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Found 4 results

  1. I know you can refresh guide data in server settings. What I am talking about is when you are looking at the live tv guide in your browser. A couple hours go by and you need to refresh the page. Is there a way to do this without reloading the browser page. When I click on browser reload, it takes me back to "Live TV -> Suggestions", and I have to additionally click on "Guide" again. In short, is there a way to refresh the guide displayed in the browser without reloading the page? Thanks!
  2. Emby Server: Version 3.0.5641.1 I am finding that the Running Task for Refresh Guide is getting to 100%, but then not completing and clearing from the Running Task window. If it hangs, I then can't access any of the Live TV options. (Guide, Channels, Recordings, etc.) Stopping and re-starting the task sometimes allows it to complete, but I then may find it hung up again during the next scheduled run.
  3. Hi all, First of all thanks for a fantastic piece of software and also to those of you who have helped develop such excellent plugins. I am having two problems, one of which I suspect is not due my MB3 client or server. Having said that, this is such a helpful forum I was hoping someone with a bit more technical knowledge might be able to steer me in the right direction. My setup is a Windows 8.1 machine plugged into my TV with WMC, ServerWMC, the MB3 server and Media Browser Classic installed on it. I also sometimes access my MB3 content via a web browser or the android app. I have two issues. 1. I am able to access my MB3 server from windows laptops (via web browser) and android devices (via app) on my local wireless network but not remotely. I think this is because I have not managed to open port 8096 correctly. I have run a test on canyouseeme.org and the port appears to be closed. Initially I thought the problem was because I had a netgear r7000 router running behind a billion 7800N router/modem but I have since put the Billion in bridge mode and attempted to open the port in the netgear settings but it doesn't seem to have worked. I have tried to diagnose and solve this with internet searches but I am at a loose end. 2. I am able to watch live TV in WMC but every 4 hours I get a "Refresh Guide failed" message on my dashboard stating "connected host failed to respond". I suspect that there is a problem with myLive TV settings as my ServerWMC is not located on the device at However, I have looked in the LIVE TV settings on my WM3 dashboard and can't seem to find a way to change it. I am not very proficient with computers, I just try to educate myself online and muddle my way through. Reinstalling my MB3 server did not help. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Lof
  4. swhitmore

    Refresh Guide Task Time

    Hey, I was just wondering how long it normally takes everyone else to run the refresh guide task on a server restart. Mine is anywhere from 10-20mins. It seems like during this time the library scan takes a lot longer and the clients aren't as responsive (although that last bit seems fixed with the new beta version 3.0.5168.16132. 2014-02-25 08:01:17.1191 Info - App: Refresh Guide Completed after 13 minute(s) and 24 seconds Server Log - version 3.0.5168.16132.
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