually and am hoping that there might be a way in Emby or an Emby plugin to create a report of what I have in those two libraries. Any thoughts would be much appreciated!
  3. Dear all, I am using Emby for quite a while now. Really love it. But I stumbled across a issue. I have a TV Show with +100 Episodes, I need the subtitles for it, since it is not my motherlanguage. Sadly there where no subtitles delivered with this show, and OpenSubtitles found some for me, but I have to delay the subtitles for each episode to 10 seconds (10'000 ms). Since the delay can only be changed by +50 or -50 ms, that is quite a tapping and tapping to get there. I just wanted to ask or bring up the topic, that a simpler way to set the delay would be veeery appreciated. Note: Yes I did try to edit the Subtitles .sr file myself to delay it, but that breaks the episode (video and audio is laggy) Thank you very much in advance!
  4. I recently switched over to Emby from Plex and while me and the households of my siblings are perfectly fine with having Emby in English our parents don't speak any English at all, so we had to find a way to have the metadata on Emby in Hungarian as well. Since you can't have multi-language libraries where users can just switch to another metadata language on the client side, I've tried to create new libraries with a different metadata language but with the same folders, and then I would hide the English libraries from my parents' user accounts. This is how my Plex was set up and this setup worked fine on Plex without issues, but for some reason on Emby my new Hungarian language libraries didn't want to switch over to Hungarian, no matter what I did. I've double-checked the library metadata settings multiple times, I've restarted Emby, I forcefully refreshed all the metadata for my new libraries, but nothing worked. I noticed that when I was refreshing the metadata for my new libraries the percentage icon also appeared on top of my old English libraries that were sharing the same folders with my new libraries, which made me think that because these libraries happen to share the same folders for some reason Emby treats them as if they were actually the same library, and that's why it was refusing to switch over from English because that's the metadata language of my old library. I've tried searching the Emby forums and Google, but I couldn't find anything about this issue. But I did see a comment that said that having libraries with the same folders can cause issues and bugs, which further confirmed my suspicion that these different libraries were treated by Emby as if they were the same library. As a temporary solution to this issue, I thought that for my new Hungarian libraries, I had to have new folder paths that differed from the ones that the old English ones use. Since making copies of my video folders, which take up multiple terabytes, would be a waste of space and time, I thought of creating Symbolic Links at a different location that point to my video folders, and using the folder path of my Symbolic Links I would be able to trick Emby into thinking these are different folders. Since I host my Emby server on Windows I used an app called Link Shell Extension to create the Symbolic Links. For example, this is the folders of my old English movie library: And this is the new folder path I made using Symbolic Links: After I did this Emby finally switched over the metadata language of my new libraries to Hungarian. I wrote this all down not only just to report this issue, but also help those who might encounter this same issue in the future.
  5. Trinax

    Inaccurate Scheduled task report

    I seem to have run into a bug recently where the "Last ran XX ago" time is inaccurately reporting 60 minutes since last scan/ran. Instead of starting the timer at 0 minutes and 0 seconds, it jumps up to 60 minutes the moment the scheduled task finishes. This is not a problem for me personally and I have tried to do a full restart of the server in order to fix it, but it is still inaccurately reporting finish time. Info App: Application version: emby-server-deb_{version}_amd64.deb Operating system: Unix 64-Bit OS: True 64-Bit Process: True User Interactive: True
  6. Request: curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:8096/emby/System/Ping" Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2019 18:16:25 GMT Connection: close Content-Length: 11 Server: h2o-dev Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Accept, Accept-Language, Authorization, Cache-Control, Content-Disposition, Content-Encoding, Content-Language, Content-Length, Content-MD5, Content-Range, Content-Type, Date, Host, If-Match, If-Modified-Since, If-None-Match, If-Unmodified-Since, Origin, OriginToken, Pragma, Range, Slug, Transfer-Encoding, Want-Digest, X-MediaBrowser-Token, X-Emby-Token, X-Emby-Authorization Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Emby Server The response header Content-Type incorrectly defines the body type, text/plain. No biggie, just thought I'd send it
  7. Ok, this a weird one. I was doing some house cleaning on my server and went to the report tab to see in I was missing any episodes. (I do this once a month to see if maybe I missed a recording some how, it's happened) I noticed that I had a more than a few. Like 10-20. I was like huh? So I stat looking into them to see what they are and when they aired and all but 1 were for episodes that haven't even aired yet. How can they be missing if they haven't aired. My first thought was I had ticked the box that inculcated missing episode be displayed some how. It wasn't. It's not a huge deal but can I some how remove these from the report? Thanks guys.
  8. pir8radio


    Can you add reports for each category (movies, music, etc) that show Play stats? So I can run a report that shows me like top 10 played movies, music, etc. and bottom 10. Also a report that shows most thumbs up (on my emby server) and thumbs down report?
  9. kingy444

    Reports Module

    Have just noticed the recent improvements to the reports module and really like them. Really good progression in this area Hoping I was missing something or there was an easy addition to the video filters that could be made. Previously i used this to identify where a movie was missing a trailer however now i can only see how to do the reverse and list those that have a trailer. Not very helpful when i want to track down missing library trailers I have auto update to beta enabled so running the most recent release. Can someone point me in the right direction or a dev look at restoring this filter?
  10. Hi all. A few months ago I had an issue which resulted in lots of different TV episodes and Movies having errors and therefore Media Browser struggled to play them (picture froze whilst audio continued). This was nothing to do with Media Browser, but the files themselves as other video players did the same. Now I have removed most of these files but yesterday I found another grrr. I was thinking is it possible that all users could have a button / icon on the media page to report / flag that a TV Episode / Movie / Audio Track / Album etc is faulty. With this flag the User/s who manage the Server will get a notification and there would be a place where all these flags are stored and listed for them to go through, check the media and either remove the report / flag (Mark as OK) or deal with it how the deem fit (Replace / delete etc) This flag could even be on the media itself so other users are aware that the media may be faulty before they get into the Movie etc. Maybe a prompt / list when the media is reported to help with fault finding. Example The user Reports a fault with a movie and is prompted with a list of common faults which they pick "Video - Choppy". Upon checking I found it to play correctly so it may be there device etc, so I can mark as "OK" Prompt list could be Audio - Choppy Audio - Freezes Audio - Won't Play Audio - Wrong Language Subtitles - None Available Subtitles - Wrong Language Video - Choppy Video - Freezes Video - Won't Play Other Maybe even an option to give a time in the media when this occurs Hope that made sence!
  11. Good day, If you see a thread or post that need to have mod team action, like move, edit, or anything else, from you or others, simply click on the first post (if you reporting regarding thread) or on the post (if you reporting regarding post): First click on "Report": Then write the "reason" for that report and ten click on "Submit Report": Thanks in advanced, and well done all. My best
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