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Found 10 results

  1. Pago uma licença mensal para 25 dispositivos, existe alguma licença vitalícia para 75 dispositivos? I pay a monthly license for 25 devices, is there a lifetime license for 75 devices?
  2. It would be great if you can include custom branding at least for premium users. Emby is an awesome package. I used plex premium and loved the features in emby and switched. I bought lifetime subscription as well. But it is so disappointing that the premium users doesn't get to show their logo in clients applications. I am not asking for app icon change or even changing app name. Just a logo and some text somewhere inside apps to brand ourselves.
  3. Antonio_Ticsa

    Problemas Series

    Hola Amigos Tengo un problema con la categoría series tengo un anime de 250 capítulos pero emby solo me muestra 100 capítulos los otros 150 no aparecen. Alguien tiene una solución este problema. Gracias
  4. kmsonic023

    Device limit question

    Hello guys! I have a monthly Premium plan hired and today a message appeared below where I insert the registration key saying You have a Monthly Emby Premiere plan, but you are over the limit of the device. My question is: How do I know HOW MANY devices above? How do I know which ones were charged this month to find out in the future how many additional devices I will have to hire? Thank's for now.
  5. facosta

    Number of Premium Users

    Spanish Buenas a todos, vuelvo nuevamente. He visto que al contratar premiere, por default son para 25 usuarios con las características premium, y se puede contratar hasta 1000 mensual, pero si quisiera contratar más de 1000 usuario, se puede? Espero haber explicado bien mi duda. English Good morning everyone, I'll be back again. I have seen that when hiring premiere, by default I would have 25 users with premium features, and you can hire up to 1000 monthly, but if I wanted to hire more than 1000 users, can I? I hope I have explained my doubt well. @@ebr
  6. leon123456789

    Emby Premium für andere Nutzer des Servers

    Hi Leute. Ich habe einen Emby-Server auf einem Ubuntu server in einem Docker laufen. Um meine Daten mit meinem Handy zu syncroniseren bzw. um sie offline verfügbar zu machen brauche ich Emby Premium. Wenn ich mir als Serveradmin Premium hole und dann andere Nutzer zu meinem Server hinzufüge, brauchen die dann auch Emby Premium oder läuft das über mich? @@ebr Vielen Dank!
  7. offzinho

    I have 2 doubts

    Hi, I have 2 doubts. If I buy the premium, when my users (family) will use the app, they have to buy the app or because I bought the premium, or it's worth for all users. Second doubts, how can I leave the home equal to Plex Media? possible? Or would like to show all recent media all together. example: home present: keep watching recent movies recent kid movies I wanted it to stay like this: keep watching all recent media thank you so much, sorry for any inconvenience and sorry for my bad english.
  8. drbellowz@yahoo.com

    Payment in app versus in server

    Hi, new to emby so please excuse if this has been covered. I did not turn up anything in my search. When using mobile apps, there is an option for a one-time $5 purchase. There is also the premium service for the server itself. Please explain the relationship between these two. Specifically; must the app purchase be made for each device? must the app purchase be made for each media type (movies, music, etc)? must the app purchase be made for each individual server to which I connect? must the app purchase be made regardless of having premium on the server? Thanks so much for your help. must the app purchase be made for each individual server?
  9. jeffshead

    New and confused

    It seems I have complicated my life but my intention was to keep things simple... What is the best setup for my needs? Background: For years, I've had movies stored on a network share and have been using Serviio Pro (DLNA) for standalone Blu-ray players that do not play all video formats. Serviio also does a fairly decent job of streaming over the Internet via it's built-in web portal. I occasionally utilize this functionality when I'm away. Next, I added a WDTV device because the standalones sometimes freeze and have problems with fast forward and reverse. The WDTV device plays videos directly from the network share and was working great up till the last couple of firmware updates. The stupid device periodically looses track of the network share and cannot find it again unless I reboot my PC's and/or server, depending on which one is designated as the master browser. This is a known issue that will probably never be resolved. Anyway, I replaced the WDTV with an Android TV box because of that issue. I'm loving the Android box (MeMoBOX MX MAX) but it has complicated matters. For example: I can no longer use a single universal remote to control the TV, standalone and streaming box. Now I have to have two separate remotes. I had to purchase a separate air mouse remote with a keyboard to utilize the features of the Android box. I could not find an all-in-one that has air mouse, keyboard and that can be programmed to control the standalone and TV. This one (MX3) comes close and it works very, very well. I just hope it holds up. The Android box came with Kodi so now there's a great deal more menus and more steps involved to navigate to and play videos. More menus and options = confused wife. I don't know what is the most efficient way to set things up. My questions and dilemma: I want robustness and simplicity. I do not want to have a complicated setup that requires administration of redundant services or multiple libraries. I want the flexibility of being able to access a single library from the LAN or WAN and be able to select whether I want to watch a transcoded movie or a direct stream. I do not want to transcode everything. Only when needed. Money is tight so I don't want to purchase Emby Premiere Lifetime unless it's needed or very beneficial. It's just not clear to me if I need Kodi on all PC's, Kodi with Emby add-on, Emby Server, Emby Premiere or Emby at all because Kodi does scraping too. Do I need Kodi on any device or PC to play movies if I install Emby server? If so, does each PC maintain it's own library? In a nutshell, why would I need Emby Premiere? Is Emby Theater a replacement for Kodi on Windows? How does it differ from Kodi? Does it automatically transcode the video or is transcoding a selectable option? If I install Emby Server, do I have to pay for the Android app on each device? If so, is it a one time purchase and does that give me the same functionality as if I purchased Premiere? Do I have to pay a fee for each phone or does the one fee cover all phones on the same google account? I'm most confused about why I need Emby since Kodi scrapes. It appears to me that each product has a different purpose but there is some functionality overlap.
  10. MJPRZA

    Theme for MB3

    Hello, I was hoping the new default theme for MB3 Classic would be something similar to the screenshots on the website: http://mediabrowser.tv/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/mbtehs.png Will it be coming in an update, or available through a premium plugin? Thank you
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